In need of a hive


Active member
from the Colorado mountains
Posts: 40
I need a little accountability and an extra push to get moving, get in shape, stay healthy, and maybe get shredded (?). I am a paramedic, volunteer firefighter, and SAR member in a small remote community in the Colorado mountains. I would like to be in the best condition possible in order to best help those in need. I am highly unmotivated when it comes to getting started on my own accord, but am extremely capable with some momentum from the help of others. I am hopeful that I can provide some positive energy to this hive and find the proper momentum to reach my capabilities.

Starting Somewhere - Plan for Tomorrow:
Morning Run
Workout of the Day
Stretch - Sun Salutation
Exercise of the Day

For Later:
How to get the most our of your runs
Run Faster Circuit

Happy Buzzing!


Active member
from the Colorado mountains
Posts: 40
Thank you for the welcome @aku-chan, @JohnStrong, @Mamatigerj, and @Fremen!!
Have a great day!

Deep breathing - Day 1 Done
30 Days of Running Challenge - 10 minutes on treadmill - Day 1 Done
Workout of the Day - Day 1 Done
Stretch - Sun Salutation - Day 1 Done

Later today:
Exercise of the Day
Daily Walk Challenge
1 Minute Meditate Challenge

Deep breathing
30 Days of Running Challenge
Workout of the Day
Stretch - Sun Salutation
Exercise of the Day
Daily Walk Challenge
1 Minute Meditate Challenge


Active member
from the Colorado mountains
Posts: 40
That didn't last long. Dabbled a bit, but nothing consistent. Head space got super scrambled. Here to begin again!
I have been brainstorming ideas that will be more likely to get me started while undriven. Plan below.

:v:Stretch - Sun Salutation
:v:Workout - at least 5 days/week, every 2 hours, 2 exercises, 2 minutes (14 exercises listed, each done 1 time/day for 1 minute, list order is randomized each day)

Also planning a backpacking trip to help clear the head. Plans are Coyote Gulch in Utah, either end of the month or beginning of February.

You all have a great day!


Active member
from the Colorado mountains
Posts: 40
Thanks @Fitato! Love the name! I am pretty stoked about finally getting out again.

@Flash_Fire, I am using alarms on my phone to bark at me to move it. It is harder for me to ignore an audible, as opposed to the voices inside my head. And the short bursts are just enough to get done without feeling overwhelmed by everything in the headspace right now. So far it has been working great. Yeah, we will be backpacking and sleeping out in the wilderness of Southeast Utah. Getting far away from society, technology, and the comforts of modern living has always been the best way for me to reset the headspace.

:v: Sun Salutation flow
:x: Meditation
:v::x: Strength (completed 6/14, then had an 11 hour round trip drive to pick up the wife and kiddo from the airport; was going to pull over and get it done on the way, but didn't)

:x: Sun Salutation flow
:v: Mediation
:x: Strength (off day)

Sunday (so far):
:v: Sun Salutation flow
:v: Meditation
:v: Strength

I have been working on a daily routine and I am going to try incorporating a daily run also, but I am not going to count any of it in my goals just yet. I will work on and prioritize the 3 goals I currently have for the month, then maybe add something or switch things up.


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from the Colorado mountains
Posts: 40
Sunday was completed as rx.

Monday (so far):
:v: Sun Salutation flow
:v: Meditation - Waking Up app
:v: Strength

Below is the list of the exercises that I rotate through for my strength training each day. It is an evolving list and depends on the equipment I have at my disposal.

Push-up (bench press)
Handstand pushup (wall walk, overhead press)
Inverted row (bendover row)
Pull-up (chin-up
Glute bridge (deadlift)
Goddess pose (box jump)
Mountain climber
Bear crawl (farmer carry)
Burpee w/ broad jump


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from the Colorado mountains
Posts: 40
Monday was completed as rx.

:v: Sun Salutation flow
:v: Meditation - Waking Up app
:v: Strength (so far)

I have also been picking up bonus points for other daily routine items I would like to incorporate into my life. I am going to try to track those here also, realizing that my focus is the 3 primary goals for the month. Each new month I will evaluate what my 3 primary goals will be.

Monday Bonus:
:v: Get dressed - exit pajamas and enter "bring on the day" clothes before 07:00
:v: Water - glass of water first thing in the morning
:x: Run/walk - 10 min/day goal
:v: Read - 10 min/day goal, but no more than 60 min if other goals incomplete - Eragon
:v: Reflection/lesson - Waking Up app
:v: Training - EMS or Fire, 10 min/day goal - Ten Minute Medic and Emergency Medical Minute podcast episodes
:x: Household to-do item

Tuesday Bonus:
In progress...

I am going to try doing some mood journaling here also. Have never tried it, but would be interesting to see my trends. So here goes...

Woke up 04:30 anxious as all get up. Laid in bed thinking about the job I just quit/put in 2 weeks notice with no backup. Was able to get my arse out of bed finally at 06:30. After being distracted, a first thing meditation and medication, and getting on with daily goals, I chilled out.
I am currently feeling a backdrop of anxiety, but mostly just worn out.
I have had a bad bout of anxiety for the past couple weeks now. Too many likely reasons to list right now. Summary is I have a crap ton of unresolved thoughts in my head, the manager of my new job has been jerking me around, airline problems for my wife and kid, was a big time jerk to my wife for several days, quit my job, got my job back and what I wanted, quit my job again because duck it all. Basically. Ultimately, I am unable to let things go right now (except my job. I let my job go.)

Enjoy your day bees! :fantastic:


Active member
from the Colorado mountains
Posts: 40
Tuesday Bonus:
:v: Get dressed - exit pajamas and enter "bring on the day" clothes before 07:00
:v: Water - glass of water first thing in the morning
:x: Run/walk - 10 min/day goal
:v: Read - 10 min/day goal, but no more than 60 min if other goals incomplete - Eragon
:v: Reflection/lesson - Waking Up app
:v: Training - EMS or Fire, 10 min/day goal - Ten Minute Medic and Emergency Medical Minute podcast episodes
:x: Household to-do item

:x: Sun Salutation flow
:x: Meditation - Waking Up app
:x: Strength

Wednesday Bonus:
:v: Get dressed - exit pajamas and enter "bring on the day" clothes before 07:00
:x: Water - glass of water first thing in the morning
:x: Run/walk - 10 min/day goal
:v: Read - 10 min/day goal, but no more than 60 min if other goals incomplete - Eragon
:x: Reflection/lesson - Waking Up app
:v: Training - EMS or Fire, 10 min/day goal - Ten Minute Medic and Emergency Medical Minute podcast episodes
:x: Household to-do item

:x: Sun Salutation flow
:x: Meditation - Waking Up app
:x: Strength

Thursday Bonus:
:v: Get dressed - exit pajamas and enter "bring on the day" clothes before 07:00
:x: Water - glass of water first thing in the morning
:x: Run/walk - 10 min/day goal
:v: Read - 10 min/day goal, but no more than 60 min if other goals incomplete - Eragon
:x: Reflection/lesson - Waking Up app
:v: Training - EMS or Fire, 10 min/day goal - Ten Minute Medic and Emergency Medical Minute podcast episodes
:x: Household to-do item

Tired & conflicted. Anxiety - mild background noise. Depression - thoughts are erratic, but I am functional to some extent.

Worked past two days, so no surprises that my goals suffered. Work is out of town, 12 hr shifts, and on call the 4-12 hrs prior to each shift. I am giving up a good opportunity, but I just can't rely on my mindset to deal with the stress properly.
Off to a slow start today, but I will get at it.

Have a great day bees! :yes:
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Active member
from the Colorado mountains
Posts: 40
:x: Sun Salutation flow
:x: Meditation - Waking Up app
:x: Strength

Friday Bonus:
:x: Get dressed - exit pajamas and enter "bring on the day" clothes before 07:00
:x: Water - glass of water first thing in the morning
:x: Run/walk - 10 min/day goal
:v: Read - 10 min/day goal, but no more than 60 min if other goals incomplete - Eragon
:x: Reflection/lesson - Waking Up app
:x: Training - EMS or Fire, 10 min/day goal - Ten Minute Medic and Emergency Medical Minute podcast episodes
:x: Household to-do item

Woke up early with my mind racing. Laid in bed for several hours, which does not help. Managed to get up and do some routine tasks, which helped today. Currently calm. Anxiety: background noise. Depression: can't tell with the anxiety, but functional.

Yesterday was a wash. Took a long nap. Nothing productive, other than resetting the brain space.
Today is going good. Got Sun Salutation and meditation in and on track to completing primary goals. Worked with my daughter on counting money. We did a childs meditation together, and planned to try that twice a day together. She is having difficulties learning, and thinking maybe her difficulties with attention may be a cause. We will try out meditation to see if it helps her, whether in school or life. Looking forward to spending more time with her. I have not been the greatest at that up to this point in her life. I have been stuck in my head a majority of my life. Maybe I can finally turn the tides with my daughters help.

Enjoy the day bees!! :ready:


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from the Colorado mountains
Posts: 40
Saturday, Jan 11:
:v: Sun Salutation flow
:v: Meditation - Waking Up app
:x: Strength

Saturday Bonus:
:x: Get dressed by 0700
:v: Glass of water first thing
:x: Run/walk
:v: Read - Eragon
:v: Reflection/lesson - Waking Up app
:v: EMS/Fire training - EMS Cast podcast
:x: Household to-dotask

Sunday, Jan 12:
:x: Sun Salutation flow
:x: Meditation - Waking Up app
:v: Strength

Sunday Bonus:
:x: Get dressed by 0700
:v: Glass of water first thing
:v: Run/walk - 90 min walk
:v: Read - Eragon
:x: Reflection/lesson - Waking Up app
:x: EMS/Fire training
:x: Household to-do task

Monday, Jan 13:
:v: Sun Salutation flow
:v: Meditation - Waking Up app
:v: Strength
  • Pullup: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
  • Lunge @ 90 lb: 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 ea leg
  • Bentover Row @ 95 lb: 1-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1
  • Squat @ 95 lb: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Monday Bonus:
:v: Get dressed by 0700
:v: Glass of water first thing
:v: Run/walk - 10 min run & 60 min walk
:v: Read - Eragon
:v: Reflection/lesson - Waking Up app
:v: EMS/Fire training - 911cast EMS podcast
:x: Household to-do task

Past couple of days have been bleh, but was able to muster up some wins. Today started off super anxious. No good reason. Then left to take the child to school, truck felt weird, got out and checked, had a flat tire. All was good after that. Don't know why. Switched vehicles and went and had a good day. Didn't touch the flat yet, but not worried about it, I will knock it out tomorrow. I had shit I wanted to do today and I did it.
Keep on keepin on! :brave:


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from the Colorado mountains
Posts: 40
Tuesday, Jan 14:
:v: Sun Salutation Flow
:v: Meditation - Waking Up app
:v: Strength - Workout of the Day - Brave New Me Level III

Tuesday Bonus:
:v: Get Up & Get Dressed
:v: First Thing Water
:v: Run/Walk - 10 min run
:v: Read - Eragon
:v: Reflection/lesson - Waking Up app
:x: EMS/Fire training
:v: Household To-Do Task

Same morning anxiety. Was able to get about my day and it faded. Took another long nap, which has been a thing for the past week+ now. Anxiety kicks my ass. Fixed my tire today, but will see if it holds over night. Need to get a permenant patch now. Been a good day.

I am thinking about getting off my medication. Not so sure it is the smart choice though. It has been a game changer. It has been by far the most effective solution I have found to my flavor of depression, and now anxiety. Exercise, nutrition, and mindfullness/meditation have all played a huge part in my life, and have had their successes, but I get to a certain point and I can no longer maintain those persuits. Honestly, my primary reason for wanting to get off the medication is my disdain for the health insurance industry, pharmaceutical industry, and our healthcare system. Truth be told, I want to exit most everything due to the greed, selfishness, predatory practices, consumerism, and self rightousness. I can accept that it exists, but I will not conform to it. It makes if very difficult to balance living in this society, being married and having a kid, and keep peace in my head. My head is the problem. I am in constant search for solutions. I need to let go of "control". @NightWolf714 mentioned Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach in a post. I am going to start reading that.

Have a great night bees! :strong:
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Berserker from Nashville, TN, USA
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"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. ~Carl Rogers"
I hope the book helps! So far I'm on Chapter 3, but been going pretty slowly with it (and took a massive break from it. ^_^;;;; ) Good so far, and optimistic it keeps up with it.

Another recommendation that helped me out a good bit was The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety by John P. Forsyth and Georg H. Eifert by New Harbinger Publications. It uses the ACT approach (Accept, Choose, Take action) and that clicked pretty well for me. So I'd give that a recommendation too.

But I think the Radical Acceptance book might be a good fit. It comes from the perspective of someone with a background in Buddhism, which may align well with your desires in accepting the world without fully adopting it's more negative qualities.


Active member
from the Colorado mountains
Posts: 40
Thank you @NightWolf714! Started reading it today. I will check out your other recommendation also, if I don't reach enlightenment or nirvana.

Wednesday, Jan 15:
:v: Sun Salutation Flow
:v: Meditation - Waking Up app
:v: Strength
  • Bench Press: 95(lb)x5, 115x5, 135x5,4,3,2,1
  • Deadlift: 135(lb)x1, 185x1, 215x1, 235x1, 245x1
  • Overhead Press: 65(lb)x5, 85x5,4,3,2,1
  • Dip: 10,8,7,5,4,3,2,1

Wednesday Bonus:
:v: Get Up & Get Dressed
:v: First Thing Water
:v: Run/Walk - 10 min run
:v: Read - Eragon
:v: Reflection/lesson - Waking Up app
:v: EMS/Fire/SAR training
:x: Household To-Do Task

Woke up at 2 am and could not go back to sleep. Mind was racing, but anxiety was not too bad. Took a long nap that zapped me pretty good. Overall though, feeling good about the direction of my mood. Time for sleep.
Sweet Dreams Bees! :night:


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from the Colorado mountains
Posts: 40
Thursday: bunch of meetings
Friday: work and felt like poopy due to getting a cold and no sleep
Satuday: work
Sunday: recover
Monday: recover

Tuesday, Jan 21:
:v: Sun Salutation Flow
:x: Meditation - Waking Up app
:v: Strength - Workout of the Day
  • Squat: 95x5, 115x5, 125x5, 135x5,4,3,2,1
  • Pull-up: 15,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

Tuesday Bonus:
:v: Get Up & Get Dressed
:x: First Thing Water
:v: Run/Walk - 10 min run
:v: Read - Eragon
:v: Reflection/lesson - Waking Up app
:v: EMS/Fire/SAR training
:x: Household To-Do Task

Morning anxiety; productive day; feeling apathetic.

Enjoy the your day! :move:


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from the Colorado mountains
Posts: 40
Wednesday, Jan 22:
:v: Sun Salutation Flow
:x: Meditation - Waking Up app
:v: Strength - Workout of the Day

  • Bench press: 135x5,5,5,5,5
  • Overhead press: 85x5,5,5,5,5

Wednesday Bonus:
:v: Get Up & Get Dressed
:v: First Thing Water
:v: Run/Walk - 10 min run
:v: Read - Eragon
:x: Reflection/lesson - Waking Up app
:v: EMS/Fire/SAR training
:x: Household To-Do Task

Morning anxiety; can't focus; functional enough.

Good night bees! :ragdoll:


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from the Colorado mountains
Posts: 40
Thu, Jan 23:
:v: Sun Salutation Flow
:x: Meditation - Waking Up app
:v: Strength - Workout of the Day
  • Lunge: 90x10,10,10,10,10
  • Bentover Row: 95x5, 115x5,5,5,5

Thu Bonus:
:v: Get Up & Get Dressed
:v: First Thing Water
:v: Run/Walk - 10 min run
:v: Read - Eragon
:x: Reflection/lesson - Waking Up app
:v: EMS/Fire/SAR training
:v: Household To-Do Task

Less morning anxiety; busy busy, got a lot done; felt calm and collected.

Have a wonderful night bees! :pose: