Is 40-50 sec rest too little


New member
Posts: 1
I am wondering if 40-50 sec rest is too little on exercises like bench press, back rows, bicep curls, hamner curls and just alot of other exercises and the most ill rest between sets is 1 min on things like deadlift or squat or bss


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Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 726
"So sleepy!"
Ah, a powerlifting-adjacent question! I have been summoned!

This is going to depend on how much effort/how heavy your sets are. I wait about a minute between sets, perhaps a little more, but I've seen people take up 2-3 minutes (which is a bit of a pet peeve of mine). For sets of 130 x 5 for me, at maximal effort, I wait about a minute and a half.

Ultimately, the answer is based on what feels right for you. Just keep in mind that other people may want to work in, or use the machine you're on.


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Ranger from Germany
Posts: 30
what @GentleOx said, it depends!
Going for max efforts I like to take much more than he recommends though, roundabout 2,5 minutes, up to 4 even! Long enough to shake the previous lift off, re-energize the muscle and hype myself up for the next set.

But if you did drop sets for example, going for maximum pain and pump, you'd only rest as long as it takes going to a lower weight, there your 40 seconds would be way too long!