Morning has broken


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,686
New house, new phase in life, time for a new thread. Since I've been in the Hive, my journey has been one of recovery, learning, moving forward, rewinding, starting over and being persistent. It feels a bit unreal that full recovery can take so much time. It has been two years since the Hive moved and I opened my thread At the break of dawn here. But it also doesn't feel like two years, time really is flying.
It seems that my body is in good health and fitness now, my injuries have been quiet for some time. I found some sort of rhythm, for now. I think it will always be with ups and downs, but that's life. And I should accept that.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,686
Saturday December 21st
Moving day. We moved the big stuff already on Wednesday, today was just the small stuff (of which apparently I have a lot) and: Pico. She adapted pretty quick! She's almost 10 years old and has lived in my old house for 8. But within a few hours she was comfortably lying around.
I have vacation the next two weeks, so can be with her as much as needed.
  • Fit December day 21 (18/31)
  • 1000 squats challenge day 22
  • SOMA 40+ day 7 Yoga
Sunday December 22nd
  •  Run 8.00 km. Trail.
  • Fit December day 22 (19/31)
  • SOMA 40+ day 9, lvl 1. 3 kg. Strength
  • 1000 squats challenge day 23
  • 30 days more of yoga, day 1
  • Secret Santa Graoumia's gift. I hope it's okay to also try the gifts given to others
Goals progress
Long distance hike 4/19 stages (65/375 km)
Clog paths 6/160
Running 484.25/500 km (96%)




Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,686
@GentleOx @Fremen @Laura Rainbow Dragon @MadamMeow :tu:

Monday December 23rd
Oh I really love my Secret Santa gift! And the story is just amazing, it has everything in it. So thank you Santa! :mhearts:
  • Fit December day 23 (20/31) (3 kg dumbbell with sitting twists)
  • Soma 40+ day 9 lvl 1 HIIT
  • 1000 squats challenge day 24
  • Secret Santa Gift
    • Part I Hike 14 km Clog Path. Pictures will follow, I cannot find my SD card reader 😅 I think it's in the old house
    • Part II (I had no idea how much would be enough, so just gave everything I got)
      1. 69 points, saved all 30 faeries!
      2. 272 points, saved all 40 sand scrabblers!
      3. 544 points, saved all Winged Cerberons!
      4. 1500 points, saved the Phantasm!
      5. 1470 points, defeated the Boss of all Bosses!
    • Part III yoga, repeated the sequence for 5 minutes. I have preserved the cherries, so I can use them later for the cake.
  • Secret Santa gift for Anek

Goals progress
Long distance hike 4/19 stages (65/375 km)
Clog paths 7/160
Running 484.25/500 km (96%)
Last edited:


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,686
Tuesday December 24th
  • Fit December day 24 (21/31)
  • Soma 40+ day 10, Strength, lvl 1, 3 kg dumbbells
  • 1000 squats challenge, day 25
  • Secret Santa gift for f!shie
Wednesday December 25th
  • Run 7.40 km, trail
  • Fit December day 25 (22/31)
  • Soma 40+ day 11, yoga
  • 1000 squats challenge day 26

Goals progress
Long distance hike 4/19 stages (65/375 km)
Clog paths 7/160
Running 491.66/500 km (98%)


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
Do you know what is in the fields this time of year?
Probably just grass at this point xD These might also be fields that generally just grow grass. And cows or sheep, I guess :p
It doesn't look like it's been torn up by tractors at all this year, so I doubt it's had crops planted on it.
With the extreme (for NL) rainfall, farmers have had an extremely soggy year and the big tractor tyres have left their marks everywhere around where I live.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
Probably just grass at this point xD These might also be fields that generally just grow grass. And cows or sheep, I guess :p
It doesn't look like it's been torn up by tractors at all this year, so I doubt it's had crops planted on it.
With the extreme (for NL) rainfall, farmers have had an extremely soggy year and the big tractor tyres have left their marks everywhere around where I live.
That field on the right definitely looks like a deliberate planting to me. Everything is in neat rows.

Grass here will not look like that until May! But agricultural fields typically would not even be sown until May. I may be able to get a photograph of some grass today. (I can see some patches of it sticking up from the snow on my neighbour's lawn across the road. We will see what the thaw brings by this afternoon.) I don't live close enough to agricultural fields to walk to any anymore. But they'd be brown here in December if not snow-covered.


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
That field on the right definitely looks like a deliberate planting to me. Everything is in neat rows.

Grass here will not look like that until May! But agricultural fields typically would not even be sown until May. I may be able to get a photograph of some grass today. (I can see some patches of it sticking up from the snow on my neighbour's lawn across the road. We will see what the thaw brings by this afternoon.) I don't live close enough to agricultural fields to walk to any anymore. But they'd be brown here in December if not snow-covered.
Ah, that might be because our farmers inject manure directly into the ground
It stinks to high heavens on the day, but days later you might not realise how freshly it's been done until you step into the field
Yes I am speaking from experience :tears:
So even fields of grass may have visible lines in it. We have so much cattle they have to get creative with where to put the excrement.
I prefer it over spreading artificial fertiliser, but we just have way too much of the stuff so there is a lot of run-off into the smaller waterways.

We've also had a grand total of one day of snow where I am in NL. Grass remains year-round.
And on the bits that used to be sea, it can be hard to grow anything other than grass at first.
Lots of grass is probably why we ended up having so much cattle and cheese :chuckle:

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
Ah, that might be because our farmers inject manure directly into the ground
It stinks to high heavens on the day, but days later you might not realise how freshly it's been done until you step into the field
Yes I am speaking from experience :tears:
:p << That emoji is not expressive enough. But you get my meaning.
I could smell the manure applications where I used to live too. But we weren't so close to it that it was unbearable.
The worst was when they smoked the tobacco. That one could smell for miles!

there is a lot of run-off into the smaller waterways.
This is a real problem. But runoff from other fertilizers is just as bad (probably worse in some cases). Our species has a lot of work to do to curb our negative impacts on this planet!

Lots of grass is probably why we ended up having so much cattle and cheese :chuckle:
Cheese is my guilty pleasure too. Probably I should consume less of it.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,686
Wow! Everything is so green! And beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Do you know what is in the fields this time of year?
They don't grow crops there, the fields are flood plains, when the river rises all of it gets flooded.Also the road to the tower is flooded then, you can only enter it from the other side over an elevated path.
I think they might keep sometimes cows or sheep in the closed parts, or harvest hey from the grass. There's a milk farm at the beginning of the dike, so they probably use it sometimes.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
Our 'mountain', de Vaalseberg, is 322.4m tall.
A mountain so small you need the decimals in thereto make to make it look more like a mountain-worthy number :chuckle:

In Canada, even though we have real mountains (the Rockies, the Laurentians), we have a penchant for mislabelling little hills as "mountains". There is a ski hill in London that is at an elevation of 265 metres at its base and a whopping 328 metres at its summit. Yep. It has a grand total vertical drop of 63 metres. And it calls itself "Boler Mountain". (Many of us who have actually skied Boler call it instead the "Boler Bump". :LOL:) The portion of the Niagara Escarpment that runs through Hamilton is also often referred to as "Hamilton Mountain". Uh, no. Sorry guys. Hamilton does not have a "mountain". (And Toronto does not have a "castle" :tears:)


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,686
Thursday December 26th
  • Hike 5.12 km. It was very misty, but still a nice hike
  • Fit December day 26 (23/31)
  • Soma 40+ day 12, strength 3 kg, lvl 1
  • 1000 squats challenge day 27
  • Secret Santa Gift for Damer, lvl 1
  • Secret Santa Gift for heeropotter
Friday December 27th
The days are over so fast.. wanted to do some Secret Santa gifts, but no time or energy left.
  •  Run 6.02 km, trail. Almost at 500km!
  • Fit December day 27 (24/31)
  • 1000 squats challenge day 28
  • Soma 40+ day 13 HIIT lvl 1
Saturday December 28th
Same as yesterday. Hopefully tomorrow I'll find some energy and time to do some more.
  •  Hike 19.37 km. Next stage of the long tour. It was so beautiful in the forest! Thick mist and some wildlife.
  • Fit December day 28 (25/31)
  • 1000 squats challenge day 29
  • Soma 40+ day 14, yoga. @Lady Celerity thank you for bringing this program to my attention, I really love it!
Goals progress
Long distance hike 5/19 stages (81/375 km)
Clog paths 7/160
Running 497.68/500 km (99%)
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,686
@aku-chan it was around freezing point, but with layers (of which a thermo shirt) and a good pace I was very comfortable

Sunday December 29th
I was tired, and tired of the misty rain (had no desire to force myself into it), so postponed my run till tomorrow.
Did a long workout though.
  • Fit December day 29 (26/31)
  • Soma 40+ day 15 Strength 3kg lvl 1
  • 1000 squats challenge day 30 :completed:
  • Secret Santa Gift for Jiolfi
  • Secret Santa Gift for Laura Rainbow Dragon
  • Secret Santa Gift for Matan
Monday December 30th
Finished my year goal!
  •  Run 5.55 km trail
  • Fit December day 30 (27/31)
  • One&Done challenge day 1
  • Soma 40+ day 16 lvl 1
  • Secret Santa Gift for Maegaranthelas, lvl 1
  • Secret Santa Gift for Neilarey. 4 burpees, 8 situps, 20 jumping jacks
Goals progress
Long distance hike 5/19 stages (81/375 km)
Clog paths 7/160
Running 500/500 km (100%) :completed: