DAREBEETS Adventures


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Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 231
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Potato Pickle Soup

Do not cook with your mother... I´m the type of guy who follows a recipe exactly to the letter. So if it says cook the soup for 15 minutes, I will cook the soup for 15 minutes. But Mom knows best, it´s her pots and her kitchen.

Made a slightly larger batch since we´re 3 people, so 750g potatoes, 225g pickles (not exactly but we didn´t have more pickles, so it´s 200 and something grams) and so on. Didn´t have dill, so I just used a bit of one of those "8 herbs" frozen herb packs. No koriander either, because nobody in this house likes it. Tastes like soap... Added some white pepper instead, because, as Mom says it, "Soup without pepper is boring".

Did turn out really well. It´s filling, the pepper gave it a good kick.


Addendum: Soup does not taste as good reheated, as it does when fresh...
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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,829
Ah, I had forgotten to add that one!
Lentils and eggplant with tahini dressing

I did only one eggplant, and 100g of lentils (Lentilles vertes du puy). Could easily eat the eggplant, I have lentils leftovers. I cooked the lentils in my pressure cooker to go faster, and with broth (herbs and olive oil vegetarian broth), as per my habit.
I did the called-on quantity for the dressing, and that's definitly a dressing I will use again, very tasty, creamy, and with the interesting sesame taste of the tahini.
Five forks out of five!

(and I did the tahini dressing on other veggies this week, it is a really nice one when you look for a creamy, tangy topping.


Well-known member
None from France
Posts: 537
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
Ah, I had forgotten to add that one!
Lentils and eggplant with tahini dressing

I did only one eggplant, and 100g of lentils (Lentilles vertes du puy). Could easily eat the eggplant, I have lentils leftovers. I cooked the lentils in my pressure cooker to go faster, and with broth (herbs and olive oil vegetarian broth), as per my habit.
I did the called-on quantity for the dressing, and that's definitly a dressing I will use again, very tasty, creamy, and with the interesting sesame taste of the tahini.
Five forks out of five!

(and I did the tahini dressing on other veggies this week, it is a really nice one when you look for a creamy, tangy topping.
@PetiteSheWolf it is so strange, when reading your post i had the feeling you already post it, but you didn't, a deja-vu .....