I'm Going On An Adventure!!


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Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Well, I only got half of the crown done, they have to make it and then I get it installed next Monday. The installation shouldn't be too bad though, my biggest issue is getting frozen, I have panic attacks anytime the needle goes in my mouth.

I rallied last night though, after a bit of a lay down, and we took the kids out for a walk at 6:30 since it was a decent temperature and only a little drizzly. We checked out the lights in our neighbourhood, and I think the fresh air did all of us some good.

Been doing some physio exercizes, and Biggie continues to need some snuggle pacing around the room so my arms and back are still getting their workouts.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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Posts: 398
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Going to admit to a lazy week this week. Since I had my tooth worked on I just haven't been feeling much for exercise. It's still healing and I get the crown put on on Monday at which point I will likely feel more vigorous. :giveup:

I have been taking advantage of my standing desk to get some additional motion or muscle activation, so it's not a total loss. Less Biggie carrying time though, he's been dropping off to sleep a lot quicker now that he's able to breathe and feeling better. Chasing him and Munchie, and crawling around on the floor with them has me stiff in different areas. :hero:

I have my company Christmas party tonight and I'm looking forward to that. Got to do the present shopping (It's good to be the social committee, so much fun buying stuff for everyone). A little stressful too as it's my first time booking for this new company, but so far I've been getting good feedback from my manager who's been here a while and knows what everyone would like. :party:

Both kids are off for a grandparent sleepover tonight so Hubby and I will be taking major advantage of a good night's sleep! :night:

Already got about 45 minutes of standing/baby squats at my desk as I'm covering proof reading today and I focus better when standing. We'll see how many documents come in and reps I get in. :bouncebounce:


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Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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Posts: 398
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Good morning,

Holiday party went off well! A bit overwhelming as I'm only 3 months into this job so there were a lot of new people with all the spouses. :celebrate:

Getting my crown on my tooth today, but luckily that's the easy part.

Over the weekend we did a couple of walks as a family, getting the kids out into the fresh air for a bit. Got a new blow up decoration for outside. Munchie chose it and, surprisingly, didn't go for the Bluey or Penguins, but for the Santa that pops out of a chimney. (She claimed she wanted to "copy the other house"... the other house being one with over 50 balloons, so no... we won't be copying it). She then was determined (and succeeded) to carry the box all the way from the till to the car! :nod:

Saturday we were all obviously tired. Driving back from the store, Biggie, Munchie, and I all fell asleep, and Hubby went to a coffee shop, figuring we'd wake up in a few minutes and join him. Half an hour later he came back and drove us home (I woke up when he entered the car), we then sat another 45 minutes or so to let the kids finish their nap as a rainbow grew and faded with the clouds moving over the sun. :chilling:

It's amazing how different the house feels when both kids are healthy. Hubby has a breathing test on Wednesday, so hopefully we can figure out what's going on with him and get back to normal. :perfect:

Today I'm focusing on the turkey run, already did 150 slow butt kicks, only got 3 turkeys though.
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Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 398
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
The standing desk is helping me workout again today.

:star: 500 Slow Butt Kicks while chasing turkeys
:star: Daily Exercise - 20 lunge step-ups +EC
:star: Physio exercises - 20 half squats, 20 half squats left leg forward, 20 half squats right leg forward


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Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Hello Santa!!

I have been an.... ok girl this year. My exercising has been up and down, partly due to injury, partly due to life chaos.

I am still recovering from a knee injury from last year so I can't do any high impact exercises.

I love to walk, dance, and chase after my kids. A workout that they could be involved in would be great (they're 5 and 2, they're both over 30 lbs so please be nice if I have to lift them..)

I'm not very good at pushups, but I can hold a plank.

I hope you had a great year Santa, and I look forward to your gift!



Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 398
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Yesterday was SO ROUGH!!

Took the day off of work because we wanted to do a big push and try and get the dining room ready for Christmas, which meant digging it out of the detritus that we had shoved in there during the reno.

We got a good chunk done a few weeks ago, and wanted to keep moving, so away we went. I started the day off taking Munchie to school (she's been asking if I can do drop off and pickup for a while). Then I walked home as Hubby had to run to his test (which had a 'technical difficulty' so he has to repeat it today). I then did 10 basic burpees to catch 20 more turkeys and got started on cleaning up. :pose:

Lots of lifting, sorting, kneeling, stairs... couldn't tell you how much of each I did, but I went from about 8:30-2:30 cleaning up. In the process I managed to get a massive bruise on my hip from misjudging where the gap in the baby gate was.... :sadness:

I then ended the day walking and rocking Biggie, carrying him up 1 flight of stairs, then going to the basement and grabbing Munchie (who had fallen asleep during her Wednesday movie) and carrying her up 2 flights of stairs. :trail:

Today my hip bruise grows, and my knees are swollen, but I survive and my dining room is much closer to being done.

I'm pondering what to do today, perhaps a standing desk micro workout, just to keep me moving and not getting too tight and sore.


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Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
So, one of my Christmas requests is a gym membership. I'd specified a particular one that is closest to my work, but then found that there isn't one of that type near my house anymore. I was checking out some other gyms that aren't so close to work, but have ones near home. Amazingly the most affordable one not only is one of the closest to home, and just a bit further from work, also has a Free Workout Day on the last Thursday of the month. I will be taking advantage of that tonight, though most likely be trying out their massage chairs after yesterday....

Definitely will check out their equipment and plot and plan.


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Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
All right!!

So I did the daily exercise: 30 elbows to knees with EC, to the great amusement of Biggie. :chuckle:

Got the kids to bed and headed off to the gym. It's quite a nice place, very open, very overwhelming.... but that's just every new situation for me. :tuzki-hi:

:star:I did a 5 minute warm up on the treadmill, then since the mats were open I headed over there.
:star:I did Toned Arms+ level 1 with 5 lb weights, followed by Yin to stretch out my back after all the cleaning the day before.
:star:Then, of course, I took advantage of the Hydro Massage bed and my back felt MUCH better!

Got home to Munchie still awake, she was watching a video game playthrough and since they'd just reached a boss she asked to see that part. Figuring it wouldn't take long, I said sure. Half. An. Hour. LATER! I finally got her up into bed. :giveup:

The great news is Biggie once again spent the whole night in his bed! We're getting there! :night:

Last night we realized we forgot today was "Wear your Christmas Best to school" day, and had put Munchie in her one red shirt yesterday!! So pink shirt with advent calendar felties quickly sewn on it was. She was thrilled though because she got to choose what she wanted on her shirt and where it was going... :phew:

So Mommy was a hero. :super:



Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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Posts: 398
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
This weekend was a wash for structured exercise, but there was plenty to be had with normal movement.

Saturday I stayed home with the kids while Hubby had to run out and do an errand quite a distance away. The wind chill was pretty bad so we stayed in for comfort, but we got a lot of dancing, running, and playing while inside still. :bounce:

Sunday I took Munchie to a Christmas event, 3 hours of standing, chasing after her, and general chaos. I don't know that we'll go back to it, definitely not with only one parent. It took her out though, the noise level was quite high and we think it hurt her ears as she complained about sore ears when we got home. She crashed about 3:30 and only woke up for dinner, then back down till 4:30 am, though it was a restless sleep with many crazy dreams that kept waking her. My lower joints are all unhappy from all the standing, but I'm sure a bit of movement at my desk will remedy that. :surrender:

I definitely felt my workout on Thursday in my shoulders for a few days. I haven't actually used weights in a long time. I'm looking forward to getting back to a regular gym, especially since it will give me a bit of solo grown up time, and certain extended family members can't complain about 'wasted time' due to them also complaining about my size. So benefits all around really. :chuckle:

We got somewhat blasted with snow yesterday, about an inch, maybe an inch and a half. We're supposed to get another 2-4 inches on Wednesday so that might be fun to do some snow play with the kids. :snowball:

Going to try and get through days 1 and 2 of Fit December and the December Challenge today and prepare for ornaments and snowball fights.... gotta be ready to dodge!


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Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Nearly end of the work day and I've managed to:

:star: Day 1 & 2 of Fit December
:star: Day 1 & 2 of One & Done December Challenge
:star: Day 1 Counting Victories Challenge
:star: Standing desk for 2 hours total

Realized halfway through the day that my back and legs were bugging me because I'd just been sitting all day. Thank goodness for standing desk.

Then I sneakily did some working out while watching out for people wandering through my reception area. :peek:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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Posts: 398
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Well, Munchie is home with a fever today. She didn't get sent home early from school, but at pickup Gramma was told she's running a fever and she needs to stay home until she's 24 hours fever free, so that's fun.:expecting:

Biggie's doing pretty good still, but the cold weather is something he's not used to and the dry air is affecting all of us I think. :scroll:

I will probably wait until I get home to do today's Fit December because I don't think I can explain laying on the floor, and there's no where private here to do a quick work out. At least I can get the challenge done. :flex:

Otherwise, the sun is shining so it means it's freezing, and it's just a touch of reprieve before we go back into the thick of it and get another 10-15 cm of snow tomorrow, so wheeee. :cantcope:


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Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
End of the workday check in.

Munchie learned how to play Go Fish today and was feeling much better. I'm not sure where her temperature sits, but hopefully it's down.

:star: Day 3 December Buttkick Challenge
:star: 2X Legolo Secret Santa 2023 (minus the 10 minute walk)
:star: Day 2 Counting Victories (this will be a day behind as I'm going through the whole day and counting the victory the next morning)

I'll be doing Fit December at home tonight, and I'm sure the kids will find me hysterical. :muahaha:


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Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
So... I didn't get Fit December Day 3 done, I ended up getting glutened and did a different type of ab workout, one involving bowing to the porcelain throne.

Yesterday was spent entirely in bed (save for Mommy duties which do not stop), and today I'm back at work with a minor headache and some residual not-fun-ness from the glutening.

I will do my half jacks for my day passes and get my Challenge done since I can do my buttkicks slowly. Taking it easy for the next few though, that really sucked.


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Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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Posts: 398
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Managed to rally with some food and medicine (I apparently have the beginnings of a cold as well so, decongestant and pain killers away!)

:star: 50 Stepjacks to Day Pass Fit December Day 3
:star: Day 4 & 5 of December Challenge
:star: Micro Walk workout + EC
:star: Day 4 & 5 Fit December
:star: Day 3 & 4 Counting Victories

Not bad at all, going to take it easy the rest of the day.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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Posts: 398
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Thank you very much everyone for all the healing vibes, I definitely think they're working (for me at least :chuckle: ). The whole household has this cold, but we're pretty sure it's just a cold this time. Munchie is coughing, Biggie has a runny nose, but other than the blip on Monday, no fevers, no lethargy, mostly sleeping well. With luck this one will pass us over with minor inconvenience an NO ANTIBIOTICS!!! :kick:

Had physio today and my knee is "a bit tight but the joint is much more stable" so that's good news. Looks like the next bit of time will be focusing on stretching my IT band to loosen that up.

Still taking it a bit easy today as my body is finding its equilibrium after Wednesday. Also staying warm as it's currently -10C, -18C with windchill.... :softz:

Otherwise, the snow is pretty, the sun is coming out periodically to make it sparkle, and my office is decorated for the holidays so it feels nice and homey.

Perfect time to use the standing desk to get some butt kicks done.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 398
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Phew what a weekend, once again, no structured exercize, but plenty of movement with the kids. :celeb:

It was quite up and down, as I said before, we have sniffles, but nothing serious. Just enough to be annoying without really hampering our day.

Saturday we got out in the snow, hubby shoveled all of the snow in the backyard into a pile, then using parts of the summer playground, turned it into a fort. We have artificial turf in the back, so we didn't worry about wrecking the grass. The kids loved jumping on the pile, then climbing around all of the structures. Biggie kept dropping snow chunks on his inflatable declaring "DI-SORE" each time he hit the Holiday Stegosaurus. He has such a growly baby voice when he wants to and it's adorable. :cheeky:

Then, in my foolishness, I decided to go over the baby gate rather than moving Biggie and going through, and brought my right foot down on the garbage pail that's on the other side. Likely dislocated my baby toe, or at least bruised it. I'm hoping it wasn't worse. I can weight bear, walk, run-ish, so I'm pretty sure I'm good. Doing slow butt kicks and such today to not put too much force on it. :yellz:

Yesterday both kids were in a rare mood and there was a LOT of big feelings. :choke:

We managed to get out to the mall and have a decent family lunch at the food court (kids stayed seated and ate without too much harassing so I call that a win). We also went downtown in our small city which is historical and used in a lot of tv shows and movies, so quite pretty. Checked out a little bookstore that recently opened, and Munchie got herself a new book. We were going to check out the chocolatier but the store was packed, and Munchie declared she would much rather just go home and have hot chocolate with marshmallows. (I'm with her on that one). :coffee:

More running around the playroom, cuddling, big feelings, and better behaviour after. We think some of Munchie's issues were because her food schedule was off from school and she was actually hungry most of the day, but was distracted by everything going on and didn't really eat. :eatall:

To get us to a better mood, we made green Grinch pancakes with peas for green and a special Grinch pan to put the face on, had bath and jammies, and watched the Grinch before bed.

Today I'm going to be catching up on my December Challenge, as well as Fit December, but doing modifications for my toe and listening to my body so I don't hurt anything futher. :softz:

Have a little pampering planned for the rest of the month: Get my hair dyed and cut next weekend, nails done when Dad and Step mom are in town (stepmom's present), and hair styled before fancy dinner on the 24. Also have planned how we're going to do my gym membership with my work benefits (so it's not technically a present which means I also get something else :muahaha: )


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Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 398
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Just finished:

:star: Day 7 and 8 of Fit December
:star: Today’s Daily Exercise 10 Crunch Kicks +EC

Munchie and Biggie didn’t laugh, but instead participated. Both loved doing the flutter kicks. Munchie can make a V behind her back with her super flexible shoulders during reverse flys. I’m just a little bit jealous. :comeon:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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Posts: 398
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
After my little workout with the kids, we hopped in the car and went for a drive to look at Christmas lights. Just a nice little time of the family. Once we got home it was bath, snack, and bed. :tuzki-love:

Both kids slept through the night even with snuffly noses, I think we may have finally found equilibrium with them. :zzz:

I've grabbed a couple of modern books to finish the year off with. I used to read a LOT, but then with the kids, I didn't have the brain power to focus on reading. I've been able to pick up volunteering for Librivox.org again and get to help with their free public domain audiobook releases thanks to work. This means I've been listening to old books, but actually reading a book, even on my phone, is different. I hopped on Goodreads again and checked my old groups. Most are ghost towns but one challenge group is still active, so I decided to grab one of their Books of the Month, a cute Holiday Romance (basically a Hallmark Movie in book form) called Lovelight Farms. It's slow going, I read maybe a chapter a night, but it's nice to curl up with it after bedtime. :scroll:

I've cleared my TBR because it was years old on there, and I'm looking to start the year fresh with the Book of the Month and Buddy Read options on the Challenge group as inspiration to get back in that habit.

I also have a parenting book that I'm listening to on my commute. I've been having issues with Munchie and big feelings and hitting recently. Since my go to from my own parents' example is to yell, I'd like to try and change my approach in hopes of helping her. So, Raising Human Beings it is, so far it's a very interesting book.

Today I'm looking to get days 9+10 of Fit December done, and Day 10 of the Challenge. I have to catch up on my Counting Victories too. It's also Ornament Time!!!!!!!! :hop:

I'm looking at doing the Snow Globe, Star, or Stocking. Going to try and get all three done and choose at the end (they're the easiest to do at work without detection :worry:)

I may get the Pine Cone done too but that's stretch goals and I'm not going to stress about it. :chopper:

I'm starting to consider plans for the new year but I'm not going to commit to anything quite yet. Just collecting challenges and programs and such in my bookmarks for consideration. Knowing I'll have the gym option is helping too.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 398
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
At work workouts:

:star: Day 9 and 10 Fit December
:star: Day 10 December Challenge
:star: 150 Squats towards Snow Globe (going to claim this one I think)
:star: 50 Half Step Jacks towards Star
:star: 20 Low Turn Kicks toward Stocking
:star: December 5-9 Counting Victories


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 398
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Last night was quiet and nice. Munchie had a drawing present from her 'boyfriend' a little boy she's friends with who 'looooves me mommy!' We're not encouraging or discouraging that, just letting it happen as little kids are wont to do. :lovely:

Read a couple Christmas stories to the kids, then allowed Munchie some screen time while I gave Biggie a bath (Hubby needed a lie down, his coughing/breathing issues are ticking up again and yet his breathing test came back normal... so we're looking for next steps). :type:

Hubby has an interview tomorrow for a place a couple towns north of us. With that, we're starting to discuss relocating and looking at houses in the area. We wouldn't be moving until the summer. Let Munchie finish out her school year and let us get a feel for our new routine and also see how the drive actually is. We can get more house/yard for not much more at this point, but who knows where the interest rate and such will be for selling our house when the time comes. Paying down our debts with the extra income might give us enough to just sit tight for a while more. We've been here for 16 years this past November, what's a few more? :plot:

Plans for today are to do my challenges (Victories, December and Ornament) and Fit December but to take it easy. I'm feeling a bit tight and sore today so some movement to loosen me up but not too much so I don't cycle back to stiff tomorrow. :moves:

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,197
"Striving to be the change."
Munchie had a drawing present from her 'boyfriend' a little boy she's friends with who 'looooves me mommy!'

When my brother was in nursery school he supposedly had 3 "girlfriends" at the same time. This reportedly happened because he asked the girl he liked if she would be his girlfriend, and she told him yes, but only if he would also be the boyfriend of her two best friends!


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 398
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Yesterday I managed:

:star: Day 11 December Challenge
:star: Day 11 Fit December
:star: 100 Squats for the Snow Globe, putting me at 250 total

We had planned to take the kids to a "Winter Wonderland" lights setup, but when we got there we noticed that there were people in the gazebo at the middle of the park who were not safe to take our kids near. :sadness:

We hung out at a friend's hobby store across the street for a bit, but still had big tears from Munchie who had been really looking forward to it. I've looked up and found a farm that's got Christmas events and setup and we're considering heading there this weekend. :twirl:

Saturday is Biggie's 2nd birthday so there's a lot going on then with family visiting and such. :tuzki-birthday:

Sunday I'm hoping to have 'messy day' as well where the kids get to finger paint some pictures for the grandparents. We let them go ham, then let the canvas dry, then put hand and footprints on it with the year. I have a few other special versions I'd like to get done too. One where each member of the family puts their hand prints in size order, so Hubby, me, Munchie, Biggie but that takes a bit due to needing the paint to dry in between. Then the one that I really want is a canvas that we just paint the bottom of Munchie and Biggie's feet and let them walk or run across it to have their foot prints. Then there's the tree skirt where each year we put the kids' handprints as they grow up (and since I made it doubly huge, maybe grandkids eventually). Basically we'll lay down a painting tarp and give the go ahead. :hoppy:

And use washable water based paints.

We're coming into the busy part of the month for us. From now till the New Year it's going to be non stop. It's fun, but exhausting. We've already made the decision to not do one of my family events because we really don't get to visit since we're just watching the kids the whole time. It also had a 2 hour round trip commute to go, so we're looking forward to having that time back. :crawl: We're also taking on the task of hosting a couple of the events to allow for our kids to stay home during it and being able to go to bed when they need to.

Hubby has an interview today, so we'll see what comes of that. It would be a decent job with good pay so we could definitely use it.

Other wise, it's continuing as I go with my Challenges and Fit December. :curlz:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 398
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Yesterday was a weird night because Hubby had the car for his interview. (it went ok but he's not sure it's a fit for him). Poor Biggie ended up doing the commute to pick me up strapped in his carseat. He got to do a quick tour around my office when they got here because he needed a bum change, but still, nearly an hour of just sitting in the car. :pmode:

Due to the crazy of that, it was take out pizza for Hubby and Biggie, since Munchie had shepherd's pie at Gramma's. By the time we did their dinner, play time, bath, and bed I realized that I hadn't eaten and I was too wiped to even think about it. :standby:

I made sure I got up in time to make breakfast this morning though.:eatall:

I did do Day 12 of Fit December, with 35 lb Munchie giving me added weight by "going for a ride" as I did bridges and knee rolls. :star:

This morning it's freezing outside, but work is warm, and I'm just chilling. Going to continue on what I'm doing with challenges and December fit.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 398
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Checking in a little early because I got it done and want to track it.

:star: Exercize of the Day + EC
:star: Day 13 of December Challenge
:star: Day 13 of Fit December
:star: 5 Sets of Still Standing - WOD (100 squats for snow globe)
:star: 100 squats bringing Snow Globe total to 600 Complete!
:star: Days 10-12 of Counting Victories

Now I'm going to sit and chill and prepare for Biggie's 2nd birthday tomorrow.
