696 Days


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Saturday 12.14.2024
1. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 11 - Release and Renew | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: This had some different movements.
2. SBY: 10 minute MOBILITY Yoga for Neck & Shoulder Relief: This one felt nice I modified the eagle arms.
3. 3 mile walk outside.
4. Stomach Vacuums Challenge Day 8: 25 sec hold, 25 sec rest. 3 sets.
5. EOTD: 20 Lunge Punches. In one go.
6. WOTD: Going The Distance: 1 set with knee push-ups.

Notes: Not the greatest day for my husband but he was able to walk 3 miles in a row, which we haven’t done in months. So, that’s good. In other cool but unrelated news, we have a fox that visits our backyard and today he spent the whole day here. 💓🦊

Thank you @MadamMeow ❤️


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Sunday 12.15.2024
1. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 12 - Emotional Balance | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: I really enjoyed this one.
2. YWB: 7 Minute Yoga STRETCH | SOOOO GOOD!: This did feel good although I am tighter than I used to be.
3. EOTD: 20 Split Jacks. In one go. It's a good thing it was only 20. 🙀
4. December Fit Day 10: Level 3, no rest. This was hard for me.
5. WOTD: Willow Workout: This was hard for me. My arms and shoulders were tired and my tree pose sucks.
6. Stomach Vacuums Challenge Day 9: 30 sec hold, 30 sec rest. 3 sets.

Notes: I spent the day watching football in my pajamas. My husband had ok day. We had 2 foxes in our yard today.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Monday 12.16.2024
1. SBY: 5 Minute Yoga Break: Reset & Find Calm: Unfortunately, I did not find calm.
2. 4 mile walk outside.
3. Stomach Vacuums Challenge Day 10: 30 sec hold, 30 sec rest. 3 sets.
4. December Fit Day 11: Level 3, no rest. This was harder than it looked.
5. EOTD: 20 Hero Squats: In one go. These were actually fun. Maybe I did them wrong?
6. WOTD: Factory Reset Workout: 1 set. I could feel this in my shoulders.
7. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 13 - Rediscover Your Strength | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: This one was really cool. We did some new (for us) combos.

Notes: Today was just ok. At least we walked 4 miles in row and foxy visited are yard for a little while.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Tuesday 12.17.2024
1. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 14 - Empowering Positivity | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: This was nice but my mind was 100 miles per hour.
2. EOTD: 30 Ballet Leg Raises: In one go.
3. WOTD: Merlin Workout: 1 set. More shoulder work. 🙀
4. Total Outside Walking: 3 miles.
5. YWA: Day 1 - Ease Into It - 30 Days of Yoga: Going back to my Yoga roots. This had a little bit of everything.
6. Stomach Vacuums Challenge Day 11: 40 sec hold, 40 sec rest. 3 sets.
7. December Fit Day 12: Level 3, no rest. Glute work!
8. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 13 - Rediscover Your Strength | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: This one was really cool. We did some new (for us) combos.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Wednesday 12.18.2024-Friday 12.20.2024
Wed: 3 mile walk outside

1. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 15 – Tai Chi for Serenity | FLEXIBILITY – 30 Days of Tai Chi: This was nice.
2. Total Outside Walking: 3 miles.

Fri: Total Outside Walking: 4 miles

Notes: These 3 days weren’t really fun. They were still better than last year at this time.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Saturday 12.21.2024
1. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 16 - Practicing Self‐Compassion | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: Nice session but my mind was elsewhere.
2. YWB: 10 Min Morning Yoga To Start Your Day!: This wasn't what I thought it would be. I had to modify the balancing poses.

Notes: I sat in my pajamas and read and watched football all day. After dinner we did laundry.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Tuesday 12.24.2024
1. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 18 - Tai Chi for Memory Boost | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: This was a more active session that got my heart rate up.
2. YWA: Day 3 - Stretch & Soothe - 30 Days of Yoga: This was also active and I had to modify the balance poses.
3. Total Outside Walking: 4 miles.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Saturday 12.28.2024
1. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 21 - Tai Chi and Community | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: Another unique and creative session.
2. YWB: Morning Miracle Yoga Stretch | ELEVATE Your Morning Routine: Gentle, quick and enjoyable.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Sunday 12.29.2024
1. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 22 - Nurturing Body and Spirit| FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: ❤️
2. SBY: 5 Minute Morning Yoga Stretch | A chill way to start your day: OK except downward dog and forward fold made my head hurt worse.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Tuesday 12.31.2024
Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 23 - Embracing Change | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi.

Notes: We had the last doctors appointment for the year. We felt it went well. The blood tests that came in were stable or better. We stayed up late reading books.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Wednesday 01.01.2025
1. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 24 - Body and Soul Nourishment | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: This was a more active session that had some extra balance poses.
2. YWA: Day 3 - Forget What You Know - 30 Days of Yoga: This session had a strong focus on balance, which I struggled with. I also had modify the boat flow.
3. Standing Abs Challenge Day 1: 20 knee-to-elbows, 5 sets. 30 seconds active rest of march steps between sets.
4. Fit December Day 1: Level 3, no rest. I am re-starting this program since I stopped in the middle of it.
5. Fit December Day 2: Level 3, no rest. This was tough. I struggled with the reverse lunges and the knee-up hold.

Notes: I spent the day in my pajamas (as planned) but I also did all of my planned workouts/Yoga. I also restarted meditation. I thought about setting up goals/plans but as the last 13.5 months has showed me, life gets in the way. I never thought that I would be in the place that I am mentally (or physically for that matter) but here I am. So my goal (for lack of better terminology) is to live mindfully (eat, breathe, work, exercise etcetera). I have no other choice because my thoughts take me to dark places and I can’t live there. A Yoga teacher once taught me “You become what you practice.” If I practice living mindfully, in all that I do, the anxiety, the weight, the sadness, and all the rest will take of itself…by action or acceptance.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Thursday 01.02.2025
1. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 25 - Tai Chi for Better Sleep: This was a chill session.
2. YWA: Day 4 - Yoga For Your Back | Days of Yoga: No balancing or boats today and my foot only bothered me once.
3. Standing Abs Challenge Day 2: 10 side bends, 10 twists. 3 sets non‐stop.
4. Fit December Day 3: Level 3, no rest.
5. 4 mile walk outside.
6. Fit December Day 4: Level 3, no rest. I had to hang on for stability during the holds.
7. RttR: 1.0 MILE HAPPY WALK • 2300 Steps • Keoni Tamayo • Walking Workout # 175: These workouts are always pretty fun even though I am completely uncoordinated. It’s hard to get frustrated when there are kitties. 😻.

Notes: I completed all my planned workouts and we went for a 4 mile walk. The rest of my husband’s bloodwork came back and stable. There are other factors besides the bloodwork.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Friday 01.03.2025
1. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 26 - Conquer Your Fears | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi
2. YWA: Day 5 - Feel Alive Flow | 30 Days of Yoga: I was very shaky during this session.
3. 2 mile walk outside.
4. Standing Abs Challenge Day 3: 20 knee-to-elbows, 5 sets. No rest
5. Fit December Day 5. Level 3, no rest.
6. Fit December Day 6: Level 3, no rest. Since I struggled with reverse lunges so much last time, I did static lunges this time. It was better.
7. Keel Pilates: 20-Minute Moderate Full Body Toning Pilates Workout 🍑 | Low Impact Sculpt: I really liked this session. The hip/glute portion of Pilates always burns. 🔥

Notes: Today was the last PTO day of vacation…just the weekend now. It was nice not to have appointments, tests results or even pending test results. I didn’t feel like doing my exercise stuff but I did it all anyway.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Saturday 01.04.2025
1. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 27 - Tai Chi for Social Well-being| FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: This session had some unique moves that we hadn't done before.
2. YWA: Day 6 - SIX PACK ABS | 30 Days of Yoga: Yay! Working Core without boat!
3. Standing Abs Challenge Day 4: 10 side bends, 10 twists. 3 sets non‐stop.
4. Fit December Day 7: Level 3, no rest. Done with abs/core for the day. I felt like I was straining my neck.
5. Fit December Day 8: Level 3, no rest. I did not like this one.

Notes: Today’s weather was cold, gloomy and gross…perfect for a pajama day. Actually, this is a pajama weekend since it’s the last couple days of vacation and there’s football on. I still did all my planned exercises.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Sunday 01.05.2025
1. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 28 - Acceptance and Liberation | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: Some balance stuff but not bad.
2. YWB: 10 Minute Full Body Stretch For Tension and Stress: Lovely.
3. Standing Abs Challenge Day 5: 22 knee-to-elbows, 5 sets. 30 seconds active rest of march steps between sets.
4. Fit December Day 9: 5 sets, no rest. I just realized there were no levels to this program.
5. Fit December Day 10: 5 sets, no rest. I did regular reverse lunges and struggled a little but not like the last time I did them.

Notes: The last day of vacation. It wasn’t the vacation we planned but it was still better than last year.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Monday 01.06.2025
1. Standing Abs Challenge Day 6: 12 side bends, 12 twists. 3 sets non‐stop.
2. Fit December Day 11: 5 sets, no rest.
3. Total Outside Walking: 4 miles. 1/3 split...almost normal pace.
4. HR: 30 MIN Full Body METCON // HR12WEEK EXPRESS: Day 1: OMG! This kicked my ass. Modifications are my friends. 🙀😺
5. YWA: Day 7 - Total Body Yoga | 30 Days of Yoga: This session was a workout. I modified side plank with gate pose. 😺

Notes: Back to work (busy), Monday bloodwork (so far ok) and workout (hard). And it started snowing at night.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Tuesday 01.07.2025
1. Standing Abs Challenge Day 7: 22 knee-to-elbows, 5 sets. 30 seconds active rest of march steps between sets.
2. Fit December Day 12: 5 sets, no rest. Lower back was pretty tight.
3. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Sun Rise Tai Chi ‐ 12 Min Morning Tai Chi Practice: This is first time I've done Tai Chi with existing DOMS. Ouch.
4. GFWR: 30 minutes Fat Burn Workout at Home - Low Impact!: Perfect way to start steady state cardio.
5. YWA: Day 8 - Yoga For Healing & Meditation | 30 Days of Yoga: Mostly relaxing but spent waaay too much time in yogi squat...and I like yogi squat!

Notes: Tired (craptastic sleep) and sore (especially my lower back) today. I felt relieved that today’s workout was steady state cardio. It was a cold and snowy trip to my husband’s appointment (uneventful, bloodwork was stable). The evenings seem so short now. 😿


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Wednesday 01.08.2025
1. Power Pose Challenge Day 1: I did this in the morning...kinda used it as a meditation.
2. Standing Abs Challenge Day 8: 12 side bends, 12 twists. 3 sets non‐stop.
3. Fit December Day 13: 5 sets, no rest.
4. HR: 30 MIN Leg Strength & Power Workout // HR12WEEK EXPRESS: Day 2: This was hard. I didn’t use bands for the first circuit and did low impact modifications.
5. 3 mile walk outside. Cold with some icy spots. My lower back hurt the whole time.
6. YWA: Day 9 - Full Potential Detox Practice | 30 Days of Yoga: This started out nice and slow but became challenging. One modification was needed. I also struggled with the high lunges.

Notes: Busy day at work and not the best day personally but I did my workout anyway.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Thursday 01.09.2025
1. Power Pose Challenge Day 2: I was more restless than yesterday.
2. Standing Abs Challenge Day 9: 24 knee-to-elbows, 5 sets. 30 seconds active rest of march steps between sets. Ugh. My back hurt.
3. Fit December Day 14: 5 sets, no rest. Total shoulder burn out.
4. growwithjo: 5000 STEPS FAST Walking Workout to Burn Fat & Boost Your Mood | No Repeats: I liked Jo. She looked like she was having fun during the workout. I did low impact modifications during the high impact moves and still had a really good workout.
5. YWA: Day 10 - 10 min Sun Salutation Practice | 30 Days of Yoga: This session started out in downward dog and held the pose for quite a while. I had to keep breaking it because my arms got tired.

Notes: Cold and breezy so we didn’t walk. I didn’t like how my lower back felt.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Friday 01.10.2025
1. Power Pose Challenge Day 3: Done!
2. Standing Abs Challenge Day 10: 14 side bends, 14 twists. 3 sets non‐stop.
3. Fit December Day 15: 5 sets, no rest. I did not enjoy reverse crunches. Ouch.
4. HR: 30 MIN Upper Body Sculpt// HR12WEEK EXPRESS: Day 3: This was a really good workout. I modified the push-ups and used weights instead of bands. None of the exercises hurt my back. Transitions to and from the floor hurt though.
5. 3 mile walk outside. Despite the slower pace, my lower back hurt the whole time.
6. YWB: 15 Min Relaxing Yoga for Lower Back Tension Relief: This wasn't the Yoga I planned but the yoga I needed. I was very restless though…

Notes: Bad back day. I had to take Ibuprofen with dinner.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Saturday 01.11.2025
1. Power Pose Challenge Day 4: Done!
2. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 29 - A Moment of Reflection | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: Nice but I was distracted.
3. growwithjo: FAST 3 Mile Dance Party (Most Fun and Easy Workout): Fun but my heart rate went high for my intention of steady state cardio.
4. SBY: 10 min Yoga for Lower Back Pain | All Levels: I liked it except for the surprise downward dog.
5. 2.65 walk outside
6. Standing Abs Challenge Day 11: 24 knee-to-elbows, 5 sets. 30 seconds active rest of march steps between sets.
7. Fit December Day 16: 5 sets, no rest. This wasn't bad for tendon strength.
8. Fit December Day 17: 5 sets, no rest. My shoulders were tired.

Notes: My back was better than yesterday, just stiff on the walk. Today/tonight we’re emotionally exhausting.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Sunday 01.12.2025
1. Power Pose Challenge Day 5: Done!
2. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 30 - The Path to Lifelong Flexibility | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: The last one of the series but we'll repeat it next weekend.
3. SBY: 10 min Yoga for Lower Back Pain | All Levels.
4. Standing Abs Challenge Day 12: 14 side bends, 14 twists. 3 sets non‐stop.
5. Fit December Day 18: 5 sets, no rest.
6. Fit December Day 19: 5 sets, no rest. This was harder than it looked.

Notes: I sat in my pajama and the second day of wild card games. I was really tired.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Monday 01.13.2025
1. Power Pose Challenge Day 6: Done!
2. Standing Abs Challenge Day 13: 26 knee-to-elbows, 5 sets. 30 seconds active rest of march steps between sets.
3. Fit December Day 20: 5 sets, no rest. I had to rush through it.
4. HR: 30 MIN Full Body HIIT (No Equipment) // HR12WEEK EXPRESS: Day 4: Good workout. I did some modifications though.
5. Total outside walking: 4 miles (1/3 split).
6. YWA: Day 11- Shakti Yoga Practice | 30 Days of Yoga: This session was a little different. The end was some leg work.

Notes: Today was ok. Bloodwork that came in was stable.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,642
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Tuesday 01.14.2025
1. Power Pose Challenge Day 7: Done!
2. Standing Abs Challenge Day 14: 16 side bends, 16 twists. 3 sets non‐stop.
3. Fit December Day 21: 5 sets, no rest.
4. 3 mile walk outside. My back felt stiff again.
5. RTTR: 30 MIN FAST WALK • Workout with MOM • 140 Bpm • Keoni Tamayo • Workout #180: I usually have fun doing these (the guy has cats!) but I had to do this after my walk and my back was bothering ke. So, I took it easy.
6. SBY: 10 min Yoga to Relax and Unwind | Soothing Stretches for Deep Rest and Relaxation: This was very relaxing and it also stretched out some areas that needed to be stretched.

Notes: The rest of the bloodwork was normal but I was blindsided at the appointment. Apparently, I don’t know everything that is going on.

Thank you @PetiteSheWolf 💓


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"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"

Notes: The rest of the bloodwork was normal but I was blindsided at the appointment. Apparently, I don’t know everything that is going on.

I know the feeling! My husband has a number of health issues and my oldest daughter has several chronic illnesses. It’s hard to keep up with it all! :hug: