January 3
Neck Mobility
Standing Abs day 1 & 2
30 Days of Change day 1. Part1: 60 butt kicks and 40 marching steps xD
Gift for Syrius in the absence of a katana, I used a 1kg dumbbell ^^
Also used 1kg dumbbells for the weight-lifting, but increased some of the reps so I would actually feel like I did exercise.
Gift for Sólveig and then the one composed almost entirely of really cool exercises that I am terrible at xD I did one set though! Reduced range of motion on the top row, the climbers and plank-based exercises were performed on the stairs, and I substituted kneeling push-ups for the burpees (as I think it's my upper-body strength holding me back from doing them) since there's no way I can do that many in a day let alone a reasonable amount of time.
All the gifts done! To a greater or lesser extent, at least xD
I think I should exchange the
Daily Push-Ups challenge for another to better suit my needs. I can't currently sustain 30 kneeling push-ups in short succession, and that's where this challenge starts. I think for now I need a challenge that doesn't require high volumes every day to let my body adjust (because I have been in neck-pain heck for a week now and I think it's all the upper-body work). I will not make the decision yet, as I want to let my upper body recover a bit and then see how much I can realistically do to start with, but my current contenders are
Knee Push-Ups (repeat),
Upper Body (which ends up with 5x14 with short rests), and
Push-Ups & Squats (which would also work on my squats but again requires 3x10 with short rests to start.)
Today I received a book in the post I ordered a few weeks ago (shipping from the UK takes a while, but luckily it wasn't too bad!), and I have already finished it:
Half-Arse Human by Leena Norms.
I adore her youtube channel and podcast (No Books On A Dead Planet) and this is her take on a self-help book, on which will advise you to actually put a lot less effort into some aspects of your life so you can free up the energy to whole-arse the bits that actually matter most to you. It was a delightful read, I expect to be lending this out to friends a lot. Or just buying them copies