Let’s Go 2025!


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from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Hi Darebees and Friends,

I was formerly ‘wsmc27’ here in 2020 and quite active for a few hundred days. Good times, great workouts and wonderful following so many of you. Late in 2020 I faded away a bit, 2021 was quite busy with some occasional training, believe I did Ironborn again and enjoyed some of the fun Katana workouts. My cycling died off a little as well.

Christmas/New Years season 2021 saw wife and I get the CoVid from our first responder son, who of course got it at work, so 2022 started out miserable and that set the tone. We both recovered fairly well, her quicker then I (both of us double vac and boosted), and did a few occasional light dumbbell work and occasionally road bicycle rides.

Knee injury hyper extension in July another set back, couldn‘t even walk on steps for a few weeks. Have recovered. My wife’s wonderful mom passed (natural causes) last month.

so, October 2022. No more excuses, back at it. Let’s GO! I will be adding my old list of Darebee items here, just so I can remember them 😁

Best to you all, time is precious and I cannot seem to follow online as well as I did a couple years ago. Enjoy to read about all of your fine achievements…enjoy your training! Go Bees GO!

…where’s the emojis at this new site? :yes: ahh Got it:perfect:

The last enjoyment from yee olde thread:

Workouts completed or attempted
All Level I unless noted
Class failures/reason noted

Bad Wolf
The Comeback
Katana Warmup
Shadow Warrior
Ninja Hunter
Quick Draw
1000 Cuts
Care Package
Raw Grit
4 Assassins
Dance With Dragons
Close Contact
SAO Survivor
That Workout I Promised
Upperbody Stretch
Perfect 10
SAO Survivor (Level II)
Headhunter (Incomplete/fail) – could not properly kick
Ronin (Level II)
Andromeda (incomplete/fail) lvl 0.33 1 set only, issue with one-legged bridges
The Cake Is A Lie
Femme Fatale
Dynamic Dumbbell
Power 20 Dumbbell
Shadow Warrior (Level II)
Epic Arms
Samurai (Level II)
Back & Biceps Dumbbell
Health Potion Full Strength
Tug Of War
Far Point
Bright & Beautiful
Origin Story
Home Upperbody Tone (Level II)
Armory +
Wizard (Level II)
Tempered Steel (Level II)
Balance & Coordination
Upperbody Blast Dumbbell
Catwoman (1set tribute)
Today is the Day
The Cake is a Lie
The Smiter Dumbbell lvl 5
Core Fighter
Power Ball (1 set, need to do again)
Sucker Punch
Catalyst Dumbbell
Power 25 Dumbbell
Rest & Repair
Super Charge
Wild Card
Clean Slate
Power 18 Dumbbell
Breathe Easy
Gone Wild
Trim & Tone Arms Dumbbell
Setting Goals
Back & Biceps Express Dumbbell
Epic Glutes
Jacked Dumbbell

One Day at a Time
Fix It!
Back Pain Relief

(One I forgot to list, placeholder)
One Minute Plank

Made with Love lvl 1
Never Give Up lvl 1
Side Quest lvl 1

2020 Programs Completed
< Totals >
Epic Five
Power Up
30 Days of HIIT
Back & Core

Katana Week
Flexibility Week

2021 Programs Completed:
Square 1

2022 Program (“restart Oct”):
Hard Reset Strength

2023 Programs Completed (another Oct restart lol):
Recovery 15 day - completed

2025! …back again

Programs completed:

Express Tone

Challenges completed:
First Thing Water!
1000 Calf Raises
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Well-known member
from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"

Sat 1 Oct 2022 / day 1 consecutive lol
Program: Hard Reset Strength 1 Lvl 1 Let’s GO! using 10lb db

Sun 2 Oct 2022 / day 2 consecutive
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 2 Lvl 1
Road Cycling: 25.2mi 2hr 3min 1
2.3mph avg, HR avg 148bpm, vert 1283’ gained. Good ride, nice weather

Mon 3 Oct 2022 / day 3 consecutive
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 3 Lvl 1

Tue 4 Oct 2022 / day 4 consecutive …yay!
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 4 Lvl 1

Wed 5 Oct 2022 / day 5 consecutive
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 5 Lvl 1
Bonus exercise
Katana Warm Up Infinity movement 30reps ea side
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Well-known member
from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Thanks! :)

Thur 6Oct 2022 / day 6 consecutive (a record for 2022, I do believe)
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 6 Lvl 1
those 80 back leg raise things, 40 per side non stops


Well-known member
from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Hi! Thank you!

