Mamatigerj's Journal


Well-known member
from USA
Posts: 468
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Happy Anniversary!
I Luv U Love GIF by i-love-you


Well-known member
from CentralTX, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 2,990
Thank you all for the Anniversary and Christmas good wishes!:heartsit::heartsit::heartsit:

MONDAY 23 DECEMBER 2024:beating: 36th Wedding Anniversary!:beating:
Spent the day with my husband doing some last minute shopping, housecleaning, and watching The Holiday

:v: Begin each day with a Hug
Counting Blessings
Morning Meditation

TUESDAY 24 DECEMBER 2024 :star: Christmas Eve! :star:
Spent another quiet day with my husband putting up & decorating the tree, stuffing the stockings, watching It's A Wonderful Life, and attending Christmas Eve Service

Begin each day with a Hug
Counting Blessings
Morning Meditation

WEDNESDAY 25 DECEMBER 2024 :rstar: Christmas Day! :rstar:
Got nice and early up to prepare Christmas Brunch, then spent the day with my whole crazy, noisy, wonderful family:
watching all of my daughters' joyful reactions when my son and daughter-in-law revealed their pregnancy; watching the grandkids excitedly open their stockings and gifts one by one and play with their new treasures, then all of the adults opening our stockings in one big free-for-all; having a Snowball Fight (with plush fabric snowballs) in the back yard; going for a walk to the park with some of the grandkids; taking a nap while others watched a football game; and finally, tidying up and sitting next to the Christmas Tree in a dark, quiet house and watching Meet Me in Saint Louis.

Begin each day with a Hug
Counting Blessings
Morning Meditation
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Well-known member
from CentralTX, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 2,990
Thank you, @MadamMeow!:mhearts:


:v: Begin each day with a hug
:v: Counting Blessings
:v: Morning Meditation
On this day there was nowhere i needed to go, nothing i needed to do, and nobody i needed to take care of. I stayed in my pajamas, listened to Christmas Carols, noshed on Christmas leftovers and candy from my Stocking, did some reading, and dozed on the couch.
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Well-known member
from CentralTX, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 2,990
It was, @NancyTree!


:v: Begin each day with a hug
:v: Counting Blessings
:v: Morning Meditation
  • Challenge: Power Pose day 20
  • December Challenge: One & Done day 27
  • Exercise of the Day (#612/517) did 30sec per side
  • Program: Fit December day 27 Hall Pass #8 used
  • Personal DareBee Workout Challenge #452: Boxer Arms (dif.1) no levels, no ec
  • Personal DareBee Workout Challenge #453: Back Pain Relief Yoga (dif.1) I am going through the database, filtering for dif.1 workouts to pick up any i've missed before the end of the year. I am filtering by types after difficulty. This workout showed up as Difficulty 1: Yoga, but it wasn't on my *done* list, so i got started. Apparently, i didn't even glance at the difficulty key in the description (because i was using the filter.) I was definitely struggling, thinking "i know i'm out of shape, but this is really hard!" I didn't give up though, and when i went to check the *done* box i noticed that it is actually Difficulty 5! I feel both foolish and proud!:shoked:

I wasn't quite as lazy today. I put on real clothes, took out the trash & recycling, did some laundry and finished up the dishes. Still took time to read, watch a movie, and have a nap.
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,197
"Striving to be the change."
  • Personal DareBee Workout Challenge #453: Back Pain Relief Yoga (dif.1) I am going through the database, filtering for dif.1 workouts to pick up any i've missed before the end of the year. I am filtering by types after difficulty. This workout showed up as Difficulty 1: Yoga, but it wasn't on my *done* list, so i got started. Apparently, i didn't even glance at the difficulty key in the description (because i was using the filter.) I was definitely struggling, thinking "i know i'm out of shape, but this is really hard!" I didn't give up though, and when i went to check the *done* box i noticed that it is actually Difficulty 5! I feel both foolish and proud!:shoked:
This will be one of the workouts that got re-classified. DAREBEE used to have a bit of the "yoga is just stretching" prejudice about classifying the difficulty level of yoga workouts. But this workout has some challenging poses in it! Including 90 seconds of balancing on one leg--all back-to-back with no break--which is no joke! It's the one-legged balances that earn this workout its Difficulty Level 5 rating under the new system. Kudos to you for sticking with it!


Well-known member
from CentralTX, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 2,990

Begin each day with a Hug
Counting Blessings
Morning Meditation
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Well-known member
from CentralTX, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 2,990

Begin each day with a Hug
Counting Blessings
:v: Morning Meditation
:heart:My son-in-law put in a new kitchen sink for me!
:revolving: Participated in the 2024 Hive Video Meeting! :revolving:


Well-known member
from CentralTX, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 2,990
Thank you, @FlowersandPetals, @Laura Rainbow Dragon, @Syrius, @JCU, @MadamMeow, @Fremen, @Haleth, @Anek, @NancyTree, and @TopNotch! :heartsit:


Begin each day with a Hug
Counting Blessings
Morning Meditation
  • Challenge: Power Pose day 24
  • January Challenge: Standing Abs day 4
  • Program: Fit December day 31 Hall Pass #9 used :completed:Since i skipped all of the ab days, i decided to wrap up this program with some pelvic floor friendly core work:
    • 10x each Heel Slides, Single Leg Raises, Bent Knee Fallouts, Bridges, Knee Rolls; 5 sets
  • Personal DareBee Workout Challenge #457: Slow Cooker (dif.1) level II +ec planned to do level III, but grandson woke early from his nap
  • 100 punches
:heart:Movie date with my husband, we saw A Complete Unknown

:fireworks:WELCOME 2025!:fireworks:
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Well-known member
from CentralTX, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 2,990
This might be silly, but i want to begin 2025 with a clear conscience.
I posted how much i enjoyed seeing people at the Hive Video Meet on some of the participants' threads but forgot to on others. So, i just want to tag each of you here and say how wonderful it was to see each of your lovely faces (and kitties & puppers) @neilarey, @Damer, @Laura Rainbow Dragon, @Syrius, @Anek, @Matan, @Jaga, @Fremen, @Brontus, @JohnStrong, @Nebulus, and @Sebastian_Greil! :beating:
I am so glad i was able to join even though i was very anxious and self-conscious! I was surprisingly emotional afterward, and i am still pondering over the conversation and what i have gleaned from it.
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