Opinion on getting new dumbbells


New member
Posts: 2

I am thinking of purchasing new dumbbells, as I only have a set of 2x 5kg dumbbells, that I've been training years with, and I want to up my fitness journey and try heavier weights.

I stumbled upon this set:
which has various weighted discs, for a max of 40kg in one bar, or 20kg in each dumbbell, along with the option to make a kettlebell.
It looks ideal for my purposes, but I want to see if anyone has experience with these kinds of sets, or if someone has something better to propose.

Thank you!


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
To me the versatility looks very good. My concern is that the spacing between the different weights might be too big / too coarse. E.g. in how many steps can you adjust the dumbbell from 5kg to the 20kg? But even if the steps turn out to be quite demanding there are ways to smooth out the transitions. Are there sets with more plates available? This could make the progession to higher weights smoother.


New member
Posts: 2
To me the versatility looks very good. My concern is that the spacing between the different weights might be too big / too coarse. E.g. in how many steps can you adjust the dumbbell from 5kg to the 20kg? But even if the steps turn out to be quite demanding there are ways to smooth out the transitions. Are there sets with more plates available? This could make the progession to higher weights smoother.

Thank you for taking the time to answer!

Taken from the product description it seems that it includes:

4x 2kg discs
10x 3kg discs

I guess the remaining 2kg are from the bars (?). I asked the official seller for more information.

This is the most versatile set I found in my budget.


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
Yes, i guess the 2kg from the bars seems reasonable. And the 4x 2kg and 10x3kg sounds good. Didn't look like that many plates on the pics (or i misinterpreted them).
But given this i would say this should work nicely.