

New member
Posts: 2
Hello All

I have begun the Ironborn Program this morning. I have a question regarding the exercises.

for the first day it has 4 exercises with 4 sets each

A. Shoulder press with reps of 12,10,10,8 etc for 4 sets
B Chest press with reps of 12,10,10,8 for 4 sets
C. Lateral Raises with reps of 6,6,4,3 for 4 sets
D. tricep extension 5,4,4,3 per arm for 4 sets

Do I complete all of Sets of A before I move to B and then all of B before I move to C?


do I do 1 set of A and then 1 set of B and then 1 set of C and 1 set of D and then start at A again?