Kitten On The Prowl


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

The morning was off the hook.

Trained my coworker on some new software and of course I kept getting phone calls and then a ton of crap piled up.

But she was grateful and I wanted to do it, so was happy.

Then two others got trained by my re-coworker over the computer/phone.

After that, a lot of talking, but mostly good stuff. Just hard to concentrate.

Then I forgot about a meeting, but ran down and that was good.

I might have to work a Saturday right after the New Year. It's not forced, only if I commit to it for inventory.

The other department leads from this stuff from my 3rd boss have to go since they have to oversee the grunt work.

Surely would not be fun, but would likely be interesting. I used to go to my ex-boyfriend's jobs that I didn't work at and do data entry for them. I'm weird like that, lol.

Annoying thing today was one of my significant note files I started for tracking my re-boss' stuff along with the random notes from his stuff and my third boss was permanently deleted.

It's on a cloud thing and should be undeleted which I asked IT for. Just annoying since I open the file by right clicking the MS Word icon on my task bar and selecting the shortcut. This leads to a 0% chance I deleted it since I don't go find it in the folder.

So yay, new way to get f$cked with...but whatever. I'm not even mad. It's starting to get empowering.

I do still have to find something outside of work for myself though. It's hard when you're not on social media as establishments post their going ons on that instead of their websites. But maybe I'll stumble upon something. Way too much filters through that stuff, I would rather live in the moment then get sucked into computer algorithms.

Miyagi is next to me now, we slept by each other last night. I woke up to him kneading me and was just. :lovely:

Although he was doing what my other cat used to do...he was giving me a one nail poke with that. Not a scratch, a poke. I think he wanted to wake me up so I could let him out, which I did.

I'll take it. LOL

Then this morning he derailed my workout. So for the challenge & the WotD, only did 2 reps, but after he interrupted me and went out after we played for 10 minutes, I finished the bonus workout.

I made up for it by doing more jogging during my laps.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Side Leg Raises EotD (x40) - Did it in one go.
  • Shadebound Program - 16th Day (2sets)
  • 10,000 Punches Challenge - 14th Day (1set)
  • Core Control WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5

  • 79 Active Zone Minutes (18,013 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,938 Steps (1,738,520 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.86 Miles (752.00 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,600 Calories (381,588 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort


Well-known member
Guardian from St. Cloud, MN
Posts: 165
Hello. I've noticed that you've been checking out my thread, leaving likes*. Julie Newmar was a great Catwoman. Not that you** need my approval for your profile pic.

*And possibly support. I don't recall for sure.
**Or anyone else***, for that matter. I just really liked Newmar for the '60's series.
***You needing anyone's approval, or anyone needing mine. Either way makes sense.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

@wjs I stop by your thread to keep up and send support if I see you need some. :)

And agree about Julie Newmar. She is my favorite Catwoman. Has nothing to do with we both share our first names and that she is the OG. ;)

Friday was a good day and this weekend has been nice.

Friday I had to juggle everything, managing to finish one thing, but not much of others.

So the same old. lol.

Yesterday we went out to one of the fancier steak places around. Pricey, but really is extra good at least.

Got all my chores done yesterday, so just need to do my normal Sunday getting ready for the week stuff.

I'm making burritos for dinner tonight. Easy recipe, but never made these before so hope I can roll them correctly.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Side Elbow Plank Rotations EotD (x30) - Did it in one go.
  • Shadebound Program - 17th Day (1set) - as instructed at the end since it was stretchy stuff.
  • 10,000 Punches Challenge - 15th Day (1set)
  • Broken & Beautiful WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5

  • 59 Active Zone Minutes (18,072 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,461 Steps (1,746,981 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.68 Miles (755.68 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,648 Calories (383,236 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Surprisingly got a surprise project done in 6 hours, then my normal Monday project done in only 3 hours.

But the day as a whole was all right. In spite of your expected annoyances that popped up.

I ended up going out for a Happy Hour. Had a good time, was younger than everyone by a lot so I didn't really connect with anyone, but was glad I did it.

Planning on doing that once a month on my own and also taking classes at the college I run my laps at.

Only problem is the only continuing education class I am interested in right now is a web one.

I'll still do it as it will be good for my future, plus something that could help me in general.

