I guess my current rhythm for the checkins will be weekly-ish 
Last week i started jogging again. Real slow and just aiming to get some time in and get my muscles, tendons, ligaments etc. accustomed to a bit more more running again.
I also got myself some new shoes (helps my motivation and the old ones are really done). The runs went pretty well, on 2 days i did around 5K, the last run was a bit more than 7K.
Soreness/aches the day after the 7K was not really there which i take as a good sign. I don't want to expand the volume too much too soon. So i guess i'll stick around with 5-7K at the moment.
Besides running i only did a bit of archery. Getting back into it after some long vacancies.
Read you soon!

Last week i started jogging again. Real slow and just aiming to get some time in and get my muscles, tendons, ligaments etc. accustomed to a bit more more running again.
I also got myself some new shoes (helps my motivation and the old ones are really done). The runs went pretty well, on 2 days i did around 5K, the last run was a bit more than 7K.
Soreness/aches the day after the 7K was not really there which i take as a good sign. I don't want to expand the volume too much too soon. So i guess i'll stick around with 5-7K at the moment.
Besides running i only did a bit of archery. Getting back into it after some long vacancies.
Read you soon!