I'm back (for real this time)


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Huntress from Canada
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"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Wednesday, December 24th, 2024

Skipped day #24 with a hall pass, and did the before bed yoga workout.

Thursday, December 25th, 2024

I did day #25 of December Fit, no hall pass needed.

I feel like my fitness adventures have sort of grinded to a wavering standstill, like even the short workouts are beginning to feel like too much, even though I want to be progressing and doing more. So I'm going to throw my resolution not to start any new programs until January to the wind, and see if starting my first RPG program will help liven fitness up again.

Zero Hero, here I come.

(@JohnStrong thank you!)

Day #121 & #122


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Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Friday, December 27th, 2024

Trying to get back into better habits: longer workouts, posting every day or every other day. Easing back into it, slightly longer workouts but low level intensity. Today's workout was about fifteen minutes. Tomorrow I'll see if I can add in a little extra.

So today was Zero Hero day #1 (I chose 100 butt kicks), 30 Days of LIIT (day #1, also level three), and December Fit day #27 skipped through a Hall Pass.

And I get extra points because I did it with a 5/10 migraine.

Day #123
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Huntress from Canada
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"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Saturday, December 28th, 2024

It turns out Zero Hero is exactly what I needed to kick start my fitness routine again. And 30 Days of LIIT is deceptively easy but actually pretty challenging. I find that I really like the timed workouts, because I can go flat out without hesitation instead of slowing down to keep the counting easy.

So I did Zero Hero day #2, 30 Days of LIIT day #2, skipped day #28 of December Fit with a Hall Pass.

I also did day #16 of One & Done and touch your toes. Back on track with the challenges, it looks like.

Thank you everyone for the well wishes!!! Migraine gone. I woke up at 4 AM in agony, heated up an eye mask... and after about five minutes of burning heat the pain was gone and it didn't come back. It was wild, because heat alone has never been a permanent solution before. It's always a relief but usually temporary.

Me trying to make sense of the wild, wild, wild Zero Hero plot:

It seems Earth was invaded by aliens. Luckily they didn't get me, but it looks like others weren't as lucky. Between running for my life and kicking for my life, I'm thus far still alive. So the aliens just stopped by, caused mass destruction, started a zombie plague somehow, and then left again. There MUST be something deeper going on here. I shall get to the bottom of it, if it's the last thing I do!

Day #124


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Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Sunday, December 29th, 2024

I did Zero Hero day #3 and about twenty minutes of Circuit Fitness, levelling up to level five. I got my heartrate to its highest ever, finally getting past the "warmup" indicator on my heartrate app!

So I do this thing where I link any interactive story I participate in into one long narrative in which I always play the same character. Any power I unlock or any weapon or item I find gets to accompany me on the next journey as well. So I get to slowly build up my powers, arsenal, and companions. There was one non-Darebee fitness game in which I unlocked any superpower I liked, and I chose multiverse jumping (kind of like America Chavez, but not limited to any one multiverse) so that the disparate journeys would all make sense together. I also unlocked a powerful magic wand in a productivity planner journey - just today, actually (took me THREE YEARS to finish one journal, so it's a big find!). I'm hiding my interpretation of fitness stories for people who haven't played them yet, or for anyone who prefers sticking to what I like to call the "vanilla version."

What else...? Oh yeah there was this one fitness journey where I kind of unlocked a kinda-telepathic AI companion. Loved that story so much, but I'll probably be renaming her to hide her identity for anyone else who plays the same story.

Also, I don't know how the story continues or ends, so I shamelessly retcon when I realize where I was taking the story isn't where it actually goes...

Okay, that said:

I miscalculated. I must have shifted multiverses in my sleep... AGAIN. There are no minefields in Canada (at least last I checked)? The aliens, the zombies, the minefields... sigh. I shifted into yet another post-apocalyptic version of my ordinary Earth. Is there some reason I'm here? Did it call me, or did something else make my powers flicker? Is my journey to help - or just get back home?

When I reached the minefield, I realized I didn't have any way to detect the mines themselves, but then I remembered Sunday. Despite all that's happened here, there's some version of her that still exists in this universe too. She did a sweep with her satellites and guided me through the field to safety on the other side.

out of character: it's so fun to do lunges and balances like you're life depends on it! (but it doesn't really, it would not be fun if really)

And I got a bunch of free Pokemon sticker books that are basically do-it-yourself Pokedexes... so I decided to play another game out of filling them up, through random generation for basics and coinflips for evolutions and so on. So far I got a Spritzee, one of my top favorites of all time. So yes there will be Pokemon involved.

Day #125

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
So I do this thing where I link any interactive story I participate in into one long narrative in which I always play the same character. Any power I unlock or any weapon or item I find gets to accompany me on the next journey as well. So I get to slowly build up my powers, arsenal, and companions.
I love this!


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Huntress from Canada
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"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
I love this!
Thank you!!! It's been something I've been doing ever since I can remember... my family would go on hikes and I'd lure my younger sisters into finding sticks and pretending we were on some sort of neverending Lord-of-the-Rings themed journey 😅 everything and anything can become an interactive story with some imagination and enthusiasm! (And... sticks. Apparently you also need sticks.)


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Huntress from Canada
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"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Monday, December 30th, 2024

I did day #20 of Arms of Steel (seated), along with Daily Walk day #2 (day #1 was yesterday), and day #17 of one & done & touch your toes. Decided to keep the workout easy because of how long I was walking.

I did about an hour and a half of walking to Venture's "Signals War" Episode 2.

I decided 2025 will be the year of decluttering. Trying not to buy new stuff unless I really need it, and using up all the stuff I have.

Normally this is the time of year I decide to start exercising, meditating, or health tracking. As I'm already doing all three, here are my goals for 2025:

1. Get rid of two books per month. (Drop off one more book than I borrow from the library, OR drop off a book at the free book tree.)

2. Apply to three part time jobs and two full time jobs per week.

3. Play fitness games on the switch at least three times per week.

Plus keeping up with Darebee workouts, meditations, and health/habit/finances tracking.

I did #1 yesterday, so we're off to a good start!

Day #126

ETA: day #7 of 30 days of yoga + day #30 of December Fit (skipped with pass!) ... and caught a Pichu!
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Huntress from Canada
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"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Tuesday, December 31st, 2024

Zero Hero day #4

30 Days of LIIT day #3

1 minute plank challenge (take two, levelled up to one minute fifteen seconds) day #1

easy abs, one & done, touch your toes day #18

wall pushups day #13

I forgot about the last day of December Fit, but I'll do another hall pass tomorrow and that will be that.

WOW this got dark... fast. Luckily my training as a runner at Abel Township stood me in good stead, and I got away before anyone saw me. Not my first zombie rodeo. Now I just need some place to hide for a while, or some hint as to where to head next... this new world is darker and stranger than I ever would have guessed.

Happy New Year for everyone for whom... it is a new year! May it be filled with blessings, love, health, and much happiness :gots:

Pokemon caught: Drowzee

Day #127


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Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Wednesday, January 1st, 2025

First off, I finally did the gift workout! It was slightly more challenging than what I've been taking on so far, but in a good way. Definitely a confidence boost to know that the easier workouts really HAVE been prepping my body and mind for the challenges ahead. I even did it exactly as written, including keeping the rests well within range of two minutes. The story was also so cute - and exactly me! In high school I was always that kid running around helping out everywhere I could and befriending anyone who seemed alone.

I'm considering the option of having the opposite of a rest day once a week or so - a Challenge Day, where I take on a workout or program a level higher than the one I'm at right now. I'll have to give some thought to how exactly I might pull this off.

Alright, next:

One minute meditation day #1 - took me a while to find a free meditation/breathing app to help with the timing, but finally found one that's perfect

Easy abs, one & done, touch your toes day #19

RingFit Adventure 10 minutes (world 2, level 6)

30 days of Yoga, day #8

I finally sorted my Darebee trackers. I have the 100 challenges book, I got a blank 30 day challenge book that I can fill in with whatever challenge or program I'm doing, and I got a cheap agenda just for writing down my Darebee and fitness/meditation activity every day (since I never really use agendas for anything else anyway). This'll make it a lot harder to lose track of the count, even with a ton of different programs and challenges all up in the air at once.

Was a good start to 2025! The hardest and most satisfying workout I've done yet. If I can keep this up I'll make good progress... maybe even move onto a level 3 program when I'm done Zero Hero!

Day #128


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Bard from The Netherlands
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"I sing and I know things"
I'm so glad you enjoyed the workout!
And yes, I love having my daily exercise routines being things I can quite confidently achieve, only to occasionally go wild and see how much I am capable of if pushed :hero:

And uh, my doctors have said no running, and I was never any good to begin with, but I have also been Runner 5 :imp:


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Huntress from Canada
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"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
@Maegaranthelas @TopNotch I've never met another runner five before! This is so exciting! All my friends and relatives think I'm out of my mind when I talk about running from zombies, even though they know all about the app and the Running Story...

Now I have this mental image of us all being Runner Fives from Abel Townships of different universes. Like Marvel's Spiderverse, but a RunnerFiver-verse? So we all converge in the storyline of this universe.

I know, I'm weird, but it's fun to imagine. And fun to meet other Runners.


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Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Thursday, January 2nd, 2024

one minute meditation day #2

30 days of yoga, day #9 (five minute meditation)

Zero Hero, day #5

Daily dare (leg raises)

Wall pushups day #14 (6 minute hold total)

1m15s plank day #3

Found... pipes. Got to play Being Mario. I had to move quickly and quietly to avoid attracting attention. Nothing good can be waiting down here for me. I wish I knew where this place was leading me. I need to be prepared for whatever is waiting next.

It's amazing how much story can be squeezed into a just a paragraph. I'm already so invested in this storyline that I'm reluctant to keep moving towards the end. That's always the challenge for me when it comes to playing through RPGes - I'm so reluctant to allow it to end and be over that I stop and stall and wander elsewhere. But this time I'm DETERMINED to see it all the way through.

Leisure activity: finish watching Miraculous Ladybug stand-alone episode

Caught: Scyther

Day #129
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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,324
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
@Maegaranthelas @TopNotch I've never met another runner five before! This is so exciting! All my friends and relatives think I'm out of my mind when I talk about running from zombies, even though they know all about the app and the Running Story...

Now I have this mental image of us all being Runner Fives from Abel Townships of different universes. Like Marvel's Spiderverse, but a RunnerFiver-verse? So we all converge in the storyline of this universe.

I know, I'm weird, but it's fun to imagine. And fun to meet other Runners.
A few years ago, after discovering ZR, I, together with my eldest, formulated a Zombies week. There used to be 'weeks' on Darebee, one workout a day on a particular theme or of a particular type. They were good and I hope some day they come back. Anyway, I collected various zombie-themed workouts (there are more on Darebee now than there were then), including non-Darebee stuff. Turned out to be a Zombie fortnight and it was quite fun.


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,324
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
It's amazing how much story can be squeezed into a just a paragraph. I'm already so invested in this storyline that I'm reluctant to keep moving towards the end. That's always the challenge for me when it comes to playing through RPGes - I'm so reluctant to allow it to end and be over that I stop and stall and wander elsewhere
Oh, you're going to love Pandora!


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Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
There used to be 'weeks' on Darebee, one workout a day on a particular theme or of a particular type. They were good and I hope some day they come back.
Me too. I think I did one or two of them and kinda just drooled over the rest because I was listening that inner critic instead of giving them a try.
I enjoyed the themed weeks too.
You know, we can always make our own and run them as community events!
Yo, that would be so cool!
So I do this thing where I link any interactive story I participate in into one long narrative in which I always play the same character.
I love this! I've been enjoying opening your spoilers and reading them! :lovelots:


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Huntress from Canada
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"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Oh, you're going to love Pandora!
I really want to do that one next!!! I've had my eyes on Hero's Journey, Pandora, and Spellbound for yeeeeeeeeeeeeears. I was playing around with the idea of having Pandora be my very first level three program, because the description made it sound like it would be a good choice for beginners. But I might just pick one of the updated level three programs and wait for Pandora to get its own update before starting. I don't know if I want to start a program just for it to change halfway through. Especially if it's an RPG. Baseline changing midway confused me enough :sweat:

I love this! I've been enjoying opening your spoilers and reading them! :lovelots:
Awww thank you! I have so much fun writing them but then get anxiety my imagination might be too much for people :worry:I realllllllllly like vivid worldbuilding and adding li'l details here and there until the story feels like it's my own :chuckle:
I was so proud of that badge
I never got any myself! Those weeks were always wayyyyyyy above my paygrade. Maybe if they ever come back, things'll be different this time :muahaha:

hehehehehe I love Darebee's little emoji-gifs :chuckle:


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Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Friday, January 3rd, 2024

One minute meditation, day #3

Zero Hero, day #6

1m15s plank hold, day #4

Easy abs, day #20

One and done, day #20

Touch your toes, day #20

Another detail from my past adventures that will soon be relevant to this one: :chuckle:

I really like working out with the Avengers, or just by myself in Avengers Tower. I invented a room in Avenger's Tower for workouts that want an RPG-vibe but aren't connected to any particular storyline, which I like to call the OTTER (stands for "Optical Technology Training and Exercise Room" or "Optical Technology Tactical Exercise Room", depending on my mood). It's based off of very real tech in the comics and films, and is what it sounds like: training with optical illusion technology. That helps one-off RPG style workouts to feel like they're part of the larger storyline even when they technically aren't. Think of the opening scene in She-Ra (another favorite superhero of mine).

Did I ever mention that I wrote my Master's thesis on Wonder Woman? I don't have a flame for superheroes, I have an entire flock of dragons :bigyes:


The pipes dropped me into a massive room. It immediately brought to mind some of the rooms I've seen at Stark Industries. They're building something here... something high tech. Didn't take long to find out what: killer robots. Luckily I was prepared for what came next... one big pay-out for all of my hours training in the OTTER. Except the robots were real this time. You can feel the difference in the crunch when you punch them. But somebody must be building them for something. There's something bigger going on here, maybe some group I don't yet know about. I'm going to keep exploring, see if I can find out what or who they are.

Leisure activity: several hours' reading

Day #130
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Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
but a lot of the workouts are also more than I can handle xD
That programme ramps up a lot. I am not sure it will stay at Level 3
Ooooh hmmmm that is good information to have. Maybe I'll keep it on the back burner for now, and wait to see which programs stay at level three and which move up. As much as I want to start something a little harder than what I'm doing now... I don't want it to be too hard to finish.

- hello from the cat who's decided my laptop is a fun thing to stand on, and thankfully caused little irreparable destruction


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Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
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"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Pandora is amazing, I would highly recommend it. (I've been wanting to go back to Pandora and do it again!) And Spellbound has a very at your own pace feel. There is a lot of options available for the times where it tells you to have X amount of attack/defense spells ready. It's a blast.


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Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Pandora is amazing, I would highly recommend it. (I've been wanting to go back to Pandora and do it again!) And Spellbound has a very at your own pace feel. There is a lot of options available for the times where it tells you to have X amount of attack/defense spells ready. It's a blast.
Okay I've been wanting to ask someone this question for ages and I really hope you don't mind me bringing it up now - how does Spellbound work, exactly? So you charge up spells at random hoping one will be useful, or do you wait til you need one and then charge them specifically? Or could you technically just charge up every single spell prior to starting, and then recharge each one as you use it? Or is it just play however you feel like it and do whatever you want and just follow what it says?

Um sorry this has been another RPG program keeping me starry eyed and I've been wondering and wondering and wondering how it works but didn't think I should officially ask until I was ready to start... so here I am, unready to start, and unofficially asking :sweat:


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Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
I must say, I think you can get a lot of enjoyment out of Pandora as it is even if you don't finish it.
There are some items you can acquire to open up areas with repeatable tasks, and I really enjoy doing those.
I think with spellbound you can chose your own way through that. I could foresee myself one day not being up to charging the spell that is required, and charging some others instead so I can make up for the time later ^^


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
I must say, I think you can get a lot of enjoyment out of Pandora as it is even if you don't finish it.
There are some items you can acquire to open up areas with repeatable tasks, and I really enjoy doing those.
Hmmmm okay I'll leave it ... somewhere on the table then. I think I'll pick the best choice of the updated level three programs when I finish Zero Hero, and then see which of the level three RPG programs is first to get its update and stay at level three. And then sort of work from there.

I think with spellbound you can chose your own way through that. I could foresee myself one day not being up to charging the spell that is required, and charging some others instead so I can make up for the time later ^^
Oooooh okay cool thanks! I sort of thought maybe it was flexible like that but I was really curious and not quite sure... I'll also notch it up a few rungs higher on my list...


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Huntress from Canada
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Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Saturday, December 4th, 2025

How long will it take me to remember we’re in 2025?

One minute meditation day #4

Zero Hero day #7 (did both 120 march steps AND butt kicks)

1m15s plank hold day #5

Easy abs, one and done, touch your toes day #21

Arms of steel, seated day #21

Wall push ups day #15

I found my way to what must be some central facility laboratory. I found yet another victim of whatever is going on here, with no obvious sign of what had happened to him.

Who did it? And why? Did someone get here ahead of me? Or did the robots go rogue on whoever had made them?

I didn't have time to ponder all the questions that arose. I took thirty seconds to swipe anything and everything that would fit into my pockets. I have an ID card to take a closer look at later, some documents folded and folded into pocket-able size, a few samples from one of the lab tables.

Then I hit the button.

And I ran.

Caught: chikorita

Books finished: Seasparrow by Kristine Cashore (currently the last book in my cousin’s favorite series; I actually quite liked it more than I thought I would), and The Great Cow Race by Jeff Smith. The Great Cow Race I practically know by heart, it’s from one of MY favorite series and I read all of the books in it at least a dozen times. It’s one of those rare stories that doesn’t lose its wit or charm or appeal with age.

I finished Neo's second journey, The Himalayas. Onto the Sahara desert.

Day #131

Sunday, January 5th, 2025

Not much done today. Just Arms of Steel (seated), day #22. Slight cheat on the streak count, because the workout was finished just past midnight. I still have to do the Secret Santa gift I gifted… it was supposed to be done by today, but I left it too late and just didn’t have it in me. Once I’d gotten home from work and made and eaten dinner, it was practically midnight. I did the best I could and that was it.

Day #132
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Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 313
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Weekly review

Goal #1: release two books per month

Books returned to library: 1/1

Books returned to free library tree: 0/1

Monthly progress: 1/2

Goal #2: apply to 5 jobs per week

Part time jobs: 0/3

Full time jobs: 0/2

Weekly progress: 0/5

Goal #3: play Switch fitness games 3 times per week

RingFit Adventure: 1/1

Circuit Fitness: 1/1

BF2 / KHF: 0/1

Weekly progress: 2/3

Score: 3/10

Total Score: 3


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Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Okay I've been wanting to ask someone this question for ages and I really hope you don't mind me bringing it up now - how does Spellbound work, exactly? So you charge up spells at random hoping one will be useful, or do you wait til you need one and then charge them specifically? Or could you technically just charge up every single spell prior to starting, and then recharge each one as you use it? Or is it just play however you feel like it and do whatever you want and just follow what it says?

Um sorry this has been another RPG program keeping me starry eyed and I've been wondering and wondering and wondering how it works but didn't think I should officially ask until I was ready to start... so here I am, unready to start, and unofficially asking :sweat:
Spellbound does look quite a bit complicated on first glance. You can charge any spell at any time, but you can only hold one use of the spell. Certain chapters will tell you to charge a certain spell. What I did was if I already had that spell charged, I skipped charging it again. (Or used it and recharged it!) Your progress in the story is primarily dictated by what you have charged and can spend. It is fully okay to be stuck on a day of the program because you can't charge the designated spell that day. Like Transmutation is full of planks and your abs are just too sore to do it, do another spell instead. It is highly likely that you will need that spell later in the story. And just because it is charged doesn't mean you can't do it again if you feel like it, like with Restoration (yoga poses). Almost all the spells are 5 sets and done, except for Restoration, Tracking, Cloaking, and Peacemaker (I think that's all of them). To some degree, it is very much at your own pace. And there will be a day where you can't progress unless you have 3 attack spells and 2 defensive spells. You don't have to do them all in the same day (that's a lot of work).
I must say, I think you can get a lot of enjoyment out of Pandora as it is even if you don't finish it.
There are some items you can acquire to open up areas with repeatable tasks, and I really enjoy doing those.
This!! Yes, Pandora is big and a little apprehensive, but you will enjoy this one a lot. There are a ton of small tasks to be done (do your side quests!!) and a lot of travel, but overall, it is worth it.