Fri 7 Oct 2022 / day 7 consecutive
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 7 Lvl 1

Yay the Saturday yay the weekend! Hope you all have fun and stay safe

8 Oct 2022 / day 8 consecutive
- homemade “Morning Warmer”: 50 squats (50x1), 50 calf raises (50x1), 40 overhead dumbbell press (40x1), 40 upright db row (40x1), 50 alternating db curls (50x1), 50 Incline Pushups (on our stairs, 30x1, 20x1).
- EOTD: 40 Hop Heels Clicks (lost some control, extra hops, ended up doing 20x2)
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 8 Lvl 1

Sat afternoon: yet to come, will edit. Possible short road cycle ride, gardening and/or wave the Katana in Backyard fun. Maybe sneak in a extra program day and do more dumbbells? Nice day here, and options await.

update, went for the push bike ride …18.37mi 1hr32min tried to keep HR down and easy today, lol. Still, it’s too high and I am old n tired but happy! MaxHR 164bpm, avg 137bpm, avg speed 12.0mph and max down a fun hill 31.5, total ascent 1047’. Our sunny weather today providEd avg temp of 83F and max in the sun 95F.

I recall being super happy in 2020 to go 7 straight, now I am motivated to get to 15!

:strong:Let’s GO!:yes:
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Well-known member
from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
:love: Thank you Isla and Laura.

Sun 9 Oct 2022 / day 9 consecutive
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 9 lvl 1
- homemade “Morning Warmer”: 50 squats (50x1), 50 calf raises (50x1), 30 Incline Pushups (on our stairs, 30x1)
- EOTD: the 60-second O Pose ohhh ouch, made it just barely 😥

Sunday road cycling; 33.45mi 2hr45min avg spd 12.2mph, max spd 30.4, avg Heart Rate 139bpm, MaxHR 167 (ugh hills lol). Total ascent 1663’, avg temp 81F. A good warm somewhat windy day. Tired at end, this has been my best cycling weekend of the year. Yay

Mon 10 Oct 2022 / day 10 consecutive
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 10 Lvl 1
(pretty sore after the weekend fun, all over ache.. no specific pains) the good ache lol

Tue 11 Oct 2022 / day 11 consecutive
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 11 Lvl 1 good stretching, tranquil day.

We are still working full time, wife from home and I commute a short drive. Almost missing that old dreaded year of ‘20 and the open freeways in our area. Ah well. At my age I do not feel the hurry anymore (though the downhills on bicycle remain fun fun fun)

:brave:Be well Bees, see you soon:yes:


Well-known member
from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Wed 12 Oct 2022 / day 12 consecutive
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 12 Lvl 1
Katana workout: Katana warmup double sets, + 40x each side Infinity Circles
:kittens: Kitten Day (donation in) :kittens:

Thur 13 Oct 2022 / day 13 consecutive
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 13

Fri 14 Oct 2022 / day 14 consecutive
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 14 Lvl 1

Sat 15 Oct 2022 yay the 15th straight day! Let’s GO!
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 15 lvl 1
Katana Warmup + 40 ea side of the Infinity Circle movement
EOTD; 2min side plank hold (well, 1 min ea side anyway)

Maybe later…road cycling or, something else.

:move:Happy weekend to you all!:pose:


Well-known member
from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Sun 16 Oct 2022 day 16 consec
Homemade morning warmup: Dumbbell Squat 50x1, weighted standing calf raise 50x1, overhead db press 25x1, oh db tricep extensions 40x1, alt db biceps curl 40x1 (all with light 5.0lb db), incline push ups (40x1, 10x1)
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 16 lvl 1
Katana Warmup double sets + 40 ea side of the Infinity Circle movement

Well, ended up no cycling over the weekend, just felt a little tired. Busy days recently…good “active rest” with my DareBee program lol. Feeling some improvement after these 2 weeks. Firming, toning, tho still a bit achy early in mornings (have been this way for a few years now).

Mon 17 Oct 2022 day 17 consec
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 17 lvl 1

Tue 18 Oct 22 / day 18 consecutive
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 18 lvl 1

Wed 19 Oct 22 / day 19 yay, going to make it to 30 yay
Program: Hared Reset Strength Day 19 lvl 1
Katana Warmup + 40 ea hand of the Infinity Circle movement

Time to set some goals like I did in 2020 here.

- get back to ability for the 100km ‘metric century’ road cycle ride on weekends. I did 53km a week ago last Sunday, not with easy or anything “left in the tank” so some time and mileage needed to do this.
- get back to ability to ride self-supported 100mi ‘century’ ride. This will be for 2023, as I have never spent winter training well and last I did this was Oct 2020. If the next 6 months can go without much issue will shoot for late April or early May.
- get back to weight loss I achieved here in 2020 (started DareBee at 203lb and got down to 181lb or so As I recall) similar goal again. This can be done. So much easier to pedal and lift grandbabies haha. I am starting this time ~195 196ish

I ended up having a great year physically and in many respects mentally, in 2020 at age 61. I can do this again at 64.

:strong:…another DareBee journey continuing:yes:


Well-known member
from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
@CODawn @Fremen thanks! :heart:

Thur 20 Oct 22 / day 20 consecutive
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 20 lvl 1

Fri 21 Oct 22 / day 21 consec “times flies when I’m having fun”
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 21 lvl 1
Katana Warmup + 40 ea hand of the Infinity Circle movement

Sat Oct 22 / day 22 yay yay Saturday again
Katana Warmup double sets + 40 ea hand of the Infinity Circle movement
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 22 lvl 1
WOTD: “One Minute Plank” oohhh some aching here lol, tried to do all movements consecutive but several had a gap of ~5 seconds while I change position. Reminds me of the difficulties I had in 2020 doing some Plank Challenge, was that 5 minutes? Ugh. Maybe something to work back toward …after the Holidays? Haha 😛

Added: 4 minute Breathing Meditation in silent house

More later today…pending. The recent weekdays have been busy busy at work, so weekends are my best training days.

Not sure if cycling will be on the afternoon plan, grey and murky here and toward the coast. Working out indoors and getting thru our small backlog of DVR recorded shows. Typical fare for our house includes MotoGP, F-1 cars, supercross (just in Melbourne AUS recently for a new series) and such. Wheeeee…

I just recalled another goal I wrote in the old DareBee 2020 thread was to maybe get out and ride my old dirt bike (2005 Suz RM250). While that didnt happen with all the COVID closures that year, this might be a good additional goal to go back out again before I get much older lol. I am confident I can train to road cycle a long distance at This age, but not so sure I will have much more opportunity to enjoy my old motorcycling fun. We’ll see, it would make for a great training goal and be fun (well, that’s what I will tell my wife). :heart:

Bee well, have a fuN and safe Weekend! :LOL:
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Well-known member
from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Oh update. Turned off the tv!

In catching up here on DareBee I Found something nice here in DareBee in Meditation Room section, Many thanks to @Heniek for posting a 4min breathing exercise . Sorry I do not know how to link over to it. Maybe one of you can find it for me?



Well-known member
from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Sun Oct 23 / day 23 consec
Katana Warmup double sets + 40 ea hand of the Infinity Circle movement
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 23lvl 1
4 minute Breathing Meditation

Mon Oct 24 / day 24 still going!
homemade Morning Warmer; light dumbbell squat 50x1, calf raise 60x1, alternating dumbbell bicep curls 60x1, overhead dumbbell triceps extension 40x1, incline push ups on the steps (30x1)
Walk at Work lunch break 1.35mi normal walk pace
After work: Katana Warmup double sets + 40 ea hand of the Infinity Circle movement
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 24

wishing you all a good week ahead :yas:


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from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Busy week, trying to get caught up …again lol

Tue Oct 25 / day 25 consecutive
homemade Morning Warmer; body weight squat 50x1, calf raise 80x1, incline push ups on the steps (50x1)
Walk at Work lunch break 1.8mi normal walk pace
After work: Katana Warmup double sets + 40 ea hand of the Infinity Circle movement
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 25

Wed Oct 26 / day 26 consec
Morning Warmer: body weight squats 50x1, incline push-up 40x1, calf raise no weights 50x1
After work: Katana Warmup double sets + 40 ea hand of the Infinity Circle movement
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 26

Thur Oct 27 / day 27 yay
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 27

Fri Oct 28 / day 28
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 28

Yay Yay a weekend :climb:

Sat Oct 29 / day 29 consecutive (just might make it to 30?)
Morning Warmer (homemade): light dumbbells on this (5lb) squats 50x1, calf raise 50x1, alt dumbbell bicep curl 40x1, oh db press 30x1, oh db triceps extension 40x1, the incline push-ups 25x2
Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 29 (back to 10lb dumbbells 💪🏼 lol)
EOTD: 20 consecutive Jump Squat things whee

well, that’s the morning portion, might get back on the bicycle later. Have fun all,

:brave: Go Bees GO


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from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Sunday 30 Oct / day 30 consecutive :v:
…a bit achy most all over today, too much fun yesterday?
:v:Program: Hard Reset Strength Day 30 yay. Good program, good start to getting back into DareBee

Afternoon road cycling: 25.11mi 2:00hrs 1315cal burn 🔥 climbed 1352’ and ran my HR strangely hi for my percei effort. Averaged 150bpm for 2hrs with a max of 175 for a couple minutes on one of the last climbs home. Have earned extra recovery beer and hot jacuzzi mmmm lol

:bat: Monday 31 Oct Happy Halloween all! :pumpkin:
Still a bit sore. No morning warmer, just a good hot shower lol.
:heart:After work, returning to a program I enjoyed in 2020!

Day 31 consecutive
Program: IronBorn Day 1
Katana Warmup regular set + double Infinity set each side

Thats it, gonna keep going with some dumbbells, have seen some good improvement in 30 days, and got to 100mi for the month of October on my bicycle. Not great compared to some years in the past, but the best of 2022 for me YAY

Wishing you all a great month ahead. Keep after it. You can do it.



Well-known member
from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
:tu: You are all very kind, thank you DareBees :mhearts:

So, November! Not only going with a former fav IronBorn, doing several Challenges that helped me much in 2020.

Let‘s GO!

Tue 1 Nov / day 32 consecutive
Challenges Day 1: First Thing Water / 50 Squats a Day 50x1 / 50 PushUps a Day (these are incline on our steps) 50x1 / Power Grip / Calves of Steel
Program: IronBorn Day 2

Wed 2 Nov / day 33 consecutive
Challenges Day 2: First Thing Water / 50 Squats a Day 50x1 / 50 PushUps a Day (incline) 25x2 / Power Grip / Calves of Steel
Program: IronBorn Day 3

ohhh I can see I will lose track of the different days I am on haha. Must watch carefully?
:sitting: …stil behind on catching up with you, more time soon. Wishing you all well and enjoyment in your trainings!


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from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
I've tried to do incline push-ups on the stairs but I keep smacking my face into the stair above! How do you manage it? :break: <- no actual fitting smilie, imagine coffee mug is a stair!

Slowly and carefully controlled…with eyes open. Haha. The height and width of our stairs put a step right at the bridge of my nose, and I recall smacked it back in 2020 when doing them. Hurts!



Well-known member
from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"

Thur Nov 3 / day 34 consecutive
Challenges Day 3: First Thing Water / 50 Squats a Day 50x1 / 50 PushUps a Day (incline) 30x1 20x1 / Power Grip / Calves of Steel
Program: IronBorn Day 4

Fri Nov 4 / 35 days consecutive…keep it going!
Challenges Day 4: First Thing Water / 50 Squats a Day 50x1 / 50 PushUps a Day (incline) 25x2 / Power Grip / Calves of Steel
Program: IronBorn Day 5
Katana Warmup: Double sets + 40ea side of Infinity Circle movement

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. We have a memorial service tomorrow, so offline a bit and still behind. Maybe cycling later on Sunday.


Well-known member
from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Thanks @Laura Rainbow Dragon

Well, November fits my 2022 year well, good for a couple weeks, then a couple days mid-month with lower back aches so dropped the IronBorn. Was still going good on the Challenges until last weekend, wife and I both got extremely sick with most symptoms of the RSV thing. We are both better last day or two, will be fine.

On the plus side, new month starts tomorrow, so another fresh start. Hopefully can finish off this year with good health

Hoping all of you are doing well…have been missing any regular sort of check in. Best wishes to you all and go Bees GO!


Well-known member
from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
@CODawn @Froud thank you 🙏🏼 Back is much better now.

Well, surprise…wife and I had lingering cough and congestion, so the new month didn’t go so well either. Fortunately the last week or so has been “fine” physically but super busy at work for each of us. Always something, and working toward better balance of work and play will be “on the list“ for 2023 ha ha

Have done the odd light dumbbells last few weeks, logged it into my Garmin thing but haven’t got to visit here. Gained 4lbs since my successful month of October, and not too concerNing as this is my typical winter habit for many decades. Gonna shed that and more!

We are wishing you all a wonderful Holiday season, and Merry Christmas! We are confident 2023 will be MUCH better for us then 2022, so…almost there and totally looking forward to it! YAY the New Year!

Ok, chalk up the EOTD swinging my legs around a couple minutes! Yay DareBee
See you all soon.
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Well-known member
from U.S.
Posts: 121
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Hi all, here we go again, a tough year with much work and likely not enough “us time”. Heavy workloads for wife and I, and beginning half of year seemed non-stop. No large physical issues as in 2022, but HEY where has 2023 gone to?
Lol ;)

Got back on the bicycle a bit a couple months ago after first half of year missing it. Going riding in a few minutes, hopefully out for a couple hours.

Back to DareBee, going to work toward some consistency. Wife wants to do a gentle shoulders programme, any recommendations?

Fri 10/27
Recovery Day 1
Power Grip Challenge Day 1
WOTD: Made With Love lvl 1

Sat 10/28
Recovery Day 2
Power Grip Day 2

…will update/revise a bit more later, sun is rising higher and must go pedal.
….also have been complete remiss in cheering for all of you, some old DareBee friends as well as newer. Hope you all are well and having success and happiness with training.
… FWIW DareBee was crucial awesome support for us in 2020 and we are so thankful for the DareBee team and all of you.

Go Bees GO! :yes: