January 11
Neck Mobility
Standing Abs day 11
10 Squats & Push-ups
January 12
Neck Mobility
Standing Abs day 12
10 Squats & Push-ups
January 13
Neck Mobility
Walking total about 2 hours
January 14
Neck Mobility
Standing Abs day 13 & 14
3x10 Squats & Push-ups
I kinda failed at updating my log xD
But it was for positive reasons!
Last year I slowly managed to whittle down my inbox to manageable levels of 'unread,' and I love it.
I go through and get rid of the unnecessary stuff most days and get around to the actually important ones sooner.
Plus, if I don't get around to it for a few days it's still a manageable pile instead of
Realising that this 'simple' change actually saves me a significant amount of spoons (and makes me feel like a marginally more functional adult), I came up with a new goal:
I decided to implement "just get it done January" and "finish it February".
I want to make a significant dent in The Pile of unfinished projects, especially the sewing, knitting, and mending piles.
I've noticed that they are taking up bandwidth unnecessarily and making me feel guilty (even though I am often the only one who even knows about the project).
Excitement about a new project is sometimes driven out by The Pile, and even the joy of making the thing can get overtaken by the lurking unfinished work.
Having a few projects on the go is great, and sometimes a project really needs to have a Time Out and Think About What It's Done.
But when you're coming up to 30 things that you kinda still want/need to do, that's a lot of mental space taken over
So this weekend was the start of my new project that is getting through a lot of projects

So far I have fixed two pairs of trousers for my partner and one for me, evaluated two other pairs and decided that they are not fit to be garments any more.
(to be honest, I never want to be that skinny that these would fit, that would be Bad for my body. And they required too much mending to give away).
I also revamped a top that was made for me about 14 years ago but even then was too tight for me to wear comfortably.
It now has lacing over a truly immodest amount of cleavage that will make it perfect for my friends' halloween parties and nowhere else, but it makes me happy

I even cast on a sleeve for a knitting project that has been haunting me pretty much since I started knitting!
That was one hecking productive weekend.
Yesterday I was planning on moving forward with the Big Project that's been on my mind, but I had an unexpected possibility of hosting a lovely friend, so I put all my energy into that instead. Today I have been incredibly tired but it was so worth it! And as I sat on my bed resting and recovering I also got in a lot of hours of hand-sewing
And then, just before giving up for the night, I thought "hey, let's give that exercise stuff a go!" And it went well
Now I will be good and go to sleep and not stay up to read all the notifications first because that will take a while