Just need the time in the day for the course. LOL. But thankfully I think on my own time means I can fit that in where ever.

We will see.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Back Leg Raises EotD (x40) - Did it in one go.
  • Shadebound Program - 18th & 19th Days (3sets)
  • 10,000 Punches Challenge - 18th Day (1set)
  • Cardio Hop WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No Time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5

  • 56 Active Zone Minutes (18,128 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,431 Steps (1,756,412 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 4.02 Miles (761.7 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,499 Calories (384,735 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
Last edited:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.
Got a lot done for the main thing with a deadline I have. Very happy.

Lost my key card at lunch. Usually if I drop it for my laps, I go back and find it right away.

Not today and I drove around twice. Had to ask for a new one.

The HR lady didn't answer me for hours so I went to the IT guy that helps her just to let him know.

Another hour later, the HR lady looks pissed off, I kept quiet. She gave my card to her assistant who gave it to me after. Her assistant is on the opposite side of my cubicle mind you.

I felt bad, hope she wasn't mad at me and it was for something else. Also hope I can get into the building tomorrow, there is a time factor to the activation.


I didn't say anything and just thanked the other girl. I'm making a concerted effort to show more constraint. Just focusing on finding other things for my life to focus on & balance things out. :peace:

Miyagi interrupted my workout again. LOL.

He's lucky he is so cute, and thankfully I started early enough I got more than what I wanted done.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Single Leg Hops EotD (x50) - Did it in one go.
  • Shadebound Program - 20th Day (1 set) & 21st Days (3sets)
  • 10,000 Punches Challenge - 19th Day (1set)
  • Upper Body Mobility WotD (1set)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5

  • 54 Active Zone Minutes (18,182 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,269 Steps (1,765,681 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.82 Miles (765.32 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,544 Calories (386,279 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Finished a main task, but have to wait to Friday to go over a potentially big background problem I found.

Hopefully it's just something to find a solution for on the going forward, but it is also nothing I can fix or take care of so I'm nervous if it will get fixed or not.

Been feeling a bit uneasy lately, but today I had my good ear tingling a lot. So I think if people were talking today it was good stuff.

Hopefully. ;)

And had more than a few good convos myself. :ss:

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • High Knees EotD (x40) - Did it in one go.
  • Shadebound Program - 22nd Day (3sets)
  • 10,000 Punches Challenge - 20th Day (1set)
  • Journeyman WotD (1set)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5

  • 74 Active Zone Minutes (18,256 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,293 Steps (1,774,974 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.82 Miles (769.14 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,527 Calories (387,806 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

It's getting late and I had to skip most people's threads today. I hate doing that.

I got to help one of my coworkers who is covering the busiest coworker for this week.

I'm too busy drowning in my own 5 jobs to help with the work, but I got to help her problem solve a few issues today.

She was really grateful and it got her back on track and was able to stay above water.

So that felt good. She rewarded me with a pupusa with chicharron.

I never had one and they have been talking about it a lot.

It was good! Hers was a chicken with rice and cheese.

It was a rainy day and still is. Commute was annoying as expected and all other sorts of petty crap popped up, but I didn't let it bother me.

Miyagi was inside this morning. Since the weather was bad, I traded my program day which had a lot of jumping for tomorrow's which was kicking, but quieter. I will get back to the jumping one, I really wanted to do it.

He was so depressed all day. Cried every time he came in all wet. He swears we can control the weather, lol.

My poor cutey. Tomorrow won't be much better, but we'll take the rain over the snow while we can.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Toe Tap Hops EotD (x30) - Did it in one go.
  • Shadebound Program - 24th Day (3sets) - Will come back to the 23rd when I can.
  • 10,000 Punches Challenge - 21st Day (1set)
  • Super Abs WotD (1set) -
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No time, plus my next one in my que either also had jumping or just long time wise.

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - I jogged in the supply closet for 45 minutes.

  • 55 Active Zone Minutes (18,311 Minutes YTD)
  • 12,062 Steps (1,787,036 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 5.73 Miles (774.87 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,691 Calories (389,497 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

I sure am, @Laura Rainbow Dragon! Plus I think it's funny saying I'm jogging in a supply closet. :tears: It's a really big room and since I'm short, I just go behind some file cabinets. When people come in, they can't even see me.

That's so Miyagi's view on the matter, @Maegaranthelas! And I actually feel bad that I disappoint him. LOL

Friday was a good day and this weekend is all right. Even if both had it's set of challenges.

Friday, I only had 1 hour sleep. So I felt like Tyler Durden from Fight Club all day.

Was ready to pass out in bed at 10pm, then Miyagi wanted to go out into the super windy and rainy night.

He was going out for 20 minute stints, so I was half sleeping on the couch, monitoring the outside camera and trying to listen for any extremely low cry. This went on for an hour and a half, and I even called him twice.

Gave up and went to bed. Hubby got up at 12am and let him in. He came to bed with both of us.

Except now I couldn't fall asleep as my mind was racing. The end of Thursday, right when I was going to leave, the nutjob lady I can't stand called me twice. I didn't pick up so I could leave without being late.

I used my personal gmail to contact the NH people I needed to set up a shipment with. I figured she was going to want to talk about fixing my email and my position is, if you're going to fix it, fix it, and if you're not, I will do what I need to in order to keep business going.

So I wasn't letting this upset me, but it was invading my thoughts all the same. I tried to tune it out with music, not playing music, just thinking it. That sometimes works, but not today.

I fell back asleep around 2am and then I got up at my standard 3:30am.

So was fine, but kind of dizzy all day. That's on me.

Called her back late morning, and her issue was something else. Told the IT guy to ignore her, she wants to make my telephone harder for me now. The IT guy wasn't happy about her request either, so hopefully he listens and ignore her. She wants to forward certain calls to me from a box, but if she does that, I will lose the caller ID to know who is calling. I don't have time for freight carriers and solicitations and need to know when NOT to pick up the phone.

But everything else that day was all right.

Except exercising in the morning. Miyagi, cut me off again and I let him as I wanted him to stay inside. Got through one set and he actually attacked my feet. I quit, but I ended up doing the jumping one on my lunch in the closet, so that made me happy. It's going to be a long winter, so at least I have a backup option for when this happens lol.

And when I yelped in pain, he flattens his ears and looked at me like, 'how DARE you!'. :happy:


This weekend turned into me getting new tires. They are 5 years old and one had a slow leak. So just replaced them all, which is expensive, but I'm happy I could afford it without being set back too much.

Then when my car was done, my husband's tire light has been on and he found a screw in one of his.

So we tried to get his fixed, he has an order in with a different company already for new tires next week, so he only wanted a patch.

After 4 hours, the other place could not just patch it, but they said it's not leaking. He can't cancel the order for the new tires with the other place, so he's just going to take the train to work until they come in.

During all of this, I went to a store near the tire place and got a new smaller winter coat I really like along with some cute dress boots and a present for a co-worker I think she will like in a color I know she loves. So happy about that, too. :)

Then we have just been chilling at home. Caught up on my sleep. Kind of was still light headed through today, but I took an Excedrin for a dull headache I had. It kicked in since I started writing this and I feel better at last.

Now I just have a lot of chores to do today that I should have yesterday, but it's all good. LOL

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend! :tuzki-love:

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Side Jacks EotD (x40) - Did it in one go.
  • Shadebound Program - 23rd Day (3sets) - Doing the 25th day, a slow moving my leg up and down while sitting, got me attacked from my lover boy. So did the jumping stuff for the 23rd day on my lunch.
  • 10,000 Punches Challenge - 22nd Day (1set)
  • No Regrets WotD (1set) - Also done on lunch.
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - Not allowed by the Miyagi police today, lol.

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - I jogged in the supply closet after doing my 3 reps each of my program and the Workout of the Day.

  • 68 Active Zone Minutes (18,379 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,306 Steps (1,796,339 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 4.17 Miles (779.04 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,736 Calories (391,233 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

The same ol' hectic, but was pleasant.

Hoping to get what I need done in the next two days before a nice week + off. Starting to get excited!

I must be invisible
Maybe I'm not what you're looking for
But you caught my eye like a criminal
And I can't stop seeing you anymore

Oh, and my lover boy Miyagi stayed passed out today through all of my exercises until the end of make up time. So I didn't get beat up today.

