Quest for Muscle: The Return of the Pump


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Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
Thank you @MadamMeow, @JCU, @Obsinosterous, @Laura Rainbow Dragon , @Fremen, @aku-chan! We can make it together!
@PetiteSheWolf Those are egg waffles! They're like waffles, only egg shaped? They taste pretty similar. I prefer mine chocolate flavoured, but you can find them in cheese, sweet potato, and other flavours.

Hey everyone! I hope your week is going well so far. I took a break from the gym today (practically no exercise), but I figured that tonight warrants a special occasion post, given the circumstance.

Bizarrely, I dropped to 81.8 kg after topping out of 83 a few weeks ago, and having treats every day. Progress is progress, I guess.



Playing: Sulfur, natch. I made it to the third area after powering up my guns and wreaking merry havoc on those annoying snipers. Tonight, Dragon Age Veilguard unlocks at midnight, so I'm going to tweak my pc settings, create my character, and dive in! Woohoo! Also, Vampire Hunters dropped its full release, so in the spirit of Halloween ghoulishness, I may give that another whirl.

One might inquire as to why I don't play spooky games like Outlast. I've played my share of spooky games (Cry of Fear was the standout, I'm sure, and I used to play the Thief games), but I'm not a big fan of powerlessness in games. It drives me nuts having to run and hide away from enemies. Maybe in the future?

Watching: So I watched Cuckoo, which I've been meaning to do for awhile.

Sullen teenager Gretchen arrives in Germany with her father, and stepmother and stepsister. She is hurting from the absence of her mother in the States, and misses her dearly. They are moving there as to assist the owner of a resort in designing a new hotel. With little to do, Gretchen is employed by the owner to operate the hotel's front desk, but struggles to be at peace. What's the deal with the creepy owner? Why is she experiencing strange lapses in memory? And why is she warned to stay out of the woods?

This is an intriguing film; it's basically arthouse horror that is well-served by being unsettling and creepy. At first, I was a bit thrown off by the fish out of water drama presented by the protagonist's situation, but the horror is slowly teased out by clever scares. I almost had the impression that the film takes place several decades in the past, as its stylish presentation eschews the simple, easy-to-digest horror we're used to. And make no mistake, this one is pretty weird. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around exactly what was going on, though the film is not as hard-to-understand as you might expect. There is no reality-bending nonsense, eg. The ending third of the film is much weaker than what precedes it.

Was it a good horror flick by my metric? Eh, it was alright. A good exercise in style, but barring one or two moments, couldn't deliver with the scares and premise. There are some good performances (particularly by the lead, Hunter Schafer, and a suitably over-the-top turn by Dan Stevens), but nothing on the level of say, Smile 2.

I give it three butterfly knives out of five.

I may watch another Halloween movie tonight, though I haven't decided on anything as of yet. I may go with a throwback like The Wicker Man (I've never seen this one!), or Oddity. Hrmm.

Listening to: Type O Negative - Creepy Green Light. I started the list of Halloween songs with Type O Negative, and it's only fitting that I close with them. This is a suitably spooky and morbid number that's simple in concept, but excellent in execution. The telltale ToN riffs are excellent, and the song is both crunchy and catchy.

"This Halloween, so unlike any other
Her final words, don't be afraid
Of the green light, of the green light

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Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
Greetings Bees! I come in peace. Now, kneel before your ruler, Ox!

Dragon Age Veilguard has officially been released! Squee!

Unusually for me, I didn't take the day off, and chose to go to the gym early, so I could play a little when I got back. Today was a paused Push day that didn't go as well as it could've.

Paused Bench Press: 135 x 4. Another plateau - I might move to another rep scheme to try and shake things up.
Paused Overhead Press: 67.5 x 5. *grunt*
Cable Flys: 8 x 8.
Dumbbell Flat Curls: 22 x 20. Good Lord. These were an all-out effort in and of themselves.

Got my egg waffles, then headed home to play some Dragon Age!

Take it easy, Bees! Have a great weekend!

Playing: Take a guess. I had to fiddle with it a bit to get it to run smoothly on my fossil of a system (and it still gets lackadaisical frame rates from time to time), but f*ck the haters. I like the game so far, and am interested in seeing where the storyline leads. Absolutely love the production values and art design - it's clear that a lot of care was taken, and the game feels quite polished.

(...and some Sulfur?)

Watching: More of Seal Team at the gym. Again, beggars belief how much immaturity and lack of professionalism the show portrays in an outfit that's said to be the best of the best. Still haven't chosen a late night cinema film.

Listening to: Hans Zimmer and Lorn Balfe - Dragon Age Veilguard Theme. A dark, but heroic number that heralds in another entry in the series.



Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
'Lo, Bees! It's been too long since my last update - three days. Got in a good Push workout today to make up for the absences.

Bench Press: 135 for sets of 3. Shaking it up a bit; did this for five sets. Just focused on getting in good easy reps for now, rather than shooting for PRs day after day.
Overhead Press: 70 x 5. Nice and smooth.
Overhead Triceps Extensions: 8 x 8.
Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 20 x 20. No pushing for PRs today.

I've got a bit of elbow pain from all the pushing movements, so I may have to let off on all the chest workouts (or at least move to doing them once, rather than twice a week).

I've got a head full of hair dye as I write this; one of the perks of advancing age is getting grizzled, among other things. Gotta keep that luscious (lol) hair jet black!

Spotted some interesting sights in the same complex that I saw the cat hanging around.


Like it was out of another time and age... which it may be.


Nifty! If I ever decide to add extra ink (very unlikely, methinks) to my arms, I'll come here.


These weren't the only absolutely wicked motocycles parked around. Love the vintage look of the store; may have to come inside next time and have a browse.

Have a great week, Bees!

Playing: What's this? Sulfur has monopolized my spare gaming time. I've played so many hours and gotten so far, and yet, I have yet to finish a full run. I'll give it another hack tonight.

Haven't even played DA:V these past few days, so I'll try to get back into it tonight. I like it so far (the writing could be snappier, admittedly), but the frame rate issues on my lousy PC are souring the experience, somewhat.

Watching: Finished Seal Team Season 4. So... in a finale that's stuffed with excellent action, and, more glaringly, out of place drama, can the action overcome the silly interpersonal plotlines? Ehh, somewhat. They personal plotlines are still clumsily executed (I know that sometimes the show wants to be topical), and the action and technical prowess of the show stands unrivaled. Onto Season 5. (Interestingly, I feel like the scenes with the psychologist are among the show's best, and are, like the other technical aspects, realistically realized).

Not sure what to watch for late night cinema, but I'll get on it.

Listening to: Saffari - Ocean Dreams. Here's some nice, breezy synth to see out the night.



Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
Hey again Bees! Super tired, but another good workout in the bag.

Today was Pull day, but I mixed it up by doing some exercises I don't usually do.

Underhand Barbell Rows: 90 x 6. I find these so much harder than the overhand version, but oh well.
Cable Rows: 12 x 8. Maybe these are a bit too easy.
Machine One Arm Rows: 70 x 6. A new PR!
Neutral Grip Pulldowns: 80 x 7. Another PR!
Incline Rows: 28 x 6. Also a PR!
Pull Ups: Max set of 6.
+23,000 steps!

Well, at least the election's over and done with. And that's all I'm going to say on the subject.

How about some cuteness to compensate?


Today they brought along this new puppy! It was quite well behaved and good natured.


Maple golden was back, too!

Doggos are great, they are the best, they are furry fluffy and friendly :cheekz:

Hope your week is going well, Bees!

Playing: Of course, Sulfur, but I managed to squeeze in some DA: V as well. Encountered a new party member and completed part of a major quest. Make no mistake, this is shaping up to be one big game. Reinstalled Starfield on a whim, so I'll see if that gets any love. So many games to play!

Watching: I didn't watch Seal Team at the gym. I watched bits of Boy Kills World, which I may eventually review. Spoiler: Flick is too goofy for its own good. Also, mom and I are interested in watching a local movie about a funeral home, which looks quite interesting; we agreed to watch it next week.

Listening to: Faith No More - We Care a Lot. What do they care a lot about, you might ask? Well, they tell you in the song! The references are dated, but the sarcastic attitude make this one absolute gold. This song is my anthem for troubling times like these: well, it's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it!

"We care a lot about the Garbage Pail Kids, they never lie
We care a lot about Transformers 'cause there's more than meets the eye
We care a lot about the little things, the bigger things we top
We care a lot about you people yeah you bet we care a lot, yeah!

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Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
Thanks a ton @MadamMeow, @Obsinosterous, @Laura Rainbow Dragon, @JCU, @TopNotch, and @Fremen. May there be better days ahead!

Hail, Bees! Today is my second Push day of the week, but this time I eschewed the regular benching (for the sake of fun) to try another variation. The shoulder press stayed the same.

Close Grip Bench Press: 125 x 4. Ugh, I was aiming for five reps, but I was worried I wouldn't be able to make it. Next time!
Paused Overhead Press: 70 x 6. Not bad, not bad.
Straight Bar Pushdown: 13 x 6.
Lateral Raises: 10 x 8.
EZ Bar Preacher Curls: 42.5 x 6.

It's cooler these days. The steamy weather has receded for now, which is an absolute relief.

Tomorrow is hot pot night! Om nom nom.

Have yourselves a great weekend, Bees!

Playing: Sulfur has grabbed a hold of me and refuses to let go. I've been logging hours in the game, amassing resources and making runs, with the eventual goal of finishing all the areas. In the event that I succeed, I'll write a review. I'll try to play some DA:V tonight (after Sulfur, natch).

Watching: Been watching Boy Kills World in drips and drabs over these past few months (I know, I should've finished it a long time ago, but them's the breaks). Here's a review!

In a dystopian Asian city, the vile Van Der Kroy family rules with an iron fist, cementing their control over the masses with a spectacle known as "The Culling". One of their past culls resulted in the maiming of a boy and the murder of his family. This mute young man toils under the brutal training of a mysterious shaman and hones his fighting skills, all to topple the Van Der Kroy and kill their matriarch - Hilda.

In summary: Inventive action sequences can't make up for an uneven tone and an excess of nonsense that fails to stick.

So, it's the Hunger Games meets The Raid 2. And it doesn't quite work. Not for lack of trying, though. We've got action, hammy performances, flashbacks, a mute protagonist accompanied by ridiculous narration, comedy, melodrama, dystopian stylings - the list goes on. Sure, it's oddly compelling from time to time as one marvels at the sets, or the occasional clever dialogue. But there's still a rub. The film has too much going on - there's even a late game twist that I didn't see coming, but that didn't save the film. I didn't really care for many of the film's gimmicks, like a mute protagonist whose inner voiceover sounds like a videogame, or for an ally who speaks in gobbledygook. I haven't even mentioned the numerous plotholes that the film trips on.

Reviewers will compare the film to video games. If you take away all the stylish trappings, it's just one set piece after another with the most tenuous of connective tissues. I didn't care a bit about the plot, and all the other crap attached to the set pieces is just that: crud. With some careful excision, you could come up with a leaner, meaner film that would resemble its inspirations. But instead, we have this exercise in genre-mashing that doesn't really cohere. Most of the film is this "fun" colourful adventure, until it succumbs to a serious final stretch that's at odds with the beginning.

The fight scenes are excellent, as expected, and it's clear that star Bill Skarsgard put serious work into transforming his physique and learning the choreography. The film's fight scenes are zippy and creative, and are often a joy to watch, but sometimes, even they suffer from throwing in everything but the kitchen sink. And they don't make up for an unfocused film that plays fast and loose with everything. Not the worst I've watched, but unsatisfying in the end.

I therefore award Boy Kills World two and a half flying joint-locks out of five.

Here's a trailer, if you're intrigued!

Listening to: Pixies - Monkey Gone to Heaven. If man is five, then the devil is six? And if the devil is six, is god seven? I don't really know what it all means, but I do know that this is an amazing song. It's actually really relaxing.

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Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
Beaming my Ox signal down from geosychronous orbit!

Hello again, Bees. Feels like it's been awhile, so I'm back with another workout - another Push day with slightly increased poundages.

Bench Press: 137.5 x 3 for five sets. Felt about right.
Overhead Press: 72.5 x 5 for four sets. Same here.
EZ Bar Pushdown: 14 x 6.
Bicep Curls (the classic kind): 20 x 20.

And that was about it.

Afterward, spent some time cyberpunking around, so here are some sights!


The mystics are still doing a steady business hitting villains.


Really like this photo. I didn't go inside the store, but it seems to be full of knick-knacks and assorted wares.


We had hot pot on Saturday! It was an absolute delight! (Pardon the half-eaten pigeon wing.) Curiously, my stomach stood up to all the spicy foods - tolerance, maybe?

Watching the light fade from the city as the sky darkens.

Hope your week's going great, Bees!

Playing: Uhh... mostly Sulfur. I spent all this money on a triple AAA release, and instead find myself coming back to the unassuming indie FPS. I'm not sure if this says more about me, or Sulfur. At least I finished the early access levels. So now it's time for DA:V? Let's hope so.

Watching: Watched a little bit of Season 5 of Seal Team at the gym. Also started... shock! Horror! Agony! - Rob Zombie's House of a 1000 Corpses! It's tasteless, messy, and unoriginal, but it's also oddly entertaining? I chose it on a whim, as I have a thing for cult classics. I'll see if I can finish it tonight.

Listening to: BLACKSHAPE - ITIIITIATIIHYLIHYL. I haven't the foggiest idea what the song's actual title is, and usually, I'm too impatient to listen to post-rock/metal, but this one has a graceful, lingering sound that only rises when the heaviness kicks in.



Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
Salve, Bees!

Today I saw a movie, braved the lingering typhoon, and got in a punishing workout! Today was a long-needed Leg day, after I'd paused for two weeks.

Squats: 130 x 3. ...And that sucks. This is far lighter than I've lifted these past few months. This is a lesson to you, folks, if you can at all avoid it, don't take prolonged breaks away from the gym. I'll of course build this back up over the next few weeks, starting with lighter weights.
High Bar/Low Bar Squats: Just for practice. I'm monkeying around with the different bar placements; my current stance is something between high and low bar, as I don't find either very comfortable.
Leg Extensions: 16 x 10.
Back Extensions: Sets of 10.

And now I'm super sleepy.

The big news of today was the typhoon! It was raised to signal 8 last night (which means work and school is cancelled), and only lowered this morning; I set out for the cinema not knowing if public transport would be in service, but I got myself a minibus and managed to get there. Today was the premiere of Gladiator II in Hong Kong, and I found a surprisingly large number of people watching it as well.

On Friday I'm watching a local Hong Kong drama with mum called "The Last Dance". I saw people snapping up tickets for that one a week after its release, so it seems to be popular.

It's almost Friday, Bees! Keep chugging along!

Playing: Uh... mostly Sulfur. Sulfur just dropped another update, so I'm likely to be playing it even more than I already am. Though I got through more of DA:V and had to make my first major decision - I even encountered a boss while wondering "am I really supposed to be able to kill this thing at this juncture"? Fortunately, I was not. Flaggle Claggle.

Watching: Apart from the usual Seal Team episodes, I watched GLADIATOR 2 - err, II, at the cinema today! So here's a review.

Summary: A sumptuous cinematic sequel that favours bold spectacle over compelling plot and cohesion.

Lucius, the son of Roman royalty Lucilla, lives a happy life away from the scheming and bloodshed of the Roman empire in Numidia. There, he tends to crops alongside his wife Arishat. However, his life is upended when the Roman imperial army invades, kills his wife, and sells him into slavery. He must fight for his very survival and revenge under the ownership of the scheming Macrinus, who has his own nefarious designs. Blood will be shed, battles fought, and an empire shaken.

Where to begin? For starters, this is *another* historical epic from the aging, but ludicrously deft Ridley Scott. You get pretty much what you'd expect from a film like this, but to review: gorgeous costumes, enormous set pieces, rousing speeches, pseudo-Shakespearean plotting, and plenty of violence (but it's rather light on romance, curiously). NB Historically accurate, it is gleefully not. I have no fault with the spectacle side of things: there's an invasion of the hero's home, then our hero starts out battling rabid baboons, and it only gets crazier from there. The action and grandiose filming is simply impeccable, though I knew that Scott always delivers.

As a sequel to Gladiator 2, there just more of... everything. There's more camp here than there was before, courtesy of the snivelling emperors (one of the funniest moments involves a monkey being appointed to the senate), but the acting is generally quite strong, and convincing. Denzel's Washington's winking, and scenery-chewing slaveowner Macrinus wouldn't work in the hands of another actor, but Washington lends the film his seductively charismatic and larger-than-life presence. When I heard that Washington was in the film, I was a bit incredulous and thought that he would clash with the epic proceedings, but he just fits right in. Similarly, Mescal is tough and charismatic, though not with a lot of depth. Pedro Pascal's Acacius is a welcome presence who channels gravitas and regret.

So what doesn't work? Being a film that throws everything at you, some parts are inevitably weaker than others. Fundamentally, it's not as strong as the first Gladiator, and I've been reflecting on why. The first Gladiator was relatively simple; it focused on revenge (and so does this one), with the political plot points in the background. With the second film, there's a lot more attention paid to the idiocy of the emperors, life in Rome, and the plot to usurp the emperors. And it just doesn't quite balance. Also, while Mescal is a strong lead, he's not given that much to work with. We know he fights well, he's witty, he's Roman royalty, and his wife was murdered. He gives good speeches, apparently (one of the cheesiest aspects, I thought). But these elements are jumbled, and apart from the royalty plot, not given that much detail. And his part in it is just one of many. I checked the time late in the film (I almost never do this) - this is a loooooooong movie, and it certainly feels like it. There's so much going on.

Still, I had a grand time. While it's not a classic, it's still pretty darned fun.

I give Gladiator II four thumbs down out of five.

Here's a trailer!

Listening to: Ex Deo - I Caligvla. Gonna be honest, much as I'm fond of Gladiator, I feel like the soundtrack has been kinda overused - particularly Now We are Free. So I found something else Roman-themed for tonight's song. This is an awesome song from death metal band Ex Deo about Emperor Caligula, matched to a suitably silly music video. It's like the hilarious opposite of the $300 million movie I watched today!



Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Thank you for the review of Gladiator II!
BTW, I saw "longlegs" last WE, excellent! More thriller than horror, and you can guess from the very first phone convo mommy dearest is up to no good ; and Nicholas Cage chews the scenery very gleefully ;) I give it four lifelike dolls out of five. (just one doll off because I think the ending could have been quite stronger).


Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
@PetiteSheWolf I'm so glad you got to watch it. Love your rating and agree with you totally, the ending didn't quite stick the landing.
@JCU Thank you!
@NancyTree It's a very good sequel, I felt. Look forward to hearing what you think when you watch it.

You're tuned into 55.5 OXFM and I'm your host, Ox, bringing you the latest juicy workout! Today was a Push day.

Bench Press: 140 x 3. Slow and smooth, not easy, but good reps nonetheless.
Incline Bench: 100 x 5. I missed these, and took out the Overhead Press to give my upper pecs some work.
Rope Pushdowns: 12 x 6. Due to elbow pain, I couldn't go any heavier on these.
Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 20 x 20.
Goblet Curls: 24 x 8.
+22000 steps!

Super tired. I tried to do my usual extra cardio after walking my steps, but was just too tired, and sore from my leg workout days ago.

We went to see The Last Dance on Saturday (review below) and had a buffet lunch afterward, which gave me a small stomach ache. Less soup next time? It was so delicious!

Have yourselves a great Sunday, Bees!

Playing: Still more Sulfur. Have also made my way through DA:V slowly, though browsing the web has spoiled some of the bigger revelations. Not that that's going to stop me from playing, though. Again, there's that contrast between AAA games that need huge chunks of time, versus smaller indies like Sulfur (which, to be fair, felt like an answer to my gaming prayers), and it's interesting to see Sulfur win out so far.

Watching: Yesterday, mom and I watched The Last Dance, a local Hong Kong movie about the funeral business and traditional Taoist ceremonies. Here's a review.

Here's a trailer:

Summary: A compelling drama that shines a light into one of Hong Kong's most revered customs. Great character work and acting set this one apart.

Dominic is awfully down on his luck: after the pandemic he's bounced from odd job to odd job, lately finding work as a wedding MC, and dealing with crushing debt. Luckily, he seems to have found a new venture as a business partner in a funeral arrangement business that also offers traditional Taoist funeral ceremonies. The catch is that he has to share the business with the current owner, the veteran Taoist priest Man, whose skill in conducting ceremonies and adherence to Taoist ceremonies is matched only by his stubbornness and outdated views. His daughter, an EMT, and his son, a lazy and lacklustre follower in the family business, chafe at his unpleasant character. But after a disastrous start with his first funeral (it needs to be seen to be believed), Dominic manages to cozy up to ill-tempered Man and befriend him. Over time, Dominic immerses himself in the customary practices, while Man struggles with his advancing age, and stern attitude towards his children.

So to start, this one was pretty popular - I saw tickets being snapped up, and mom and I found ourselves among a full audience. You might realize from reading my reviews that I don't tend to watch dramas - my tastes go more towards horror, action, and war films. So it's rare for me to watch a movie like this, and even rarer that I end up liking and appreciating it.

There's a surprisingly compelling drama at the centre of it all, with little bits of humour sprinkled in. To wit: In his very first funeral deal, Dominic learns that the deceased loved sports cars, and so he has a paper Maserati "driven" into the funeral hall. The brother of the deceased, furiously rebukes Dominic by stating that this already garish gesture is made worse by the fact that his brother died in a Maserati crash!

That's the first half of the film; it deals with Dominic coming to grips with the funeral business, and balancing his charm and practical skills with the more tradition-minded Man, whose closed-mindedness slowly rips his family apart. The second half of the film deals with Man's disabilities, and how he struggles to redeem himself. Mom and I noted that everyone in the film gives a solid performance, with particular praise given to Dayo Wong (Dominic), Michael Hui (Man), and Michelle Wai (his daughter, Yuet-Kwok). I found the ending particularly powerful, as it challenges stereotypes, and ends on a note of connection and hope - while Pou Deih Yuk (the Chinese title) refers to the ceremony used to protect the dead in the afterlife, the living are in equal need of protection and shepherding.

I also appreciate that while not gratuitous, the movie doesn't shy away from the challenges of running a funeral business. It's heartbreaking to structure human suffering, and attention is given to the way each mourner copes with loss. While likely not the first Hong Kong film to deal with this sector, it's likely the best. As usual, Hong Kong itself is a character, as shown in the warehouses, noodle shops, parks, and apartments, with all their damage and wear over the years. I do like that the film has social commentary on the effect of the pandemic - it's true that Hong Kong people are struggling, and indeed, many are moving away. If I had to dock points, I would say that it's a touch too long - you could cut 10-15 minutes of the plot without losing the cameraderie and struggle that are central to the film. There's a subplot with someone having an affair that barely pays off, and could be cut from the film entirely, for example. Otherwise, it's a very strong film, and it's incredibly rare that a drama (from anywhere) holds my attention as it did.

Cantonese note: It's often frustrating for me to watch local movies because I don't completely understand what the characters are saying (maybe 60% at best); Cantonese is notorious for its wordplay, rapid-fire use of slang, and fluidity, and I often have to rely on the subtitles to flesh out my understanding. I'll treat it as a learning experience, as I got a lot of new vocabulary from this movie.

For its status as a deservingly acclaimed local hit, I give The Last Dance four and a half cheap funeral souvenirs out of five.

Listening to: Darren Korb - Olympus Aflame (Hades 2 Soundtrack). This one's been on repeat for me for several days now. Korb has this amazing knack for pulling together different instruments, and tying them into a dignified, but catchy song. The second half of the song takes what's already a compelling melody, and ups the intensity with guitar licks and steady drumming (this is the case with many of Hades and Hades 2's music).

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Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
My name is Oxymandias, King of Bulls! Look upon my girth, and despair! Wait a minute...

Hello again Bees! After taking yesterday off to get some work done, I was back in the gym today for a Pull day. Today I resurrected my deadlifting, though to no dramatic results.

Deadlifts: 145 x 5. These didn't feel great, but I'll chalk that up to my not doing them these last few months. I'll slowly build upon this weight, and shoot for 150 next week.
Barbell Rows: 105 x 5. Okay, ho-hum.
Meadows Rows: 46.25 x 6.
Upright Rows: 40 x 6. This is the first time I've done these in recent memory. They feel alright.
Wide-Grip Lat Pulldowns: 60 x 6.
Incline Rows: 30 x 6, more than I've ever done.
+ About 21000 steps.

And that was that. I had some real Rain Ox action today; it's been drizzling thanks to the typhoon passing by, and everyone is bundled up. Not coincidentally, this has been the coldest day of the year, which is a development I absolutely welcome (still wandering around outside in my workout clothes).

Bundle up and stay cosy, Bees!

Playing: I still haven't played any DA:V this week! Really should get back on that, but Sulfur still has an iron grip on me. Speaking of which, I've lost my most treasured loadouts numerous times (if you die during a run, everything in your inventory is lost!), but I still keep coming back for more. Which is a little frustrating, because right now, the campaign is unfinished. The genius of the game is that there are so many items dropped by enemies - that said, the problem is that drops are completely random. Oh well, back to stockpiling more food and looting more gear.

Watching: Some Seal Team at the gym - it turned out to be a stealth 9/11 episode which I found to be overtly mawkish. Regarding late night cinema, I'll try to resume my watch of House of 1000 Corpses tonight. Such a gleefully bananas flick, of which I'll post my impressions soon. Edit: I'm near enough to the end that I'm going to add my review. It won't be a long one.

So as to not get ahead of myself, here's a trailer.

In 1977, a group of college students are travelling the backroads of America in order to visit roadside attractions and interesting locales. After chancing upon Captain Spaulding's museum of oddities, the group goes on their way, only to have their car break down. After accepting an invitation to have their car fixed and spend dinner at a ranch, the group finds themselves in the clutches of the demented and murderous Firefly clan (I spent an embarrassing amount of time thinking of how to write this synopsis).

The verdict: A wildly unsubtle attempt at horror that's inadvertently silly, embarrassing, and just poorly made.

Some context: This was Rob Zombie's feature-film debut (the Firefly clan feature prominently in several other films Zombie has directed since this one): it's more like an exercise in fetishized horror style than anything else (including competent filmmaking). This one does not have a good reputation, and it's pretty well-deserved. Simply put, the film is a mess. Half of the film is mediocre - just simple mediocrity, and the other half is an acid-trip music video of jarring edits, gory imagery, and sheer randomness. But when you strip away all the style and trappings, what you get is a crappy homage to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

It's clear that Zombie is in love with his antagonists (after all, they feature in most of his films), but the Firefly clan is just a cartoonish version of the family from TCM. There's a lot of funky, stream-of-consciousness dialogue, but at the end of the day, poorly-written is poorly-written, and it's hard to care about any of the characters when you don't have the acting of much better films.

So the acting is truly amateurish (even with horror vets like Sid Haig and Karen Black), the plot so scant as to be non-existent (not always a flaw, mind you), there's an overdose of style, and a lack of cohesion, but I've ignored the obvious question : Is it scary?

It's depraved, certainly. But not scary - for a film with such a reputation, I was expecting wild kills and torture, and we get some of that? I would opine that the film is too busy getting in its own way to scare us much. Better and truly scarier films have been made, even in this overused genre.

For its cinematic faults, I proudly award House of a 1000 Corpses half a piece of fried chicken out of five.

Listening to: Neon Overdrive - Saturday. I love the relaxed old-school synth feel of this one.

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Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
My fellow Bees, this is President Ox sharing with you today the state of the gains!

Today was a Push day in which I took it (relatively) easy.

Close Grip Bench: 125 x 4. Argh, no gains today.
Incline Press: 102.5 x 6. These feel great! I'll lean more into them over time.
Rope Pushdowns: 11 x 8.
EZ Bar Preacher Curl: 40 x 6. Not feeling it today.

Cooler today, and everyone's got their winter coats on, though I didn't find it terribly cold. Oh well.

I saw the charity doggos again, and after a modest donation, gave them some pets and cuddles!



The yellow golden was an absolute ham. While I was petting the samoyed, it marched up to me and started poking my hands with its nose. Later on it plopped down and rolled over, for more scritches! What a baby!
Doggos are so cute, they are happy clouds of fluff and deserve all our love and treats :ballz:

Keep going, Bees! It's almost Friday!

Playing: Uhh... Sulfur? I'll try to get back into DA: V tonight, if I can tear myself away from that sweet loop of shooting, looting, and cooking Sulfur offers.

Watching: Watched some Seal Team at the gym, and a touch of Oddity last night. I'll try to watch more of it tonight.

Also, this podcast from my old home of Canada (Ontario, specifically) piqued my interest. I swear, podcasts are like auditory gold. There're so many of them to find that offer great content for free.

Listening to: Amorphis - Sacrifice. Is it still Melodic Death Metal if there's no... y'know, death and scary things, and with a sound that's the barest of concessions towards metal heaviness? Finnish band Amorphis was known for these things close to their inception, but their later works balance the heaviness and the melodic pretty well. Their sound is often beautifully expansive and searching.



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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,324
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Dog Smile GIF by MOODMAN


Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
@TopNotch Doggos. I likes!

*krrpzt* Ox, Captain of the Starship Hornbow, requesting permission to dock at Space Station Hive *krrpzt*

Hey Bees! It's been four days since my last workout. Yuck. So I beat my pecs back into shape with a Push workout (I restarted the Candito program, as my current linear increases haven't been adding up to much).

Bench Press: 117.5 x 8. It's a start.
Incline Press: 100 x 6, also a start.
Close Grip Dumbbell Presses: 22 x 8.
Hammer Curls: 22 x 20.

Cyberpunked around Causeway Bay for a bit, but my usual egg waffle spot has been vacated. To my annoyance, I failed to notice it had relocated to a street I was walking down. Next time...

Also, saw the doggos again! I know, I should post fewer pictures, but they're super cute!



Cuddly cloudy fluff balls fill me with serotonin and are super loveable :cheeky:

Have a great Tuesday, Bees!

Playing: Take a guess. I've logged 105 hours in it so far, and not stopping. The only things dampening the experience are the fact that Sulfur is incomplete so far, and that there are some crippling performance problems. At least it's not as bad as with DA: V, which as opposed to some, always has performance problems for my system.

Watching: Some Seal Team at the gym. Still unsure of whether to continue watching Dagr (it's been pretty underwhelming so far), or move on to the much more warmly-received Oddity.

Funny: "At Midnight I Will Kill George Lucas With a Shovel" How have I never heard this before... I'm not a big Star Wars fan, but this is comedy gold. Do it, Patton! Go back in time and save us from the prequels!

WARNING: Some NSFW language.

Listening to: CRX - Walk With Me. This one grew on me after several listens, and its bouncy but jagged sound is aided by a buoyant music video. Electrorock is in good hands...

"Don't be scared
Don't get stuck
We'll get by
With some luck"



Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
@Laura Rainbow Dragon @PetiteSheWolf @NancyTree @JCU @aku-chan @Maegaranthelas The people have spoken!

Attention, Bees! This is another Ox update.

Today's workout was Back day, and I continued with my deadlifts.

Deadlifts: 150 x 5. Eh, it was okay. There's room to grow.
Romanian Deadlifts: 105 x 5. These moved really well! Will continue with them in the future.
Barbell Rows: 100 x 6.
Meadows Rows: 47.5 x 5.
Neutral Pulldowns: 80 x 10.
Behind the Neck Machine Pulldowns: 62.5 x 6.

Cyberpunked around for a little bit, and saw some interesting sights. People are bundled up against the cold, which is... not really cold?


Store buns! I want to hug 'em and cuddle 'em and give them plenty of scritches!


I found the new location of my egg waffle place. Somewhat annoyingly, it's now on a busier street, so there are more punters, and consequently, I had to wait longer.


These young women seem to be updating a mural. I'll check it out again in a few days to see the finished product.


Chestnuts. Not my bag, but a treat for this time of the year.

I'm experiencing more pain originating from my elbow, with occasional numbness in my hand. If I had to take an educated guess, it's overuse and strain from my workouts. I may have to give all the heavy lifting a rest.

I had a bit too much for dinner *burp*. Going to rest and relax with more Sulfur of course.

Take it easy, Bees!

Playing: Sulfur, natch. Will try to get in more DA:V, but I can't guarantee it.

Watching: I've been watching a technically impressive and accomplished episode of Seal Team that takes place on a train. This is why, at its peak, the show stands apart in its (admittedly somewhat barren) field. The technical detail, the choreography, plot twists... everything except for exposition-heavy dialogue (one character tries speaking into his walkie-talkie to no avail, and then declares a moment later: "They can't hear me!") makes this a great episode. I also heard cursing! What a surprise.

Resumed watching Dagr, which I started weeks ago. Half an hour in, and it's not looking good. When your protagonists plumb the depths of unlikeability, why watch (maybe to see their well-deserved deaths)? Anyway, I'll keep watching: it's quite short, I've seen worse.

Edit: Finished watching Dagr. Here's a trailer:

The Verdict: Completely banal and uninteresting found footage horror that fails to scare or shock.

Two up and coming Youtubers are making their way through the Welsh countryside. Their plan, which mirrors their past productions, is to infiltrate a commercial shoot (by posing as catering staff) at a manor, steal their valuables, and then sell them for a good cause (yeah right). Unfortunately for them, they stumble upon the aftermath of a massacre, and find themselves attacked by unholy forces.

My initial impression was that this was simply execrable. But credit where it's due, the film's structure aspires to certain heights. As the youtubers find the footage left behind by the commercial crew, the film features quite a number of flashbacks that flesh out the tenuous backstory. Found footage in a found footage? Clever idea. Also interesting is that a veritable who's who of names functioned as executive producers (Sir Ian McKellen is among them).

But otherwise, the film simply isn't substantial or interesting enough to warrant viewing. The two protagonists are as unappealing as they come, making it hard to care about their plight. I have no doubt that such morally bankrupt people exist, but why the hell are we watching them??

And when the scares do happen (delivered by unbelievably ham-handed exposition from another piece of found footage), they're pretty underwhelming - the low budget does not help. One gets the impression that a checklist of found footage tropes were prepared, and then ticked off one by one. It's lazy filmmaking, with ideas that have been done better in other films, and it's a chore to just watch the movie sleepwalk its way through its scenes.

Because it was almost completely a waste of 76 minutes, I give Dagr half a selfie stick out of five.

Listening to: Space Rangers 2 OST - Starflight. I bought this game in a much unhappier lifetime, and the music always stuck with me. So I thought I'd share this breezy, propulsive track.


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
I found the new location of my egg waffle place. Somewhat annoyingly, it's now on a busier street, so there are more punters, and consequently, I had to wait longer.
Good business means they're likely to stick around though, and still be there the next time you're craving an egg waffle, no?


Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
@Laura Rainbow Dragon I suppose you have a point; in this dire economy, they're not going anywhere. Still, it was so crowded today that I decided against waiting 20 minutes or so for waffles.

Captain's log for 29th of November, 2024: We have broken through the snows and resumed our course for the fabled city of Ox!

Today was my second Push day of the week. How'd I do?

Bench Press: 100 x 10, 115 x 8, 117.5 x 6, and for good measure, 117.5 x 10! Not bad! I was hoping that I would be able to improve on last week's workout (I'm still in the same week, so following the same pattern)
Larsen Press: 115 x 5. Ugh, these were pretty tough.
Overhead Triceps Cable Press (that's a mouthful): 8 x 6.
Flat Dumbbell Curls: 16 x 20. I'll try for 18 next time.

Sleepy Ox. I changed my preworkout to a new brand, and there doesn't seem to be a major energy crash like last time. Still quite tired, though.

Tomorrow is Japanese buffet day! Om nom nom.

Paid a visit to the charity doggos spot on the street. What could be better than two Samoyeds?




Fluffy cloud dogs they are furry friends and need all the love and treatos :massage:

There's a chill in the air, but Hong Kong being what it is, without a bite to it.

It's Friday! Have a chill and wonderful weekend, Bees!

Playing: Sulfur, of course. Haven't played DA: V in a few days, so I should get back to it. Also, found My Friendly Neighborhood (a satirical horror romp) online for a steal, so into my library it went. Now I need PO'ed to go on sale... Oh yeah, Brotato is on the Epic games store for free, so I'll deffo be giving that one a try later.

Watching: Seal Team continues (at this rate, I'll have watched the whole series before long). Not sure what to watch for late night cinema, but I really should commit to Oddity.

Listening to: Nightwish - Walking in the Air. A suitably wintry song for tonight. I grew up listening to the British original, and it always stuck in my memory (as well it should, it's a gorgeous song). Here's a majestic metal makeover that tugs at hearstrings as well as the original did.

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Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
@MadamMeow Indeed! Loveable balls of fur!
@Laura_Rainbow_Dragon They are the face of a dog rescue charity. Essentially they are a way of attracting foot traffic while their handlers solicit donations, and try to interest people in adopting the rescue's dogs. To their credit, I've never seen them charge people for scritches or cuddles. I do donate a few stray dollars, as I feel like it's a good cause, but am unable to make a greater investment (ie adopting a doggo).

Get the pickaxes and the shovels, Bees! We've stumbled across another Ox workout!

Today is the second week of my old Push program, which means increased weights.

Bench Press: So it went 110 x 10, 117.5 x 8, and 125 x 8. Went pretty well, if I do say so myself! And I do...
*Interlude* I experienced another surge of elbow pain, so I left out an accessory bench press exercise.
Overhead Extensions: 8 x 8.
Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 22 x 8.
Dumbbell Flat Curls: 20 x 20. Maybe try for 22 next time? 20 was a pretty big deal, as I haven't done this in ages.

Got some extra egg waffles for mom and I (she likes them too).

My sister and her family (husband and two kiddies) are showing up in less than a week and staying at our place, so it's about to get pretty busy. Uh oh.

I'm glad to be writing this entry tonight. Going to the gym is a huge part of my wellness, but so is writing these updates and centering myself.

Have a great week, Bees!

Playing: A cornucopia of indies I found on sale! So I mentioned My Friendly Neighborhood last week (it's something like Resident Evil crossed with Sesame Street), which I've been slowly making my way through. In addition to that, there's Forgive Me Father 2, and Hyper Violent (a curiously measured and cautious gaming experience, contrary to its name). Of course, I have continued playing Sulfur non-stop as well. It's just as well that I'm stuck in with the games I have (DA: V is a glaring absence), because there isn't anything on sale that looks really desirable.

Here's a trailer for the weirdest take on survival horror yet.

Watching: Naturally, some Seal Team at the gym. More unusual is that I came across an extended cut of The Blair Witch Project, in which excess footage was painstakingly integrated into the existing cinematic cut. Excessive? For most people, sure. But for me, it's cinematic bliss! I love seeing the cut moments and how they contribute to the story dynamics. It's also three hours long, so I may be watching for awhile

Listening to: King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King. Probably one of the best prog-rock songs ever written (and it wouldn't be a surprise, either). One of those great tracks for mellowing out at the end of the day.


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
@Laura_Rainbow_Dragon They are the face of a dog rescue charity. Essentially they are a way of attracting foot traffic while their handlers solicit donations, and try to interest people in adopting the rescue's dogs. To their credit, I've never seen them charge people for scritches or cuddles. I do donate a few stray dollars, as I feel like it's a good cause, but am unable to make a greater investment (ie adopting a doggo).


Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
@PetiteSheWolf That is indeed some bizarre music of strangely jazzy origin, which matches the general weirdness of the game. It's surprisingly good, as it's clear the creators took a lot of inspiration from Resi Evil.

Ox marks the spot!

Hello again Bees, I hope that this update finds you in good health and spirits.

Today was my long-awaited Leg day, which is good because I haven't worked my quads in awhile.

Squats: 100 x 6. Eh, everything seems to have reverted, though not totally (I was previous squatting 90 for five reps). I can build on this.
Zercher (?) Squats: 70 x 5. Not a big fan of these, what with the way the bar digs into your forearms.
Good Mornings: 30 x 6. On the other hand, I liked these a lot (be careful with them).
Lying Leg Curls: 55 x 6.
+22000 steps!

Didn't get much cyberpunk-ing done, as I was just too tired to walk around.


I did pay a visit to those fluffy samoyeds, who seem to be in good spirits, and popular with the public at large.


Had to run an errand, so I stopped by our local hardware store. Snapped a pic of this critter, though I chose not to disturb its rest.

Fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy, animals are too cute to be real :sweetcheeks:

We're midway through the week, Bees! Keep chugging!!

Playing: Drips and drabs of my new purchases (and Sulfur, of course). Despite having to consult a walkthrough once or twice, I've made good progress through My Friendly Neighborhood, and am learning lessons in enemy avoidance and inventory management. While you can knock out enemies, they can get back up again when you leave the room, and there isn't enough duct tape (for disabling them) to go around. Also, played DA:V, and it's very telling that doing so felt like a chore. Will also play more of Forgive Me Father 2.

Watching: No Seal Team today, as I didn't do any extra cardio. Continuing with my watch of the extended edition of The BWP.

Listening to: Swervedriver - The Birds. I've likely already gone on before about how Swervedriver are one of the most unjustly underrated bands of the 90s. They also have the distinction of being one of the most American-sounding Brit bands (despite the many references to the UK in their songs). Their swirling, lush, and catchy sound was just unreal. This is a gorgeous number from their third album "Ejector Seat Reservation".

"In a moment of weakness I embodied the sickness
And when everyone winds me up I just can't wind down
And the April rain soaks my jokes to a pulp
The sun makes my eyes burn
And it must be my turn
To fly with the birds this time



Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
Incoming! It's a giant Ox from outer space! Coming in hot!

Hey Bees. Today was my second Push day of the week. No PRs, but I got some good lifting done.

Bench Press: 125 x 8. Was aiming for 9 reps, but didn't get it. Oh well.
Larsen Press: 110 x 5. Didn't feel like pushing it today.
EZ Bar Pushdowns: 11 x 8.
Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 20 x 20.


Found this queue while cyberpunk-ing around. There's a running joke that if a good deal or free stuff is to be gotten, then HK people will line up for it, inconvenience be damned.

Sister and fam come in three days! Ruh roh.

Tomorrow mom and I are taking a break from the hot pot meals, but we'll get some yummy Vietnamese instead.

We made it to the weekend, Bees! Big whoop!

Playing: Sulfur just updated with a suitably winter wonderland-like update, and gifted us players with some free in-game items. There's even a new weapon that could be described as a broken down Desert Eagle.


I didn't play much of anything but Sulfur last night, but I intend to continue my playthrough of My Friendly Neighborhood. Maaaaybe some DA:V, but it's not high on my list of priorities.

Watching: I took a break from Seal Team at the gym, and instead watched a bit of Indian action-flick "Kill", which seems promising so far, if a little cheesy. Also finished my epic week-long watch of the extended three-hour fan cut of The Blair Witch Project. I've reviewed it before in this thread, but because of my love of the film, I had to add my opinion. So here's a mini review of this delightfully enlarged cut.

In 1993, three young filmmakers set out into the woods of Burkittsville, Maryland to shoot a documentary on the legend of The Blair Witch. However, they end up getting lost in the woods, and as the days pass, they find themselves terrorized by an unseen force(s?), and things go from bad to worse. Their footage, extensively documenting their time in the woods, is all that was found.

In this extended cut, more than an hour and a half of footage has been welded onto the existing 80-ish minute theatrical cut, adding colour to the trio's interactions, and filling in some of the details that were previously missing (eg Heather's taking, or stealing a stickman, for example). If you're not a fan of The Blair Witch Project, let alone the found footage genre, there's pretty much no reason to watch the film now. It's still an acquired taste that will repulse more than it delights, I'm sure, and the new footage does not change the trajectory of the film. In the end, they're still doomed.

But if you're a seasoned horror-hound and BWP fan like me who found surprising nuance and laudable acting in the interactions between the three filmmakers, then this new cut is an embarrassment of riches. We get to see in so much more detail how the trio interact and get along together, and this new film makes me appreciate even more the colossal acting/improv skills of the three actors. We get to more fully see the cameraderie of the three fleshed out - which makes it all the more tragic when their bond is frayed, and then outright torn apart.

Is there a minus to all this? Of course - at three hours long, it's an exhausting watch (which I took in chunks), and more than a little bit bloated. We don't need to see the three argue for the fourth time in a row, for example. And yet, there are some moving and amazingly well-acted scenes that make you wonder why they were cut (eg Mike's confession). These only make a great film stand out more, and even after all these years it remains a visceral, terrifying watch.

As a film in and of itself, if you're not a fan, I'd give it three maps out of five. Yes, it's not as lean and mean as the existing cut, and therefore, not as digestible. But for a BWP and found footage fan like me, it's an easy five maps out of five.

Youtube: Here is a cat on a kayak.

Listening to: Truckfighters - Desert Cruiser. It's got riffs that would level a mountain! I'm not usually one for stoner rock, but this is pretty great!



Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
Far above the clouds, in a faraway land it stands, its summit seen only by a few. Those brave souls that make the arduous ascent have the honour of receiving wisdom from... an Ox?!?

Hello again Bees! I trust that your weekend is going well. It's been a week since my last Pull workout, so I hit my back muscles today. No deadlifts, as I'll do them again next week.

Barbell Rows: 100 x 6. Ooomph.
Underhand Rows:
Meadows Rows: 48.75 x 4. Could not manage five reps with these, as my grip kept giving way. I'll try again next time.
One Armed Cable Rows: 35 x 6. Always found these really difficult; like the resistance is higher than it should be.
Behind the Neck Pulldowns: 65 x 6.

My sister and her family are arriving tomorrow morning. It'll be good to see them again, yet I hope I'll have time for the gym, in between babysitting.

While we had a walk around the city during the weekend, I took a few snaps.


This was a random store selling mostly Japanese oddities that we encountered in Wan Chai.


It doesn't walk the fine line between kitschy and creepy so much as it gleefully leaps into the latter.


Another light-soaked shot of CWB in the evening.


I had KFC for dinner tonight (I know, I know, it's just a once in awhile treat for me), and found this promotion they were doing. This is a seemingly bizarre move for KFC, particularly considering that you can get excellent congee most anywhere in Hong Kong.

Have yourselves a great Sunday, Bees!

Playing: A little bit of MFN, some FMF2, and less than a drop of DA:V. Sulfur still dominates most of my gaming time, which is no surprise! It's so easy to bootup and chill out with the game while listening to my favourite podcasts.

Watching: Resumed Seal Team at the gym (I'll get back to Kill at some point). Also, I finally got around to sitting down and watching Oddity in full. Here's a trailer, then a review:

It has been a year since the murder of Darcy's twin sister Dani, in a lavish home in the Irish countryside. Dani's husband Tim, a psychiatrist, has moved on and found a new partner, but Darcy, a blind psychic who runs an antiques store, still has her misgivings about the seemingly open and shut murder. One night she invites herself into Tim's home, bearing an odd wooden mannequin, and declaring that she'll discover what truly happened. At her disposal are not only her acerbic wit, but sharp psychic senses and an inventory of devices. She will need them to untangle the mystery of the murder and those responsible...

Summary: This is a compact and spooky story which doles out its scares with care, and fulfills the potential shown in director Damien Mccarthy's previous work, Caveat.

