I'm Going On An Adventure!!


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Mercenary from Italy
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"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Good morning Bees!

Saturday was nuts! Biggie turned 2 and I'm pretty sure he had a good day. My mother and her husband came down from her town about an hour away, Biggie was at the door and squealed "GRAMMA GRAMMA" while jumping up and down when he saw her. He and Munchie had a great time playing with them. Biggie got a kid's sized cleaning set (mop, broom, bucket, cloths) which means he and Munchie can 'clean' with me and stop stealing my tools. :clapclap:

He also got a book that was a bit too old for him, but perfect for Munchie, so she's getting to read it for now.

Then he went for nap time and I went to get my hair done. I usually get my highlights done 2-3 times a year, definitely always just before Christmas, and this is when it hit the best. Other than some frustration trying to find parking, it was a nice bit of time to relax. :teatime:

Then we went over to other Gramma's for snack, presents, and cake and it all went quite well. Biggie adores his grandparents and gets super excited any time he sees any of them. Gramma gave him clothes (because this child is already outgrowing the 2T clothes we upsized him to a few months ago) and some hot wheels cars. If there's one thing about both my kids, they LOVE cars. :noming:

Then home for supper and a video call with Papa and GK who are on the west coast. Much more jumping with excitement, and he figured out how to say GK for the first time, so that was exciting. He'll get his gifts when they come into town this weekend.

Sunday we stayed in and stayed calm. Both kids slept in, which was wonderful. It was quite cute when Munchie got up, I heard her gasp, then she turned her light on. I went to catch her before she made too much noise and woke up her brother and she looked at me wide eyed and said "Mommy! It's almost time for school!!" and I had to explain to her that it wasn't a school day. :rush:

Went to church in the morning and both kids had a blast. We picked up McDonald's for them for lunch, which they devoured without issue (for once). Then naptime for Biggie, and since she'd been so good, Chromebook time for Munchie. Hubby and I both had naps! :zzz:

Then we found a kid's yoga channel on Youtube and did a few of those videos, including breathing ones to show Munchie how to calm down when her ragey platformer video games start to frustrate her. The videos where fun to do, but I overworked my lower legs I think, because I kept waking up last night to them being in agony.

We think Biggie is in a growth spurt again because he's eating us out of house and home and sleeping half the day. He's already over 3 feet tall at exactly 2 years. They say take a boy's height at 2.5 years and double it and that's how tall he'll be as an adult. At this rate I need to invest in an osteopath because I'll forever have a crick in my neck from looking up at the rest of my family. :bow:

Other than kiddo exercize videos (which really are no joke!) I didn't do any real exercize this weekend. I'll be catching up on the December challenge, and probably using at least one day pass for Fit December. Gotta get ready to dodge snowballs though!


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Hoooah, yesterday was a bust. :roadkill:

Things got busy at work and I didn't do anything!! Though as part of my job I did drag the blue recycling bins from their normal spot at the back of the property into the garage for the winter so that was something.

Last night was relatively quiet, so I'm going to try and focus on getting more movement today. :makeway:

Sent my first two snowballs out so we'll see what I get back in return. :chuckle:

Also enjoying my one and only Gingerbread drink from Starbucks, I used to LIVE on these in the holiday season but now that a grande is nearly $7 I only let myself have one. :coffee:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Ok going to check in now at the end of the day and put my Snowballs on time out.

:star: Dodged 20 Snowballs - I'm doing 2 side jacks for every snowball as I can't do a full jumping jack due to my knee.
:star: Daily Exercize + EC
:star: December Challenge day 14-17 (catching up the weekend)
:star: Fit December day 14, 15 (day pass), 16 (catching up the weekend)

On the reading front, I'm 50% through Single Player and 17% through Lovelight Farms. Munchie and I have been reading and reviewing a bunch of kids books on NetGalley though. I'm pondering starting up my review blog again that I did years ago and maybe firing up a couple of social media spots just to have more places to put reviews.

Tonight, depending on how much Hubby was able to get done, we may be decorating the Christmas tree, something Munchie has been requesting daily. She's old enough now to understand it, and since the tree has been up since last year, she's been putting her Happy Meal Grinch ornaments on it as she gets them.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
So good and bad about last night. Good was we did end up getting the Christmas Tree decorated. Munchie even learned about ladder safety.


The bad was, we haven't decorated the tree in about 6 years, so the ornaments were dusty and musty. They were ok, but I think I'm having a mild allergic reaction to it and I'm all stuffed up.

I survived though, enough to see that I have 15 snowballs to dodge. :yell:

Be prepared for revenge! The time will come!

For today I'm going to take it a bit easy so as to not irritate my sinuses too much (my balance is a bit off this morning because of them I think), December Challenge and Fit December after the snowballs will likely be all I do.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Yesterday I managed to dodge all my snowballs in the morning, but due to a retirement lunch and some afternoon busy (plus me not feeling the greatest as I'm fighting a cold) I did bupkis all afternoon and evening. :expecting:

Got Biggie through a bath, was just about to start Munchie's when Biggie had a coughing fit that ended with a mess... so Munchie got a speedy bath this morning to wash her hair before her Christmas concert today.

Took it easy last night in hopes that I can kick this thing quickly as I am hosting a Christmas dinner on Saturday and then we have absolute insanity till New Year's. :rush:

I dodged all 122 snowballs that came in over the last 18 ish hours, and threw them all back. Expecting to get further buried today.

Looney Tunes Pranks GIF by Looney Tunes World of Mayhem

Going to try to do some December Challenge and Fit December, but I'm also listening to how my body is feeling and not going to push it.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Already posted in the snowfight, but yeah... this cold has hit and hit hard. We also have a weather system going through that's just going nuts on my head.

Munchie had her Christmas Concert last night and she was super cute. She goes to a Christian private school that Hubby went to, and... it's gone a lot more hardcore than when he was there. There was a 'skit' that happened that felt like it came right out the satirical film Saved, complete with a cross lit up by black light, and as I am not that hardcore or religious, I spent half the concert trying to hide my laughter. :haha:

Both kids were up super late last night because of the concert, but slept the night through, so that's something.

MIL is supposed to have a Munchie sleep over tonight, but she also may have a mild concussion from having a van trunk lid shut on her head earlier in the week. So doctor's appointment for her. Munchie's eye swelled up overnight which is usually a sign she's getting pink eye so she stayed home from school and went to visit the pharmacist, but since it's just swollen and not yet turned pink, we're supposed to watch and wait. I'd lay money down that she'll need the eye drops tomorrow, but whatever. :gotq:

I'm probably not going to do much more than walking around today, and being medicated. I have my Dad and his wife flying in tomorrow and then Christmas dinner with that side of the family to do in the evening, so I have to get better! :yas:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Yikes @Saffity ! Best wishes for better health for all concerned! (And for the illnesses you've already got not to spread any further! Are your Dad and his wife staying with you, or just in for dinner?)

Maybe a move next summer will be an excuse to rescue Munchie from that school?
Dad stays with us in the basement so he and step mom can hide if illness gets worse. The school as a whole is fine so far, the hard coreness I was meaning was for the performance, which was directed by the VP... so the teaching isn't too bad, the performance was just a bit too on the nose for the satires I've seen. It was more hilarious than worrying.

I found a picture for example, this shows the blacklight cross, and the blue rock a student rolled across the stage to represent "the rock that was moved". It was a decent skit for grades 6-8 but... very very much like a scene from Saved.

Last edited:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
I survived the weekend!

I was medicated for most of it, mainly to stop my nose from being a faucet. The kids are getting better too, but we're going through Kleenex faster than you can turn around! :emergency:

My Dad and his Wife got in Saturday and it's been a nice visit so far. A bit of craziness though because they got in as we were finishing getting things tidied for the Christmas dinner that night. The food was cooked and eaten, there was room for all around the table, presents were given out, and much merriness was had. The kids went to bed late, and yet didn't have meltdowns. It was a lovely day (if a tad stressful). :eatall:

Sunday was quieter, I took my Step-Mom for mani/pedi's at a little place down the street from us so we're all ready for the big dinner tomorrow (my fingers and toes match my dress now!) Now that the dining room is accessible we are planning to eat dinners there and keep the little kiddy table for breakfast and lunches. :pose:

I got into work this morning to find my Secret Santa workout and I LOVE IT!!!! I can't wait to get home and do it with the kids tonight! Secret Santa if you're reading this, THANK YOU!!! I will endeavor to figure out who you are, I need to go do some sneaky spying on who's enjoying DJ Raphi. :cheeks:

I also have a lot of catching up to do from being down and out last week, but it's *knock on wood.... quiet here today so I should be able to get some December challenge and fit december done. :standby:

On the mental health side of things, I'm 3/4 of the way through my audiobook and it's cute... though I have some questions, I'm slowly picking away at the book I'm attempting to read read, but it's a brain power thing and when I'm sick and tired, the brain is not there. I'm going to be starting up my book review blog that I stopped updating back in 2016 again, and I'm hoping to catch up with my most recent reads by the new year. I'm starting to plot goals for reading next year, including the ones that I read with the kids, because Kids books need reviews too. :scroll:

I'm also still going strong with background volunteer work at Librivox, we just got the 20,000th audiobook released last week, so that was exciting. Between coordinating and proof listening I'm currently working on about 45 projects there, plus hosting/editing the monthly podcast. It's nice to have something creative to do that doesn't 'appear' to be wasting time to certain external family members. I'd like to get back to my knitting and sewing, but right now it causes too much strife as it's seen as 'wasted time' that could be used elsewhere. :kungfu:

My manager was chatting with me about possibly working from home on Friday as I'll likely be the only one in the office, but I managed to convince her to let me come in (I do have work to do here that can't be done from home, but this also means I can just blast my music and not have to worry about kidlets and dishes for 8 hours :giggle:)

Soon (like, first week of January) I will be getting my gym membership, and there will be much rejoicing as I have a spot to burn my excess big feelings, as well as multiple types of massage chairs to enjoy. :hop:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
End of the day checkin:

:star: Daily Exercize + EC
:star: December Challenge - Dec 18-23
:star: Fit December - Dec 17, 18, 19 (Day Pass), 20

I plan to catch up Fit December 21-24 tomorrow, and do my Secret Santa workout with the kids tonight. Then I have to do a few other Secret Santa workouts in the next few days to make sure I'm not too easy to figure out. :muahaha:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
The kids and I just finished my Secret Santa workout and it’s no joke! Their favourite part was crawling under the bridge, I had to be fast to be able to drop the bridge because if they had their way they would keep going. :tired:

I convinced Munchie that we only needed 3 sections of the rainbow bridge to reach the other side tonight, but that we could totally build another bridge tomorrow. She took my hand and said “come on mommy we have to go to the magical world!!” Then she read the story again and wanted to know why they were little Bees. I explained the hive and that we’re we’re all exercise bees and she thought that was pretty cool.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Ow Ow Ow... Santa... I hope you understand that by having the kids go "under the bridge" it means I hold the bridge with very little down time for a minute or more. The giggles are worth it though. :hehehe:

Quiet morning because neither of the kids have anywhere to go. Both had rough nights, but I think it's because they were up til 10 last night (late naps = late bedtimes = kids stretching late bedtimes = overtired kids). Luckily hubby took most of it since my head decided to get all stuffed up again and the meds knocked me right out. :roadkill:

Treated myself to an extra gingerbread latte this morning, because it's Christmas!!:float:

A little sore from my Secret Santa present, also sore from the catching up of butt kicks yesterday. Going to catch up the rest of Fit December today, and maybe see if there's a Secret Santa workout or two I can do. Gotta hide who I am. :muahaha:

Otherwise, just going to keep on keeping on at work, and hopefully get as much guck out of my head as possible since tonight is fancy family dinner and I don't want to be a snotbag. Today's a half day at work, and then I head out to get my hair done. Then back home to where Hubby, Dad, and StepMom will have all the appetizers ready for the gift exchange before dinner. At which point, we have to wrangle two, most likely, very hyper children, get them fed and in jammies to go to Gramma's (since fancy dinner is not a place for those 5 and under), and then crush their little hearts when they have to leave just as we have company coming. :phew:

They will get over it, and Mommy and Daddy deserve a nice quiet night out every so often. :fantastic:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Oy, Tuesday was when I last checked in? It's been a crazy couple of days!

So...Christmas Eve afternoon/evening went well. Got my hair did, finished setting stuff up for the before snackies, got the kids fed and dressed to go to Grandma's (and as expected, there were many tears from Munchie... "but Aunty --- just got here, I don't WANT to go to Grammas!!!!" Her Aunty is her favourite person in the world (She's my cousin, but she's an only child to a single mother and we spent a lot of time together. We have a similar relationship to close step-siblings and it was never a question that she would be Aunty to my kids). Munchie spent the whole afternoon asking where her Aunty was (she was a bit late due to traffic), luckily, Aunty showed up before the kids had to go. :tuzki-agro-hug:

Said cousin decided that this year we were doing games, which I said 'go for it' but I wasn't running them. We played, we did our family Secret Santa, we had a few drinks, then got dressed to go to dinner. Clearly, even though I've put on a bit since I stopped nursing, my progress is apparent. As I came down the stairs in my dress, my cousins were all kind of surprised and gave small cheers, as you do. So that felt good! :yes:

Me with my cousins and stepmom (in back)

All through dinner I knew my cold was ramping back up. By the time dessert came around, I couldn't breathe through my nose or taste anything due to my congestion. We went home and crashed. Munchie had a sleep over at Gramma's (and we told Santa about it so he left one of her presents over there for the morning), Biggie came home and slept very well. Dad and Stepmom went home at 3 am, then the kids slept in, so we had a quiet morning. I talked with MIL and cancelled me going to her place that evening because of how sick I was, then took the opportunity to have a nice long bath and a nap. They sent me over some lunch and dinner, and the kids had a great time with their presents and playing, but didn't eat well due to MIL serving dinner at 4:30!!! :scroll:

Yesterday my body decided that all guck needed to leave my body and I spent the day hacking and sneezing. Hubby went out to do a little Boxing Day spying to get prices and such. Munchie went to a birthday party and had a blast. It was at a trampoline park so she came home and just crashed. Biggie and I had a quiet day playing with some of his new toys, and just taking it easy in hopes that I will get healthy. :zzz:

Today I'm back at work, just doing some little stuff that it's hard to get to when we're in full swing. Hubby and MIL are looking for a new dining room set for us, so I'm getting sent pictures and weighing in when I can. :up:

Today starts 5 days of free access to the gym I want to start going to, so I'm looking forward to taking advantage of that. For today I'm just going to enjoy the empty office and do some light workout stuff while I scan and archive. :excited:

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas/Holiday and looking forward to the New Year plans that will soon be going up.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Well I was the only one in the office today, but was actually working so didn't get too much done. Caught up 4 days of December Challenge and 1 day of Fit December. :star:

I checked out the gym near my work and it's smaller than the one at home but still really nice. It's an older franchise than the one near me so it stands to reason it's not as shiny. I just got a tour, didn't have enough time to work out today, but have made arrangements with hubby to go do a workout tonight once Biggie is ready for bed since Munchie is having a Gramma sleepover. :zzz:

I have printed and bound all of the Secret Santa gifts so I can bring them with me. (The joys of being in a job where they have some binding stuff.) I'll be picking some at random, and possibly not so random ;)

I'll also probably do at least one more day of Fit December.

Yay for freebie gym days! :jacks:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Only got to the gym on Friday, hoping to get there tonight too, then I get my membership for the year on Thursday!!!! :hoppy:

The weekend was insane, and the house was sick so it wasn't a lot of fun. Friday night I went to the gym as stated and was all gung-ho to do a few Secret Santa workouts, but I started with Anek's, it seeming the easiest of the options, and by the time I was done, my cold was taking me out. So I went a had a water massage bed session and relaxed. Munchie had a Gramma sleepover to try and get her to have a good night's sleep without Biggie and I waking her up with our coughing. :dead:

Saturday Hubby, Biggie, and I got up early and drove an hour away to check out a dining room set (which we did end up getting), then grabbed Munchie, had lunch and a nap for the kids before driving an hour the opposite direction to go to my Mom's for Christmas, with a quick drop and run to check out another dining set that was close to her place. The kids did quite well considering they were tired and sick. Both my Mom and her Husband stated that the kids were not themselves. All told it was a lovely day, both kids ate a decent supper, which was encouraging. :expect:

Both kids had restless nights, Biggie spent most of it on the couch just to help him breathe, he woke up before 5 and crashed for his nap by 10:30. Munchie spent the morning on the couch with a fever and didn't get energy until the second dose of Advil kicked in. Since Hubby and I had been tag teaming it all night, he slept in, and then when Biggie had a nap, I had one too. Once both kids were awake for the afternoon things seemed better. Since Monday was Munchie's birthday, we were trying to get her to go sleep at Gramma's for a good night's rest, but no dice. She ate dinner there and then demanded to come home. Then we took down the Christmas tree because we were getting our new dining room set in the next day and needed the space. :softz:

Monday was a lovely birthday for Munchie. My Mom and her Husband came down with presents, and put together one of the kids' Christmas presents (a clothes rack for their costumes, they don't do well with a costume trunk). For lunch we made waffles, one of my Christmas presents was a new mini waffle maker (we now have 4 yay) but this one has a cool swap out feature so you can do a Pumpkin, Santa, Snowman, or eggs for an egg mcmuffin. Munchie was helping me mix the batter and then 'paint' the oil on the waffle makers, and bumped her knuckle against the top, luckily it didn't seem too bad, but there were many tears. At one point I asked if it still hurt and she said "not as much, I'm just crying because I'm upset!!" I had one last Baby Shark band-aid that went to good use in helping her calm down. Then I tried to get Biggie down for his nap but no dice. I left Munchie playing with my phone on the couch and took him upstairs for about 10 minutes before giving up. When I came down, Munchie was asleep on the couch with my phone basically as her pillow. Most likely just a cat nap to sleep off the energy loss from the pain of the burn. :yellz:

Hubby picked up our new dining room set and it's now sitting in the front of the dining room with our old set in the back. That shuffle's going to be fun. We're hoping to sell on our two tables and china cabinet and get some money back to pay for any other accessories we may need for getting things setup. Then we woke up Munchie and the two of them went off to Gramma's for a quiet birthday party with a couple of her friends, while I continued to try and get Biggie down for his nap. He finally crashed at 2:15, after he demanded I put the Santa hat on him. Apparently it is the magical hat of sleep because 2 minutes later he was out. I took the rest of nap time to chill. Then we let Munchie choose supper and we had "nacho sandwiches" which is basically nachos or nacho salad for us, and then we put a plain nacho on top of each of Munchie's to make it a 'sandwich'. :noming:

Munchie and Hubby went out for ice cream, and I put Biggie through a bath to try and get him calmed down. Munchie went down to bed really easy, but Biggie took a car ride, and then further cuddling to finally fall asleep. :zzz:

Today I am hoping to get the December Challenge done, and see how far I can get through Fit December, I may need to use up the rest of my day passes. :jacks:

Bring on the New Year!


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Ey-yi-yi @Saffity! I hope the New Year sees fit to bring better sleep and better health to you and your family!

:hug: :vibes:

Thank you! And hey we had a whole week and a half of everyone (save Hubby with his mystery cough) being healthy! We know it can be done, we just have to get back there.