I'm back (for real this time)


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Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Monday, November 4th, 2024


I... started the meditation on Monday and finished it on Tuesday, so I dunno if it counted for a streak day? At least I did it...


Zen - day #19 (I can't believe how far I am! Also this was HARD! But I did it anyway!)

Foundations - day #12

Destress & easy cardio - day #5

Plank & easy core - day #19


Salad day #28

High score

This is just keeping track of every day I meet or exceed the best timing / rep count yet.

Plank: 1:31


Garmin VFJ2 goal reached, but I really need to start slogging through the adventure moves I've racked up...

Reached level one on circuit fitness on the switch after ... like only ten minutes of gameplay. Not doing too bad for a newbie at video games.


Well ... not exactly but a while back I got a switch with some money I'd collected babysitting and through graduation gifts. I miss fitness classes, but they're all too far by public transport to be doable, so I figured I'll save money and time training with games in my room. It'll just be an add-on, at least for now, but I really did start training to be able to play fitness game and here I am...

Day #70


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Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Those are some long holds! Especially that 3-minute-long Warrior I -- Revolved Warrior -- Sun Warrior sequence! Well done!
Thanks - I didn't know there were names! I barely knew how to do them, I spent a bit of the time just trying to mimic the poses properly 😂 but we got there in the end!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
Thanks - I didn't know there were names! I barely knew how to do them, I spent a bit of the time just trying to mimic the poses properly 😂 but we got there in the end!
There are multiple names for most yoga poses! Sanskrit names. English names. Sometimes multiple different English names.

Pocket Yoga I find is a good site for giving simple and clear instructions for each pose, without a lot of the extraneous fluff you'll find on other sites.


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Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
@Laura Rainbow Dragon Thanks! That's a really useful website - there are a few poses I wasn't able to see on follow along YouTube tutorials I use for post workout stretches but I have a better idea of them now 😆

Tuesday, November 5th, 2024


Twenty minutes in the morning for Zen. It was... I wasn't sure if I could sit that long but I managed it. Feel like I'm not doing it well though. I dunno.


8 weeks to 5 km - day #45

I'm beginning to see... something. I leave the house still thinking "plenty of people don't run and they're fine, I could just stop doing it no one else will ever know the difference" and then I'm outside and it's me alone with the night. It's quiet and cool and Fletcher is serenading me as I begin. Then there are little bursts of speed I wasn't capable of before. Here and there. Not long but it's different from how I used to be. Towards the end of the time I check and steel myself to keep my pace and finish strong instead of slowing down. It's little things, here and there, but I did 5 km in 48 minutes. That's close to twenty minutes faster than when I started this program.

Plank & easy core - day #20

Plank workout - beginner, day #3

Destress & easy cardio - day #6

Zen - day #20


No salad because the vegetables went bad. I went to get more, but new topic for today. I've been working on adding more protein to my diet (more than zero). Eggs, fishies, and... pretty much just eggs and fish. And cheese.

For a treat, I got fruit bars and fruit snacks. They're made of pure fruit, which levels them up a bit in my view. It's not an every day thing, but good for when I need a quick sugar pick me up (like after work) or when I have a candy craving.

High score

Okay I don't really remember I need to start writing these down... but I did some burpees and unlocked a new favorite exercise. I adore anything that involves jumping. Burpees involve lots of jumping. I'm gonna be a burpees girl and start working towards the burpee badges.


Garmin VFJ2 goal achieved; a few days of the adventure played. I'm still close to 100 unlocked moves but hey. Progress is progress.

No switch today, but I downloaded knockout home fitness. I wasn't gonna, because I have three fitness games already and that's enough, but it went on sale for dirt cheap so better grab it now than wait til it goes back up to full price again.


Finished season two of the dragon prince. A while back, but I don't think I reported on it.

I went on a mission to retrieve some food rations from a military drop. Sam and Haley had a conversation. Janine interruption aforesaid conversation. I'll probably be heading back to Abel soon...

Day #71

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
I'm beginning to see... something. I leave the house still thinking "plenty of people don't run and they're fine, I could just stop doing it no one else will ever know the difference" and then I'm outside and it's me alone with the night. It's quiet and cool and Fletcher is serenading me as I begin. Then there are little bursts of speed I wasn't capable of before. Here and there. Not long but it's different from how I used to be. Towards the end of the time I check and steel myself to keep my pace and finish strong instead of slowing down. It's little things, here and there, but I did 5 km in 48 minutes. That's close to twenty minutes faster than when I started this program.


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Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Wednesday, November 6th, 2024


No memory anymore 😭


Day #46 of 8 weeks to km (ten days more!)

Plank & easy core - day #21

Destress & easy cardio - day #7 (a week in!)

Daily dare - day #30


Salad day #29

I forgot... When I was shopping, I found a new flavor of chips I wanted to try! I got some bags of it, then decided to put em back. On the way out I found a single serving bag of the same flavor. Compromise achieved. I still haven't tried them yet, though.

High score

Pretty sure my daily planks are up to 1:35. Stomach vacuums, 20 seconds.


I went on a walk to finish up the Garmin goal. Half an hour later I had made only eighteen minutes progress. Decided I don't have to do hours of fitness to achieve a fairly meaningless goal, given the fact that it tracks nothing but wrist movement.

Started playing ringfit adventure. It's like a dream come true. Like stepping into a movie, like being the heroine of a video game. I do so love games where the character that's adventuring and levelling up is ME. I started at a difficulty level that was way too low, so next time more. RingCon acquired, dragon unleashed, level two obtained.


None today. I do have a report though. I forgot to give another update about the girls I was so worried about losing. Today we formed another group chat to plot their escape to Canada. I forgot how bad I missed watching them flirt every thirty seconds. Forgot how fun it is to score a few points of my own. It feels like being home again.

Day #72
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Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Thursday, November 7th, 2024


None today. Need to get back on top of this.


Was gonna go for run. Felt one drop of rain. So tired. Wet sky. I went back in and got the dog. I tried out a new free app I found, Run Legends. Recreational sport is good too. Not every run has to be a how-long-how-far. Switched out 5km with foundations instead.

Foundations day #13

Easy core & plank day #22

Destress & easy cardio - day #8

Daily dare #31



Skipped dinner for earlier sleep. Was so tired. I was worried I'd be dead tired at work today, but luckily I had an early night, actually slept pretty well, and am feeling much refreshed this morning.

Met my dad at a cafe. Wasn't sure what I'd do when it came to this. I decided to pick something beforehand so I didn't feel pressure in the moment. My dad was surprised I went for iced coffee instead of ice capp, but I wanted something lower in sugar but not bitter black coffee. It was alright. I think it was another fair compromise.

High Score

Planks still at 1:35. I'll probably just leave them there for a while because I'm still struggling to hold it somewhat.


Small, cheap waterbottle to leave by bedside (for salad challenge reward). I used to wake up and drink sugary drinks at night, I've been AMAZING at turning that around and sticking to nothing but water (sometimes milk, not great but progress) at night.

I was so tired and wanted a nap this afternoon... I kicked the cat out of my room, she meowed sadly at the door til I let her back in. Then there was a knock at the door. When nobody answered, I went to see who it was... our neighbor was stuck between her sleeping daughter at home and infant son who needed to be picked up from daycare. I grabbed a book and some water and abandoned my nap. I laid down for a few minutes when I got back home, but ultimately I gave myself the treat of an early night.

Day #73
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
I forgot... When I was shopping, I found a new flavor of chips I wanted to try! I got some bags of it, then decided to put em back. On the way out I found a single serving bag of the same flavor. Compromise achieved. I still haven't tried them yet, though.
Good job! (I have that same challenge with potato chips.)


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Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Friday, November 8th, 2024

Reconfiguring journal style:

Darebee fitness

Foundations - day #14

Easy core & minute plank: day #23

Destress & easy cardio: day #9

I also did Toned Arms Plus, using three pounds for the first half and six pounds for the second half. This I did on level one (I always choose level three unless otherwise specified)

Daily dare #32 (which I realize is no longer called a daily dare but old habits die hard)

Continued eating salad, despite no more challenge.

I love darebee. I love how it's kind of like... all yours. Forgot to check in for a few days, but did your daily workout? Streak maintained. Wanna do a workout but it's too hard? Do half. Do just one set. Switch weights in the middle. Go all out or take your time. Whatever works. There's no external imposition that you have to do THIS MUCH or nothing at all. There's a lot of guidance but at the end of the day it's on you. And I like that.

Day #74


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Saturday, November 9th, 2024

Darebee fitness adventures

5 km - day #47

I got past 8 km in an hour and a half. That's my best distance yet, like, in my entire life. And I didn't come home feeling burned out and exhausted, just like it was another ordinary run on another ordinary weekend. A bit cold, but I forgot about that a few minutes in.

Easy core & plank - day #24

Easy cardio & destress - day #10

Another salad, no challenge.

Daily dare #33

And when I got home and opened a mystery pack squooshy I'd wanted for ages, I found I'd gotten one of the squishies I'd wanted most :happy: it's a colorful zebra and it's soooooooo cute 🥰

Two and a half months in and still going strong. This is pretty cool, actually.

Finished reading "A Heart so Bold and Brave." Not my genre anymore, but my friend really likes it, so I said I'd read the series for her. It was better than the first book in the series, which I hadn't liked all that much.

Day #75


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Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Sunday, November 10th, 2024

Darebee fitness adventures

Day #48 of 8 weeks to 5 km

Day #11 of destress & easy cardio

Day #25 of minute plank and easy core

Daily dare #34

Beyond darebee adventures

I got to level three in circuit fitness, and unlocked my first ever title! Easy one - just two days of play. I chose the most challenging option, and it gave me a good burn after twelve minutes of working out. I realized I bit off way more than I can chew for someone with a "I need to win everything all the way at 100%". Doesn't matter, it's the journey that matters, even if I don't hit every single goal or reach every destination.


I kept watching Taylor Swift's era's tour on Disney+! I'm not into rewatching movies but this is... different. I could watch it on repeat a million times. I probably will.

Day #76


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Monday, November 11th, 2024

Darebee fitness adventures

Day #15 of foundations (reg'lar & light) (HALFWAY POINT)

Day #12 of easy cardio & destress

Day #26 of easy core & minute plank

The first day I really still felt yesterday's workout in my legs. But I pushed myself through today's anyway.

If there was a badge for working out with an animal companion, I'd've gotten it multiple times. She used to be all shy and skittish and aloof, now I can't go anywhere without tripping over her. For some reason there's always a cat on my desk or curled up with my stuffies on my bed or meowing at the door when I'm going to bed or on my night table knocking over books. Or circling my yoga mat while I stretch.

She's not even MY cat. She's decided that I'm her human, and you can't argue with cat logic.


I stretched out the pokemon cards to one every other day, so I haven't opened any in a while. Finally caught up so I get to open... half a pack today.



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Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Tuesday, November 12th, 2024

Darebee fitness adventures

Foundations day #16 (easier than most days)

Destress & easy cardio day #13

One minute plank, but I forgot easy core and so I won't count it towards a day

Daily dare #35

And salad. And six burpees. Trying to start slow with the burpees and work my way up til I can do one of the challenges with burpees in it.

Beyond darebee adventures

I did like... maybe eight minutes of fitness boxing. That was it, but it was enough to begin shaking up my "destress" challenge. I'd just been doing steady jab/cross/jab/cross/jab/cross but I suddenly realized I didn't have to be doing that. So I began introducing a little more variety and randomness to my free-form punching.


Day #78


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Wednesday, November 13th, 2024

Darebee fitness adventures

I didn't do any challenges today. Except for wall pushups (day #12-B). Suddenly it was bedtime and much too late. So I resolved to do them earlier in the day from now on. First thing after my morning routine.

I've been telling myself "you did the training, you can do this" but today I discovered that training to run in sneakers and the sun does not prepare you for the weight of winter boots and winter gear. After about ten minutes I couldn't keep going. I walked for a while feeling down and out and frustrated... and then I decided there's no time to start training like the present. So I went back to the beginning of 5 km and began training to run in winter boots, several sweaters, and a winter parka. By the time spring hits I should be about back to where I started only better, and I can keep going from there. So:

5 km - day #1 (again)

Daily dare #36

And that's pretty much it ... because no challenges. Not much of a day, but I did walk/run for an hour and a half anyway, because that's how long my Zombies Run workout was set for and how far I was from home.

Day #79


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Thursday, November 14th, 2024

Darebee fitness adventures

Foundations, day #17 (light cardio)

Wall pushups (I think day #13 I'm losing track 😭)

Easy cardio & destress - day #14

Easy core & one minute plank - day #27

Daily dare #37

So... like... when I was little, I used to play Pokemon Blue/Red and Gold/Silver on repeat. I never got to the end of the game, I lost interest or it got too hard, so I'd give up, do something else for a while, then miss it and restart from the beginning picking a different pokemon. Over and over and over. It never even occured to me that you COULD win the game, to be honest - I just saw it as this never-ending adventure where you kept getting reset to play through your favorite parts yet again on endless repeat. (Hahaha "when I was little" as if I still don't do the same 😆)

Anyway, point being, I think I've finally come to a point where I can stop thinking "how many days left til the next badge, where am I up to, almost done, almost there - " because there is no final win, after this program there'll be another and then another and then another again. Or maybe the same one over. And I know when I get to the end of one adventure I'll miss the fresh excitement of the beginning, and a part of me will wish I could reset and do it all over like I don't already know the path by heart. That's how I want it ALL to be - darebee, zombies run storylines, meditation journeys...

So that's my philosophical treatise of the day. Not not to celebrate wins, but also to go slow and savor each step along the way.

Day #80
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Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
@Maegaranthelas @TopNotch

Thanks!!! I'm hoping I'll be much fitter when spring rolls around again - I dunno how it'll work in the long term, the constant back-and-forth from warm weather to cold, but one day at a time...


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from USA
Posts: 446
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Monday, November 11th, 2024

Darebee fitness adventures

Day #15 of foundations (reg'lar & light) (HALFWAY POINT)

Day #12 of easy cardio & destress

Day #26 of easy core & minute plank

The first day I really still felt yesterday's workout in my legs. But I pushed myself through today's anyway.

If there was a badge for working out with an animal companion, I'd've gotten it multiple times. She used to be all shy and skittish and aloof, now I can't go anywhere without tripping over her. For some reason there's always a cat on my desk or curled up with my stuffies on my bed or meowing at the door when I'm going to bed or on my night table knocking over books. Or circling my yoga mat while I stretch.

She's not even MY cat. She's decided that I'm her human, and you can't argue with cat logic.


I stretched out the pokemon cards to one every other day, so I haven't opened any in a while. Finally caught up so I get to open... half a pack today.

Your kitty is gorgeous!
Happy Tears Love GIF by Bare Tree Media


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
@FlowersandPetals thank you!!! She really is. And sweet. Takes her time to warm up, but never met a more loving cat in my life.

Friday, November 15th, 2024

Darebee fitness adventures

Day #3 of 5 km (a repeat)

It was hard, even just the two minutes at a time. I might cycle through this day multiple times, just running two minutes walking two minutes until half an hour is up. Then move on to a one minute break when I'm starting to feel more confident.

Day #28 of minute plank and easy core

Day #15 of destress & easy cardio

Zen day #24 (I think? I've missed logging this for a while)

Yoga for PCOS, I'm surprised darebee even has this, idk what it'll do or how it'll help, but yoga's yoga, so why not?

Outside darebee adventures

Get kids moving - workout with captain America and black widow (four minutes Tabata)

And... I think all relatives of Holocaust victims need, like, a really big "please stop ('accidentally') telling me you're jealous" light-up pin badge or something because holy ----

When I was lying on the floor later that night to give cat pets, the cat got up, walked over to me, and gave me a little kiss on the forehead, which she's never done before, ever, and it's not the first time I've thought most animals are better and saner people than some people are.

Except dolphins, apparently.

Day #81


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Saturday, November 16th, 2024

Darebee fitness adventures

Foundations, day #18, this was hard because both light and regular were the exact same, so it was basically 14 sets instead of seven, but I did it!

Easy core & one minute plank - day #29

I started easy abs, because why not, I have no second challenge to sync it with, so day #1

Easy cardio & destress - day #16

Daily dare #38

Zen day #25

Not bad, really. Got a lot done, even if it felt kind of like I didn't.

Outside darebee adventures

Shabbat ended super early, and my uncle had to go to the hospital afterwards to visit my stepcousin, so instead of a star wars movie night I watched a couple episodes of what if and played twenty minutes of ringfit adventure. I'd maxed out to the highest possible starting difficulty, which is 25 (out of 100) apparently, and it was much harder than my first two days of play, but I still got "light exercise" when it read my pulse afterwards. But I did reach level six, completed world #1, and earned a fourth life heart, which is cool, because I didn't know you could add hearts.

Day #82


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Sunday, November 17th, 2024

So today was one of those days I woke up just a tad bit too late feeling like I'd been hit by a truck (I have a lot of such days, mostly due to medication that makes me extra sleepy/groggy in the morning), and I got up and it took me hours to get started but once I did I was like, well, I'll just set a timer for an hour and try to clean my room, even if I get nothing else done today, that will be something - and then I cleaned, vacuumed (which has been needing to be done for a while), and then after the hour was up I continued on to wash all the dishes, cook a bit, get all my Darebee stuff done, and start my bedtime routine at a decent hour... so the rough start didn't kill the whole day after all. Which was nice.

Darebee fitness adventures

Day #19 Foundations - sheesh darebee just tell me to do 420 butt kicks in one workout, why don't you (and what's better, be right that I can)

Day #26 Zen

Day #30 easy core & one minute plank

I'll be continuing the one minute plank, except instead of one minute I'm currently at one minute forty five seconds, so I'll see if I can get past the two minute mark in the next month and then maybe try one of the other plank challenges

Day #2 easy abs

Day #17 destress & easy cardio

One burpee. I'm just starting with ONE daily with-a-pushup-and-extra-jump burpee until I feel I've got it down pat, and then I'll move on to two.

Outside Darebee Adventures

I had to restart a day in Stardew Valley because I made the rookie mistake of crafting with no slots in my backpack and couldn't stand to see all that woodchopping totally wasted so I just exited, closed the app, and went back in and played the day from the beginning. I was convinced I wanted to marry Leah this play-through, but now I'm suddenly realizing just how many pretty pixel girls are just waiting to fall in love with my character and suddenly it's hard to choose...

Day #83


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Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Monday, November 18th, 2024

Day #20 of foundations

The last three exercises felt like ballet homework. (I would've rocked at ballet.) I dunno if the cat was indifferent or confused, but she kept getting in the way, until she finally decided to hide out of kicking range, fiercely protecting my laptop bag from being unsat upon by cats.

Day #27 of Zen

Missed the abs challenges, because I left it too late, but I did my November challenges:

Easy cardio & destress day #18

Also walked forty minutes to the library and forty minutes back. I had to take care of a mistake - I'd returned a book and it was still on my account. Luckily it was a book from that branch and we found it easy.

First thing water day #1 - I made up some of my own rules to adapt it to my goals. "First thing" means within twenty minutes of my last morning alarm, and prior to 10 AM. I'll slowly pull the 10 AM goal back as I get used to waking up earlier consistently.

One minute meditation, day #1

Day #84


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
@Mamatigerj @Fremen @Maegaranthelas thank you!!!

Tuesday, November 19th, 2024

Foundations day #21

Easy abs day #3

Easy cardio & destress day #19

Wasn't in the mood of a twenty minute meditation, so I replaced Zen with a day of Arms of Steel (seated) instead: day #13

Better sleep, since the habit of doing yoga before bed has settled in too strong. I like having those few minutes of calm and quiet to erase everything.

Day #2 first thing water & (last thing) meditation - well, not exactly last, but close. I decided that Wednesday morning I'll adjust my goal to 9:45 AM latest and within fifteen minutes of waking up, but waking up the same time two days in a row is still impressive for me.

I also began adding a proper snack into my day - now that I'm awake 12+ hours a day I've transitioned from two meals a day to three and then upped it to three plus snack, which also means less frequent/intense urges to make up the rest of the calories with soda and candy. I feel like a little kid again, picking fun snacks for work like I used to do going to school 😆

Last prize was a barbie cup with straw, the sort of which I used to use only for juice but this one was designated ONLY for water and it's been put to very good use; today's prize is a barbie lip gloss that comes with a key-chain you can attach to other things (like my buspass lanyard).

Day #85


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
@Laura Rainbow Dragon @MadamMeow thank you 😄 😄 😄

Wednesday, November 20th, 2024

Foundations day #22

Easy abs day #4 (+1.45m plank)

Destress & easy cardio (day #20)

Back to Zen, day #28

Day #3 of first thing water (3 total) & minute meditation

Day #15 of gratitudes & victories

Ten minute (+) meditation, I'll start the count today even though I'm already part way through my second week, day #1. I was using calm to keep the streak, but then I noticed they locked even their unguided meditation timers behind a paywall. I don't know who they think is paying for access to a glorified meditation timer and streak counter, but, well, I switched to Insight Timer, which has the same features but better and free.

I got home from work late, and I missed my friends so I checked discord, and I ended up spending over an hour having half silly half serious conversations, and fell asleep at like 2 AM 😭 I wish time were infinite, it's hard to decide if you'll sacrifice sleep or social interaction ---

Day #86


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Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Goodness yes! I have this issue too, especially when talking to friends in different timezones. Or the ones with disordered sleep :chuckle:
Lol I'm the one with disordered sleep in my friend group (or I think maybe we all are) :LOL:


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Thursday, November 21st, 2024

Fit December day #1

1.45m plank + easy abs day #5

Destress & easy cardio day #21

Zen day #29

Reset first thing water, because I really want 30 days in a row, and today I woke up too late.

Friday, November 22nd, 2024

Foundations, day #23

1.45m plank + easy abs day #6

Destress & easy cardio day #22

Daily dare #39

Zen day #30

I got a new little green microwavable dinosaur 🦖 for finishing Zen. Such a soft cute little thing.

