Do you wanna dance! Shake it baby!


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Happy Monday!
Thank you @CODawn @Anek @NancyTree

That was a fun day, with bigger queues than when I was a kid but it is still fun to ride the rollercoaster. Nonetheless, the day after, I had the impression I was hit by a tram.

Saturday November the 6th
Sunday November the 7th
Monday November the 8th

Exercises streak 122 days.
Daily dares streak 102 days.

May you have a good start of the week!


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Thank you @Laura Rainbow Dragon @PetiteSheWolf

The funniest is that I never went to that park, though I loved 3 years 1/2 so close to it!
It is never too late :)

Yesterday evening we went to the gym around 5pm, so I played around with the eliptical and then the kettle bell (I love kettle bell)

Exercises streak 123 days.
Daily dares streak 103 days.

Have a nice one!


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Hello there!

National strike in Belgium, I work from home.
I have an appointment on the other side of the city tonight, buying a bycicle is the best decision I have take these last years.

Exercises streak 124 days.
Daily dares streak 104 days.



Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
@PetiteSheWolf haha copieurs ;)
Actually, I hurl my body through the city on a bike, so it does not change many things, our building was open. But: I was on cat-sitting duty at my partner's :)
Nonetheless, I had an evening errand that led me to do 20 km in the the dark and hilly paths of Evere, Schaerbeek and Laeken ^^

I have spent the rest of the evening to find a way to intsall our Belgian ID viewer on my laptop who runs on Mint Vanessa... and same with Jellyfish. Fora on Reddit (r/linuxmint and r/jellyfish proved me that I am not the only one. I might switch to Ubuntu. I do not know!

Exercises streak 125 days.
Daily dares streak 105 days.



Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Good Morning lovely people!

Today is a bank holiday in Belgium, but I am working as this does not apply to the organisation I work for.

Exercises streak 126 days.
Daily dares streak 106 days.

On a side note, I wanted to share with you a picture of me when I was in my best shape. I am far from it at the moment, but this pic gives me hope (although I know I am older and I am not able to practice any sport with the same level of commitment I was at that time, on the other hand I am in a way better state of mind nowadays.)


Have a great day folks!


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 662
You're as handsome now as you were then, and as lovable as a person can get! I have some pics of me when I was a body builder... I could NOT for the life of me build my calves... Still got scrawny calves... HAHAHA! Sometimes, it's good to have that reminder... gives you a clear image of something to strive for. For me, my old photos are a "YES I CAN" reminder...


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,150
I think that's an inspirational picture :) If you were able to do this, today, you're still able of much, whatever you think :)
I keep my two medals from the races I did (la Parisienne, 7 km - for me that was quite something) the same way, though my ticker won't allow me to do it today, if I did this, I can have enough discipline to do a lot with this body, in the present potential it has.


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Yes! Wednesday :)

I have just watch the launch of Artemis. I am almost 42 and this is my first live launch.

Exercises streak 131 days.
Daily dares streak 111 days.

Have a nice day, Bees!


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Good Morning!

I hope you are all well and safe!

Exercises streak 132 days.
Daily dares streak 112 days.

Tomorrow, we are off in Paris for the weekend. yes :)

Have a nice day!


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Hello the Hive!

Thank you @motionaction @PetiteSheWolf @Sif_Shepard
We try to go to Paris every once in a while as it is not very far and gives us a good break. We did the Catacombs (among others).
I kept moving with the challenge and DD :)

Exercises streak 136 days.
Daily dares streak 116 days.

It is been 4 day without Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Mastodon and it is sometimes good to cut the noise.

Have a nice day,



Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,150
I have been living a long time in Paris itself (Pharmacy studies, plus moved back in 2012), including some time not too far from the catacombes's entrance, but I have never visited them, LOL. The appartment I sold last year was nearby an old train track that used to go around Paris to carry in and out diverse manufacturing / chemical parts and goods, and that track makes for a path still very much used today for illegal entrance in the catacombs (for feasts, drug deals, off the grid living...). I would do the regular visit, but the illegal one? Uh no, I am too much of a scaredy cat for that (plus it can really be dangerous).


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
@Nanna Io Aix is nice. I have been there as well :)
Must say that it was interesting. And it is true that usually we do not visit where we live. With the Confinement, we tried to rumble a but in Belgium, there are nice spots :)

Darebee wise, it is an off week, I am not really rested, poor sleep and I felt like shit while waking up since Monday. It will be better by Friday ;)

Tuesday November the 22nd
  • Challenge: First thing push-ups - Day 24.

Exercises streak 138 days.
Daily dares streak 1 day.

Have a good one!


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905

Woke up in a hurry, so I do the gym in the afternoon :)

Exercises streak 139 days.
Daily dares streak 2 day.

I am longing for the weekend. I am not sure why, but I am energy-less this week.



Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Good Morning Bees!

While helping my mom-in-law moving upstairs a huge roll of carpet, something snapped in my back and now it is a bit blocked. It is not to painful if I stay put but that meant no workout.
I am going to pay a visit to my GP later today :)

Exercises streak 0 days.
Daily dares streak 0 day.

Have a nice once, and if someone asks you to move heavy things, just say no ;)


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Thank you @NancyTree @JCU @Louve Rose @Hwestneth @Montserrat @Whirly @Anek @Haleth for your kind words.

While it is not too bad, I managed to slightly crushed a spinal disk. The good news is I avoided an hernia or a pinched nerve. I only need some rest and anti inflammatory.
That could be far worse.

On the other hand, I have a cyst in my left foot. So I took an appointment with an orthopaedist: best case scenario: remove the cyst, correct the hallux valgus and put a new hip. We will see :)

Exercises streak 0 days.
Daily dares streak 0 day.

Have a nice day!