That's always a plus. LOL.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. - Turned this into Turkey Running. Figuring that x10 buttkicks + x20 highknees +5 burpees = 35 "steps", then three reps of them equals jogging to 100 + extra so then doing that three times (for nine circuits total) will work.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Lunge Step Ups EotD (x20) - Did it in one go.
  • Shadebound Program - 25th Day (1set) & 26th Day (3sets)
  • 10,000 Punches Challenge - 25th Day (1set)
  • The Cake is A Lie WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No Time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Chilly out for sure, but it's nice to get some sunshine.

  • 61 Active Zone Minutes (18,440 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,270 Steps (1,805,609 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.93 Miles (781.97 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,544 Calories (392,777 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Started out with a few headaches from my favorite person, the crazy lady, started to set me off right away....

...Then I stopped myself & I didn't let it bother me. When she needed general help later in the day, I even pointed her in a direction.

In actively trying to be more graceful, and practicing the "do onto others" rule, I tried to be the bigger person here.

For my task list, I made a lot of progress in things I want to get done before my time off, but I do have a bit more to go.

And then there was a ton of last minute crap from my main job which I need like a hole in the head. I was SO CLOSE to knocking everything out today until one of the reps derailed all of that at the end of the day.

But whatever, time off is ahead. Deep breath.

I might get to leave early tomorrow as they often do before a long holiday weekend (Thanksgiving in the US). But because of my goals I will probably have to stay longer than normal to clean my full plate...

Time will tell.

But until the end of the day derailment, was really happy today. At least my boss does appreciate me.

I just want to do a better job of stepping up to the plate with the other more fortuitous opportunities around. I'm capable of a lot more than basic clerk crap, that shit is such a time trap. lol

Not going to get down over that. If I'm not able to get to where I need to be, I will just keep doing what I'm doing looking for my own purpose elsewhere. If I'm not good enough for what I would like, then whatever. There will be something else to focus on.

For starters, I decided to try to combat having only 4 people in my linkedin network by starting looking outside of the industry. I'm checking out other fields of areas I'm interested in, not to work for, just in general. My idea is if maybe if I start talking about other stuff those people are, then maybe I'll at least get some strangers or something.

And if not, at least I'm learning about things that interest me like fashion.

Elsewhere on the net I stumbled into a brand that's pushing a very classy Jackie O type of style. I can afford it, but I think I need to lose 10 more lbs before trying them. I'm a US size 4/6 right now, but this brand's small is more of a 2/4. Although it wouldn't break my bank to have a few pieces from them, I don't want to buy it and not be able to wear it.

Just crazy that 113 lbs is still fat for my height. Last week I was about to dip down under 110, but someone's kid was selling cakes at work, my coworker bought me food twice, I have 11 days off after tomorrow and my husband does not diet, Christmas season is full of people pushing cookies and chocolates...I won't let myself hit 120 again, but the struggle is real the next few weeks!

So I'm going to put this for a goal of next year. I'm sure I will get there or I do find something I like in a Medium which for them is my size 4/6 I will try that. Just so far nothing I like is in a bigger size (of course).

Not sure how well my network plan will work or not. Also tried getting into a group about luxury things, but an admin has to approve me and I doubt they will. LOL.

I also plan to take some classes since so close to the county college and I will still be doing my push myself to go out at least once a month thing.

So even if none of these ideas lead me anywhere, at least I won't be bored and/or sitting around focusing on things I can't have and/or aren't meant for me. :)

  • Good morning Jog to 300. - Turned this into Turkey Running. Figuring that x10 buttkicks + x20 highknees +5 burpees = 35 "steps", then three reps of them equals jogging to 100 + extra so then doing that three times (for nine circuits total) will work.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Arm Scissors EotD (x50) - Did it in one go.
  • Shadebound Program - 27th Day (3sets) & 28th Day (3sets)
  • 10,000 Punches Challenge - 26th Day (1set)
  • Slow Poke WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No Time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Jogged in the supply closet for 45 minuts.

  • 111 Active Zone Minutes (18,551 Minutes YTD)
  • 13,476 Steps (1,819,085 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 6.25 Miles (788.22 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,741 Calories (394,518 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Started out with a hell of a lot of gymnastics to do for my main job. Took over three hours to get it straight, but was smooth sailing after that.

Surprisingly managed to tackle everything off of my checklist that I wanted to do before vacation.

Kind of bittersweet, because a few things I was looking forward to doing, my reboss is no longer going to give to me. Said I was too maxed out.

But I'm only maxed out by one thing, he stopped giving me a lot of stuff, so idk. Hoping just slowed down because we are both going to be on vacation. He's going after me.

Got to leave early today, too. That was nice.

I will just enjoy the time off. Eleven glorious days to be sure to go by in an eyeblink. LOL

Miyagi is on my husband's ottoman right now. He came out in the morning to go there and hang out with me.

Looking to wrap up the internet now, hope he stays with me. :tuzki-love:

  • Good morning Jog to 300. - Miyagi was in the living room, went back to my status quo.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Side Bends EotD (x40) - Did it in one go.
  • Shadebound Program - 29th Day (1set)
  • 10,000 Punches Challenge - 27th Day (1set)
  • Unbreakable WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Jogged in the supply closet for 30 minutes. Knew was getting out early and I did this way late & cut it short once I knew I took care of my goals.

  • 57 Active Zone Minutes (18,608 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,076 Steps (1,828,161 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 4.14 Miles (792.36 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,513 Calories (396,031 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:

Yesterday was a great day. Very relaxing.

Thanksgiving was amazing as always. Enjoyed the time with my Uncle & cousins and even got to see one I haven't seen in years.

Plus I won three rounds of Screw Your Neighbor, our traditional family card game, and turned $4 in quarters into $15 in quarters.

It's good, my husband and I love quarters, LOL.

I also woke up to Miyagi using my foot as a pillow. My leg was bent vertical, no idea why I would do that while sleeping, but I gave him enough room to stretch out doing that.

Poor baby had to be alone from 3:30pm until 10pm. He was triggering the cameras looking out the window. Luckily we have been forgiven.

Today I am relaxing some more. Will be making raviolis for dinner. I don't have enough room to make them fresh myself, but we have them "fresh" from the supermarket where they made them. Tastes much better than the frozen ones and a lot less preservatives.

Let my husband talk me into going to the bakery on the way home from grocery shopping unfortunately. Regret having a chocolate frosted donut, but it was good with some coffee. I won't beat myself up too much.

I'll deal with re-losing all the weight after vacation. :bigsmile:

  • Good morning Jog to 300. - It was after 6am, so not counting it for this.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Knee to Elbows EotD (x30) - Did it in one go.
  • Shadebound Program - 30th Day (1set) :completed:
  • 10,000 Punches Challenge - 28th Day (1set)
  • Extra Crunch WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Got all 9 hours as active by jogging to 300 each time.

  • 53 Active Zone Minutes (18,663 Minutes YTD)
  • 6,722 Steps (1,834,883 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 2.41 Miles (794.77 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,709 Calories (397,740 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:

Thank you everyone! :tuzki-love:

Friday was a great day. Very relaxing.

Popping on real quick as will be in Atlantic City the next few days. Tomorrow will be a spa day with a massage and a facial. :chilling:

Yesterday, we drove my car to a train station, drove my husband's car down to AC, had breakfast at a Gordon Ramsay restaurant, and then took three trains to get back to my car.

So we will drive my car down today, and my husband is going to take his car home to go watch Miyagi.

I appreciate he was even willing to do all of that. I'm letting him go to Canada next year so he's going all out so I can have a turn. LOL.

I plan to still get my workouts done in the suite. Let me see how that goes. :bigsmile:

Going to miss Miyagi so much. It's been chilly and he's been wanting to hang out.

How can I leave him for a couple days?:cute:


  • Good morning Jog to 300. - It was after 6am, so not counting it for this.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Knee to Elbows EotD (x30) - Did it in one go.
  • Fit December - 1st Day (3sets)
  • 10,000 Punches Challenge - 29th Day (1set)
  • Made With Love WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Got 8 hours as active by jogging to 300 each time. I technically missed for the 11am hour, I noticed at 11:57 when I started, but I jogged for 20minutes when my husband went out to get a pizza.

  • 23 Active Zone Minutes (18,686 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,335 Steps (1,842,188 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.12 Miles (797.89 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,605 Calories (399,345 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:

Thank you everyone! I am having the BEST time. :tuzki-love:

And lol, @Laura Rainbow Dragon! I am sure Miyagi will punish me a little, but I think he will be happy to have me back. He is my husband's cat, but hubby does not give him good brushies. He told me he pawed it to the floor to tell him to stop. :happy:

So I am Miyagi's official stylist. I'll take it. :cool:

Had the best time in AC. Logging on real quick so I can do today's workout after my coffee.

I really did not win anything, but had a spa day yesterday and I have a nice suite with a jacuzzi tub so I had hours on hours of water therapy.

I don't want to go home! lol

Alas, checkout is 11:30...six more hours. *sigh*

Mister Miyagi Frumplestilskin better prepare for my attack of kisses when I see him. :hheart:

This is from today, he does not look happy. Hubby said the cat is over his BS. lol


  • Good morning Jog to 300. - It was after 6am, so not counting it for this.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Stacked Pushups EotD (x10) - Did it in one go.
  • Fit December Program - 2nd & 3rd Days (3sets/each)
  • One & Done Challenge - 29th Day (1set)
  • Total Core WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Got 7 hours as active. The two I am missing were during my massage and facial.

  • 132 Active Zone Minutes (18,818 Minutes YTD)
  • 10,057 Steps (1,852,245 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 4.01 Miles (801.90 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 2,040 Calories (401,385 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:

Congrats to everyone who completed challenges I might have missed. I was behind 80 threads and I didn't scroll back far on everyone. :move:

Hehehe thank you, @PetiteSheWolf, I will send Lady Luna an autographed poster! :bigsmile:

Today was a good day even if I had to turn back into a pumpkin.

Miyagi was actually happy to see me! He gave my husband sneaker pets (his way to show affection). He said he didn't do that at all the past few days.

Basically, he thanked my husband for bringing me back and then he scratched my yoga pants to put his scent on me.

He did go outside for a bit and when he came back I fed him and showered him with attention. He ate it all up and has gorgeous brushed up fur. LOL

Looking forward to napping with him soon. :hheart:

  • Good morning Jog to 300. - It was after 6am, so not counting it for this.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Plank Leg Raises EotD (x30) - Did it in one go.
  • Fit December Program - 4th & 5th Days (5sets/each)
  • One & Done Challenge - 3rd Day (1set)
  • 5-Minute Arm Lift WotD (1set)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Got 7 hours as active. Since I had a long drive, I jogged 1/2 hour before I left.

  • 94 Active Zone Minutes (18,912 Minutes YTD)
  • 13,875 Steps (1,866,120 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 5.41 Miles (807.31 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,928 Calories (403,313 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:

Thank you @Mamatigerj! It is nice to see him happy.

Today was a good day.

Miyagi napped on the floor through my workout as there was not much jumping stuff. That is good.

I worked a few hours longer than I planned on today, but future me thanks me. lol

Otherwise, just enjoyed the day at home. Caught up with my dad who I missed talking to on Sunday.

Oh and was so happy that after a few days of excess without weighing myself for a few days, that today I checked in at exactly what I was the day I left.

Thought it was going to be way up, so that was a delightful surprise! I'm still above where I would be for a Wednesday, but it's nice I can enjoy myself without getting completely derailed.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. - It was after 6am, so not counting it for this.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Plank Rotations EotD (x20) - Did it in one go.
  • Fit December Program - 6th Days (5sets/each)
  • One & Done Challenge - 4th Day (1set)
  • Gambit WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Got 7 hours as active. Missed 8am completely, and 2pm said I hit the goal, so not sure what happened there. lol. Oh well.

  • 44 Active Zone Minutes (18,956 Minutes YTD)
  • 4,948 Steps (1,871,068 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 1.78 Miles (809.09 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,292 Calories (404,605 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:

Today was a good day.

Really rainy and windy today, but other than grocery shopping, I didn't need to be out. So that was nice.

Exercise wise, it ended up randomly being abs day, which worked out for Miyagi, lol. It was wet snowing at this time so I didn't bother him too much.

I choose to work a lot again, here and there anyway.

Was fine with it, I like staying on top of my responsibilities, but in the afternoon, one of the people I was dealing with for my re-boss went to my main boss for something I handled hours earlier.

Talked to my main boss, told him it was handled, SHOWED him it was handled, but he let me know he got a girl in the office involved, it's for an area she would not know how to handle...the other person he went to also helped me out, so hopefully that person noticed & didn't let this thing go out again.

UGH. And the President who he visited today told him to send the thing to my re-boss for guidance.


Plus I needed my re-boss' help for a similar thing and it was difficult to get an answer out of him so I know he's too busy for this bullshit.

That's why he has me handling it...

But that was a small annoyance, and not my main boss' fault, cause the owner of the company told him to do something so I would feel I had to as well. lol

Miyagi was so cute last night. He got me up a few times of course, but I caught him investigating me when I was sleeping. He went back to my husband's side, hubby was on the couch, and although kitty will not spoon, he let me put my forehead against his back and we napped for a bit.

Closest thing to a cuddle in a long time. Was so nice. lol

And then he was cute for most of the day, but the rain and wind is getting to him. He fought me not too long ago to let me know he wants me to turn the heat back on outside. :happy:

  • Good morning Jog to 300. - It was after 6am, so not counting it for this.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Plank Arm Raises EotD (x20) - Did it in one go.
  • Fit December Program - 7th Days (5sets)
  • One & Done Challenge - 5th Day (1set)
  • Ultimate Abs WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Got all 9 hours as active!

  • 33 Active Zone Minutes (18,989 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,398 Steps (1,878,466 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 2.71 Miles (811.80 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,539 Calories (406,144 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:

Exactly @Laura Rainbow Dragon, he thinks I should know better! :happy:

Friday was a good day and this weekend was nice.

Friday we went out to a nice Italian place I love and had their fall gnocchi. One of my favorite meals to get.

It's not a chain restaurant so they hand make it. It has butternut squash and brown butter candied walnuts & more. :drool:

Then I got my dad a Christmas Card and a gift card, so glad that is taken care of.

I have no clue what to get my husband. Had to get a new coffee maker this week, so i'm counting that as part of it. lol

He gets a break with me as well since he buys me what I need when I need it.

Work wise, Friday and yesterday I got myself as caught up as possible. Which unfortunately is not much since people did not tag me on a lot of stuff or send me some not looking forward to Monday. I will let that be Monday's problem though. LOL

Yesterday also got my chores done, so just need to prep for tomorrow, talk to my dad, make some raviolis for dinner and play my Fae Farm as much as I can around that.

I feel Cinderella turning back to normal. lol

But I had the past two days where I got to wake up to Miyagi staring at me, which was cute. :tuzki-love:

And in honor of the WotD, had this in my head a bit.

It's our time to shoot the stars
We ain't gonna stop till the world is ours
It's landslide, rocks below
Ready to rise, ready to roll

  • Good morning Jog to 300. - It was after 6am, so not counting it for this.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Tricep Extensions EotD (x5) - Did it in one go.
  • Fit December Program - 8th Day (5sets)
  • One & Done Challenge - 6th Day (1set)
  • Leg-Endary WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Got all 9 hours as active!

  • 46 Active Zone Minutes (19,035 Minutes YTD)
  • 5,596 Steps (1,884,062 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 2.1 Miles (813.90 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,587 Calories (407,731 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort

:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:

Today was shockingly a pretty good day.

Very pleasant and did not get overwhelmed at all.

So glad I set myself up last week so catching up was not too bad. Still a lot I have to get through and figure out, but oh well.

Was so hard to leave Miyagi today. He was out most of today and barely acknowledged me since I was home. Hope he's not mad at me for going back to work.

Made vegetable Lo Mein for dinner, was soooo good.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Crunch Kicks EotD (x10) - Did it in one go.
  • Fit December Program - 9th & 10th Days (5sets/each)
  • One & Done Challenge - 9th Day (1set)
  • Feel Good WotD (5sets) - Felt so good, I upped the sets to match Fit December. I love my heel clicks, lol. ;)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - Not today

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Ran in the supply closet for 40 minutes.

  • 82 Active Zone Minutes (19,117 Minutes YTD)
  • 11,823 Steps (1,895,885 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 5.41 Miles (819.31 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,732 Calories (409,463 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort

:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:

Today was good day.

Non stop side tracks & plan derailments, more got a million things done without getting anything I planned, or wanted to, done.

But I kept my cool, only half cried once at our transfer not being able to go through because of a door issue, and the material was needed to get out to a customer the next morning, and I wasn't even sad since there was so much nonsense to giggle at today.

Came up with two alternative plans to this and then finally a Plan D settled it when the warehouse unknowingly sent another truck back so tomorrow is saved.

My brain is fried, could not concentrate on ANYTHING, but was 99% smiles today. lol

Reboss is not going to be happy I didn't do anything for him today, but I'm not feeling bad, if he actually wanted me he would promote me for him, or at least some of the obligations that are blocking me away.

So fine typing that made just me feel, bad but in a rejected way. lol

Not going there right now.

Finished my Christmas shopping today. And when I thought I was done, stumbled on a site by accident and made something fun for my husband. I'll take a pic at Christmas. :)

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Alt Arm/Leg Raises EotD (x30) - Did it in one go.
  • Did 20 pushups to start for the cocoa ornament I am no longer going for.
  • One & Done Challenge - 10th Day (1set)
  • Fit December Program - 11th & 12th Days (5sets/each) - After doing one set of both of these and then one of the bonus workout, I did 10 push-ups for 40 total. Only did 3 sets of the bonus so did the pushups after the last two rounds of Fit.
  • 2-Minute Arms WotD (1set) - I meant to do this at the end since it was one set of 2 minutes, but I forgot...oops!
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - 12 more pushups here.

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Ran in the supply closet for 40 minutes. It's been rainy the past few days.

  • 51 Active Zone Minutes (19,168 Minutes YTD)
  • 10,730 Steps (1,906,615 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 4.79 Miles (824.10 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,638 Calories (411,101 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
  • Total Pushups/Cocoa: 72

:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving:

Very behind tonight, so I can only update real quick without going through everyone else stuff. :sad:

Today was good day.

A lot like yesterday in the chaos, but pleasant. So I'll count those blessings.

We are going to do a secret santa at work. They gave us these cute little forms to fill out so one could get an idea of what is wanted.

I forgot to take a pic of course. Ugh. LOL

One really cool story is our shipping manager one year asked for an 80 inch TV for one of the questions. The main sales girl that I sit by loves to tell the story about how she found an 8 inch tv complete with a working remote and gave him that instead. Never even knew something like that existed, but it does and that is one of the funny things I've ever heard. Even hearing the story a few times now. :happy::u:

And a bunch of us are bringing desserts. I'm going to make fudge.

My recipe I just saw in a Food Network Magazine is supposed to be a nod to the Christmas Story where Ralphie likes Ovaltine. It has malted milk powder and chopped up malted milk candy (like Whoppers & Robin's Eggs).

This weekend I'm going to go to one of my favorite chocolatier's for some of the ingredients. Should elevate it. So excited for that!

This morning, Miyagi was a sweetie, but then comes inside at exercise time...of course.

I fed him then got started. During my warm up jog, he started attacking me. No hissing or real scratches as usual, but he's coming at my moving feet, standing up, grabbing my leg, flipping on his back to kick me with his lower legs. Then when I go to comfort him, he bites my arms.

This is why my husband and I have an ongoing bit about him being a wife beater in a previous life. Not that it domestic violence is funny, of course it is not, but he only fights me!


Those ears, he means serious business.

More sneak attacks during my stretches that I cut short.

And then finally outside once I was doing kicks in place of the EotD, although I did get the EotD done out of order after he left. lol.

For the DB Christmas tree, I got my kicks done. Currently stockings & cocoa are tied and not too many, so I'll hold off on the decision making.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Did 100 Kicks, Front & Turning Mix.
  • Squat Hops on the Spot EotD (x20) - Did it in one go.
  • One & Done Challenge - 11th Day (1set) - This is butt kicks, did 96 in the minute and did 4 more to make an even 100.
  • Fit December Program - 13th Days (5sets) - Oh look, 40 more buttkicks per set, 200 total here.
  • Touch The Sky WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - 30 more pushups here.

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Ran in the supply closet for 40 minutes. It's been rainy the past few days.
  • Did 100 more front kicks at the start to get the 500 for today.

  • 60 Active Zone Minutes (19,228 Minutes YTD)
  • 11,257 Steps (1,917,872 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 4.70 Miles (828.80 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,745 Calories (412,846 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
  • Total Pushups/Cocoa: 102
  • Total Kicks/Stocking: 500

:revolving: :beating: :hheart::beating::revolving: