So an up and down kind of weekend, I have not been to the gym at all, but with the kiddos I have definitely got my work in. I had all intentions of going to the gym all three days, but due to the weather, my energy
thanks to my monthly friend, and my mood in general, I took a weekend for self care.
Friday, Hubby did some small house repairs and once he got all that done, it was a take out kind of night. He had to run out to grab part of a Christmas present that apparently was forgotten, luckily, we'd had to delay that celebration due to both families having small children and colds. The kids and I ran around and played, and then it was bedtime. By the time everyone was down, I was just not in the mood to change, go to the gym, work out, and come home. I did some LibriVox work on the computer, and then played some card games for a bit to wind down.
I say this with all the knocking on wood I can muster, the kids and I seem to be on the upswing healthwise. There are still coughs at night, and mildly runny noses, but it's manageable. Saturday, Hubby was off to his Aunt's with his Mother again. His Aunt is 96 and still lives in her own condo. She's decently mobile, but she recently had a health scare and it became apparent that she really didn't have anyone checking up on her. We are her nearest family and we're an hour and a half drive away. MIL is looking into programs that can help her, caretakers that come in to clean, people who will go grab her groceries, but Aunt is INCREDIBLY independent and is kind of digging her heels in. I'm glad I stay home with the kids because they're Portuguese, strong headed, and loud, and I'm very happy to let them be that together while I keep out of it.
So it was Mommy and Kids day with no car, and a cold temperature, so we stuck inside. There was much crawling, climbing, cuddling etc, as Mommy is the BEST jungle gym of all. We had fun, and I made the kids Grilled Cheese sandwiches which were actually eaten entirely with no complaint for once. Biggie went for his nap (after much carrying and pacing) and Munchie had some phone time. I decided to open my computer and do a bit of LV work, when Munchie remembered my MMORPG game Palia and asked to play. It's more of a farming, building, exploring game, so I turned it on and let her run around in the world a bit. Once Biggie got up, we were expecting Hubby to be home, but he got delayed a bunch, not least by MIL demanding they go to a restaurant for her to have a martini and dinner. Munchie was not impressed as she wanted her Daddy to come home so he could watch Biggie and she could get more Mommy time.
Once he did get home, I had to rush making something for Munchie to eat as she was going for a Gramma Sleepover (which she didn't really want to do at first, but when she found out she could play her new Mario board game that she got for Christmas, she sat on her 'get ready' bench at the door, holding her game, waiting for Daddy. When we told her she had to eat her supper first she ate it faster than she has in ages. )
I decided it was a bath and Palia night (now that Munchie had me update it, I figured I may as well get some quests done).
I took the Biggie nightshift on Saturday to let Hubby have a rest, and at first everything was fine. At 1 am though, he rolled into the wall, or did something that made a loud thump, and I made the mistake of being a caring mother and going in to check on him. He was ENRAGED that I showed up and just screamed and wailed for a bit. When I turned on a light to check him, he had a fat, slightly bleeding lip. No clue what he did, but apparently I was no help as it was a chorus of "NO MOMMY NO MOMMY ALL DONE!!!" (all done is how he says stop). Eventually he did crash again and we blissfully slept in.
Sunday was a flurry of cleaning and getting ready as we had friends coming over (the family spoken of above) and dinner to make. I had intended on going to the gym during Biggie's nap, but prioritized a relaxing bath with my book instead. Then just as I was getting out, Munchie was back and told me all about how she watched Mary Poppins and liked the Cleaning Magic best but was sad it wasn't real. You and me both kiddo.
Playing with the 18 lb 9 month old was fun. She very much likes bouncing, so I got my bicep curls in. Last night Munchie did a fantastic job of eating! She's touch and go, and I'm worried she's too thin, having Celiac in the family I'm hyper aware of things like that. Last night though, she ate all of the prime rib the grown ups were having for dinner that she was given, 90% of her Shepherd's Pie, and then a bit after had 3 bowls of cereal for 'snack'. We didn't have to push her or anything she just ate, so that was wonderful! Hubby then took Biggie bedtime so I lucked out and gave my shoulders a rest as I cleaned the kitchen instead.
The snow kicked up in the evening so I decided once again to play a bit of Palia and head to bed. This morning I'm feeling a bit better, my mood was very much affected all weekend by some shenanigans that happened on LV. I currently host the podcast over there and this month's theme apparently was not a fav for a couple of people. One contacted me directly which was ok, but she basically mentioned she'd been sent by a mod, who, I guess doesn't like confrontation or something and so sent her lackey to tell me to change it? I don't know, the whole thing seemed off, but I changed the theme and it's hopefully one that won't cause issues. I just wish the mod had talked to me about it rather than to others who she then sent to talk to me. I'm not going to let this stop me from hosting the podcast, I just got it going again and I've been getting great feed back from members who are happy it's back again. I took the weekend to regroup my emotions, couldn't delete the post because of how the forum works, so I edited it to be a place holder once things got figured out. Just got the new theme up this morning after I took my time. I think it wouldn't be so hard if I had more help from the mods or the community with thinking up themes and stuff, but right now I'm kind of going it alone, so the way things were handled just didn't feel great.
This morning is still snowy and it was a bit hairy driving into work, but I made it. Enjoying some coffee, and I'm pretty sure I figured out my Secret Santa.