I took a peek at my work schedule for the next month... usually my shifts are pretty regular, but next month there are way more and they're all over the place. 8 AM openings, 10:30 PM closes, pretty random and a little overwhelming. So I decided December is going to be Maintenance Month, and my main goal will be getting through the entirety of the December Fit program. Just trying NOT to lose the progress I've been making, not losing my streak badge, trying to finish up as many ongoing programs and challenges as I can, avoiding starting anything new unless strictly necessary, sticking to the basics of a healthy eating and fitness routine and not garnishing with too many unnecessary extras ---

And then come January 2025, BAM, I get to dream big again 😎

Day #87 & 88


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Thank you everyone ❤️ I have four more programs on the list to finish by January... we'll get there!

Saturday, November 23rd, 2024

Foundations day #24

1.55m plank + easy abs day #7

Destress & easy cardio day #23

Zen workout before bed (because I miss the Zen program already and I don't feel ready to start 30 days of yoga yet)

I watched Rogue One with my family. Towards the end I asked why all the Rebel volunteers were men. My uncle replied that all the women were busy being in charge. Can't argue.

Shamelessly stealing the idea of a streak list from @Laura Rainbow Dragon:

Reading streak - (I need to double check this)

Meditation streak - I'll start again today, so day #1

Day #89


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Sunday, November 24, 2024

Arms of steel (seated) day #14

Turkey run - 50 turkeys

1.55m plank + easy abs day #8

Destress & easy cardio day #24

Monday, November 25, 2024

Arms of steel (seated) day #15

December Fit day #2

Didn't catch any turkeys, was busy I guess 😭

1.55m plank + easy abs day #9

Missed destress & easy cardio because of migraine. Medium migraine.

Let's see:

Meditation day #2

Reading day #30

Victories & gratitudes day #20

Cuz my apps keep messing up my streaks, so I'll keep notes here too.

Finished "fault in our stars." Didn't think I'd like it but it was alright I guess. The teens talked like characters in a book and not like any teen I've ever met, including when I was one, but well, that is what they are.

Day #90 & 91


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Tuesday, November 26, 2024

December Fit day #3

1.55m plank & easy abs day #10

Destress & easy cardio day #25

Arms of steel (seated) day #16

Turkeys - another fifty rounded up, for 100 contributions total

Daily dare #40


Meditation day #3

Reading - 1m, 1d

Health & habits tracking - 3 days

Budgeting - 3 days

Finally started making progress on my favorite podcast after a break of ... a very long time. It's hard because it's not my first language but I finally started listening again while sorting laundry and it was just as funny and interesting as I remembered.

Day #92


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Wednesday, November 27, 2024

December Fit day #4

1.55m plank + easy abs day #11

Destress and easy cardio day #26

30 days of Yoga day #1

I was nervous about starting this because I was worried it was above my pay grade, some of the poses looked tricky and I tend to do yoga last thing before getting ready for bed, but I finally remembered that I wasn't sure about starting zen either but decided to just try it and it ended up being one of my favorite programs so far. So I decided to start with day one and just see how things go from there. I'll alternate it with arms of steel (seated) because I want to finish the latter before 2025.


Meditations day #4

Reading, 1m2d

Health & habits day #4

Budgeting day #4

Day #93


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Thursday, November 28, 2024

December Fit day #5

Destress & easy cardio day #27

Daily dare #41

No extra ab work because yet another migraine.

Cardio GO day #1

I decided to just go with it. I didn't run last week and it's been cold out and migrainey in but I don't want to give up the extra cardio altogether, so I've decided EITHER two outdoor runs or three to four indoor cardio sessions. I started listening to the race missions at the end of season 1 of zombies run - I wasn't sure if I'd redo them but indoor cardio feels less overwhelming than 70 km through the rest of winter.

Finished The Secret of Platform 13. Several years ago I met one of my favorite authors and told her it's always been my dream to read every single book quoted in the intro to every chapter of my favorite series. So this is one of the books on the list, and I'm glad I found it because it was such a sweet and special read. Instead of the usual fantasy tropes where all the different species are at war, and some are evil and some are not, all different beings live together in peace and harmony no matter how stereotyped they are in fantasy literature.

After reading I found out the author escaped the Nazis as a kid, and now... yah, I think I understand why it isn't a typical "GOBLINS EWY AND EVIL" fantasy book.

I'm going to read every one of her books that I can find.

Day #94