Goal + Action = Reality


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
10k punches Day 14
Posture Day 14
Calves of Steel Day 14
Tricep Dips Day 14
Daily Walk Day 14
Bed on Time Day 11
Daily Push-ups Day 5
Dead Hang Day 2
Chest Press 3 x 10 - because I had to test that Marcy was cabled up correctly!
:v: Morning supplements

I have plans for my little house but I acknowledge that the bigger (aka more expensive) will be a way down the track. I think of one thing and decide that's the way to go and then a little later I think of something else and decide that it's a better way to go. I'm not really in a hurry so I'll just let thoughts percolate. So today I decided that Marcy had to be reconstructed in my dining room. Only there wasn't enough room in my dining room - she'd project too much across the back door and Creed would be forever crashing into her. I found she would fit in a corner of my lounge room instead - if I moved out my heater. I shouldn't need it until next year and by then I hope to have a split system installed. So I got to work and when my hands got tired of using the spanner or allen key, I allowed myself to go do some real work as a break. As a result, ended up writing nearly 4500 words today. The worst bit was ensuring that the cables were all connected correctly and over or under the right wheels. That was a mite tedious. But in the end, Marcy got rebuilt.
I didn't even need to shift his bed but Creed might consider moving when I'm doing leg extensions. :LOL: And one day I'll get a chair to replace the Kloudsac.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
10k punches Day 16
Posture Day 16
Calves of Steel Day 16
Tricep Dips Day 16
Daily Walk Day 16
Daily Push-ups Day 7
Dead Hang Day 4

Been really slow with NaNo this year. Previous two years I think I was done by around now - or perhaps by tomorrow. But so far I'm only at 75% and that's because I've just been very slack, mooching around doing other stuff. And then I get stuck on a point and it takes me half the day to work it through. Like today I couldn't decide how we'd break into the building - go in through the window SAS-style or perhaps use a breaching charge on the roof - so I told myself I'd just mull it over for a bit and I did, really. For a bit. For a lot, I did something else even though I'd come up with the solution. Then I started writing but it all just got too hard for this little black duck today so I watched a DVD instead. That's my problem, you know. Since I got a tv, I've been wasting time watching it! Anyway, as a result, got only another 1800 words down today. I'll pull out my finger tomorrow.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
I get the wanting to do more, the not being happy with the procrastination. But 75% done when the month is only half over is still great progress! Good work!
Thanks. I know it might sounds silly complaining, but I compare myself to the myself of last year and the year before and find myself coming up wanting.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
10k punches Day 17
Posture Day 17
Calves of Steel Day 17
Tricep Dips Day 17
Daily Walk Day 17
Daily Push-ups Day 8
Dead Hang Day 5

I didn't let myself get (very) distracted today but it was raining and I love watching the rain. I blame my childhood. Rain was a rare thing and I don't recollect that it drizzled much (though it probably did - I just don't recollect). What I recollect is that when it did rain, it came down like a deluge. The ground would be so dry that the water couldn't sink in and we'd have floods. I remember that one time we wanted to go to the cinema but we couldn't even get out of the street! Each end was flooded so badly. Good thing we didn't get to the cinema because there was a power failure so it would have been a bust anyway. Ah, the pleasures of growing up in a semi-arid region. I can't wait to get a water tank so I can watch the rain and think happily that it's filling my tank, but that's not to be yet. I sat me at my little table with my laptop open before me and found my head turning to the window so I could watch the rain. But I wrote too. Unfortunately because we had rain and a spot of thunder (and maybe lightning but I didn't see any), the internet went down which was inconvenient today because I actually had to do some research for this chapter. So instead I have "[discussion of xxx to go here]" just so I could keep going with the rest of the chapter. I could work around it. I finished the scene I began yesterday. It's...meh. But it's a first draft and so long as I get the general gist down, that's good enough right now. All in all, today I clocked up 3404 words and stopped because I was five minutes late for the beasties' dinners and they were complaining.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
10k punches Day 18
Posture Day 18
Calves of Steel Day 18
Tricep Dips Day 18
Daily Walk Day 18
Daily Push-ups Day 9
Dead Hang Day 6

