Knee Pain


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 143
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees!
Recently I've been doing pistols in my strength program plus 2 or 3 days of BJJ and my left knee started to hurt...

I do not want to stop my trainning so.. Do you have any recommendations of excercises? like one leg wall sit? or something similar en challenge-level?

I've been woking for strength and size if this help you help me haha..

thank you bees and merrrrryyy christmasssss


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 891
@facuzayas welllll, it really depends where the pain is and when you experience it. But spitballing, from what you have already shared, I'd say it sounds like inflamation of the tendons of the knee: ACL & PCL. It needs you to lay off pistol squats for a while and do squats, slowly with both legs. This will help the tendons get stronger and the inflammation to go. I hope this helps.