A running question


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
This is not Darebee specific, but I'm grateful for any advice.

I've done a number of 10k races over the past several years.

This summer I did 3. I now do around 50 minutes and complete the distance fairly comfortably.

As part of my training for the last one I ran 15km in one go (untimed, over quite a hilly route) and felt OK.

What is the step up to a half-marathon like?

I could potentially enter one next spring or summer.


Well-known member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 99
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
Once you reach 15k, how do your legs feel? When I was running a lot, I would do 10 miles (16k) every other day. 16k was my wall though. At that distance my legs would start to give out if I didn't stop to walk. The step up to half marathon, to me, was tough. The last 3 miles (almost 5k) I had to alternate between walking and a quick jog and I was wiped out, properly exhausted, by the end of it. If your legs aren't giving out or feeling like they're about to, I would think it shouldn't be too big a leap for you.