Since I totally bombed out with the GTBOT challenge, I've been getting worse. This morning I finally got to be at 2:15. And for some inexplicable reason woke at 7:45. Dozed for a while longer until Creed started licking my armpit.
My brain had been buzzing when I went to bed so this morning, even before breakfast (but after everything else), I wrote 1200 words before I went out to the shops. I had no food in the house apart from some tins of herring in sauce (yum) and loads of tomatoes. So food had to be bought. And petrol, and other stuff. While I was at the shops, it seemed almost half of what I wanted was represented by an empty shelf! My expression of disgust at not finding something prompted an older man who was wheeling his trolley toward me to stop and have a chat. And could he chat! Complained about inflation and the Liberals and well, must confess I faded in and out a bit but really couldn't get away. After (was it only?) about 10 minutes, he finally started moving past me, then stopped and stuck out his hand and introduced himself and his wife (John and Lynne). Why did he do that? Chances are we'll never meet again, and our conversation was over. Why would you introduce yourself to someone as you're leaving??
So it was late afternoon by the time I was at my computer again. Then there was a tussle trying to get my laptop to reconnect to the internet after yesterday's outage. It said it was connected but I couldn't get anything up and Nord kept saying I wasn't on the internet. Aargh! :smash:And then suddenly everything was behaving properly again, so that's nice. Stopped at dinner time and I'd written a total of 2500 words today.



Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
10k punches Day 19
Posture Day 19
Calves of Steel Day 19
Tricep Dips Day 19
Daily Walk Day 19
Daily Push-ups Day 10
Dead Hang Day 7

I have been called 'obsessive' re Duolingo. I prefer to think 'dedicated'. :LOL:

This morning I went out to a petshop to get a muzzle for Creed, a nice open box-type. Not because he's a vicious dog but because I don't want him to eat any of those little fluffy dogs as he'd probably get fur-balls - I mean, their owners wouldn't like it. Anyway, he was in the car when I went into the shop and then the lady from the shop came out with me to try the muzzle of Creed. He was remarkably well-behaved with her, sat relatively quietly, so I ventured to take him into the shop (they allow dogs if they're on leashes) and got him fitted for a harness with a handle. There is little delineation between the size of his neck and the size of his head, so his collar has once slipped off him and I wanted something that I could grab that I knew wouldn't come off. And everyone said how lovely and handsome he was. He was so well-behaved that I decided it was time for us to venture to a dog-park. The nearest was not far away at all (when driving) and on the edge of Lake Tuggeranong. I'd never been to one before so I don't know if they are all like this. There were two enclosures, one for small and old dogs, the other for big dogs. Fortunately there were no dogs in the big dogs part but I kept Creed on his leash. He went wild when he came near the small dogs and they barked furiously at him (which made him even more reactive, etc etc). Finally, the littlest yappy thing walked away and a dog whose head would probably have reached my knee remained. It got so that Creed actually wagged his tail at him while they sniffed and had the fence between them. Creed had leapt and pulled at his leash and once nearly got me over by tangling the leash around me but I managed to retain my feet - and the leash. We stayed there about 15 minutes, but then someone wanted to run her greyhound off-leash and it was time for us to go. Baby steps. He's not at all well-socialised and this was the first time he 'met' other dogs (other, I suppose, than when he was in the Pound), and he did quite well. We'll got again and I'll have to hope that there will be no big dogs in the enclosure, only little dogs on the other side so he can start to get used to them.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,197
"Striving to be the change."
Aw. Well done, Creed!

If you are keeping him on leash for now, would it not be possible to walk him outside the enclosures, so he can greet the other dogs through the fence that way?

My local dog park also has a separate enclosure for "small, senior, and disabled" dogs. I take Shelby in the big dog area though. At 13-years-old, she definitely qualifies as a senior. And she does not run anymore, or appreciate being jumped on--which I assume is why older dogs are allowed in the small dog area. But if the worst thing that happens in the dog park is some big puppy slamming into her, we'll be fine. Shelby just gives one warning bark, and the puppies accept her dominance and back off. A small dog that is intimidated by a larger dog though can be very aggressive. Shelby has some small-breed dog friends who do just fine with her. Even one neighbour pup who is very timid and whose human thought her dog did not do well with larger dogs made friends with Shelby. But there are others who snap and snarl and bark incessantly and strain at the end of their leash when we walk past. We definitely keep our distance from them!

Where we used to live--well, there wasn't a DOLRA in that town, but in the closest town that did have one--there was only one enclosure for everyone. But there were a lot of calls to get a corner of it sectioned off for the small dogs. I think the idea of separating them is becoming more popular here.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
@Laura Rainbow Dragon Not sure. If he sees other dogs running around, that might make him wild. Besides, the enclosure is big enough that they might never even come near him outside it.

10k punches Day 20
Posture Day 20
Calves of Steel Day 20
Tricep Dips Day 20
Daily Walk Day 20
Daily Push-ups Day 11
Dead Hang Day 8
Lat pull-downs 3 x 10
Indoor cycling 80mins, 37.5km. Watched two episodes.

A couple of days ago I bought a couple of kilos of bananas. Today they were ready for me to peel, break in half, shove in little bags and pop into the freezer to be added to smoothies. 26 smoothies-worth of bananas. I add bananas to give a bit of thickness to the smoothies, and for the potassium. And, let's face it, bananas are just yummy. Aldi has bags of frozen cherries and frozen pineapple atm, so I added cherries to my breakfast (rather than any other berries) and also, yum. Though I think the chocolate protein powder with cherries rather than the vanilla.

Things have been getting out of hand, and it's time to take things back into hand! Went to bed this morning just after 2:30 and that's just too late. Or early. Whatever. Especially considering I wake at 8. Wake, not am woken. Don't know why this is but I need to get to bed earlier. It's 11:48 right now and once I hit the Post button, I'm off, so goodnight!

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 960
"..one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
Things have been getting out of hand, and it's time to take things back into hand! Went to bed this morning just after 2:30 and that's just too late. Or early. Whatever. Especially considering I wake at 8. Wake, not am woken. Don't know why this is but I need to get to bed earlier. It's 11:48 right now and once I hit the Post button, I'm off, so goodnight!
Could you set an alarm for bedtime?


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
10k punches Day 21
Posture Day 21
Calves of Steel Day 21
Tricep Dips Day 21
Daily Walk Day 21
Daily Push-ups Day 12
Dead Hang Day 9

Took Creed to the dog park again today. So many references to snow but here it's just getting hot. And the flies! Let me just say that small plastic bag containing dog poo + heat = flies. Not pleasant. Next time, must remember the Aeroguard! Anyway, not many at the park today. There was a woman in the small dog part who asked if I wanted her dog to come over and say hello to Creed. Since no-one was barking (I was behaving myself!) Creed was fine. A Ridgeback is a scent hound, so I let him have a good ol' sniffing around in the park before we left. Oh, and there's my car in the background!
I love his curly tail - except that it strikes like a whip!


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
10k punches Day 22
Posture Day 22
Calves of Steel Day 22
Tricep Dips Day 22
Daily Walk Day 22
Daily Push-ups Day 13
Dead Hang Day 10

Rush of blood to the head this evening and decided to sweep the bathroom. Years ago, my dad hand-knotted a toilet mat for me and I took it out to shake it. Creed thought I was playing with him and snatched it out of my hand. He raced around the yard, shaking it and having a fine old time. I thought it was hilarious. Until he dropped it. There is a lot of bindii in my yard and I spent the next ten minutes picking the burrs out! Still, it was rather funny.

Before I moved here, I bought myself a new puzzle. Was saving it as a sort of house-warming gift, but when exactly do I get it then? Anyway, it had been a while (too long!) since I'd done a puzzle, so I did this one. I made it last three days. :worried: I didn't want to hurry it because I had lots of creative thinking to do. It's a Schmidt puzzle. Their quality is excellent - way better than Ravensburger, but not with the range, unfortunately. It was easier than I had hoped, but fun anyway. Kind of wish I lived there... :cool:
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
10k punches Day 25
Posture Day 25
Calves of Steel Day 25
Tricep Dips Day 25
Daily Push-ups Day 16
Dead Hang Day 13

Turkey run - 10 burpees = 20 turkeys

PD - 45 minutes. Decided to add a 'PD' reminder/prompt. No matter what we do in our professional lives, we can always improve on it, always learn something new, or even start looking into something new for a new career. Anyway, I'd like to try to incorporate some deliberate PD into my week, say a couple of hours. Of course, in the first flush of this "new shiny", it seems a great idea - until I get bored. But let's just hope that for once, TN has an attention span longer than the life of a gnat and I'm going to give it a go.
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
10k punches Day 26
Posture Day 26
Calves of Steel Day 26
Tricep Dips Day 26
Daily Push-ups Day 17
Dead Hang Day 14

PD - 55 mins

Surprised I'm not more tired today. Got to bed just before 12:30 but couldn't get to sleep until some time after 2! What was with that? I guess it didn't help that Footsy chased and then ate a bug, and Creed kept pacing and lying his head down on my mattress and shoving his cold wet nose against my back or in my armpit...

Took stuff to the tip - cardboard from the big shed, the gas bottles left by the tenants - and it was a bit hot out, I think we got to about 33 degrees. So I bought watermelon. :watermelon: Because, well, it's hot out. Not that cool in here, actually. The coconut oil in my bathroom is in a constant liquid state.

Funny thing this afternoon. I was reading and then dictated a quote into Bookly. As I read over it before hitting Save, I saw that I had apparently said p*** when actually I'd said [;)] which tickled me and I laughed, but I hadn't turned off the voice-to-text so my quote then ended with a line of "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha sorry, sorry"! Ah, technology can always amuse luddites!
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
@Laura Rainbow Dragon You've got to be kidding, right? He gets on the bed, there's no room for me! There's not that much room with just his head there.

10k punches Day 27
Posture Day 27
Calves of Steel Day 27
Tricep Dips Day 27
Daily Push-ups Day 18
Dead Hang Day 15

Well, today turned into a day very different from the one I was expecting. Just before 11 this morning, we hit our max temp of 28 degrees. It was becoming grey and rain was forecast for afternoon/evening. I decided to take Creed to the dog park (despite discovering that he shed so much on my car seats!!). And it was a pretty good time. He met another dog, Louie. He didn't really play - he was far too busy watching everything. A little later, two smaller dogs entered the big dog enclosure, Daisy (golden retriever/poodle, but she didn't even come up to my knees), and Tilly (Bichon cross, about the size of my cat). He sniffed at them and everything was fine. He said hello to the owners and that was all good. When some little dogs came into the other enclosure and he went to check them out, one barked at him. That's something he can't stand and I'm so with him on that. I hate little barking yappy dogs. Anyway, another dog started barking at Creed, so Louie rushed over to make sure Creed was okay. And then it started raining, just a light drizzle. Someone else's dogs were running around and that gets Creed wanting to chase them. To play or to prey? Don't know, not wanting to find out. Anyway, we left after about an hour. Just as I was turning into my driveway, Creed leapt out of the back seat and into my lap. Sub-optimal. Fortunately the front tyre hit the carport strut before the car could. Then I noticed that Creed's paw was bleeding. And yes, now I had blood to add to the rips in my jeans. Fun fact: Australia has a vet shortage! There are apparently only 14,000 vets in the country. If I wanted another career, perhaps I'd consider vet science. So the first three vets I called couldn't see him, but the fourth said that a vet nurse could check him out. It was a 25-minute drive and it was raining and I was wearing grubby, ripped, blood-stained jeans, but hey, fun day, right? Turns out that somehow he'd managed to rip off a couple of toe nails, not quite all gone so they should grow back all right, fortunately. He was very good at the clinic. He was taken from me and I did hear a little whining (from him!), then we were re-united. I asked to be shown how to clip his nails, so the nurse gave me some liver treats to distract him while she and another nurse clipped his nails. And he was fine with that. Then he was weighed and I asked if he was too thin, but the nurse said that we're all used to seeing overweight dogs. Creed's lean and muscular - what so many of us aspire to be, I suppose! - so I'm feeding him enough. He gets a pain-killer before his dinner, but other than that, and my trying to keep his foot clean, he's okay. We return on Friday to check there's no infection.

Spent the late afternoon scrubbing a few score blood spots out of the carpet. Paste of bicarb left to sit for a while worked well.

When I got home, there was a little present to myself waiting. I was surprised that it had arrived so soon. I bought myself a walking mat - or a mini treadmill. Very basic little thing. Its total length is only 120cm, with the belt being 100 x 38cm, and it has a max speed of 10kph. It operates via remote control (because it's only a mat or under-desk sort of thing) and its display has no memory which means I have to see how far I've walked before I shut it off. I gave it a go tonight while watching an episode, so I walked for 40 minutes in front of the teev. Note to self: wear shoes.
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,197
"Striving to be the change."
@Laura Rainbow Dragon You've got to be kidding, right? He gets on the bed, there's no room for me! There's not that much room with just his head there.

Just as I was turning into my driveway, Creed leapt out of the back seat and into my lap. Sub-optimal.
Yikes! You need a dog car hammock. Keeps the seats clean, and also provides a barrier between the front and back seats to prevent the whole dog-jumping-onto-the-driver's-lap issue.

I'm glad you were able to get Creed in to see a vet tech. I still need to find a new vet for Shelby, since we've moved house and I don't have a car to get her back to the old one. We have a shortage of veterinarians here now too. So many people got dogs while they were laid off and/or working from home during pandemic restrictions. In my neighbourhood in particular, there are so many dogs! I'm a little bit afraid to start calling around, afraid I'll discover there's no one anywhere near us who'll take her.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
The Creedster seems fine, and thank you all for your wishes. He quite happily chomps down the tablet I have to give him so that's no problem. Back to the vet tomorrow for a check.

10k punches Day 28
Posture Day 28
Calves of Steel Day 28
Tricep Dips Day 28
Daily Push-ups Day 19
Dead Hang Day 16

PD - 45 minutes

Rained this morning so it was hot and humid but I had to go shopping so... The beasts don't seem to get it - it's hot but the cat has to curl up in my lap; it's hot but the dog has to lie on (he's not good at the whole at thing!) my feet. I'll appreciate this in winter but right now, not so much.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
10k punches Day 29
Posture Day 29
Calves of Steel Day 29
Tricep Dips Day 29
Daily Push-ups Day 20
Dead Hang Day 17
Chest press 3x4

Had to take Creed back to the vet this morning. Met a pug called Douglas, or Dougie. Dougie the puppy puggy. Really... Creed's toes are getting there, still bleed a bit when he knocks his foot so no going out for another week, just until things start growing back. When I got back, my order had been delivered and left leaning against the front of the house. Two 25kg boxes. It wasn't the weight but rather the dimensions that made them difficult to carry, given height and width were each over 1m and there was nothing to grab but I got them around the house, through the back gate, across the yard, and up into the shed. It's supposed to absolutely bucket down tomorrow so I guess it'll be a task for Sunday.

Went to the Other House this afternoon to give the Lad an Advent calendar but he'd been given a flash one for his birthday so gave it to my eldest instead. She's finished school for the year - Year 12 next year! And she read out the comments she'd received from various teachers and told me some of her work is going to be provided to future students as an example of good work. She went on and on, and when the Lad came home from school, she told him in no uncertain terms to be quiet - she was talking to me. But she won't call or text, or even acknowledge my texts... Then the Lad had to show me this and that and everything else, and he asked me to stay a bit longer. Which I did. And he sat on my lap, then squeezed me around the middle and asked if he were getting stronger. As I was leaving, he asked if he could visit me today but I told him he had Boys' Brigade in just over an hour and there was no time but he was welcome any (other) time. And yet he hasn't called me for over a month either...

Got some of my Christmas decorations though and I'll set up the Advent stuff tomorrow.

When I came home - well, let's just say it's a good thing that I have so many spare lace curtains! Charitably, I could think that a certain dog was looking out the front window and somehow got caught in the curtain. I liked that sheer - all the others are more lace. :(
He knew he'd not done a Good Thing. He was lurking in the dining room, head down, tail wagging very low. Footsy didn't care - nothing to do with her. You know: she's a cat.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Unfortunately, @NancyTree the rip goes up too high. So, out with the old and in with the... er, old, I guess. :LOL:

Daily Push-ups Day 21
Dead Hang Day 18
1 Minute Yoga Day 1 - don't think I've ever done this challenge.
Touch Your Toes Day 1 - gotta keep the flexy
Glutes of Steel Day 1
1 Minute Plank Day 1
Easy Core Day 1
Easy Abs Day 1

Why are vacuum cleaners designed for people under 1.5m tall? I mean, I'm no giant but I feel I have to fold right over in the middle to vacuum! Electro-static attraction on my new treadmill revealed how dog-hairy my carpet is.
Was! :smirk:
Got the Advent things set up.

Bucketted with rain today so my water butts are full. Creed hates the rain so I had to go out and stand in the rain with him so he could pee! Honestly! Perhaps he could share Footsy's litter tray...

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,197
"Striving to be the change."
Why are vacuum cleaners designed for people under 1.5m tall?

Bucketted with rain today so my water butts are full. Creed hates the rain so I had to go out and stand in the rain with him so he could pee! Honestly! Perhaps he could share Footsy's litter tray...
:hug: for Creed.
Would you want to have to go outside to pee in the rain?


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Would you want to have to go outside to pee in the rain?
I'm probably the wrong person to ask that of! :cool: But I don't snack from the litter tray or lick my own... well, he doesn't actually have any to lick anymore, and if he's fine with that, what's a few raindrops? He should just dog-up. :happys:
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Daily Push-ups Day 22
Dead Hang Day 19
1 Minute Yoga Day 2
Touch Your Toes Day 2
Glutes of Steel Day 2
1 Minute Plank Day 2
Easy Core Day 2
Easy Abs Day 2
First Thing Water Day 1 - had intended to start this yesterday but I forgot
One and Done Day 1
Fit December Day 1 - it's Tradition, isn't it? Still unsure exactly which one burns more - hips or shoulders. Felt good though. :onfire:

A pleasantly cool day to begin December. Off-loaded more stuff at the charity shop which resulted in a bit more floor space in the library to sort through the remaining tubs of books. A lot still has to go; there's not so much room left on the shelves. :cry:
It's supposed to be hot but dry tomorrow - more rain forecast for the rest of the week, with temperatures around 30 so that'll be hot and humid which I hate - so I'll take the opportunity to build the henhouse, then perhaps organise to pick up the chooks with the Lad on the weekend so he can see them installed.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,197
"Striving to be the change."
I don't snack from the litter tray or lick my own...
What has questionable culinary taste got to do with not wanting to get drenched with hard, cold rain while doing one's business?

He should just dog-up. :happys:
Aww! Come to Canada, Creed! I've got your back. Shelby and I will even let you sleep in the big bed.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
@Laura Rainbow Dragon Creed very much appreciates your offer and he did think long and hard about the offer of the big bed, but when I told him that not only do you have twice the rainfall of Canberra, you also have snow. So he thanks you for your kind offer but regretfully has to decline. And he also asked me to say that, in all fairness, it was only a light drizzle and the temperature was about 20 degrees.

Daily Push-ups Day 23
Dead Hang Day 20
Touch Your Toes Day 3
1 Minute Plank Day 3
Glutes of Steel Day 3
1 Minute Yoga Day 3
Easy Core Day 3
Easy Abs Day 3
First Thing Water Day 2
One and Done Day 2
Fit December Day 2

So, there's supposed to be a bit more rain this week, but today was hot and clear and sunny so I built the henhouse. Took me a couple of hours and it was getting hot! (Note to self: don't leave screws sitting out in the sun. Or the drill. Ouch.) Then, as it was well overdue, I decided to mow. The mower hit thermal overload so I let it cool down a bit and went inside for a drink. I also checked my phone and found a message - the Lad wanted to be brought over after school, was that all right? Sure. But whether or not you're being judged, with some people, you always feel that, so I had to be even more perfect than usual (is that even possible? :LOL: ). Fortunately I'd recently vacuumed, and the dishes were done. I took down the torn curtain ready to replace it, but the hook on one side came out of the window frame so I had to grab my drill and stick in another hole to reposition the hook before I could hang the curtain - and I thought the curtain would be a quick thing to do! I finished the mowing, folded away the last of the clean washing that was still in the basket (I had figured I'd eventually wear everything in the basket which would then be a sign I had to do the washing again!), washed the bathroom vanity, tidied a few things and we were good to go. They arrived around 3:40 and left about an hour later. The Lad had to try all my exercise equipment (only the little treadmill was new to him). Creed was pretty good but he did jump up on the Lad and one time licked him which caused tears of alarm (he's very... sensitive). I got a lot of hugs. Proposed the Saturday thing which was accepted. He'll bring a couple of games and we'll have dinner. Should be nice.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,197
"Striving to be the change."
@Laura Rainbow Dragon Creed very much appreciates your offer and he did think long and hard about the offer of the big bed, but when I told him that not only do you have twice the rainfall of Canberra, you also have snow. So he thanks you for your kind offer but regretfully has to decline. And he also asked me to say that, in all fairness, it was only a light drizzle and the temperature was about 20 degrees.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,342
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Daily Push-ups Day 25
Dead Hang Day 22
Touch Your Toes Day 5
1 Minute Plank Day 5
Glutes of Steel Day 5
1 Minute Yoga Day 5
Easy Core Day 5
Easy Abs Day 5
First Thing Water Day 4
One and Done Day 4
Fit December Day 4
Treadmill walk, 40 mins

Went out today to get chicken supplies and while I was out that way, decided to pop into a few places and get some quotes for a split-system air conditioner. First place I went to, sorry, the salesman (note, singular) was in a meeting but the receptionist took my name and details and someone will get back to me. Installation not before mid-January. Second place, greeted by James. Explained what I wanted. I even have the plans of my little house on my phone so I managed to pass that on to him. He suggested a bigger system than I thought, then explained exactly why. Said he supposed I'd want it before Christmas (!), he'll get Barry to contact me tomorrow to arrange for Nick (sparky) to come out and check things. We had a great chat. Wow! I'm thinking unless the first place comes up with a significantly lower quote, I'm going with the second. Customer service means a lot to me. Then, as I was just down the road from it, I popped into the jigsaw puzzle shop and got myself some Christmas presents - one Ravensburger (because I like the Lost Places series) and one Clementoni (because they are also excellent quality). Now I must resist... :LOL: