Check-in & Vitality Log


Posts: 17
Hello again, my friends. It’s been a long time.

I have had multiple things happen and I stopped working out. I have also had multiple things happen to where I want to get to it. Career opportunities changed and I’m pursuing new goals, so the thought of going for Brazilian Jui-jitsu is put on the back-burner for now. But I still wish to get in shape. Or at least, a much better shape than I am in right now.

I’m starting with Vitality. I know it’s about as gentle as you can get, but it’s kind of what I need right now. As I started moving I’ve heard all sorts of sounds, and I think it’s just the nitrogen from unfamiliar movements.

My goal right now is quite simple. Complete the full Vitality workout at Level 1. Evaluate and see where I need to go from there. I'm going to have to work it into the evenings just with how my schedule is right now.

I expect Tropical Storm/Hurricane Beryl to strike my area tomorrow. I’m going to be fine, and I have the week’s workout printed just in case.

Today’s accomplishment:

3 sets: 20 side jacks, 20 backwards leg raises (change legs and repeat), 20 side leg raises (change legs and repeat)


Posts: 17
Thank you, everyone. I wish I could respond individually, but my connection is a bit spotty tonight.

Beryl passed over us a hurricane. Power went out around 10am, leaving us to restful naps and unconnected amusements as we sheltered within our home. Much wind and rain, yet we’re blessed to remain dry and protected from debris. Not much else to say there, save perhaps that we should have thought out our food better… nearly everything requires heating, and this is an electric house. We did charge batteries, and were able to make due until the electricity could be restored. Cell phone and internet service are spotty.

I was able to get my exercises in. Surprisingly they presented something of a challenge, as my arms would burn some while doing them. I decided on staying with Level 1. I think the most important thing right now are to develop the habit of exercise and to learn the basic motions, not to rush towards huge gains.

Day’s accomplishments: 3 sets: 20 shoulder taps, 20 side shoulder taps, 20 arm extensions, 20 bicep extensions

Days in streak: 2


Posts: 17
So as mentioned in the previous post Beryl passed over us either as or close to Category 1. It was unusual because normally this far inland we are exposed to severe rain and flooding, not extreme winds. I wouldn’t be surprise if we had gusts of over 60 mph and some tornados. End result was fallen trees and in some cases rather substantial telephone poles snapping in half.

Power has been on and off, but I have been without water. It’s not uncommon for small homesteads around here to develop in such a way that primary residence is on one electrical service line, and the water pump and auxiliary buildings such as barns are on an older and less capable electrical service line. That is the case with my home, which meant that I had power and AC most of the day but no water.

Which would have been fine, except I had a job interview today. One of the leaders of my congregation opened their home and allowed me to shower, but due to how my day needed to be schedule I did not want to work up a sweat before the interview so my streak has been broken.

I am writing this from a public library right now while attending to online classes. I do not know when internet will be available again at my home, as phone service has been very spotty. But I should probably do my best to keep up accountability. I’ve downloaded my exercise plan and will keep a log to be posted whenever practical.

Day’s accomplishments: Bought a baseball

Days in streak: 0

(Need to resume at Day 3.)


Posts: 17
July 10, 2024
Cell/internet continues to be intermittent at best, and dismal at worst. There are also a lot of power outages. I suppose I should count my blessings that we didn’t have major flooding on top of the extreme winds.

It’s evening and I have completed the Day 3 workout for Vitality. I think I’ve made mistakes in my first two reps for hip rotation and core twist. At the same time I’m not beating myself up too much about it because this is part of learning how the movements work.

I was tempted to hold off another day or try to do it in the morning, but that will not give me the results I desire. I’m not interested in sculpting my body or gaining huge amounts of strength… I want to improve my general wellness and physical condition enough that I have the option to pursue recreational sports if time permits. That’s something I’ve never done before, and I think I’d like to give something like Men’s Softball a try before I die. Not just have everything in my life be some sort of intellectual exercise, you know?

I did get a chance to play some catch with my younger brother. It was too hot to really do so for long, but he’s being a good sport about it.

Day’s accomplishments:
- 3 sets: 10 shoulder stretches, 10 shoulder shrugs, 10 tricep stretches, 10 hip rotations, 10 side bends, 10 core twists
- Played catch with brother
Days in streak: 1

July 11, 2024
Rather than playing catch towards the end of the day we played it towards the beginning. I think it’s good for him, if I’m being honest.

Worked on the Day 4 exercises. I thought maybe I could push through to Level II, but then my arms started to burn about midway through the second set. I know there will be a little bit of pain as I exert my body, but I don’t need to be terribly sore as I go about my days.

I think my weakpoint right now are the arms. My legs seem to be fine. My core may be wrapped in a bit more flab than is flattering, but those muscles seem to do okay. Back could probably use a bit more work, but as I’m doing my workouts it’s my arms that give me the most issues.

Ah well. I know where I want to go. It’s just a matter of taking the journey to get there.

Day’s accomplishments: 3 sets: 10 step jacks, 10-count single leg standing (left leg), 10 step jacks, 10-count single leg standing (right leg)
Day in streak: 2


Posts: 17
Today is a day in which having a check-in thread kept me motivated enough to actually get in a day’s exercise. I had spent the day moving around and driving, trying to get things straightened out and prepare for the weekend. I felt stiff, tired, and sore. Yet after taking care of further chores and recovering I still felt like I needed to get today’s exercise done. Also internet and cell phone appear to be stable for the moment, so I can just pull up music and also post.

I complained about my arms yesterday. Guess what today’s exercise routine is? Focused on the arms. I reminded myself that the people who created these routines know much better than I do, steeled myself, turned on “The Presidential Pump”, and started to work. Once again arms burned midway through Level I of the routine, and once again I was able to push through to completion.

Everything all together, including the cool-down, was about 12 minutes by estimation. Add a little bit more time and maybe it’s 15? Not a terrible amount, all told.

Day’s accomplishments: 3 sets: 20 clench/unclench, 20 arm scissors, 20 overhead clench/unclench, 20 W-extensions
Days in streak: 3


Posts: 17
Today was a good day. Then I took a nap. Then I woke up to find that a major historical event happened and it stopped being a good day. But I stopped doom scrolling and started working out.

I’m on Day 6 of Vitality. I do not understand “Single Hip Rotation” and “Chest Squeeze”. I’ve made the attempt, so I’m going to count today in my streak, but I want to understand what I’m supposed to do with these exercises before I encounter them again.

Most of the other stuff is fine. I’d have honestly tried for Level II today if I understood those two exercises.

Day’s accomplishments: 3 sets: 10 shoulder stretches, 10 single hip rotations (?), 10 calf raises, 10-count shoulder back, 10-count hamstring stretch, 10-count chest squeeze (?)
Days in streak: 4
Note: (?) means I do not know if I’ve done the exercise right


Posts: 17
It does help, at least to be able to visualize what I'm supposed to do. Am I correct in assuming that you're supposed to alternate sides for exercises like single hip rotation and hamstring stretch instead of just focusing on the side that the illustration shows?


Posts: 17
I could not reasonably exercise yesterday, which broke my streak. However, I could reasonably do so today, so I did. Kind of disappointed, but at the same time I'm making a major lifestyle change and only by sticking with it and accepting 'good enough' will I develop the habit. Something special in that it's Day 7, so I'm a solid week into the Vitality program.

Today was working on the legs. I did not experience the pain of burning like I do with my arms. Instead it was stretching. I prefer things like gardening and walking for light exercise, so my legs are fairly well built up but my arms are like twigs in comparison. Which is probably why my arms are the area that benefit most from beginner gains whenever I pick up exercise.

Not much else to say. I'm trying to learn who baseball works, but I don't know near enough to make it interesting for the forum's audience.

Today's accomplishments: 3 sets: 20 march steps, 20 backwards leg raises (change legs and repeat), 20 side leg raises (change legs and repeat)


Posts: 17
Printed out my next few days of workouts and put in another day. Today it was chest and arm exercises. Heard a lot of noise moving it around, but it sounded like air bubbles popping instead of anything to be worried about. My shoulders have always been a tense area, so maybe this will help in the long term.

Arms still burn, but not as much as when I started. Still, I chose not to push it and remain at Level I of exercise. I may do Level I and Level II of the next program I do, but that's easily a month away.

Also had some confusion with the alternating chest expansions. I think I figured it out, and the exercises I did with each set was valid... even if I might not have exercised the target muscle groups. Still learning.

Today's accomplishments: 3 sets: 20 chest expansions, 10 alternating chest expansions(?), 10 arm circles (change direction and repeat)
Days in streak: 2


Posts: 17
In spite of the day I have completed my workout. Got the printout of the day, set it to Final Fantasy Gym Mix, and got to it. I even managed to push myself a little bit and complete Level II of the exercises. Still clocked in at around 15 minutes when it was all said and done.

Thanks to HellYeah's advice I was able to do the hip rotations in a fairly efficient manner, which is probably a big part of why I was able to do it. My hips feel... stiff. No grinding, everything is moving smoothly, but I'm moving them in a way I do not normally do.

Hopefully as I progress in my exercises my body will develop in such a way that I will be less prone to injury. Life's hard enough when eating sometimes hurt, I do not need to cause myself undue difficulties.

Day's Accomplishments: 4 sets: 10 hip rotations; 10 single hip rotations; 5 forward bends; 10 side bends; 10 core twists