Goal + Action = Reality


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from USA
Posts: 443
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Happy New Year!
New Year Celebration GIF by sylterinselliebe


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,322
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
First Thing Water - I'm just going to try to stick with this every day.
Power Pose Day 22
Bed on Time Day 19
Multiplank Day 3
Jump-rope - looks like I'm going to have to drop this for a little while. I think it was just too much to start with. Yesterday the lower back was grumbling but I paid it little attention; today it was shrieking, so I did a deadhang and some spinal twists and that eased things up. Right now, it feels pretty okay, but I think all that bouncing was a bit too much. I'd like to do rebounding because it's said to have health benefits, but I think I have to start off really small so the back gets used to things. Here's me, actually listening to my body!
Walkabout Day 3 - realised that it's really easy to walk even for a minute or two on my little treadmill, so while dinner was cooking, that's what I did today. Walk - stir - walk - suddenly remember I'd forgotten to add the peas, so add the peas - walk - and so on. Not for very long, all up, but enough.
Wall-Sit Day 3
Ninja Day 3
Standing Abs Day 1 - I can delay gratification and wait until the month begins. :angel:
Zero Hero Day 1 - well, this programme has changed, hasn't it? Don't yet know how much, I haven't peeked (very far). It's a whole new programme.
So tell me, what were you doing when the aliens invaded? Me, oh I was just taking out the rubbish...
PD - 51 minutes
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,322
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
First Thing Water
Power Pose Day 23
Bed on Time Day 20
Multiplank Day 4 - I do enjoy side planks. That's an okay thing, right?
Walkabout Day 4
Wall-Sit Day 4
Ninja Day 4
Standing Abs Day 2
Zero Hero Day 2

Realised yesterday that I didn't have a calendar for this year. Not that I really need one, but sometimes I jot down when something happens so I like to have one. This time of year, every shopping centre has a pop-up stall selling calendars so I went out to my local. Of course, now all calendars are on sale, so, being one whole day without a calendar meant that I spent only $7 rather than $25! Every calendar there was going for $7. I was seriously tempted by one that gave 365 kittens - a kitten a day! - but I feared I'd get over-kittened, so I went another Walking Dead calendar. Also got myself a diary - the sort that has one page for a week (3 lines per day), and on the left side is a wilderness nature picture. One of the best things about a diary like this is when I've finished with it, I can tear out the best pictures and stick them up. I intend to use this diary to track my creative work - words or time, on what, brain drain or chapter, stuff like that - so I get a clearer idea of how I'm working.

It's been interesting reading other people's goals for this year. I haven't set any yet, not really, and I'm not sure I will. There are things I'd like to do, but are they goals? Do I want to do them that much? If I don't really, but I set them as goals anyway, chances are I won't achieve them and then I'll disappoint myself. Goals have to be something I really want to achieve. I suppose, though, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a second tier of things I'd like to achieve or have a go at this year... ;)

One thing I'll try to do is comment more on people's posts. It's a difficult thing for me to do, primarily because I'm rarely sure if the poster really wants an opinion or is just having a rant. And then, I'm pretty blunt and so I might unintentionally insult. So hey, for those of you reading this, if I ever comment on one of your posts, remember that I don't mean to insult! It's just TN trying to be social. :cool:


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,322
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Dang it! Now I feel I ought to go back and get that darned kitten calendar. :kittens:

First Thing Water
Power Pose Day 24
Bed on Time Day 21
Multiplank Day 5
Walkabout Day 5
Wall-Sit Day 5
Ninja Day 5
Standing Abs Day 3
Zero Hero Day 3
PD - 40 minutes

This morning I decided to go for a little slow trot on the treadmill (22 minutes, 1 episode of season 9 ZR). I go through these strange running phases. I'm not a good runner but I can kind of run (lurch, shuffle - whatever, I'm sure I'm faster than the zombies. Except perhaps the ones in Zombieland because those ones were fast, weren't they?) and sometimes I want to prove that to myself.
Later this afternoon, I got back on the treadmill and walked. I was trying to do what Garmin told me, but it's so hard to keep to a particular speed. First I was over and then I was under... Still, another episode, another 22 minutes.

Finished a puzzle today - the first one of the year! Normally I don't do portrait-oriented puzzles because they're awkward, but who could resist this beauty?

Late this afternoon/early this evening, the whole world took on a lovely yellow colour. Not the scary one associated with bushfires and such, fortunately, but a golden one associated with sundown. The picture doesn't do it justice, but the white netting over the greenhouse shows how everything turned yellowish.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,322
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
First Thing Water
Power Pose Day 25
Bed on Time Day 22
Multiplank Day 6
Walkabout Day 6
Wall-Sit Day 6
Ninja Day 6
Standing Abs Day 4
Zero Hero Day 4
PD - 30 minutes

I believe that it is important, occasionally, to share things that we learn. And I've recently learnt something which I present, perhaps as a cautionary tale.
If you have moved your dumbbells in order to relocate other items in your house, either move said dumbbells back or else ensure that they are neatly tucked away somewhere. If you fail to do this, please refrain from kicking a dumbbell with your second small toe by accident. Ensure that if you do this, you do it by deliberate! That way, when said small toe breaks, you can say "Aha, I did that deliberately to test a hypothesis. Yes, it appears I was totally correct. Solid block of metal being forcibly struck by a small and fragile piece of human will result in absolutely no damage to said solid block of metal (otherwise known as a dumbbell - which curiously enough is a slang term for a stupid person. Coincidence? I think not.)." This way, you appear considered and wise. Doing it by accident, on the other hand, just makes you look a bit of a prat...


Well-known member
Warrior from Germany
Posts: 154
First Thing Water
Power Pose Day 25
Bed on Time Day 22
Multiplank Day 6
Walkabout Day 6
Wall-Sit Day 6
Ninja Day 6
Standing Abs Day 4
Zero Hero Day 4
PD - 30 minutes

I believe that it is important, occasionally, to share things that we learn. And I've recently learnt something which I present, perhaps as a cautionary tale.
If you have moved your dumbbells in order to relocate other items in your house, either move said dumbbells back or else ensure that they are neatly tucked away somewhere. If you fail to do this, please refrain from kicking a dumbbell with your second small toe by accident. Ensure that if you do this, you do it by deliberate! That way, when said small toe breaks, you can say "Aha, I did that deliberately to test a hypothesis. Yes, it appears I was totally correct. Solid block of metal being forcibly struck by a small and fragile piece of human will result in absolutely no damage to said solid block of metal (otherwise known as a dumbbell - which curiously enough is a slang term for a stupid person. Coincidence? I think not.)." This way, you appear considered and wise. Doing it by accident, on the other hand, just makes you look a bit of a prat...
Don't mean to laugh at you breaking the toe, but the way this Was written is hilarious to me.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,322
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
The thing about toes, if it's just a simple break, you pull the toe straight and that's about it. Well, at least, that's what I've done. Except for the first one but I was only a teenager at the time and knew everything nothing. For that one I went to the doctor. Fortunately I wear barefoot shoes, but even so, today when I was out, things were getting a little uncomfortable but not too bad.

First Thing Water - this seems to have become so automatic already that it was only be noting the glass was wet that I realised I'd already had my water this morning!
Power Pose Day 27
Bed on Time Day 24
Multiplank Day 8
Walkabout Day 8
Wall-Sit Day 8
Ninja Day 8
Standing Abs Day 6
Zero Hero Day 6
PD - 1 1/2 hours

Already crossed something off my To-Do list today! I finally heaved my lazy self up and out and headed for the commercial suburb, determined to visit furniture shops. It was about time I got myself a chair! Pulled in to the first one. Bloke asked what I wanted, I told him. He showed me a chair - didn't like it, too soggy in the seat. He showed me another. I liked it. He noted that my knees were higher than the chair so slipped a riser under it, which made things even more comfortable. New Year Sale, so it was down $400 - which covered the additional cost of the riser and delivery! So, in a fortnight's time, I'll actually have a chair in my lounge room. Normally I'd have checked out more places but I hate shopping, and I'd have to find other shops and go through the whole thing again and then decide which one I liked best... So I took the first one I liked and it's done and dusted. Now I have to clear the library of the boxes of books that are still on the floor in there so the Kloudsac can be relocated. But there's a box of jigsaws there too so instead of simply removing them to the study (where there is a teetering pile of boxes full of jigsaw puzzles louring higher than me), decided finally to get a shelving unit to put them all on, as planned but I'd been too lazy to go out and get until today. Be nice to see all my jigsaws available for choice.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,322
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
First Thing Water
Power Pose Day 28
Bed on Time Day 25
Multiplank Day 9
Walkabout Day 9
Wall-Sit Day 9
Ninja Day 9
Standing Abs Day 7
Zero Hero Day 7
PD - 20 minutes

Crazy weather. 35 degrees yesterday, today we managed to clamber up to 21. it was cloudy. We had been promised rain but nope. I'd love to be a meteorologist. Probably the only occupation where you can be wrong over 50% of the time and still stay employed! I realised this morning that I had to go to the pharmacy and, as it was cool and cloudy, though quite windy, I decided to walk. I needed only one thing so it seemed silly to take the car. The shops are only just over 2km away. Additionally, if I walked, I wouldn't be tempted to buy anything else - and I didn't need anything else. So I walked. The way there was slightly downhill, and I thought it was a little harder coming back because I had already walked over 2km, but it could also have been because I was now facing a fairly steady wind. My speed both ways, though, was about equal - average of 5.9kph or a pace of 10:10. The toe didn't mind at all - until I got home when it had a brief nag.
Built my shelving unit and put the jigsaws on it. Finally done! Looks great and it's nice to be able to see them all. Well, not quite all because two shelves have smaller boxes and are therefore double layered.
Spent way too long on the computer today. Productively, let me add! Started writing out the complete plot of bk 1, beginning with deep background that nobody will really know but it informs other decisions, answering all the questions in my own mind such as why did X do that? How did Y know that? Where's the link that joins A and B? All those little queries that pop up. In truth, many of these answers will never be clearly stated but they lead to motivations - and help me create a tighter narrative with clearer (in my mind) relationships. Anyway, after over 4000 words (or about 12 pages), I was tired and coming up to the final Act so I decided to stop for the day. I've recently finished reading Robert McKee's Story and that has made certain things so clear for me. I think I got way more out of that book than I have so far from any number of YouTube videos! Highly recommend it.

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 958
"..one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
Crazy weather. 35 degrees yesterday, today we managed to clamber up to 21. it was cloudy. We had been promised rain but nope. I'd love to be a meteorologist. Probably the only occupation where you can be wrong over 50% of the time and still stay employed!
Well you could be a groundhog; he has a terrible accuracy rate of 36%! Groundhog prediction accuracy rating I could do better flipping a coin. Maybe that's what the meteorologists do?


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,322
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
First Thing Water
Power Pose Day 29
Bed on Time Day 26
Multiplank Day 10
Walkabout Day 10
Wall-Sit Day 10
Ninja Day 10
Standing Abs Day 8
Zero Hero Day 8
PD - 20 minutes

Finished what I had started yesterday with another 1000 words, then wasted an awful lot of time playing around with cover design - at which I'm totally rubbish but I don't mind because I'm not going to have to do it. Did come up with a couple that look cool but I'm not sure that they are at all representative of the stories!
20250108_163223.jpg 20250108_163252.jpg
Ah, yeah, these are actual photos of printed pages (hence the curled edge of the second picture). Not as cool as @Nevetharine 's but she's obviously much better at this than I am. Aargh! And I see now that the titles aren't even at the same height! Good thing this was just something done for fun and I'll probably never do it again. Probably better that way...

Had a text exchange with my sister this evening which really screwed up my plans. So much resentment and fabrication and accusation! She and hers haven't realised that you can't insult someone who really doesn't give a damn. Poking pseudo-insults at someone when they just totally fall flat? She complained of not being rich; I suggested that she might try getting a job (she's never had one and barely scraped through high school). So she came back and asked when was the last time I had a job, and I asked if she were referring to the $100,000p/a job I quit in 2013? She then wouldn't shut up and I - well, I was petty and childish and I kept baiting her because it's always been easy. Then she accused me of doing something and I said that nobody had ever been able to do that, whereupon she said that yes, I had. I replied "What a star!" thinking that would shut her up, not no. It was getting tiresome and went on for a couple of hours! Sure, I could have stopped but well, my ringtone is:
Anyway, she finally stopped but I've been left... agitated and I don't appreciate that. She claims she loves us but I feel that she loves the idea of siblings more than the actual physical people. So, just sayin'.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
Those cover images are definitely intriguing! (The text alignment issue is an easy fix.)

It was getting tiresome and went on for a couple of hours! Sure, I could have stopped but well, my ringtone is:
Well then, you know what you need to do if you want things to change. (It's not easy. But the ball is in your court.)



Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,322
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Well then, you know what you need to do if you want things to change
Yes. But things have already changed. Being 'forgiven' for wrongs I haven't committed, or saying to her offspring that my marriage was one of 'convenience' (huh? what am I? some 18th century maiden?) is bad enough, but it doesn't really affect me and I can ignore that; on the other hand - and perhaps I'm a little over-protective of my brother - when she tells her children that her brother is a loser because he failed in his attempt to commit suicide, well that's beyond the pale. Someone like that is deserving of neither my time nor my charity. I need do nothing.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,322
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
First Thing Water
Bed on Time Day 27
Multiplank Day 11
Walkabout Day 11
Wall-Sit Day 11
Ninja Day 11
Standing Abs Day 9
Zero Hero Day 9

One of the doors of my shower screen decided to fall off its runner this morning. For a little while, I couldn't get out of the shower! Seem now to have added another skill to my set. Had to go out so bundled errands together. Yesterday I'd tried to hang some hooks for my resistance bands but there was no beam where I wanted them and I realised I needed plugs for the plasterboard which I didn't have but now have. I'll put up those hooks tomorrow. Finally also got myself a spline roller and fixed the loose spline at the bottom of the front screen door which has been bugging me almost since I moved in. Looks like I'll have to replace a few fly screens too and that'll be a bit of a pain but there are large holes in the wire - or rather, polyester mesh, so I'll need to measure for mesh and spline... I was never made to be a handyman.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
Someone like that is deserving of neither my time nor my charity. I need do nothing.
Exactly. (But you didn't do nothing, is my point. You gave her two hours of your time. Why? You cannot change her. Only how you respond--or don't--to her.)

I am not judging. (I am the last person on the planet with any right to do that in the whole realm of "just don't take the bait when a family member attacks you/someone you love" advice.) I thought that in your previous comment you were acknowledging that what you need to do is ignore this person. I was trying to express my support for this. Clearly I did so clumsily. I apologize.


Well-known member
from USA
Posts: 443
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
I’m glad you didn’t succeed in your attempt to commit suicide. You’re a winner to me! Someday your sister’s kids will see that. :nod:


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,322
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Over-share much, TN? Yeah, sorry about that. Won't happen again. Back to normal.

First Thing Water
Bed on Time Day 28
Multiplank Day 12
Walkabout Day 12
Wall-Sit Day 12
Ninja Day 12
Standing Abs Day 10
Zero Hero Day 10
Triceps push-downs - 22, 24, 26
Triceps kick-backs 3 x 12es
Overhead Triceps extensions 3 x 12es

Got the hooks up - those little black chairs from IKEA. Bought them years ago as toys for the children, now actually used them for their express purpose. Resistance bands off the floor and on the wall.
Rained today so all my water containers are refilled.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Over-share much, TN? Yeah, sorry about that. Won't happen again. Back to normal.
Oversharing and supporting is what we're here for! Never feel bad about posting something on your check-in thread. It's for you most of all! :tuzki-love:

Congrats on getting your hooks up for resistance training!


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,322
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
First Thing Water
Bed on Time Day 29
Multiplank Day 13
Walkabout Day 13
Wall-Sit Day 13
Ninja Day 13
Standing Abs Day 11
Zero Hero Day 11
Bent-over DB rows 3 x 8
Single-arm DB rows 3 x 12
Lat pull-down (narrow grip) 3 x 12
Scapular shrugs 2 x 6
Hanging knee raises x 6
Treadmill walk/run. Annoying, isn't it, when you forget to start the Garmin! Was on for 23 minutes (1 episode of ZR) but turned off treadmill before I noted the distance. Then the cat climbed on it and went to sleep.
Perhaps she just doesn't like the noise...
PD - 35 minutes

Built more shelves in shed and now my camping gear is out of the study and in the shed.

Decided it was time to get stuck into the crates of books still on the floor of the library. There are 9 crates - were 9 crates. Down to 8 now. I told myself I only had to do one. Most of these contain my cookbooks. I used to love to bake. Not really much point now just for one. So far I have uncovered 19 books just on baking bread (I used to bake a lot of bread). I've gone through 10 of them and discarded 4. A work in progress.

Got the washing on the line, flapping in the sunshine. Then later this afternoon/evening, my washing received a very thorough extra rinse. Oh well.

And to be fair, if I post a picture of Footsy, I ought also to post one of Creed, so here he is tonight, obeying the letter of the law and not sleeping on my lap!
Well, not all of him!
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,322
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
@FlowersandPetals tabbies are great, but your lad looks to have those gorgeous tiger stripes while Footsy is just spotted like an ocelot.

First Thing Water
Multiplank Day 14
Walkabout Day 14
Wall-Sit Day 14
Ninja Day 14
Standing Abs Day 12
Zero Hero Day 12 - yep, this pegged my swimming style down perfectly!
Treadmill walking - 50 minutes. Really got to work on figuring that stride length! And once again, as soon as I was done, Footsy settled on the treadmill.
Preacher curls 3 x 12
DB curls 3 x 12
Reverse DB curls (thumbless grip) 2 x 12
Wrist twists x 12
PD - 40 minutes

Doing the curls flared up that pain in my forearm that I'd noticed this time last year. I thought it had gone but nope, just waiting in the wings for... something. I never notice it except when I'm doing something forearm-centric, so decided I'd better do some specific work on those.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,322
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
@NancyTree who - me? :cool:

First Thing Water
Multiplank Day 15
Walkabout Day 15
Wall-Sit Day 15
Ninja Day 15
Standing Abs Day 13
Zero Hero Day 13
Chest press 3 x 12
DB flyes 3 x 12
DB pull-overs 3 x 12 - had to focus very hard on that left shoulder so it didn't pop out again. Need to work more on strengthening it.
Leg extensions - 3 x 12 - and the dog was in the right part of his bed so he didn't even have to move!
Treadmill walk - 47 minutes, around 4.5km - two episodes of ZR.
Treadmill walk after dinner - 25 minutes. I saw there were side missions in season 10 so I did one of those.
PD - 40 minutes

My Garmin has my step length set at something, the ZR app has it set at another entirely different, so today I thought I'd work out what it actually was. So I put down a half-brick on the grass, wandered about a bit, just stretching and walking, then walked from that brick ten steps and placed another half-brick. Pulled out the tape measure I was carrying and measured. But that didn't seem right so I did it again. (I tried to check my running stride but Creed thought I was playing and started chasing me. I lost count!) Then I went inside and tried it. My steps inside are shorter than those outside. When I walk, I really lope along. I walked from my sliding door across the dining room and into the lounge almost to the front window. Seven steps. Hey, small house! And that gave me a length of 75.7cm, which I thought sounded kind of average and was very different from what I'd recorded outside. Which I measured again, just to be sure. Hmm... Then I got on the treadmill. It's a basic machine and it rotates through the metrics and you can't stop at any particular one but have to wait for it. At one point, I noted steps, continued counting them until distance appeared and then I worked it out again. 2200 steps = 2km - which equals 1.1 steps per metre, or around 90cm per step. Yep, the same as outside. I had wondered why my foot kept almost falling off the back of the treadmill - it's only one metre long! Makes a great difference when ZR had my step length as 71cm!

Pulled out the weights bench today. Only did it so that when I'd finished, the cat could have somewhere different to sleep!
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