Growing in confidence

Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
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Hi there bees,

I'm back again. In the old forum i had a training log too (but not for very long untill i stopped posting and working out...). I don't remember for how long i know darebee, but over the time i did most of the easier workouts and i started running.
Now i did a fresh start this month, despite life beeing very busy. Beside my job, i'm on the board of a small student drama club and we are having two plays coming up. The first performances will take place this weekend (so the last rehearsal today) and the other one in two more weeks.
I'm still trying to keep up with my fitness journey. Overall, my fitness is not to bad. I don't own a car so i use my bike a lot and my partner and me are going dancing once a week.

But I want to get more consistency, and so i hope a training log will keep me motivated. For a start my goals are:
  • Exercise at least a little every day
  • Beeing able to run 10k again, this time in (under) 1 hour (theres an upcoming running event in mai)
  • Finally finish my very last essay for my bachelor degree (I even have my thesis finished, only this essay is missing)
For a start, i decidet to redo all of the easier programms, since the are updated. I started with foundation light and arms of steel (seatet) and am almost finish.

I'm not sure yet how often i can update this log, but i'll try twice a week. Since english is not my native language, i'm happy about corrections, so I can improve my language skills also.

So long bees, I'm exitet about this new start. :worried:

Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
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Posts: 30
Thanks for your warm welcome Fremen and aku-chan (how do i tag peole again...?)

So here's what I accomplished:

:v: Thur: AoS and Foundation light day 28
:v: Fri: 30 min run comfortable pace
:v: Sat: AoS and Foundatoin light days 29 and 30 -> that means double badge day :LOL:
:v: Sun: 35 min run comfortable pace

For my essay, i did some literature work last week (researching, reading academic books and papers, citing passages etc.) up till now i have about 14/20 pages written. But since i'm finished with the literature work now, i hope to get the last pages done till christmas. I still need to write the discussion and conclusion parts.

Our performances last weekend wend really well, sadly there weren't that much visitors. We'll hope for more visitors on our other play in two weeks.

Have a great week y'all

Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
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Posts: 30
Hi y'all, I decided to participate in fit december and the one and done challenge. I also did some running. So here's the summary:

:v: Mon: Fit december day 1 & 2; OaD-Challenge Day 1 & 2 (so 2 minutes in total, with a pause)
:v: Tue: Running 22 min comfortable pace; OaD-Challenge day 3
:v: Wed: Fit december days 3 & 4; OaD-Challenge day 4
:v: Thur: Fit december day 5, OaD-Challenge day 5

Today I hope to get 1-2 pages written for my essay. Let's see how that works out.

Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
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Posts: 30
Hi everyone, thank you @Anek and @Damer for your greetings. I'm looking forward to the christmas tree event, how exiting that it's been 10 years now!

The last days i managed beeing active, beside having the most busy time than ever and feeling exhausted. But exercise helps me keeping sane.
Here's what i did:

:v: Fri: Running 33 min comfortable pace; One & done challenge
:v: Sat: Fit december days 6 & 7; One and done challenge
:v: Sun: 42 min run, comfortable pace; this time my fiance joined me, which was really nice:hheart:. He hasn't been running for months, but it was still an easy run for him... well he
always was a good runner and want's to do 25k in may. :D

:v: Mon: Fit december days 8 & 9; One and done challenge

:v: Essay: 2,5 pages written, in total 16,5/20 pages done. I slowly feel like i've written everything that is necessary and now i have to start repeating myself... I was always better getting on point than writing a whole lot.

I try to start interacting with your logs and other parts of the forum more in january, when all the crazy stuff is over. This week I need to get over with the last rehearsals and our musical. Sadly, we only have a few preorders up till now, but i'm not giving up hope for a better audiance.

Have a great week bees :worried:

Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
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Posts: 30
Finally an Update from me. The last days, especially last week has been super intense and busy. I'm at a point were i am physically and mentally exhaustet. But at least, some things have come to an end and i know that january should be much better. I did slower most days, since i caught a cold on saturday, but i managed to do something every day. Especially my runs have suffered, but i hope to pick them up again during the holiday break.

:v: Tue: One & Done challenge, 200 jacks (for the ornament), Fit december day 10
:v: Wen: One & Done challenge, 200 jacks, Fit december day 11
:v: Thu: One & Done challenge 200 jacks, Fit december day 12, 13
:v: Fri: I felt suprisingly good, so 52 min run comfortable pace (about a good 7k), One & Done challenge, 200 jacks
:v: Sat: One & Done challenge (slow butt kicks), 200 step jacks, Fit december day 14
:v: Sun: One & Done challenge (slow), Fit december day 15
:v: Mon: One & Done challenge (slow), Fit december day 16
:v: Tue: One & Done challenge (slow), Fit december day 17
:v: Wen: One & Done challenge (slow), Fit december day 18
:v: Tue: One & Done challenge (slow), Fit december day 19

:v: Essay: all 20 pages finished! Now theres still some editing work left and then my fiance has to check for misteakes, but i'm really happy it's almost done.

Since the Fit december program has no high impact exercises i still felt healty enough to do them in a slower pace, just like the challenge. I'm happy that they are so adjustable. I'm feeling way better already, so tomorrow i will try to do normal butt kicks and to go a little running again.
Then we are already heading to our parents tomorrow night. They life at the other end of germany, so it will be a night train ride... just in a normal train. So bright lights and loud announcements all night that keep you from sleeping. But at least we should be there early on saturday morning and can sleep a few our till lunchtime.
We plan on staying two weeks. I'm not sure how much i can keep up my workouts and runs and posting here, but i'll try. Mostly we'll enjoy family and frieds time, but still a few uncomfortable discussions lie ahead. Our mothers (and grandmother and sister-in-law...) are overexitet abour our wedding and have a lot of plans. We must try and make clear to them that we want to make some things different than they want us to do and that we wish them to respect that...

Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
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Posts: 30
I'm back from the holidays again and things are slowly getting back to normal.
The holidays were nice, it was great seeing all the familiy and old friends again. As nice at it was, it was also tiring to see all the people. Especially our moms were tiring, since they are overexitet come up with new ideas for our wedding all the time and you always try to stay calm and say "Thank you for the idea, we love you, but we might want to do things differently..." But we are still thankfull for our family, we know many familys have really challenging relationships.

I am proud to say that i managed to stay active. I finished the One & Done Challenge and the fit december program. Only running wasn't that good, i just did a single 5k run all these days. Maintaining a healty died was much more of a challenge. At home we try to eat as plant-based at is is easily possible (and we discovered there are many things you can change easily), but for our family, especially my fiances family, meat belongs to every good meal...

For January i decided to start the Baseline and Vitality Programs, the Standing ABS Challange and the walkabout challenge and been able to stick to it.
I'll start posting again what i've done beginning with this week:

:v: Mon: Standing Abs Challenge; Baseline & Vitality day 6, Walkabout challenge
:v:Tue: Standing Abs Challenge, Running: 6 Intervalls, 2.15min.; pace of 5.30min/km; 2 min rest (walking) in between. The first 5 intervalls were ok, the last one i was a little slower, but I am still satisfied. I felt great after running :twirl:

Since things are slowly getting back to normal, i hope to be able to have more time for posting and interacting with you guys. I really like the community.
So long for today, have a great weak bees :perfect:

Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
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Posts: 30
Haha, oh yeah, a sister @princess_sarena thats awesome I'm glad to meet you:morelove:

Here's what I did today:
:v: Standing Abs challenge
:v: Baseline Days 7 & 8, lev. 3
:v: Baseline Days 7 & 8 lev. 3 so far those two programms work well for me togehter, even two days at once for each program are managable
:v: Walkabout challenge: 7000/5000 steps

Life things: My partner is celebrating his 30th birthday in february and is having a Harry-Potter Party. Today we went to the restaurant which will do the (vegan) catering to talk about the meal and everything sounds and looks so delicious, I'm really looking forward to it :wants::drywash::eatall:

Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
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Posts: 30
Thank a lot @Mamatigerj I wish you a happy 2025 too

Today I had some free time and got a lot of exercise:
:v: Standing Abs Challenge Day 9
:v: Baseline Day 9, lev. 3
:v: Vitality Day 9, lev. 3
:v: Running: comfortable pace, 1h, 8k
:v: Walkabout Challenge: 16000/8000 steps
:v: Dancing class this evening: My fiance and me are doing a ballroom dance course. We didn't make it there for weeks, so it was great to be dancing togehter again

Life things: My aunt came to the hospital suddendly two days ago, unable to walk and which much pain and she had a surgery today... Tomorrow she'll get the results if its cancer, but we hope that all went well, at least she is feeling ok for now.

Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
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Posts: 30
Thank you @graoumia and @Mamatigerj. She's already feeling better and the doctors expect that she will be able to walk normally again, but it will take some time. The final results of the tumor take some more time too, since they sent them in for more testing. The results are expexted in the middle of next week.

Beside that, my fiance took me for a surprise weekend trip (a late birthday present) to a small town about 1,5 hours away, where they do a lot of things with baltic amber. I really like amber jewelry and we saw an amber workshop and an amber museum and did nice walks along the coast of the baltic sea. It was a wonderful trip :lovely:

I did manage to stay active:

:v: Fri: (before we left): Standings Abs Challenge, Basline & Vitality days 10, walkabout challenge 9200/ 8500 steps
:v: Sat: Standing Abs challenge, Basine & Vitality days 11, walkabout challenge 15000/9000 steps
:v: Sun: (back again) Standing Abs challenge, Running comfortable/ slow pace (it was pretty cold and sometimes a little slippery); 45min, 6k

Have a great start in the new week tomorrow bees :yas:

Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
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Posts: 30
Hey there bees, here's my log for today:

:v: Standing Abs Challenge Day 13
:v: Baseline Days 12 &13
:v: Vitality Days 12 & 13
:v: Walkabout Challenge 8300/9500 steps so far, hope to make the rest during this evening. edit: made 10.500

Beside that, it has been more or less a normal monday... somehow i really dont like mondays, getting back to work ia always a challenge after the weekend :giveup:
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Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
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Posts: 30
Tuesday 14.01.2025

:v: Standing Abs challenge Day 14
:v: Walkabout Challenge: 14.000/10.000 steps
:v: Running: 60 min, 8k. I struggled to get me motivated for running. It gets dark so early and its mostly moist, cold and uncomfortable outside. So as soon as the sun is down, my body is like "I want to stay inside". I would like to have a treatmill one day for these day. One day, when we'll have a bigger appartment... But i'm still glad I went running, this log is truly motivating me.

Life things: Since we are having our civil marriage in a little more than six month, we wanted to make an appointment at the civil registry office. (six months before is the earliest you can register a wedding). But it turned out that we need one document more than expectet. The germans truly love their paperwork... :blink: We need to phone the registration office and make an appointment for our documents first, but at least the only bureaucratic challenge is that we want to marry in another city than we live in (we want to marry in the city where we grew up and where our families live). I know that it can be much more complicated, e.g. if one partner doesn't have the german citizenship.

Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
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Posts: 30
Hi y'all,
the last days were busy, so I just forgot to log, but at least I still exercised. I did:

:v: Standing Abs Challenge Days 15-18
:v: Vitality Days 14-18
:v: Baseline Days 14-18
:v: Running: Wed: 8,2k, 67min; Fri: 8,4k, 65min
:v: Walkabout Challenge: Made it each day (days 15-17, today there a still some hours left) Wednesday was close through.

Life things: My dad a little accident while woodworking he cut of a little part of his fingertip from his left index finger. He has a big bandage now, but he didn't need a surgery and is feeling ok. Beside that, we are doing a lot of clean up today in our appartment, but also sorting and organizing papers for our drama club. That feels good :yas:.
And i'm really looking forward to the evening, since we are having our date night:tuzki-love:

Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
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Posts: 30
Finally catching up:

:v: Standing Abs Challenge Days 19-23
:v: Vitality Days 19-23
:v: Baseline Days 19-23
:v: Walkabout Challenge Days 19-23 I'm getting at the point where it gets a real challenge to make all that steps on the days when i'm not running. I need some extra walks on these days.
:v: Running: Sunday 10k in 73min. The weather was perfect and I felt great, so the run went really good, better than expected. The pace was still comfortable for me. But I guess I caught a little cold. I didn't really felt well the last days, but today it's already been a bit better.

Life things: My father is fine, he hopes that he can continue his woodworks soon. But my aunt is not that fine. She's fighting hard to learn to walk again. They discovered that a breast cancer is the main tumor. They are still discussing further treatment options and need to do some more diagnosis. Through she is not in a good shape she is doing all she can and not giving up.

Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
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Posts: 30
The last days:

:v: Standing Abs Challenge Days 24-26
:v: Vitality Days 24-26
:v: Baseline Days 24-26
:x: Running: Didn't go running since i didn't feel fully recovered from my cold yet, but next week I really plan on going. I feel almost healthy again.
:x: Walkabout Challenge: Didn't make the steps but i was close. I really did all the walks i could do, but I ran out of time. I decided that I'll just try to make as much steps each day as i
possibly can, and once I reach the 14.000 steps I mark this day as done and then i'll try do to 14.500 the next day and so on.

Life things: Somehow I felt downthe during the week, but it got better over the weekend. But I fear the monday blues will hit me tomorrow since i don't like my job.

Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
Pronouns: she
Posts: 30
This week:

:v: Standing Abs Challenge Days 27-30 :completed:
:v: Vitality Days 27-30 (Lev. 3) :completed:
:v: Baseline Days 27-30 (Lev. 3) :completed:
:v: Running: Wed. 6,2k, 42min; Sun: 10k, 72min
:v: Walkabout Challenge: Days 25-26; made it on my running days. Next up is 15.000 steps... guess it will take me again untill my next running day.
:v: 30 Days of Cardio light: Days 1-3
:v: Square One: Days 1-3
:v: Iron Arms Challenge: Days 1-3
:v: Calves of Steel Challenge: 1-3

With the end of the month I finished my two programms and the Standing Abs Challenge, so it's badge day. :yas::LOL:
For this month I decided to start the 30 Days of Cardio light and the Square One Programm and to do them both like Vitality and Baseline, since it worked well for me last month.
As an add one I want to do the Iron Arms Challenge and the Calves of Steel Challenge. And someday, I eventually make it to the end of the Walkabout Challenge...

Have a great start in the new week :worried:


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"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
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Posts: 30
Thank you @MadamMeow and @Fremen :ss:

I forgot, that I also finally finished my exam and got the results on friday, that I passed. So now i officially hava a bachelor degree in health care management :completed::yas:

Regarding exercise today:
:v: 30 Days of Cardio light day 4 (lev. 3 with 1min pause between sets because my shoulders needed it...)
:v: Square One Day 4 (lev. 3 no break)
:v: Iron Arms Challenge Day 4
:v: Calves of Steel Challenge Day 5
:x: Walkabout Challenge 8300/ 15.000

Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
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Posts: 30
Thank you so much @FlowersandPetals @MadamMeow @aku-chan and @Fremen
They sent me my diploma via email now. It still feels a bit unrealisitic, but I'm really happy. I just wish I would find a way to use my new skills right away. But odds are, my beloved husband to be is working at his PHD and he will still take untill next year in spring. Then we plan on moving, we want to be closer to our parents again and we'll have to see where he finds a job (i will find one much easier I guess). So i'll need to find a new job next year in sping too. The question ist, what to do untill then. Applying for a new job doesn't seem to make that much sence, since I will only be able to to it a year or so. But staying at my old job feels like wasted time. I don't really know what to do yet and i'm thinking a lot about it, but can't find a good solution yet.
Beside that, my aunt got home from the hospital today. She still has some metastasis in her rips and vertebrae and will start with radiation and chemo therapy soon.

Anyway, here's what I did today:
:v: Iron Arms Challenge Day 5: I needed a few seconds rest between the sets, because my left shoulder felt a little sore. This challenge really isn't easy for me
:v: Calves of Steel Chalenge Day 5: This callenge feels easy for me
:v: Running 6k, 41 minutes
:v: Walkabout Challenge 11.600/15.000 steps. Guess my run was too short. This challenge really isn't easy either

Princess Fancy

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Heroine from Germany
Pronouns: she
Posts: 30
Thank you @Mamatigerj :ss:

Wednesday 05.02.25:

:v: Iron Arms Challenge Day 6, without break today, the muscles in my left shoulder aren't as sore anymore
:v: Calves of Steel Day 6
:v: 30 Days of Cardio light Days 5-6, lev 3 no rest. I really like doing the exercise along the how-to video with @neilarey. Almost feels like working out with a friend :ss:
:v: Square One Days 5-6, lev. 3 mikro rest on day 5 for my shoulders
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Princess Fancy

Active member
Heroine from Germany
Pronouns: she
Posts: 30

:v: Iron Arms Challenge Days 7-9; my shoulder are burning every time, but they are not sore the day after. Still a hard challenge for me, let's see how I do when the reps progress :sweat:
:v: Calves of Steel Challenge Days 7-9
:v: 30 Days of Cardio light Days 7-8
:v: Square One Days 7-8
:v: Walkabout Challenge Days 28 (only 5.000 steps, no problem) and 29 (18.500/15.500 steps, my long run today really helped). Only one Day left, guess it will take another long run to cover the 16.000 steps
:v: Running: Thu: 8k, 58min; Today: 11k, 81min I slowly expanding my runs and I am still having fun with it. I always feel great after running

Beside that, we did some extra cleaning today in the appartment, since my partner is having a big party for his 30th birthday next weekend and our familys (including his grandmother) will show up here:dancy:
Have a great weekend bees :worried: