Posts: 2
Reactions: 4
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Currently living in Switzerland
originally from South Africa
Birthday: Mar 27, 1974 (50)

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    • Seb
      Seb reacted to avatar's post in the thread What's next? with Like Like.
      Hello and welcome. I want sometime to add, HIIT workouts seem to be demanding, so you may do first another cardio program as the new 30...
    • Seb
      Seb replied to the thread What's next?.
      Great stuff. Thank you. :u:
    • Seb
      Seb reacted to Fremen's post in the thread What's next? with Like Like.
      How about some HIIT programs? :)
    • Seb
      I used to be in shape, but things just got away from me. Excessive eating, drinking and smoking really set me back health wise. I am 50...
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