Getting stronger


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"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
My workouts this today.
Saturday is my “active rest” day so…

2 Minute Warmup 3 sets
Feel Good Now 3 sets
Yoyo. 3 sets
Zombies Walk 3 sets
Good Morning Abs 2 sets

Seated Stretching
Hamstring Stretch


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Posts: 473
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Sunday workout. It’s a leg day.

Darebee Warmup
Out & About (5 sets)

Leg day strength training exercises- with fabric loop bands, weights, wearing 1 lb ankle weights, and a Pilates stick that has resistance bands attached- an hour and 44 minutes with little to no rest

Care Package stretching - 9 minutes including some extra stretching for my back

I forgot to write my goals in my first entry:

Lose weight, get rid of my menopause belly and get stronger. My family has several disabilities, chronic illnesses, etc and rely on me to care for them. It’s a challenge also because I have a chronic illness that doctors are clueless about. I’m still the healthier one of the bunch, best my younger daughter. Besides our 11 month old cat, Stormy. 😺


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"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Monday workout:

Quick Warmup
Abs workout 5 sets , 14 minutes
Various arms and abs strength training with weights, resistance bands, Pilates stick..etc 2 hours and 3 minutes
Top to Bottom stretching

Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all who serve, and have served. Remembering my veteran grandfather and my dad today. RIP 💙🖤


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"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Tuesday Workout:

Leg day again!

Darebee Warmup
Out and About- 5 sets Took 15 minutes both

Strength training leg exercises with fabric loop bands, ankle weights, Pilates stick with resistance bands- little to no rest, 101 minutes.

Care Package stretch 9 minutes. I do some extra stretching for my back as well.

I can’t do high impact cardio because of my flat feet and bad back. In between the low impact cardio session and strength, the cat knocked over my water bottle and it spilled all over the carpet. He meant no harm. :imp: The name Stormy fits, though we were told he was found in a storm. We liked the name, so we kept it.

I usually start my workouts around 4 am, except on Saturday. Most of my family is asleep during that time. My chronically ill daughter is an early riser like me but usually she doesn’t need much at that time, thankfully. Still I look forward to the day we’re empty nesters. This way I can focus more on my husband’s health needs, and my own without worrying about the girls here. (Of course I’ll always worry about them - part of being a mom) We’ve already started debating on who gets the cat. :hehehe:
Have a great day everyone!


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"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Wednesday workout:
I like to do something different on Wednesdays so I don't get bored. I call it my "what was I thinking" workout because usually afterwards, I wonder what I was thinking, since I'm so tired :amused:

Classic Warm-up
Six Pack 5 sets. Total time for both: 20 minutes.

For the next workouts, I go back and forth. First set Bigger Arms, next set Biomancer. I do this for all the workouts listed. 5 sets for each named workout:

Bigger Arms


Brute Abs
Bright and Beautiful

I also have a hand strengthener that I do 5 sets of 16 reps each.

Total time 89 minutes.

Sore muscles Stretching, plus some of my own back and feet stretches. 10 minutes.


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"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Good Thursday morning. Checking in later than usual. Busy morning.

My workout for today:

Darebee Warmup
Out & About workout- 5 sets, wearing 1 pound ankle weights. Total time 14 minutes including the warmup

Leg day exercises with loop bands, weights-106 minutes

Care Package stretching with some of my own stretching for my back, feet

Sorry I don’t know how to tag the workouts from this site. :gotq: I hope everyone has a great day today! Happy Thursday!


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"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Good morning everyone! So glad it’s Friday :ss:

Today’s workout: Abs and arms day

Quick Warmup 3 minutes
My own ab workout-16 minutes

Arms and abs strength training with weights, Pilates stick, resistance band, hand strengther 2 hours, 5 minutes

Top to Bottom stretch with some extra back pain stretching 12 minutes

This is one of the reasons why I get up so early- I take so long and wouldn’t have the time otherwise. My family has disabilities and I have a chronic illness called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Doctors in my area that take my insurance are pretty much clueless about how to deal with it. I was diagnosed by a cardiologist (my daughter’s POTS doctor). So not an official diagnosis but I know this is what I have. Basically it causes me to react to different things without an allergy test to prove it. Every one who has it has different triggers, but most commonly it’s strong odors/smells. My triggers include all animal products, including dairy and eggs. Even the smells of my neighbor’s cooking could cause a reaction and I have almost died a few times. My family can’t cook fresh meat because the smells has caused anaphylaxis. They have to ask me before heating up something in the microwave, so I can go outside or hide in my room with fans going in the apartment. The good thing is my cat’s food doesn’t bother me- I guess the smell isn’t strong enough. An epipen has animal products in it so it’s worthless to me.
I’m not too worried, I have a strong faith in God and my family is very supportive. (At least my daughters and husband are) I am taking some medicine that does help keep it in check, though it’s not foolproof.

Happy Friday everyone!


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"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Good morning everyone! (Afternoon? Evening? Depending on where you live :LOL:)

Saturday… It’s weigh in day, as well as my active rest day. I lost a pound!

Trying to figure out how to tag my workouts so please bear with me

@Fighters Warmup

@Cellulite - 3 sets

@Sitting Pretty 3 sets

@Follow Up - 1 set (this one was harder than I thought!)
Total time: 48 minutes I would’ve done 2 minutes of low impact cardio but I thought nah. Maybe next time.

@Sandman @Foam Roller stretches and cool down, with some extra stretches I need to do. 15 minutes.

Had a reaction to 2 cookies yesterday. They were vegan and gluten free, but then I noticed they weren’t organic. Stupid chronic illness! My arms itched like crazy until I took some allergy medicine.
If I could return all the calories from foods I react to, I’d probably be underweight! Whenever someone asks me what do I eat, it’s kinda obvious I do okay since I’m trying to lose weight.

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend! IMG_7746.jpeg


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"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Good morning! Here we go, Sunday morning workout! Upper body and Abs day again!

Ab workout (my own) 18 minutes

Strength training arms, back, abs 5- 20 lb weights, Pilates stick, resistance bands 2 hours, 6 minutes

Stretching -Top to Bottom 13 minutes

Had a rough night with my chronic illness. I’m exhausted but I still pushed through. My chronically ill daughter told me her Crohn’s disease is flaring up again. (She has 3 chronic illnesses that we know of plus some issues with her skin we’re trying to figure out) Back to the doctor for another referral this week. It’s never a good time for stuff like this to happen. At least I know the main meal we’re having for Thanksgiving (vegan, gluten free lasagna).

Gotta run. Have a great day!


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"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Good morning !

Monday workout and it’s another leg day!

Darebee Warmup
Out and About- 5 sets. Total low impact cardio 18 minutes

113 minutes of strength training legs using 10-20 lbs we, loop bands, Pilates stick

Care Package stretching with a few of my own stretches 9 minutes

Had a better night last night. I really made an effort to avoid anything that could trigger my MCAS. It’s not easy but I needed the break. Sometimes I get afraid to eat because of this illness, but it’s pretty obvious I face that fear well! :strong:

Have a great day everyone!


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"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Happy Tuesday everyone!

Crazy morning doing laundry and straightening up the apartment for the maintenance guys to come over to fix something in the bathroom.🚽

My workout today:

Quick Warmup
Ab workout (my own) - 17 minutes

2 hours, 6 minutes of arms and abs strength training with 5-20 pounds of weights (depending on the exercise), Pilates stick and resistance bands.

Top to Bottom stretching plus some extra back stretches- 12 minutes.

I’ve started planning my workouts for December. We usually stay home for the holidays - we don’t have family to visit. Makes planning a little easier, though it would be nice to go somewhere. I’m considering doing a workout challenge- not sure what yet. I’m gonna see what the challenge is for December before deciding. Still looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thanksgiving is my husband’s favorite holiday. Christmas is my favorite. Since adopting a kitten in the Spring, it should be more fun this year.
Hope everyone is having a great day!

God bless :star:


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"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Happy Wednesday Everyone!
Happy Wednesday Morning GIF

Today’s workout- my crazy workout day :chicken:

The Prep Warmup
Made By Love 3 sets. 16 minutes.
For the fun part:

Basically I do a set of strength training, then cardio…so first set strength then cardio or body weight workout, 2nd set and on, same thing as first..

I use 8-10 weights, depending on the exercise, plus wearing 1 pound wrist weights.

5 sets:
Muscle Factory

5 sets:
Pumpkin Patch
Queen’s Gambit

3 sets:

Total time: 1 hour, 20 minutes

I hurt my back a little while doing the Pumpkin Patch workout. Not too bad. It doesn’t hurt now-just an hour or so afterwards.

Have a great day everyone!

God bless :star:


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Posts: 473
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Good morning! (Afternoon, evening, wherever you are)

My cat has been a little terror so far today. It’s taken all 4 of us to keep him alive.
cats crazy cat GIF

Thursday workout:

Quick Warmup 2 minutes
My own ab workout: 14 minutes

Arms, upper body and abs strength training workout with weights, kettlebell, resistance band (one I put together) : 2 hours, 6 minutes

Top to Bottom stretching plus extra stretching for my back - 12 minutes

My legs are still sore from yesterday’s workout. It doesn’t seem like it was so hard, but I guess it was. I’m in pretty good shape.
I went grocery shopping with my husband yesterday then had to run back out with my chronically ill daughter. She has some kind of fungal infection on various places of her body. (Not contagious) We thought because she was feeling feverish and had a sore throat that it meant something worse. So we went to an Urgent Care Center. We don’t have a car but she gets free Lyft rides which helps. It wasn’t as bad as we thought but she was prescribed antibiotics for her throat. She’ll be fine.

So yeah I’m tired :crawl:

Good news is we’re finally getting rain! My area is in a drought so we need it bad. Possibly snow tomorrow! I’m one of those who loves the snow, even if it’s just a few inches.

I hope everyone is having a great day!

God bless:eheart:


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Posts: 473
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Happy Friday
Working Days Of The Week GIF by Sealed With A GIF

What a crazy week. My daughter’s still sick but hopefully she’ll feel better in a few days.

Today’s workout:

Darebee Warmup
Out and About- altogether 14 minutes

Leg day strength exercises with 10-20 lb weights, loop bands, Pilates stick - 1 hour, 45 minutes

Care Package stretching plus a few extra stretches- 10 minutes

I don’t think I’ve ever been as thankful for the rain we’re getting until now. The drought has caused several wild fires- not exactly normal for New Jersey. We live near a swamp; fortunately no problems as far as any fires go. Some areas got up to 11 inches of snow! I’m a bit jealous. :comeon:

Have a great day everyone!

God bless :star:


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Posts: 473
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Happy Saturday everyone!
Saturday Night Sunday GIF by Babybluecat

Today’s workout:

2 Minute Warmup (went lighter on the hops - flat feet!)

Neck Mobility- 1 set

Side Quest - 3 sets

Librarian - 3 sets

Slow Poke - 3 sets

This Princess Doesn’t Cry - 3 sets

It took me 42 minutes to complete this but today’s my active rest day. I get to try out different body weight workouts without worrying about the time.

Stretching: Morning Upperbody Stretch, Lowerbody Stretch. I did these stretches for 10 seconds each, besides my other stretches I need to do.

Today is my weigh in day as well. Hate that part. :p Gained back about a half pound. I’m trying to remind myself that we’re on a fixed income. I’m limited on what type of foods I can eat - which gets pretty expensive. Besides, Christmas is coming!

Have a great day everyone!

God bless :eheart:


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from USA
Posts: 473
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Sunday workout:

Leg day!

Darebee Warmup
Out & About - 5 sets 13 minutes, including the warmup

Leg day strength training (my own that I put together with weights, loop bands, Pilates stick). 103 minutes including high knees marching for the Turkey Run. (Can’t do high impact)

Care Package stretching, plus a few extra 10 minutes.
I hurt my back! We’ve been cleaning up and getting rid of junk we don’t need. My husband can’t lift heavy. I should’ve worn my back belt. :giveup:

Maintenance is coming tomorrow to work on the tub. Something about glazing an area that’s rusty. So I gotta do some serious cleaning before he comes.

Have a great day everyone!

God bless :star:


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from USA
Posts: 473
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"

Quick Warmup- 2 minutes
My own ab workout-14 minutes

Arms and abs strength training (my own that I put together) using weights, Pilates stick, resistance bands: 1 hour, 24 minutes including a bunch of high knees sets for the Turkey Run. My family thinks this game is hilarious btw :LOL:

Top to Bottom stretching plus a few extra:12 minutes

Went a little lighter on the weights because of my back. I had to do a shorter workout anyway because the maintenance guy is coming this morning to work on the tub. It’s gonna mean no showers for 24 hours, and keeping the cat out of the bathroom. (He loves water) My back is starting to feel better. Gonna try to be careful on it this week so hopefully I’ll be able to go with my plans for December. Gonna have a backup plan just in case.

Have a great day everyone!

God bless :perfect:


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from USA
Posts: 473
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Good morning/afternoon/evening!

Today’s leg day workout:

Darebee Warmup
Out & About (with 1 lb ankle weights) 5 sets
Ten sets of high knees for the Turkey Run 17 minutes total

My own Leg Day strength training workout with some extra high knees for the Turkey Run 1 hour, 51 minutes

Already added total turkeys to the thread.

Care Package stretch plus extra stretching for my back 10 minutes

Yesterday was crazy! The maintenance guys worked on the tub (didn’t know they had to paint the whole thing) and the smell affected me terribly. I ended up going outside walking for about an hour or so. It still smells awful and I had a hard time breathing last night. Fans are on, etc. We will be able to shower this afternoon. We can’t afford a night in a hotel so I’ve had to tough it out overnight. I ended up going to a holiday type of party which didn’t help my MCAS symptoms. Long story short: it was a tough day!

Today I’ll be making a dessert for Thanksgiving. I’m making apple fritters this year. My daughter #2 (not the chronically ill one) will be making a cheesecake.
Already looking forward to December!

Hope everyone has a great day!

God bless:beating:


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Posts: 473
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Happy Wednesday!

Today’s Workout:

Classic Warmup
Ironclad Abs 4 sets

Cultivator- 5 sets

Meta Burn -5 sets

Dumbbell Abs - 3 sets (trying to go easy on my back)

Courage to Change- 5 sets

Messenger- 5 sets

Dexterity-5 sets
Plus my hand strengthener thingy (it looks like something a handyman or woman would use)

Turkey Run high knees in between sets - this is fun! I’m gonna miss it when it’s over.

Sore muscles stretch

I’m experimenting with the format of my workouts. I think I like doing the strength training first, then cardio. I get bored easily. Having a cat makes it a little more interesting. Sometimes he attacks me.
My back is still a bit sore but it’s improving little by little.

Have a great day everyone!

God bless:heart:


Well-known member
from USA
Posts: 473
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Good morning/afternoon/evening wherever you are :happy:

Today's workout:

Darebee Warmup
Out & About - 5 sets - 14 minutes for both

Leg Day strength training exercises - with weights, a 15 lb kettlebell, loop bands
1 hour, 49 minutes

Care Package stretch - 9 minutes

My cat decided it was play time during my workout and came in with a toy mouse in his mouth. So in between exercises I was tossing it to him and he'd drop it near me. Kinda like playing fetch with a dog. He's pretty big for his age (he'll be a year old next week - our estimate anyways). This is his first Thanksgiving and the only "turkey" we can give him is in his treats. (I looked for turkey flavored cat food yesterday but couldn't find any - just treats)
I'll be making a vegan and gluten free lasagna in a bit. I made apple fritters for a dessert and my daughter #2 made a cheesecake, which I can't have but that's ok. It's just us 4: my husband and 2 daughters, and of course Stormy.
I really enjoyed doing the Turkey Run - my first time. Hopefully I can join in with that next year.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates! Have a great day everyone!

God bless :coffee:


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"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Hi everyone :perfect:

Today’s workout:

Quick Warmup
Abs workout (my own) - 18 minutes total with the warmup

Arms and Abs strength training with weights, resistance bands, wrist weights, Pilates stick- 2 hours, 4 minutes

Top to Bottom stretching- 11 minutes

Thanksgiving was nice, but a bit quiet. My Apple fritters didn’t work out so good. I forget it’s the type of apples that make the difference. I don’t even know what kind I used. But overall, not so bad day. My lasagna was a success.
I’m not the greatest cook, but I try. I didn’t know how to cook when I was first married over 30 years ago so I’ve come a long way. Developing a chronic illness during that time made things more of a challenge.
My cat enjoyed his treats. We actually did find a can of turkey cat food we had gotten last week. I’d just forgotten about it or thought we’d already fed him that.
Today is Black Friday in the US. The day people go shopping early to find the best deals Christmas shopping. I’ll be going through our Christmas decorations and start decorating. We don’t have a big tree - the apartment is too small. We do have a have a tabletop tree. Christmas is my favorite holiday so I’m pretty excited.

Hope everyone has a great day!

God bless :star:


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from USA
Posts: 473
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Hello and Happy Saturday everyone!

Today’s Workout- it’s my active rest day:

Energy Boost (1 set as a warmup)

3 sets of each:

Dance Party in My Kitchen For the half jacks I did a low impact version

One Step Closer

Rez Workout

Spine Stability (it says do 5 sets but I did 3)

Total time 44 minutes

Sandman stretch plus a few extra stretches 10 minutes

I was really tired but couldn’t get back to sleep. Usually I get to sleep in a bit on Saturdays. I’m a very early riser, so “sleeping in” means 4:30 a.m. or 5. I’ve been this way all my life pretty much. I know many people say they could never… :LOL:

Edited to add: today is also my weigh in day and I lost a pound! :dance:

Have a great day everyone!

God bless :revolving:


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Posts: 473
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone and Happy Sunday!

Started a new workout plan for December:

Universal Warmup
Fit December day 1 - 12 minutes for both

Arms and AB’s strength training exercises with weights, wrist weights, Pilates stick and resistance band- 110 minutes

Sore Muscles stretching plus a few extra 10 minutes

Can’t believe it’s already December. It’s been a crazy year for me and my family. I just joined this community less than a month ago but I’ve been doing a lot of Darebee workouts for I don’t know how long. But I’ve been consistently doing workouts for roughly 9 or 10 years and lost 60 pounds during that time. (give or take due to illness, injuries, etc) I’ve gained back 15 pounds and am trying to lose it, or at least enough to lose this belly. I don’t need to look like a CrossFit athlete, wanna be healthier that’s all. I do regret not joining this community sooner. Yous guys are awesome! :heart:

Have a great day everyone!

God bless :star:


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"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Hello and good morning/afternoon/evening everyone!

Today’s workout:

Unbound Warmup
Fit December day 3 - 5 sets, little to no rest between sets 15 minutes

Leg Day strength training with my loop bands, Pilates stick, etc : 1 hour, 55 minutes

Fighters Stretch plus a few extra stretches: 10 minutes

I’m terrible with resting between sets of exercises. My husband swears I have ADHD. I get bored easily, distracted easily, and sometimes I just need to get up, do something in the middle of our conversations, even if we’re talking about something important. I like to keep moving. Makes me wonder why I’m a bit overweight.

This is a day late, but Happy Advent to those who celebrate. I am a Born Again Christian but I don’t have a church to go to. ( not trying to start any arguments, and not judging anyone ) Eventually I will again, after we finally move out of this little apartment.

Have a great day everyone!

God bless :eheart:

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,205
"Striving to be the change."
I’m terrible with resting between sets of exercises.
When you omit the rest breaks between sets, you alter the training effect of the workout. However: the single most important factor in the effectiveness of your workouts is doing them consistently. So if skipping the rest breaks makes it more likely you're going to do the workout in the first place, you're serving yourself well by doing so.

There are two other options to consider here though:

1. Fit December is designed to be a beginner friendly program the whole family can do together. So the specified rest breaks are long. Since I workout alone, I consider the rest protocol to be "up to 2 minutes" and take only what I need to get the maximum training benefit out of the workout for myself. This can differ depending on the specific exercises in the workout. (For example: for myself, I would only take 30 second breaks on the days with standing exercises. My conditioning level is such that I can do them flat out and still be almost 100% recovered after a 30 second break. For the floor work, however, I can work at a greater intensity if I take one minute breaks.)

2. "Break" doesn't need to mean "do nothing". You just need to rest the primary targets of the workout. Fit December Day 3 is an ab-focused workout. You'd still be taking a "rest break" if, for example, you stood up between sets, walked around, and did some chest expansions or overhead fist clench/unclenches until it was time to get back to the ab work. (I'd recommend keeping your "break" exercises light, unless you are comfortable with how to sequence safe and effective supersets.)


Well-known member
from USA
Posts: 473
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
When you omit the rest breaks between sets, you alter the training effect of the workout. However: the single most important factor in the effectiveness of your workouts is doing them consistently. So if skipping the rest breaks makes it more likely you're going to do the workout in the first place, you're serving yourself well by doing so.

There are two other options to consider here though:

1. Fit December is designed to be a beginner friendly program the whole family can do together. So the specified rest breaks are long. Since I workout alone, I consider the rest protocol to be "up to 2 minutes" and take only what I need to get the maximum training benefit out of the workout for myself. This can differ depending on the specific exercises in the workout. (For example: for myself, I would only take 30 second breaks on the days with standing exercises. My conditioning level is such that I can do them flat out and still be almost 100% recovered after a 30 second break. For the floor work, however, I can work at a greater intensity if I take one minute breaks.)

2. "Break" doesn't need to mean "do nothing". You just need to rest the primary targets of the workout. Fit December Day 3 is an ab-focused workout. You'd still be taking a "rest break" if, for example, you stood up between sets, walked around, and did some chest expansions or overhead fist clench/unclenches until it was time to get back to the ab work. (I'd recommend keeping your "break" exercises light, unless you are comfortable with how to sequence safe and effective supersets.)
Thank you Laura! :thanks:


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Posts: 473
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Crazy morning. Hello everyone!

Tuesday Workout:

Universal Warmup
Fit December Day 3 -5 sets, 14 minutes

Arms and Abs Strength Training with weights, bands, Pilates stick- 1 hour, 59 minutes (yes I should’ve kept going to make it 2 hours exactly but I had a busy morning planned and I was a bit stressed out)

Sore Muscles Stretch plus a few extra stretching- 10 minutes

Had to go pay the rent and bring the signed lease for another year, with a rider so if we find a place, we can move out before it ends. Praying we can move out soon. We have a new manager at this apartment complex and I was as nice as I could be without complaining (easier said than done).
The maintenance guy came and finished up the job from last week. Not too long this time.
They’re saying we might get snow on Thursday. I’m pretty excited.

Have a great day everyone!

God bless :star:

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,205
"Striving to be the change."
Had to go pay the rent and bring the signed lease for another year, with a rider so if we find a place, we can move out before it ends. Praying we can move out soon. We have a new manager at this apartment complex and I was as nice as I could be without complaining (easier said than done).

I feel your pain.


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Posts: 473
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Another busy morning. I’m so tired. :bored:

Wednesday Workout

2 minute Warmup
Fit December Day 5- 5 sets 12 minutes, including the warmup

5 sets of each:

Muscle Factory Lower Body
PPL Legs B
Come Back Stronger
Total time: 1 hour

I did a 2 minute squat hold in place of the wall sit - the carpeting in my apartment makes me slide down to the floor. Staggered deadlifts instead of 1 legged deadlifts or I’ll fall down.

Cardio/bodyweight workouts -5 sets each:

Walk It Off
Total time: 45 minutes

Upper body Stretch, Finisher
12 minutes

I’m really tired today. Not sure if it’s because of stress or my chronic illness, or just being in my md 50s, getting older stuff. It’s not easy caring for my family and a cat who gives new meaning to the term, “home wrecker.”
GIF by Direct Energie

We love him very much though and I can’t see my life without him now. He was neutered over the summer. They say that calms cats down. Let’s just say sometimes I breathe a sigh of relief when he’s asleep.

Have a great day everyone!

God bless :heart:


Well-known member
from USA
Posts: 473
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Happy Thursday!

Today’s Workout:

Universal Warmup
Fit December Day 5 - 5 sets, 15 minutes including the warmup

Arms and abs strength training exercises- 2 hours

Stretches- Sore Muscles Stretch-10 minutes

We got our first snow of the season. Just a light dusting. At least it won’t ruin my plans for today.

Have a great day everyone!

God bless :hooray:


Well-known member
from USA
Posts: 473
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone

Today’s Workout:

Unbound Warmup
Fit December Day 6, 5 sets- 16 minutes

Leg day strength training- 2 hours

Fighter’s Stretch plus a few extra stretches for my back and feet- 9 minutes

It’s been a crazy week and I’m so glad it’s Friday. Yesterday we (me and daughter #2) went to the food pantry. It was so cold, 30 degrees F and we had to wait outside for over 1/2 hour. We tried to keep moving, walking in place, marching etc to warm up. It was worth the wait since we got some things we needed. I’m very grateful.
Next week we have a few doctor appointments for Daughter #1. She’s going through so much. I hate what her chronic illnesses are doing to her. We’re hoping her GI doctor takes her seriously about her symptoms. She’s not in remission for her Crohn’s and it’s affecting her in other ways. Her body can’t absorb nutrients and medicine properly because her Crohn’s is based in her small intestine. I’d appreciate prayers for her.
Yesterday we also celebrated our cat’s 1st birthday. We don’t know when he was born, but we do know he was born in December. He’s a great cat and is always getting into trouble and making us laugh.

This weekend I hope to put up some more Christmas decorations. I like to make paper snowflakes to hang in the windows.

Have a great day everyone!

God bless :kittens: