Onwards and, well, onwards!


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
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Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
Thank you, lovelies :lovely:

I'm not quite as physically active as I would like to be, because pain! But I promise I am in good spirits.
Partner and I found about 10 different cheeses xD between that and the 7 kg of vegetables for roasting we're having an amazing festive season.
We were expecting to do the classic LotR christmas, but we found ourselves watching the old Indiana Joneses instead!
These films are so fun but also wow so problematic. Especially the second. woof xD

December 25
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
One and Done
day 25
Fit December day 25
Foam Rolling


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
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Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
That just shouldn't have happened.
Yeah, when your script is so racist the Indian government says 'hey, we don't want this filmed here. can you tone it down?' and then they filmed in Sri Lanka instead... :whaa:
And it's clear that Spielberg and Lucas were going through breakups, they wrote a female character so annoying I was constantly reminded that she was written to be this awful. By men. :shake:

I thought I had watched all the old Indiana Joneses as a kid, but it turns out I hadn't seen this one before. I ought to thank my dad for sparing younger me the experience :chuckle:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
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Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
December 27
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
One and Done
day 27
Fit December day 27
Foam Rolling
Walking (expected to be 30 minutes, I just don't want to forget updating now I did my other exercise early)
Saved my first Capybara for Secret DareBee :hoppy:

Since my health is not great, doing a full five sets in short successions seems out of my reach, so instead I will aim to save all the capybara before the year is out :yas:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
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Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
December 28
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
One and Done
day 28
Walking over an hour =)
Foam Rolling

December 29
10 push-ups, 10 squats
Neck Mobility
One and Done
day 29
Fit December day 28 & 29
Secret Darebee capybara 2, 3, 4, and 5 are saved! I just couldn't make them wait any longer, they're too cuuuuuute :chuckle:

I finished my Secret Darebee! It was such a good challenge :hoppy:
Now I look forward to sampling the other workouts in the remaining days. Such creativity all around!


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
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Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
I've been writing up the goals I would like to work towards in 2025, and have come up with 4 of them in the fitness category:
20 push-ups in one go.
I think I am pretty much on the cusp of being able to do a good-form, full-depth push-up. So I have a year to expand on that and get to 20 =D On a good day I can do 10 kneeling push-ups without a break and then another ten after a short breather, so I am somewhat confident of this!
100 squats in one go. I haven't actually checked how many I can do at once recently, but I figured 50 was something I could probably get to if I reaaaaally pushed myself. So I set myself a higher goal to actually train for ^^ I would love to be able to consistently bust out sets of 100.
10 burpees in one go. Look, I did two per set in my Secret Darebee workout and then struggled to stay conscious for the rest of the workout :tears:
I know I won't get to the levels of the amazing @Sólveig any time soon, but surely I can do better. Especially now that I am getting somewhere with the push-ups.
Ab Pyramid x5. Once upon a time I made myself a little ab workout with increasing and then decreasing numbers. Once upon a time I could do 5 sets within 15 minutes.
I would like to get there again :standby:

It is quite likely I will be working on these goals, since one of my other goals is to write and record 10-12 songs and that's really hecking scary so I will probably try to avoid thinking about that by exercising instead :amused:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
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Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
So I decided to try and complete the other workout gifts!
Did the first one only to realise there were another 13 to go after that:amused:
Good luck to me today, I guess :p

December 30
Neck Mobility
One & Done
day 30 :completed:
Fit December day 30 (almost there!)
Gift for Graoumia:
I was proud of myself for getting through all the jumps, and this reminded me that i actually quite enjoy dumbbell work. Maybe there should be a round of Ironborn/Ironheart or two in my 2025 as well!
Gift for Anek:
Those squat+knee-to-elbow combos are nifty! Makes me feel rather impressive (though I probably look silly xD) My hollow holds are also definitely improved! Legs are not nearly as low as in the picture but I did manage to keep them straight!
Gift for Damer:
Set 1: Yeah I was already tired after the ten knight steps xD Admittedly, I hadn't rested very long since the last exercises. Substitutions: Supported crow (one toe on the ground) for Pendant pose, kneeling up & down planks, and two sets of regular squats and holds. That squat walk is fun though!
Set 2: have grabbed a protein shake and taken five minutes to sit down. Still had to pause in the toe squat up and downs. And again before the final row squats xD The Squat Walk makes me feel like I am a dinosaur.
Set 3: even longer break, gather my willpower to GET IT DONE. RAWR. I don't care if I have to pause after every exercise. RAWR!
Did it. Going to rest now :tired:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
Hihi, thank you all :heartsit:

I also did the Gift for Fishie, with the climber taps on the second step of the stairs so I don't fall over xD My shoulder stability is never great, but especially bad after this day :amused:

Now I think I will channel my remaining energy into making some nice food.

I must say though, I forgot how much fun it is to go absolutely bonkers on the exercise for a day. It always turns out I can do more than I thought :unicorn:

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
I was thinking about making the same substitution!! :glee:
If you have yoga blocks (or a similar sturdy elevation assist) you can try pendant with your hands on the blocks (at whatever height you need). See if the extra elevation gives you enough to get your feet off the ground. Or, if you don't have a suitable way to elevate your hands, try lifting one leg at a time, letting the tops of the toes on the second leg rest on the ground (as lightly as possible). Crow is also a good substitute if you are lifting up hard through your core (trying to avoid those triceps bruises).


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
Thank you all! :hoppy:

December 31
Neck Mobility
Fit December
day 31 (total HP's used: 3) :completed:
Gift for Heeropotter 3 sets! Kneeling push-ups, and some of the other exercises on the second step for stability. Impressed I managed to move at all with the DOMS from yesterday xD
Gift for Jiolfi Oh goodness this is so many kneeling push-ups in so few days xD Used dumbbells in lieu of a kettlebell ^^

This may be all for tonight, but it may not be. I finished my fall-front breeches, so I have a few more hours to fill before it gets reaaaaally loud around here :fireworks:

And a Happy New Year to all :heartsit:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
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Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
Thank you, Laura! I am also quite impressed. The DOMS this morning didn't bode well for my exercising :chuckle:
And I was definitely slow, took lots of breaks, but managed to just about make my way through the workouts!
Felt like a good way to end the year, persevering in both my crafting and fitness goals :ss:
Partner and I watched the fireworks from the upstairs windows and drank nimosas (fresh orange juice with sparkling water aka party water)
Now we're just having a little of the leftover christmas cheese (yes I should also probably eat less cheese for ecological reasons) while the final booms die down :sendlove:
It's been a rough year in many ways, but there have been many happy times and I managed to achieve a lot despite the struggles.
So I am keen to see what we can make out of 2025 :butt:


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Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,558
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
First day of the year!!!
January 1
Neck Mobility
Daily Push-Ups
day 1. Kneeling-push-ups time =D
Gift for Matan that was lovely, I feel nicely warmed up on this stormy day.
Gift for NancyTree Not the walking part yet though, that will have to wait until I have outside levels of energy. Which is not today. And maybe it will also have to wait until we don't have a storm xD
Wanted to do some more but my body is making it very clear more is not an option. So time to relax!
Made a little more progress on the mitten I am knitting freehand.
This did require a lot of frogging first, but I am happier with the first section I redid, so less frogging next time :amused:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
January 2
Neck Mobility
40 minutes (we had a little bit of sun! Finally!)
Gift for Neila Rey I decided to change it slightly to keep in theme with my goals, and chose 6 ab exercises for the dice to choose from ^^Results:
4 long-short+20 stitting twists+10 long-short, 10 cross toe touches+10crunches+12 sitting twists, and 12 bicycle crunches+10 cross toe touches+12crunches
And I danced to Cutting Crew's (Between a) Rock and a Hard Place
Gift for Princess Sarena Did the burpees and plank roll on the second step because I am tired and want to save some energy.
Gift for Saffity Had to cut down on the macarena-ing but this was a fun workout nonetheless ^^

Yeah I may be frogging most of this mitt again xD


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
January 3
Neck Mobility
Standing Abs
day 1 & 2
30 Days of Change day 1. Part1: 60 butt kicks and 40 marching steps xD
Gift for Syrius in the absence of a katana, I used a 1kg dumbbell ^^
Also used 1kg dumbbells for the weight-lifting, but increased some of the reps so I would actually feel like I did exercise.
Gift for Sólveig and then the one composed almost entirely of really cool exercises that I am terrible at xD I did one set though! Reduced range of motion on the top row, the climbers and plank-based exercises were performed on the stairs, and I substituted kneeling push-ups for the burpees (as I think it's my upper-body strength holding me back from doing them) since there's no way I can do that many in a day let alone a reasonable amount of time.

All the gifts done! To a greater or lesser extent, at least xD

I think I should exchange the Daily Push-Ups challenge for another to better suit my needs. I can't currently sustain 30 kneeling push-ups in short succession, and that's where this challenge starts. I think for now I need a challenge that doesn't require high volumes every day to let my body adjust (because I have been in neck-pain heck for a week now and I think it's all the upper-body work). I will not make the decision yet, as I want to let my upper body recover a bit and then see how much I can realistically do to start with, but my current contenders are Knee Push-Ups (repeat), Upper Body (which ends up with 5x14 with short rests), and Push-Ups & Squats (which would also work on my squats but again requires 3x10 with short rests to start.)

Today I received a book in the post I ordered a few weeks ago (shipping from the UK takes a while, but luckily it wasn't too bad!), and I have already finished it:
Half-Arse Human by Leena Norms.
I adore her youtube channel and podcast (No Books On A Dead Planet) and this is her take on a self-help book, on which will advise you to actually put a lot less effort into some aspects of your life so you can free up the energy to whole-arse the bits that actually matter most to you. It was a delightful read, I expect to be lending this out to friends a lot. Or just buying them copies :p


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,098
"I sing and I know things"
January 4
Neck Mobility
twice 40m

January 5
Neck Mobility
twice 10m
I had a family event and there was a lot of getting up to help with the stuff and getting up to play with the puppy and getting up to play with my nibling xD

Not sure there will be any more movement today, I am so tired :imp: