Back from the Dead 🧟‍♀️


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Week 8
Day 24: Fireheart

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Core Blimey Guv'na!! 😂

Procrastinated this one into the afternoon and did my DIY in the morning (ordered the new floor last night - it's really starting to come together!) but it wasn't so horrible in the end

I still can't do many of those bridges with proper form but I did a few before modifying them - and I did both sides instead of splitting them!
Bridge form is ok - making sure I'm using glutes instead of quads and hammies
Hips are clunking like a mfer on the flutter kicks tho - which iirc is ok but maybe I should do them smaller?? I was engaging my core as best I could, which is supposed to be the thing to do - but my core is not v strong (yet!) so maybe not enough 🤷‍♀️

Oh and my stretches are getting really good!! I've combined the forward bend with the side split and reached down to look at my phone quite comfortably today without even thinking!!


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Week 8
Day 25: Fireheart

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Good cardio again today - was a bit worried about the squats but I've practiced those a lot more than the lunges so I tried them carefully and it wasn't too bad on my knees - no worse than the side to side stretches I do to keeping them flexy

Enjoying a very relaxing Saturday otherwise doing nothing but making an elaborate brunch and listening to tunes! It's nice to do nothing on purpose instead of being completely exhausted and not being able to do anything - such a difference!!


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Week 8
Day 26: Fireheart

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Good grief! This one was pretty hellish ngl!

That's a lot of modified push-ups and then with the punches and the juggling my shoulders didn't get a break the whole time - plus it's really humid today - which didn't help!! 🥵

But it's done and I'll become all the stronger for it 💪


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Week 9
Day 27: Fireheart

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Still struggling with them sit ups a bit but I'm getting them done - leg raises are nice and easy cos I do those everyday for my knee-hab

Speaking of, I was doing some reading this morning and I think I'm about ready to level those up - so I think I'll circle back to those lunges I skipped at the end and take the opportunity to take the stairs in my building whensoever it arises (gotta drag a vinyl floor up them soon which is gonna be fun!?) also standing on one leg whilst doing my juggling intervals to work on my balance and ankles

Just a few more days to go now!!


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Week 9
Day 28: Fireheart

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So while I was doing this I was thinking about my next mission (I was thinking Athenas Playbook for the variation) but the thing is, I'm getting p smooth and strong with these combat moves because I've been practicing regularly for 2 months now - and I was going to add a push-up challenge on because I've been working on those as well and Athena's doesn't have those either - so now I'm thinking it might be better to choose a different program 🤔

Any suggestions??

Also, forgot to say on weigh-in day - but I lost another 0.7kg this week - totalling 7.1kg over the last 8 weeks!!


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Week 9
Day 29: Fireheart

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Super disorganized this week - couldn't get myself to get started on this workout this morning - and then my friend called (and that girl can and will talk for hours!!) so I kinda borrowed that energy to go do my DIY for the day - which turned out to be pretty exhausting and then the end of the day rolled around and I still had to do my workout!!
And I did do it, all of these anyway (most of these - couldn't really do the up and down planks - basically a one armed push-up?! C'mon now!!?) skipped the knee-hab and most of my stretches though because I'm knackered and I realized I'm going to need to run out and get groceries and get back in time to make dinner before DnD tonight (which I thought was cancelled)
Looked ahead tomorrow too and it's going to SUCK!! So much core work and then painting all afternoon - I might cry - but I'll damn well do it!!

Also - thinking I might do the pushups and squats challenge to supplement Athena's Playbook cos I wanna level up my knee-hab as well as work on my pushups- but do knee push-ups and split squats because I can't do that many reps of full pushups yet!


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Week 9
Day 30: Fireheart
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And I'm done!! 🏆

That was as predicted - horrible!!

Physically pretty manageable at this stage which is impressive - these routines definitely have improved my core strength - but I won't lie to you, I spent a lot of the time just lying on the mat trying to overcome the idunwannas!!

But we got there in the end!! And that's what counts!!


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Week 9
Day 1: Athena's Playbook

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Well that was horrendous!!?

Seems I've lulled myself into a false sense of safety with those combat workouts because I am not built for any of these exercises!! 🥵

Light supper last night vs heavy breakfast this morning vs burpees in the midday heat was very poor planning on my part - I'll hold my hands up to that, but nonetheless this took way longer than it needed because I nearly threw up about a dozen times!!? Literally went and got a bucket!! 🤢

I was actually quite thankful for the press-up challenge after (3 sets 10x knee push-ups) not easy to do - but at least in my wheelhouse

Thank you Athena for revealing my weaknesses and presenting opportunities to turn them into strengths 🏛️

And thank you stomach for holding down all of the French toast - I don't think it would have tasted so good coming up 🤢


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Week 10
Day 3: Athena's Playbook

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Ok so first of all Weightloss - actually weight gain this week about 0.6kg which is fine because I was expecting that kg from the other week to bounce back at some point, plus according to my magic scales a good bit of that is muscle mass (also fat and water but 🤷‍♀️) also been very cravey this week so I'm had a fair amount of cheeky pizza and chocolates and such

As for today's workout I quite enjoyed it - I do like this strength based repeat a specific exercise style more than the circuits I think
Bit of sciatica on the side kicks (I'll see if I can get the massage gun on that later) and my knee was a bit unstable on the step-ups but I managed it ok

Pushups again today on my challenge 3x 10 knee pushups which I managed fine (bit of coaxing at the end) which is good because we level up next time - fit really nicely with this style of workout too, which i liked


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Week 10
Day 4: Athena's Playbook

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"Keep the plank throughout the sequence"
"Sure, Jan"

And you know the worst part is, because it's only a 2 1/2 min workout, it doesn't even count in my app, and as such I don't even get any extra calories for my efforts

LOTS of swearing - but I got through it (best I could) and my 55 squats from the challenge (20 split squats each side and 15 regular style)


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"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
Week 10
Day 4: Athena's Playbook

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"Keep the plank throughout the sequence"
"Sure, Jan"

And you know the worst part is, because it's only a 2 1/2 min workout, it doesn't even count in my app, and as such I don't even get any extra calories for my efforts

LOTS of swearing - but I got through it (best I could) and my 55 squats from the challenge (20 split squats each side and 15 regular style)
I completely understand, i was exactly the same, choosing my exercices to be able to be registered by my watch, no planks until i had my good number of steps per day, etc.... Now i trying to don't care so much of it, but it is not easy :giveup:.And of course, keep the plank ;)


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Fae from Central NJ
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"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
It might not do much for calories, so I get the mad at that and everything, but it will help you gain a little muscle and you need that to help you burn more calories/fat from your workouts.

So I promise the effort is not in vain. ;)


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Week 10
Day 5: Athena's Playbook

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Yay!! Cardio in June 🥵😂

I was actually pretty pleased about how well this went tbh - I traditionally really struggle with cardio but this wasn't too bad (besides sweating buckets) and I was worried about my knee with the jumping jacks but it was fine - the knee hab is going well I think the calf raises are making nice and strong (if chunky) and as I'm doing one legged juggling on the intervals I'm feeling p stable (on one side more than the other) which should keep my knees safe from future injury!!

Also! Should be worth a good couple biscuits 😜🍪


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Week 10
Day 6: Athena's Playbook

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Yoga today which was all well and good (apart from the cheeky climber crunch plank!? Thought you could sneak that one in and I wouldn't notice huh??! 😂)

Also got my 60 squats in from my bonus challenge broken down like 10x split squats each side 10 regular squats + repeat

Also, as a side note - I don't think I posted in here but I just got 2 years sober on the 1st!?



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Week 10
Day 8: Athena's Playbook

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Another day when I psyched myself out before I even tried - this looked totally impossible, but I totally did it (and 65 squats after for my challenge) and it wasn't even that bad - I mean it wasn't pretty, I was a bit wobbly on some of these exercises cos I'd never done some of them - and I was sweating no doubt - but I got them done

I'm getting strong and I need to start believing in myself a bit more!!


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Week 10
Day 9: Athena's Playbook

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Cardio is hardio 🥵

And yeah I'm getting stronger and fitter and I can do this stuff (high knees good form - Burpees not so much but when I did the fitness test in April I had to walk them out and I still only got like 5?) but ow my teeth!?

Def need to get back on the running next month I think - I'm thinking Pathfinder+ for my next one (still single figures rn so not urgent but I'm semi-grateful for these cardio sessions to get me back in shape for that) kinda wanna do an easy running challenge with ironheart but that seems like a lot - maybe that's an August or September plan?


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Week 11
Day 10: Athena's Playbook

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I did it again gang!?

"Oh no shoulder taps?! I can't do those!?"

Lemon squeezey - kinda fun, didn't even really break a sweat until I got around to my squat challenge (70 for today) them push-ups every other day are really working!!

CW: Diet Talk
Also, I've decided to give the diet a rest! I read that you should only be in a calorie deficit for 8-12 weeks and I just did 10 (honestly tho calories is p useless info if you ask me) I'm down another kg this week - which is right on track after last week's bounce back/anomalous reading - but I have a bunch of snacks that I just cannae have (mostly nuts and dried fruit ffs!? Also chocolate tbf) so I wanna get those ate before they go bad

Anyway I've changed my app to maintenance levels and we'll see how I get on whilst I finish this programme - probably switch back next month (although switching from "lose 0.5kg per week" to "lose 0.25kg a week" didn't make much difference - I don't think it's about calories I think it's fats and sugars that make the difference?) so we'll see how I get on I guess


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Week 11
Day 11: Athena's Playbook

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Huh look at that Day 11 and Week 11 - you don't see that every day

I do enjoy these ones - good work out and great knee-hab could feel a stretch in the joints throughout that first half but no pain as such - which I think is a really good sign

Started doing a figure-4 sit thing during the 20 second intervals and ofc one legged juggling on the 2 min ones - getting pretty good balance now and getting better at juggling too 😂

Completely forgot about my push-ups until after I'd done my stretches and stopped my watch which is a little annoying - but I did them anyway - 3x 12 knee push-ups ✅

I've got those up and down planks that I couldn't do last time to look forward to tomorrow - but I've done a lot of press-ups since then and I'm learning not to count myself out!! So we'll see!

Oh and with my diet on pause I was able to have a handful of yoghurt covered craisins and like 4 or 5 olives 😂 what a revelation!! 😋


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Week 11
Day 12: Athena's Playbook (kinda)

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Ok so first of all, I came into this with zero energy and a huge case of the idunwannas - likely due to the fact I only got about 85% of my carbs and protein yesterday on account of I had hella errands and just ate whatever without checking - which would have been fine except my friend gave me a bunch of avocados they got free from work (they don't like them) which I didn't realise are made almost entirely of fat (which.. they're vegetables - chill out?!!) so that SALAD was all the rest of my calories for the day?!

Which is just one reason why calories are a bs metric imho

Anyway, that was all inadequate as far as fuel for today's workout - and I found that I still can't physically do those up and down planks more than once or twice (I also can't really do the side planks either) but rather than quit - I went and found a different workout with similar exercises but fewer reps and some other stuff that I can actually do - so I'm counting that!!


And then I remembered I had to do 75 squats as well

Tldr - I still hate ab day 🥵😭
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Posts: 185
Week 11
Day 13: Athena's Playbook

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Back at it again with some cardio today - had to leave this one till late because I overslept this morning and then had a bunch of phone calls to deal with and DIY in the afternoon - but we got there eventually and that's what counts

Pretty easy in spite of a lot of physical activity beforehand and ofc 3x 13 press-ups for my challenge too - I must say though, the press-ups are starting to get a bit challenging - only halfway now so I hope I can complete it!? Probably 3 hours of sanding and another half hour fiddling with wires in the light fitting didn't help I guess

Quick wash now then a well earned Handburger supper for me tho 😋🍔


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Week 11
Day 14: Athena's Playbook

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That is a lot of squats today - coupled with the 80 from my challenge that's 200 squats in total 🥵

Decided to do split squats for the punching round cos that just made more sense to me - turns out it's probably a good exercise for getting better footwork (punching from a strong split quay has gotta powerful af right?!)

Glad I got back to doing my workout before lunch today too - kinda sets me up for the rest of the day ykwim?


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Week 11
Day 15: Athena's Playbook

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3x 13 knee push-ups

And then this thing which (3) how are her arms forward?! My body does bend like that! and (5) is that a yoga pose or just how pandas sit when they're feeling silly?! 🐼

Light little workout for today which is great because I already ate 5 dry ryvita trying to get enough damned carbs in my new maintenance regime?! Had avocado toast for brunch instead of my usual cornflakes breakfast and it's thrown the whole damn system into chaos 😂


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Week 11
Day 16: Athena's Playbook

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Well I was pleased to learn that I can do as many 10sec elbow planks as I like now - super easy 🤷

Pretty boring style but I think probably the most repetitive workouts are the most rewarding in terms of getting stronger - planks for the (muscle) memory - amiright?

Also 85 squats from my challenge which was also shockingly not that hard (except mentally because reps yknow?)

Going strong into week 12 anyway - nearly done with my basic training phase!!


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Week 12
Day 18: Athena's Playbook

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This was tricksy because I've had errands all day (the nurse even gave me a lolly for being brave 🍭😂) and by the time I got back I just wanted to lay down and play candy crush till supper time - luckily tho, I was a little bit short of my calorie quota for the gochujang chicken gnocchi I'm making tonight - so I leveraged that to get me off my 🍑!
(it's delicious, I'm skipping the mozzarella tho)

Generally not a good idea to have to earn food with exercise - but since I'd already planned to do both and it was just a way to motivate myself to get up and do it (and it was fun and easy once I did!) I think it's ok just this once!!

Oh and 90 squats today ✅ (technically 95 cos I got distracted and kept going - oops!)


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Week 12
Day 20 & 21: Athena's Playbook

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I skipped yesterday because I had a lot of very stressful jobs and errands in the morning so I didn't have time and by the time I got back I was in bits and fell asleep - I did try after dinner, but I just couldn't muster the strength

However, not to be defeated I came back and did them after today's workout with the assistance of a cheeky sports drink!!

So today I did all of the above plus 95 squats and 45 push-ups!!

And I've DIY this arvo too 🥵

weekend playing GIF


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Week 13!
Day 23 & 24: Athena's Playbook

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Did the thing again where I just could not chase myself to do yesterday's workout but tacked it on to today instead.
Did some journalling about it and I think, for one the last two weeks have been crazy busy and I've just been too exhausted (lost 0.5kg this week in spite of being on a maintenance phase in my diet - which i can only attribute to stress since i haven't been especially active)
And the thing is, I think it's more of a challenge to get up and do lighter stuff like yoga than it is to beast through two workouts and a whole bunch of squats and push-ups because it doesn't really get my heart going so I don't get the endorphins or dopamine or w/e feedback from it - and there's so many low energy but high effort workouts in this program (just grinding planks and burpees today?! cmon now?!) that it's mentally putting me off

So I'm thinking finish this dangit program (last week anyway) in whatever way I can manage it - then switch to a training plan next month (I'm thinking Amazon) because what I really want to be doing is running and weights - cos those have a good amount of dopamine (or w/e) feedback off them and then I think i get Saturday's off and i can do something kinda fun on Sundays - might be tricky to have to pick a lash for my own back so to speak - but well see how I go
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Posts: 185
Week 13
Day 25: Athena's Playbook
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Hmm formatting is not working properly today it seems 🤷

Anyway, pretty nice workout today - kinda grindy but I did some twerking to Chappel Roan on the intervals to keep myself entertained 😂 plus my 48 push-ups for my challenge.

Had a small bit of the old muscle tomcat in the hips today so it was good to work that out a bit

Abs tomorrow which I'm not looking forward to - but I'm very excited to get into some weights and runs next week


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Posts: 185
Week 13
Day 27: Athena's Playbook
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I did my best impression of these and I am getting stronger but there's just something I can't quite place that I really don't enjoy about planks - I guess they just feel weak? Like with pushups and that there's a mind over muscle component that's like like;

Muscles "nah I cannae"
Mind "Yeh ye can 'mon!"
And then you do it and it's good

But planks are just like
Muscles "nah I cannae"
Mind "Well, we gotta try.."

And then I can't do it and have to try really hard to do some awkward half-assed adaptation - and then it's like

Muscles "See!? I literally cannae"
Mind "Yeh well, at least we're done now I guess"
And that just feels really bad tbh

No thanks, planks!

Anyway I also I did 110 squats, even with the muscle tomcat in my hips so.. 🤷