Let’s Go 2025!


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Posts: 122
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
:LOL: Thanks all! Happy Halloween to those who celebrate 🎉 or party and such :ghost: Bee safe

Congrats to all of you finishing your monthly programmes, yay!

Sat 10/28 update: 37.06mi ride, 2:48:59 ascent 1916’

Sun 10/29
Recovery Day 3
Power Grip Challenge Day 3
Bike ride: 49.21mi 3:36:25 ascent 1926’ AvgHR was 143bpm

Mon 10/30
Recovery Day 4
Power Grip Challenge Day 4
Workout: Rotator Cuff Rehab
Bike wind trainer indoor: 3.2mi easy spin recovery ❤️‍🩹

Tue 10/31
Recovery programme Day 5
Power Grip Challenge Day 5
Katana WarmUp

Riding 2023 update (monthly total) coming soon. October was best month of 2023 yay

See you all soon, have fun!


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Posts: 122
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"

Welcome to November. Going to keep going!

Wed Nov 1
Program: Recovery day 6

PowerGrip day 6
Calves of Steel day 1
50 Squats A Day day 1 (30x1, 20x1)
Added two challenges for Nov, did these several times in years past and find them helpful.

Thur Nov 2
Program: Recovery day 7

PowerGrip day 7
Calves of Steel day 2
50 Squats A Day day 2 (30x1, 20x1)
Katana Warmup
EOTD: yay a little more squats (30sec, 32 done, not too deep, no weights currently)

Have a good day or evening!


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Posts: 122
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
:gotthis:Hi, thanks, and same good to see many of you again :celebrate:

Fri Nov 3
Program: Recovery day 8

PowerGrip day 8
Calves of Steel day 3
50 Squats A Day day 3 (30x1, 20x1)

Workout: “The Thing” for the hands

…some headache after work, so a little subdued for a Friday, ah well. Will be better tomorrow. Am pleased to have done some DareBee 8 straight days, first time this many straight days since a year ago. Onward!

Our local weather forecast good for a fun cycling next two days. Wishing you all a great weekend and fun.



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Posts: 122
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
2023 Monthly Cycling Miles Updated (the Good, the Bad, the Ugly...)

Jan 0
Feb 0
Mar 0
Apr 14.14
May 12.08
Jun 0
Jul 252.71
Aug 120.49
Sep 173.83
Oct 260.48

All of 2022 was only 26 rides for 426mi
2021 was 81 rides, 1971mi
2020 (great year of training and DareBee for me) was 85 rides and 2718mi - will be working toward this level again in 2024.

Sat Nov 4
Recovery day 9
PowerGrip day 9
Calves of Steel day 4
50 Squats A Day day 4 (30x1, 20x1)

Katana Warmup: Double Set + entry 20 each side of Infinity Circles. From my 2020 DareBee fun, I still have the plastic trainer Sword in use.

A 'mehhhh' day, stayed in, extra rest. Sometimes needed?

:ragdoll:It's so ON tomorrow :shake:


Much better sleep, up early and DareBee before road cycling on Sunday! YAY!

Sun Nov 5
Recovery day 10
PowerGrip day 10
Calves of Steel day 5
50 Squats A Day day 5 (50x1)
EOTD: 2 min of backfists, alternating 10 in a row per side. Lost track on the count, lol

Road Cycling; To the coast at Del Mar, up to Carlsbad and back. Nice day out, some light winds. Seemed to hit an energy 'wall' just past 36/37ish miles but keep the legs going. Well rewarded with cold pool and hot jacuzzi. Rode my old '03 Specialized S-Works E5 "Acqua & Sapone" team replica (the old zebra looking bike...who remembers Mario Cipollini?) Wish I could pedal it the way it deserves to be.

From my Garmin cyclocomputer today: 50.25 mi Distance / 147 bpm Avg HR / 169 bpm Max HR / 3:45:13 Moving Time / 1,991.5 ft Total Ascent / 33.5 ft Min Elev / 647.6 ft Max Elev
13.4 mph Avg Moving Speed /35.5 mph Max Speed / 79 rpm Avg Bike Cadence / 123 rpm Max Bike Cadence / 16,965 Total Strokes / 72.0 °F Avg Temp / 60.8 °F Min Temp / 86.0 °F Max Temp

Wishing you all a great week ahead! Thanks also to DareBee Team, we got a new kitten today! lol :kittens: Appreciate all you do.


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Posts: 122
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"

Mon 6 Nov
Recovery day 11
PowerGrip day 11
Calves of Steel day 6
50 Squats A Day day 6 (50x1)
noted, legs not as achy day after long ride as recent weeks. Sign of improvement!

Tue 7 Nov
Recovery day 12
PowerGrip day 12
Calves of Steel day 7
50 Squats A Day day 7 (25x2)

Wed 8 Nov
Recovery day 13 , enjoying these gentle movements and getting better
PowerGrip day 13
Calves of Steel day 8
50 Squats A Day day 8 (30x1, 20x1)

Thur 9 Nov
Recovery day 14
PowerGrip day 14
Calves of Steel day 9
50 Squats A Day day 9 (50x1)
EOTD: the 50 side bends (helps the middle area where my weight gain from 2020 is lol)
extra; set of Katana WarmUp, with extra set of Infinity Circles

heading to a three day weekend (on a “9/80” schedule for work) so tomorrow some house chores and maybe a gentle ride. Should get some good bike miles in this weekend, and about to finish Recovery program so will look to add some more varied DareBee training.

Thanks all for you support, and wishing you well. As I found late last year, time somewhat fleeting to spend online but will look to catch up with you soon. You are all very inspiring, and thank you for posting your training and exploits.



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Posts: 122
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Fri 10 Nov
Recovery day 15 - completed :v: a very gentle program, a good intro back after too much time away from regular exercise
Program (new): Reboot - day 1
PowerGrip day 15
Calves of Steel day 10
50 Squats A Day day 10 (30x1, 20x1)
Consecutive Days Exercise: 15 (I remember making this in 2020 and was SO happy! Gotta keep this going, a little achy yet happy again)
WOTD: Never Give Up lvl 1 3 sets …lol yay more squats 😆 the plank hold shoulder tap things a little tough, have not done this type movement/hold for a couple years. Got thru this with some shakiness. Wheee
Extra DareBee fun: double rep set of Katana WarmUp

…going to save my back and rear for cycling on weekend, so a good day of Friday DareBee done. Wishing you all safety and strength in your weekend ahead.

:fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks:
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Posts: 122
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
:heartsit:thank you!

Sat 11 Nov
Reboot - day 2
PowerGrip day 16
Calves of Steel day 11
50 Squats A Day day 11 (25x2)
Consecutive Days Exercise: 16
Extra DareBee fun: Katana WarmUp + extra set Infinity Circles (I seem to really like doing these. helps my arms, hands, wrists...)

Sat 'gentle' bike ride (still kinda worked my heart/lungs on a couple short local climbs, yay). Data courtesy the Garmin Edge...

20.26 mi Distance / 38 brpm Avg Respiration Rate / 23 brpm Min Respiration Rate / 49 brpm Max Respiration Rate / 142 bpm Avg HR / 166 bpm Max HR / 1:30:09 Moving Time / 1,092.5 ft Total Ascent / 193.6 ft Min Elev / 658.8 ft Max Elev / 13.5 mph Avg Moving Speed / 32.8 mph Max Speed / 80 rpm Avg Bike Cadence /108 rpm Max Bike Cadence / 7,010 Total Strokes / 75.6 °F Avg Temp / 69.8 °F Min Temp / 78.8 °F Max Temp

Am somewhat encouraged, as I was in 2020 here with DareBee! That year an early goal was to cycle a 100k (62mi) ride to celebrate my age. I managed to ride enough that summer to do a self-supported "Century" (100mi) in around 7-something hours as I recall, and several 100km rides leading up to that. So far in 2022 and 2023 longest ride was last week at 50mi, so bit by bit I will try to raise this little bar. Each ride day is different on how my body reacts, so will keep on going and keep some worthy personal goals to reach for.

New goals! 2024; by April hit 65mi and by end of summer be back to those long day in saddle and get another Century done. Let's GO!

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Posts: 122
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Sun 12Nov
Reboot - day 3
PowerGrip day 17
Calves of Steel day 12
50 Squats A Day day 12 (25x2)
Consecutive Days Exercise: 17
Bicycle ride: 34.5mi 2hr51min, ascent 1906’ avg HR 141bpm (add Garmin details later)

Great ride to the East, more hills, hot day. cut a little short after reaching 88-90F on the handleba mounted Garmin

Mon 13 Nov
Reboot - day 4 ugh, had to do modified “climbers” against 2nd step on stairs, have not done this type movement for a few years, got thru all 300 (am level I needless to say)
PowerGrip day 18
Calves of Steel day 13
50 Squats A Day day 13 (20x2, 10x1)
Consecutive Days Exercise: 18

…a bit tired Monday. Not to worry, recovery from weekend fun has been improving last couple of weeks.

Tue 14 Nov
Reboot - day 5
PowerGrip day 19
Calves of Steel day 14
50 Squats A Day day 14 (25x2)
Katana Warmup
Consecutive Days Exercise:

Wed 15 Nov
Reboot - day 6
PowerGrip day 20
Calves of Steel day 15
50 Squats A Day day 15 (25x2)
Consecutive Days Exercise: 20

Thur 16 Nov
Reboot - day 7
PowerGrip day 21
Calves of Steel day 16
50 Squats A Day day 16 (50x1)
Consecutive Days Exercise: 21

Have a great day and evening!


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"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Fri 17 Nov
Reboot - day 8 “yay I can still do a few bridges lol”
PowerGrip day 22
Calves of Steel day 17
50 Squats A Day day 17 [30x1, 20x1)
Katana WarmUp double reps
Consecutive Days Exercise: 22

Sat 18 Nov
Reboot - day 9
- afternoon Program: Reboot - day 10 (some light difficulty going full set on the flutter kicks and holds, so last two sets had a short break after 3/5 of the set)
PowerGrip day 23
Calves of Steel day 18
50 Squats A Day day 18 (50x1))
Katana Warmup double reps + extra 20 each arm of Infinity Circle movement. Feeing better each session. With this, may use one of our dull cheap steel blade Katana soon. They are a little heavier then our plastic Amazon-bought trainer.
WOTD: Side Quest lvl 1
Consecutive Days Exercise: 23

…weather is meh - mixed fog, some scattered rains, might not go bicycle outside. Remaining flexible on what training schedule is, might pedal on wind trainer later, or add another DareBee course.

update, no riding today, did an extra day of “Reboot” in afternoon.

:dance:Have a nice weekend!:vibes:
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Posts: 122
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Sun 19 Nov
Reboot - day 11
PowerGrip day 24
Calves of Steel day 19
50 Squats A Day day 19 (30x1, 20x1)
Katana Warmup double reps + extra 20 each arm of Infinity Circle movement.
Consecutive Days Exercise: 24

…no cycling. Weather to improve this week!

Mon 20 Nov
Reboot - day 12
PowerGrip day 25
Calves of Steel day 20
50 Squats A Day day 20 (25x2)
Katana Warmup
Consecutive Days Exercise:

Road Cycling: "Easy day" 18.47 mi 1:26:1612.8 mph avg, 961 ft ascent. A few days off this week from office, so will hope to gather some miles on the bike.

Tue 21 Nov
Reboot - day 13
PowerGrip day 26
Calves of Steel day 21
50 Squats A Day day 21 (25x2)
Consecutive Days Exercise: 26

Road Cycling: A proper long day. Got a bit achy in neck and shoulders last hour. Mostly rode the easy coast route (except the painful hills home lol). Stats from the Garmin follow...
50.02 mi Distance / 301 Resting Calories / 1,840 Active Calories / 2,141 Total Calories Burned /700 Calories Consumed / -1,441 Calories Net / 2666 ml Est. Sweat Loss / 1597 ml Fluid Consumed / -1069 ml Fluid Net / 37 brpm Avg Respiration Rate / 22 brpm Min Respiration Rate / 47 brpm Max Respiration Rate / 141 bpm Avg HR / 166 bpm Max HR / 3:39:09 Moving Time / 4:11:49 Elapsed Time / 1,958.7 ft Total Ascent / 1,840.6 ft Total Descent / 30.8 ft Min Elev / 629.3 ft Max Elev / 13.7 mph Avg Moving Speed / 34.8 mph Max Speed / 80 rpm Avg Bike Cadence / 123 rpm Max Bike Cadence / 17,033 Total Strokes / 74.0 °F Avg Temp / 64.4 °F Min Temp / 84.2 °F Max Temp
lol...back tomorrow for more. Hope you all are well.


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"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
:tu: @Saffity and all, greatly appreciated!

Wed 22 Nov
Reboot - day 14
PowerGrip day 27
Calves of Steel day 22
50 Squats A Day day 22 (25x2)
Katana Warmup double reps + extra 20 each arm of Infinity Circle movement
Consecutive Days Exercise: 27
Road Cycling: ohh sore, this a recovery ez day. Hot afternoon ride.
19.60 mi Distance / 35 brpm Avg Respiration Rate / 25 brpm Min Respiration Rate / 50 brpm Max Respiration Rate /127 bpm Avg HR 157 bpm Max HR / 1:33:06 Moving Time / 1,063.0 ft Total Ascent / 130.6 ftMin Elev / 611.5 ft Max Elev / 12.6 mph Avg Moving Speed / 29.3 mph Max Speed / 78 rpm Avg Bike Cadence / 108 rpm Max Bike Cadence / 6,879 Total Strokes / 81.1 °F Avg Temp / 75.2 °F Min Temp / 86.0 °F Max Temp

Thur 23 Nov
Reboot - day 15
PowerGrip day 28
Calves of Steel day 23
50 Squats A Day day 23 (25x2)
Katana Warmup double reps + extra 20 each arm of Infinity Circle movement
Consecutive Days Exercise: 28

Fri 24 Nov
Reboot - day 16
PowerGrip day 29
Calves of Steel day 24
50 Squats A Day day 24 (30x 1, 20x1)
Lifting a variety of boxes and rearrangement garage storage aka house work (seemed like one looong repetition haha)
Consecutive Days Exercise: 29

Sat 25 Nov
Reboot - day 17
:v: PowerGrip day 30 - completed again, this challenge a very good for me, will do again!
Calves of Steel day 25
50 Squats A Day day 25 (30x 1, 20x1)
Katana Warmup double reps + extra 20 each arm of Infinity Circle movement
Consecutive Days Exercise: 30 well 30 it has been a while, re-earning this
Road Cycling: ohh still sore, the moving of boxes on Friday caused some strain difficulties. Easy ride for sure, kept HR very low and worked on easy spin and easy breathing. Mostly successful!
16.44 mi Distance / 32 brpm Avg Respiration Rate / 16 brpm Min Respiration Rate / 45 brpm Max Respiration Rate / 121 bpm Avg HR / 157 bpm Max HR / 1:18:01 Moving Time / 944.9 ft Total Ascent / 185.0 ft Min Elev / 577.4 ft Max Elev / 12.6 mph Avg Moving Speed / 30.6 mph Max Speed / 79 rpm Avg Bike Cadence / 134 rpm Max Bike Cadence / 6,043 Total Strokes / 68.3 °F Avg Temp / 64.4 °F Min Temp / 73.4 °F Max Temp

Sun 26 Nov
Reboot - day 18
Calves of Steel day 26
50 Squats A Day day 26 (30x 1, 20x1)
Katana Warmup double reps
Consecutive Days Exercise:

:rstar::star:Hope you all have had a safe end enjoyable weekend or Holiday. :star::rstar:


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Posts: 122
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Thanks all! :mhearts:

Mon 27 Nov
Reboot - day 19
Calves of Steel day 27
50 Squats A Day day 27 (25x2)
Katana Warmup double reps
Consecutive Days Exercise:

Tue 28 Nov
Reboot - day 20
Calves of Steel day 28
50 Squats A Day day 28 (25x2)
Katana Warmup
Consecutive Days Exercise:

Wed 29 Nov
Reboot - day 21
Calves of Steel day 29
50 Squats A Day day 29 (25x2)
Katana Warmup
Consecutive Days Exercise:

Thu 30 Nov
Reboot - day 22
:v: Calves of Steel day 30
:v: 50 Squats A Day day 30 (25x2)
Katana Warmup double reps
Consecutive Days Exercise:

Yay, have completed the two challenges this month, will revisit them again in 2024.

Nov 2023 Cycling log summary - this month I missed a couple of opportunities to ride more, however with the homw/work schedule and time I gave up a couple of ride opportunity days. all good, as on a few of the rides I continue to feel a bit better out on the bike. Some aches and pains, but at 64 this can be expected (lol, like everyday getting out of bed) :crawl: moaning about this aside...this was my best November of riding since 2021.

Data from Garmin; 7 rides, 209.58mi, avg 29.94mi per ride, longest were just over 50mi. AvgHR 137bpm for all rides, maxHR at some point was 170. Vert climbed was 9918' ...lol missed a Garmin monthly challenge here by 82' smh

Will try to catch up with many of you soon. Probably cannot enjoy the snowball fight or other special DareBee events as I am working most of December, not all. The grandbabies are coming to town soon, so will have fun and be busy here with family also. YAY :bigsmile: wishing you all well, and congrats to you on your November achievements!

...here we go! ON to DECEMBER!


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from U.S.
Posts: 122
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Fri 1 Dec

Reboot - day 23
NEW Dec... IronBorn - day 1 (light dumbbells, and this a repeat of program completed a couple times iirc back in 2020 & 2021. generally, a good response to this course, so I am revisiting this DareBee favorite)
50 Push-Ups a Day - day 1 ec (25x2) another revisit for me from a couple years ago, i do incline pu against our stairs, and can do them quietly & early before leavin towork so not to disturb others lol
Powar Squats 30-day challenge - day 1 OHHH this looks good :moves:
Katana Warmup + extra set Infinity Circles
Consecutive Days Exercise: 36

Sat 2 Dec

Reboot - day 24
IronBorn - day 2
50 Push-Ups a Day - day 2 ec (25x2)
Power Squats 30-day challenge - day 2
Katana Warmup + extra set Infinity Circles
Consecutive Days Exercise: 37

...probably a cycle ride later in day, the morning has started off requiring some house chores lol. Will update when able.

:ready:Have an awesome weekend Bees! :yes:
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Posts: 122
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
:LOL:Thank you! :ss:

No ride yesterday afternoon, the house chores became longer, and longer, and... you all know how that is. :(

Sun 3 Dec

Reboot - day 25
IronBorn - day 3 (can use heavier db for the leg work, yay)
50 Push-Ups a Day - day 2 ec (25x2)
Power Squats 30-day challenge - day 3 (I seem to really like these power squats movements, nice tie in for my past calf work)
Road Cycling: ...a gentle day, had more house work yesterday and earlier this morning, so just our rolling around a bit.
- Will have more time next weekend (or so I think right now haha)
10.77mi 51min14sec AvgHr 136bpm, MaxHR 160bpm, climb/vert was a massive 603.7' (I jest). AvgSprd 12.6mph, Avg cadence 80rpm.
Consecutive Days Exercise: 38

Probable a couple busy days at work coming, so wishing you all a nice week now and see you soon!

Keep going! I am now setting goal to get back to 60 days, then 100 consecutive days. Cannot get there if I don't try.


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Posts: 122
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
Mon 4 Dec

Reboot - day 26
IronBorn - day 4
50 Push-Ups a Day - day 4 ec (25x2)
Power Squats 30-day challenge - day 4
Consecutive Days Exercise: 39

:heart: Grandbabies (7, 6 and 5yr olds) arrive today with their mom, busy days ahead lol. Great to have them here. :heart:

Tue 5 Dec

Reboot - day 'off' this Program for a couple days - time with family :delight:
IronBorn - day 5
50 Push-Ups a Day - day 5 ec (20x2, 10x1)
Power Squats 30-day challenge - day 5
Consecutive Days Exercise: 40

Wed 6 Dec

Reboot - day 'off'
IronBorn - day 6
50 Push-Ups a Day - day 6 ec (25x2)
Power Squats 30-day challenge - day 6
Consecutive Days Exercise: 41

Thur 7 Dec

Reboot - day 27
IronBorn - day 7
50 Push-Ups a Day - day 7 ec (25x2)
Power Squats 30-day challenge - day 7
Consecutive Days Exercise: 42

Fri 8 Dec

Reboot - day 28
IronBorn - day 8
50 Push-Ups a Day - day 8 ec (25x2)
Power Squats 30-day challenge - day 8
Consecutive Days Exercise: 43
Gentle morning trail Hike!
Whee Just over 4.0mi and 714' ascent, on local Black Mountain trail. 1st time for the G-babies there, daughter and I went there a couple times 8 or 9 years ago, lol. Good times. The little ones went really fast for about 3/4 of climb. Nice. Early to bed, good n' tired for all! Yay.

Sat 9 Dec

Reboot - day 29
IronBorn - day 9
50 Push-Ups a Day - day 9 ec (25x2)
Power Squats 30-day challenge - day 9
Consecutive Days Exercise: 44
Road Cycling:
Gentle 12miles 59min 709' ascent, a gentle spin after some ache in legs/hips after first real (tho' short) hike yesterday in quite a long while.
A good day topped off with bubbling hot jacuzzi fun for family. Planning to do some more walks with them in weeks ahead.

Sun 10 Dec

Reboot - day 30 yay :v:
IronBorn - day 10
50 Push-Ups a Day - day 10 ec (25x2)
Power Squats 30-day challenge - day 10
Consecutive Days Exercise: 45
Road Cycling: 18.3mi in 1hr 27min, a little faster today (12.6mph avg, yesterday was 12.2), ascent 1066' Still feeling a bit tired, have been more active recently, hanging in there.

I hope all of you good health, enjoying and doing well, as always will try and catch up with you in your logs and festivities soon! Have a wonderful week ahead!



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from U.S.
Posts: 122
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"

Mon 11 Dec


IronBorn - day 11
50 Push-Ups a Day - day 11 ec (50x1)
Power Squats 30-day challenge - day 11
Consecutive Days Exercise: 46

Tue 12 Dec

IronBorn - day 12
50 Push-Ups a Day - day 12 ec (40x1, 10x1)
Power Squats 30-day challenge - day 12
Consecutive Days Exercise: 47

Wed 13 Dec

IronBorn - day 13
50 Push-Ups a Day - day 13 ec (25x2)
Power Squats 30-day challenge - day 13
Extra fun Katana Warmup + extra set Ininity Circles
Consecutive Days Exercise: 48

Hope your week is going well!


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from U.S.
Posts: 122
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
2024 … :giveup:

2025! Reset!! Here we go again :yas:

Bee well!

Edit to add…

Wed Jan 1

Xpress Tone - day 1
Is First Thing water still a thing?
Katana Warmup double sets
Consecutive Days Exercise: 1

Thur Jan 2

Xpress Tone - day 2
First Thing water, more to add here soon
Katana Warmup double sets
Consecutive Days Exercise: 2
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Well-known member
from U.S.
Posts: 122
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
:LOL: Thank you all, great to see so many of you again :happy:

Yay, I found the edit title place, nice! :) Thank you DareBee team!:u: LETS GO 2025!

Fri Jan 3

Xpress Tone - day 3
Challenges for Jan:
First Thing Water!
1000 Calf Raises
Katana Warmup + double Infinity circles
Extra course today: Shadow Warrior lvl 1 (using my old plastic trainer I bought in 2020). The last two days are it’s first use since 2023 for me.

Consecutive Days Exercise: 3

Perhaps back onto the road bicycle tomorrow, if weather is reasonable. My 2024 riding was so intermittent, as I have seemingly become a fair weather cyclist lol
Wishing you all fun in training and a happy and safe weekend! :happy: