First Thing Water
Power Pose Day 23
Bed on Time Day 20
Multiplank Day 4 - I do enjoy side planks. That's an okay thing, right?
Walkabout Day 4
Wall-Sit Day 4
Ninja Day 4
Standing Abs Day 2
Zero Hero Day 2
Realised yesterday that I didn't have a calendar for this year. Not that I really
need one, but sometimes I jot down when something happens so I like to have one. This time of year, every shopping centre has a pop-up stall selling calendars so I went out to my local. Of course, now all calendars are on sale, so, being one whole day without a calendar meant that I spent only $7 rather than $25! Every calendar there was going for $7. I was seriously tempted by one that gave 365 kittens - a kitten a day! - but I feared I'd get over-kittened, so I went another Walking Dead calendar. Also got myself a diary - the sort that has one page for a week (3 lines per day), and on the left side is a wilderness nature picture. One of the best things about a diary like this is when I've finished with it, I can tear out the best pictures and stick them up. I intend to use this diary to track my creative work - words or time, on what, brain drain or chapter, stuff like that - so I get a clearer idea of how I'm working.
It's been interesting reading other people's goals for this year. I haven't set any yet, not really, and I'm not sure I will. There are things I'd
like to do, but are they goals? Do I want to do them
that much? If I don't really, but I set them as goals anyway, chances are I won't achieve them and then I'll disappoint myself. Goals have to be something I really want to achieve. I suppose, though, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a second tier of things I'd
like to achieve or have a go at this year...
One thing I'll try to do is comment more on people's posts. It's a difficult thing for me to do, primarily because I'm rarely sure if the poster really wants an opinion or is just having a rant. And then, I'm pretty blunt and so I might unintentionally insult. So hey, for those of you reading this, if I ever comment on one of your posts, remember that I don't mean to insult! It's just TN trying to be social.