Help with challenge directions


New member
Posts: 3
Hi folks, I just found my way here and am excited to get started on some of the exercises but I'm finding I need a little help interpreting the directions. For example, I'd like to start with the Epic Arms challenge and see the directions for day 1 as:

26 bicep extensions
10-count hold
5 sets | 30sec rest

I saw the video for the bicep extension, what I need clarification on is: do I do all 26 reps at once? And do 5 sets of them? Where does the 10-count hold come in? And is the 30 second rest in between each set?

Thanks for any help you can give!
I would do it like this:

26 bicep extensions

10 count hold

30 second rest

Repeat five times

(I'd see that as the default way to perform the day's work, but personally I modify this as needed until all the reps are complete - adding breaks, shortening breaks, adding weights, removing weights, etc, whatever is needed that particular day. No one here would judge for modifying the workouts to one's abilities, but if you wanted to do it to the letter I'm pretty sure it would be as described, each exercise in order + break until the last set is complete).

I hope that helps?


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 251
"i aint there yet, but im healin - cari fletcher"
I would do it like this:

26 bicep extensions

10 count hold

30 second rest

Repeat five times

(I'd see that as the default way to perform the day's work, but personally I modify this as needed until all the reps are complete - adding breaks, shortening breaks, adding weights, removing weights, etc, whatever is needed that particular day. No one here would judge for modifying the workouts to one's abilities, but if you wanted to do it to the letter I'm pretty sure it would be as described, each exercise in order + break until the last set is complete).

I hope that helps?


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 251
"i aint there yet, but im healin - cari fletcher"
A ten count hold just means you hold the position for a count of ten. Some people do this by counting to ten themselves, personally I prefer to set a timer for ten (or however many) seconds because that's easier for me. Again, whichever or either way is fine, as long as it gets you from zero to ten in some fashion