Onwards and, well, onwards!


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
Again, thank you all, lovely people :sendlove:

Have had a rough few health days, but today has been a little better again =)
still no TEN but that can wait ^^

November 17
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
10,000 Punches
day 18
Glutes of Steel day 11

November 18
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
Glutes of Steel
day 12

November 19
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
10,000 Punches
day 19
Glutes of Steel day 13


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
November 22
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
10,000 Punches
day 23
Glutes of Steel day 16

Still recovering from doing too much work yesterday, but I also got a call that I could come in for my flu shot =D
Yay, I've been flu-shot now :dance:

Decided I should really take it easy today, so a lot of the afternoon and evening were spent gaming.
Not that it would have been nice weather to go for a walk anyway :')
Hovering around freezing, huge gusts of wind, and frequent rain. Sometimes hail.
No thank you, I lit a piña colada candle and enjoyed the cosy indoors :chuckle:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
Meanwhile my hubby is melting into a boneless puddle because of the heat here. Upwards of 36°C. I love it though 😜 I'll try and mail you some...
We hit 15C so I think it worked :p

Been very tired with the flu shot and putting up some nice shelves in my kitchen ^^

November 23
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
10,000 Punches
day 24
Glutes of Steel day 17

November 24
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
10,000 Punches
day 25
Glutes of Steel day 18

November 25
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
10,000 Punches
day 26
Glutes of Steel day 19

I would like to have enough energy to work on TEN again. Heck, I would like enough energy (and dry weather) to go for a walk xD
But at least it's not been zero. And I got lots of knitting done :p


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
Dear SantaBee,

I have been a good individual this year, but my health hasn't been the greatest.
Cardio is a struggle, but I have been keeping up with my squats and modified push-ups, and would really love to gain more strength over the coming year.
I have a yoga mat and dumbbells, and am happy to put those to use. I am thinking Ironborn/Ironheart should feature in my life once the confusing festive season is over :chuckle:
I may even be willing to do a burpee or two! Just no fast climbers please, last time I did those ended in painful disaster xD
Mostly I would just like to feel like a goshdarn superhero. :hero:

Oh, I also love music, nature, languages, mythology, and crafts.
I'm more of a winter solstice person than a christmas person, but all festivities are worth celebrating :celebrate:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
November 26
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
10,000 Punches
day 27
Glutes of Steel day 20

November 27
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
10,000 Punches
day 28
Glutes of Steel day 2
Ab Pyramid my own ab workout I used to do back in the day, I did it twice but at a nice easy pace.
A few minutes of mobility exercises, mostly for the hips

I decided I really want to build up my core again, because I have been having way more back and neck issues of late.
The weather isn't going to let me get out for long walks, so I hope that building up all my support muscles will improve things =)

Of course I didn't check what day of TEN I was up to until after the ab work had been done.
Yeah it's an ab day xD
Not going to manage another 10 minutes of that now, and I might have too much DOMS tomorrow, but we'll see.
I am pleased I was able to do a little more today :moves:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
Totally worth it! @Laura Rainbow Dragon and @PetiteSheWolf
In fact, today I went to my parents' house to have a nice long bath, and puppy decided I was too clean and he needed to sit on my lap and snuggle my face.
So I had to wash my face again :chuckle:

Had some random really bad fatigue in the past few days! Might take me a while to catch up on the logs.

November 29
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
Glutes of Steel
day 23
Walking 40min

November 30
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
10,000 Punches
day 30:completed:
Glutes of Steel day 24

December 1
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
Glutes of Steel
day 25
Walking 30min
One and Done day 1
Fit December day 1

December 2
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
Glutes of Steel
day 26
Walking 30min
TEN day 10
One and Done day 2
Fit December day 2

There, that was a good day's exercise!
And happy to report, the glutes do indeed look good. Gosh what a clever team we have here at Darebee:cheeks:

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
Thank all you lovelies!
It's been a heck of a week, and it's taken me ages to recover enough to function almost normally (for me).
So we finally had a date at which the builders were going to come and rip out all the windows and replace them.
But then one builder showed up at my door and was like "hey we're starting tomorrow at 7:30" (which was almost a week before the agreed upon date)
I told him I was booked for a different date and that I had been in touch with their contact, and he just said she had nothing to do with the schedule and they would be there the next day.
So mum and I frantically arranged everything, including her being at my house very early the next day because I can't stand up that early without passing out.
And yeah, no builders.
At 8:30 mum went out to find them.
They'd started on a different house because I was scheduled for the 10th.
Mum told them this was unacceptable behaviour.
They cancelled the other house and came to do mine.
They couldn't find some of the windows.
In the end, some of the windows didn't even fit so they have to come back next year to do four more.
I spent all day in a miserably loud and cold and windy house because they insisted on keeping all the internal doors open as well.
It was 8C and raining in.
And of course it was gross inside.

So yeah, I am still recovering from that.
My cleaning lady was in today so at least all of my downstairs is now nice and clean again and my house feels a bit more like my safe space.
She's wonderful, I am very grateful for all her efforts <3

Fitness stuff!
I kept up the 10 squats & push-ups every day, as well as slow butt kicks for One & Done.
I managed to catch up on Fit December so I haven't had to use a hall pass yet, though I did occasionally do some sets in the evening and the rest in the morning.
I even made it up to day 11 on TEN!
I have done Breathe Easy most days, I really needed to relax xD
There have been a few short walks, but nothing massively strenuous (although in this state they kinda were), mostly to my parents for food :p
And I completely forgot that I was doing Glutes of Steel so I will try to catch up a bit with that tomorrow xD

I did have a lot of fun writing my Secret Darebee story :hooray:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
Yeah, the man putting the windows in was trying, but the rest wasn't.
By the way, we were told this was going to be a 6 week project.
It started in late August :sus:
I am very very very done with having my house invaded by strange men.
But the work is not done -_-


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
So at least the carpenter who was in the other day was very calm and very nice :P

I am recovering a bit, it's slow but we're going ^^
Went to a nice little concert today, a pianist and violinist playing neoclassical music, mostly Einaudi. It was beautiful =)

I am up to date with One & Done and Fit December
I finished the Glutes of Steel challenge :completed:
and I also, to my great pleasure, managed to do 200 kneeling push-ups for my Hot Cocoa ornament :completed:
I started strong with 50, and then managed only 15 really poor ones the next day, and 20 the next xD
yesterday was 40 I felt pretty good about, and today I challenged myself to finish the final 75 :yas:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
Thank you @Syrius @Laura Rainbow Dragon @CODawn @Mamatigerj @Fremen @MadamMeow @Anek @Lady Celerity :lovely:

December 15
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
One and Done
day 15
Fit December day 15

December 16
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
One and Done
took a hall pass for day 16, those leg lifts are really difficult with loose SI joints and I had a bad day anyway. That's what the hall pass is for =D
Fit December day 16

December 17
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
One and Done
day 17
Fit December day 17

And now I should go look at the snowball event and do even more step jacks on top of the ones in today's Fit December.
I might do some actual jumping jacks tomorrow. If I can be arsed to put on a sports bra


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
I was enjoying the snowball shenanigans a lot yesterday.
Until we figured out the doors were, in fact, installed incorrectly so today they spent most of the day fixing that.
Which is another day of having to get up early and deal with the incredible amount of noise.
Currently I am very very grumpy, despite having had an impressive amount of chocolate and other treats to try to make the day worth living through.
Tomorrow should be a better day, although it will inevitably have to involve cleaning the floor.

December 18
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
One and Done
day 18
Snowballs! (can't remember!)

December 19
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
One and Done day 19
Fit December day 18
More Snowballs!

As I expected, doing the jumping jacks interspersed with what should have been yesterday's Fit December did use up some of the extremely grumpy energy.
I am no longer feeling quite so:chopper:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
Thank you @Laura Rainbow Dragon :lovely:
The mess is far from over:
One of the windows installed 2,5 weeks ago cracked :muahaha:

It's not a catastrophic break so it will just have to wait until next year.
But Oh. My. F-ing. Gods.
I had my grump on for a bit but am trying to just let it go and live my life.
Managed to go through almost all of my email inbox to give myself a nice fresh start on that in the new year.
I put up some new curtains as well as all the ones we had to take down for the window people (and which have been washed in the meantime)
I read a book!
And I am slowly making my way through some works in progress that have been taking up mental bandwidth.
Plus it was the first evening of festive roast veg!
Partner and I went to the vegetable farm about 20m drive away and got all the remaining purple carrots, some yellow, and some regular, and a lot of potatoes.
And some really big parsnips ^^
They've had a rough year. A lot of crops were lost in summer when we saw 15cm of rain in a day.
It's just been such a wet year. The third wettest, apparently (the wettest being last year).
Yes it is currently raining again xD

I really hope the weather is more balanced next year, for the poor farmers but also because I haven't been able to go on nearly as many walks this year!

December 20
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
One and Done
day 20
Fit December day 19

December 21
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
One and Done day 21

December 22
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
One and Done day 22
Fit December day 20 and a hall pass for day 21


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
Yeah, I've joked for a while that I have a skill called 'aura of calm' where I can appear calm when a small amount of panic would be acceptable.
I guess I am just leveling up that skill xD

Ooooh yay for the parsnips :hooray:
We came home with 3kg of carrots, 3kg of potatoes and the parsnips... It's just the two of us xD
(also we forgot how cheap it is to get our veg directly from the farm... that haul set us back an astounding 11 bucks... well worth the drive)


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
December 23
10 squats
Neck Mobility
One and Done
day 23
This was a rough day! My neck has been acting up, I might have subluxed my shoulderblade at some point or something similar
In any case, neck vertebrae are not currently super keen on staying in place, so everything was a struggle this day. But the gaming was fun!

December 24
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
One and Done day 24
Fit December day 22, 23, and 24! I am back on track!
And because I Figured out that @Aldethar is making a Horizon: Zero Dawn cosplay, I got to chose a workout!
I chose one we can both achieve, and did it today at level one =D

And the festive cheese-eating has begun ^^
I hope everyone who celebrates it has a wonderful christmas!
The season's best to all, no matter what you celebrate :heartsit: