Posts: 43
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Currently living in USA, GA
Birthday: March 5

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    • Nyther
      Nyther replied to the thread Back Into It.
      09/23: September Challenge 1,000 Squats Day 20: Squat Hold 09/24: Lazy Day 09/25: EotD: 20 Reverse Lunges (total both sides)...
    • Nyther
      Nyther replied to the thread Back Into It.
      09/21: Lazy day 09/22: EotD: 40 Balance Low Turning Kicks (20 each side) September Challenge 1,000 Squats Day 21: 80 Squats (in one...
    • Nyther
      Nyther replied to the thread Back Into It.
      09/20: EotD: 30 Sec Clench/Unclench 1/2 Marathon Training Day 4 Week 1: 25 min run, 3.01 miles @ 8:19 min/mi Iron Heart Day 4 @ 15lb...
    • Nyther
      Nyther replied to the thread Back Into It.
      9/19: EotD: 40 Back Leg Raises 1/2 Marathon Training Day 3 Week 1: Level III Iron Heart Day 3 September Challenge 1,000 Squats Day...
    • Nyther
      Nyther replied to the thread Back Into It.
      9/18: 1/2 Marathon Training Day 2 Week 1: 15 min run, 1.88mi @ 7:58 min/mi (I just couldn't keep the 7:30 min/mi pace to reach 2 miles)...
    • Nyther
      Nyther replied to the thread Back Into It.
      Now the fun starts. 9/15 - 9/16: Lazy days 9/17: EotD: 30 Calf Raises September Challenge 1,000 Squats Day 15 & 16: 65 Squats (In one...
    • Nyther
      Nyther reacted to Laura Rainbow Dragon's post in the thread Weights and Running with Like Like.
      You have the right idea. There are benefits to either order, and you will gain benefit from both types of training no matter which...
    • Nyther
      Nyther reacted to GentleOx's post in the thread Weights and Running with Like Like.
      That should be okay, as it's all down to priorities. I did the reverse, as I wanted to have some strength for my workouts, and not tax...
    • Nyther
      Nyther replied to the thread Back Into It.
      9/14: EotD: 20 Climber Taps September Challenge 1,000 Squats Day 14: Squat Hold Avatar Upgrade Card 30 @ 3 Sets. (Screw the knee tucks...
    • Nyther
      I tend to do my workouts all in one go as opposed to throughout the day (it's really the only way it fits into my schedule). When doing...
    • Nyther
      Nyther replied to the thread Back Into It.
      9/13: EotD: 30 Toe Taps September Challenge 1,000 Squats Day 13: 60 Squats (in one go) (the last 10 I could really feel) Avatar...
    • Nyther
      Nyther replied to the thread Back Into It.
      9/11: Off Day 9/12: EotD: 30 sec Superman Strech Hold September Challenge 1,000 Squats Day 11 & 12: 55 Squats (in one go) & 45 sec...
    • Nyther
      Nyther replied to the thread Back Into It.
      09/10: EotD: 20 Plank Crunches Avatar Upgrade Card 27 @ 3 Sets Forgot Gravity +++ yesterday, so added it today. 15lb dumbells ending...
    • Nyther
      Nyther replied to the thread Back Into It.
      9/07 - 9/08: Two lazy days 9/09: EotD: 30 sec Side to Side Backfists Avatar Upgrade Card 26 @ 7 Sets September Challenge 1,000 Squats...
    • Nyther
      Nyther replied to the thread Back Into It.
      9/06: EotD: 20 Sumo Squats Avatar Upgrade Card 25 @ 3 Sets September Challenge 1,000 Squats Day 6: Squat Hold I was feeling ambitious...
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