So. Two movies in, (and a handful of positively outstanding short horror films) Damien Mccarthy makes a certain type of horror movie. They're relatively brief, compact in scope and setting, subdued (but not nonexistent) in character work, and quite scary. I was surprised, not at a lack of ambition (as this is a clear step-up from Mccarthy's previous works), but at how contained the film is. I approached it as a "whodunnit" at first, wanting to see more of the mystery involved, and I feel like the mystery is untangled a bit too easily; one remembers that the main character is capable of "reading" objects, and that this is a more oblique, but still efficient way of undoing story knots. Darcy is a fascinating character - sharp and intelligent, but not at all the stereotypical weird psychic we get in many other films (*cough* *cough* Poltergeist). Actually, all the acting in the film is great, with the character arcs satisfying and resolved (with some black humor, at the end). It's like watching a puzzle box's solution, slowly but surely.

But let's talk about the scares. One of my guiding questions for horror is: Is it scary? Basically, what kinds of scares are there, and how well are they used? The almighty jump scare is used a handful of times, but more often than not, a lot of the scaring is based off of anxiety. What's the deal with that big wooden mannequin? Is it moving on its own? I love how many of the scares are clever, and are based on discrepancies, a dash of the surreal, the plain old uncanny, and, dare I say, oddities. While it's not joining my list of horror classics like The Changeling, Oddity is certainly excellent in its own right.

As an exercise in horror mastery and atmosphere, I give Oddity four creepy wooden dummies out of five.

Listening to: Pop Will Eat Itself - RSVP. This is from a little-known PS1 actioner called Loaded (oh, the memories!), and veteran British band PWEI. There's a bite to this track that's helped along by that sublime, crisp drumming and jagged alt-rock riffs.

Bonus: Madeline Goldstein - One More Day. Sometimes you stumble on absolute melodic treasures thanks to the youtube algorithm (even if most of the stuff in your recommendations is tosh). Here's some bright and sparkly synthpop from up and comer Madeline Goldstein.

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Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
@PetiteSheWolf Why thank you! Do try

It's Ox-tremely important that I impart this update. Do not go Gently into the night!

Hello everyone! I haven't been active for a few days, as my sister and her family arrived this Monday, and have taken over our home. My recent days have a blitz of touring, food, and lots of fun time with my niece and nephew.

- For today's exercise, away from the gym, we walked 17000 steps in total, which I finished with 50 kettlebell/sandbag swings.

Here's a pic of me with the funky monkeys while on the streets.


Hope you're having a great week, Bees, in the lead up to X'mas (assuming you celebrate).

Playing: So... I have still had some time to game. My brother in law helped me do a bit of overclocking, and my PC hasn't blown up yet, thankfully. Still lots of Sulfur, and a bit of MFN. I tried an FPS slash 'em up called Voin, but it kinda left me cold. I'll wait until it's gotten more time in early access and percolated a bit.

Watching: Not much of anything. Heretic is available online, but I need to get to Alien: Romulus first.

Listening to: Drab Majesty - Cold Souls. Again, stumbled across some absolute gems. This one channels Bauhaus and The Cure very well, I find.



Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
Thank you so much @Mamatigerj and @MadamMeow and @PetiteSheWolf! The kids are certainly a handful, but I'm glad to have time with them and see them grow up.

Today I had a bit of time to myself, so I went in for another workout. Today was my Push day, and perhaps the only one I'll have for a week or so.

Bench Press: 130 x 6. Not seven reps as I hoped, but that's okay. It's about in line with my 1rm and all that.
Incline Press: 105 x 7. I still love doing these; they're challenging, but I like the groove of the movement more than with the regular bench press.
Overhead Rope Extensions: 8 x 8.
EZ Bar Preacher Curls: 30 x 8.
+ about 50 sandbag swings.

We took a walk around the Avenue of Stars in TST. This is my favourite photo that I snapped of the skyline:


Leaving for Bali in several days. I'd much rather stay here (I'm not fond of travelling for holidays), but my family has been looking forward to this for some time.

Hope you had a great Friday, Bees! Take care!

Playing: Uhh... I only played my mainstay - Sulfur - last night. No MFN or DA:V. I'll try to get in a little more of those tonight, if I'm not busy entertaining the rugrats.

Also, the Borderlands 4 trailer dropped. I am... whelmed? I dunno, it kinda looks a lot like 3, and the new Vault Hunters don't really stand out. Only time will tell if it's any good, though.

Watching: A bit of Seal Team at the gym. Still not decided on what to watch for late night cinema, though I hear that some interesting horror indies like Replicator and Deus Irae (if my Latin suffices: "God of Wrath"?) are coming out soon, so there's lots to look forward to.

Listening to: Madeline Goldstein - Seed of Doubt. Ms. Goldstein's music is so good that I had to choose another song of hers. Love that ethereal, otherworldly sound!



Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 740
"So sleepy!"
Thanking you warmly @Laura Rainbow Dragon @Mamatigerj @JCU and @TopNotch.

Sending a postcard from the sunny shores of Bali, 'tis the GentleOx!

Wow, it feels like I haven't posted in forever (it's been almost ten days). I'm going to tackle this one slightly chronologically, as a lot has happened.

My sister booked a lavish, out of the way villa in the countryside for the first part of our stay. It boasted luxurious architecture, well equipped rooms, and an infinity pool that looked like this:


So it was nice to be in the lap of luxury, enjoy some massages and some nice swims. It was spoilt by a massive blow out argument between two family members which I only survived by the skin of my teeth. Now they're not speaking to one another, which is all kinds of awkward. Things like this are the primary reason why I don't enjoy family vacations. What's the point, if we can't all get along.

For now, there's a tentative peace after we moved out to our new digs in the center of town. I am without a room, but I made the best of it by enjoying the comfy couch and short horror and yummy chocolate. Feeling a bit more mellow today.

Anyway, I don't post unless I've done a workout, which I did today! It turns out (to my good fortune) there's a gym not a three minute walk away!


Note the middle finger in the opposite direction. The entrance fee is a mere 3ish USD, so an absolute steal!


Well said. Unfortunately, the dumbbells only go up to 30 kg (i was hoping for 45 to 50 kg, but I can work with that.)


More words of wisdom.

So here's the workout for my first time at this gym. A tentative Push day to see if I've lost any strength.

Bench Press: 125 x 6. This one was like a tight rope walk, as the floor was uneven, and the bar kept rolling in my hand. Started from 100 and worked up to 125. Not bad at all, considering the mess we've been through.
Wide Grip Press: 100 x 6. All the other pieces of equipment were taken. Resurrecting an old classic. May be competition worthy in time?
Machine Chest Press: 80 x 6. Eh, could've skipped this one.
Dumbbell Flat Curls: 14 x 20. Not pushing any limits today.
Barbell Forearm Curls: 30 x 12. Felt good, will do more next time.

Pleasantly tuckered out by the exercise, and going to try and take it easy.

It's Christmas soon. Yikes. I'm more of the mind of avoiding anymore family landmines and making it home in one piece.

Take care of yourselves, Bees. And if I don't see you again soon, have a blessed Holiday!

Playing: Nada, zip zilch zero. Looking forward to some gaming when I get back for sure.

Watching: Apart from a few short horror flicks, not much.

Listening to: Miami Nights 1984 - Early Summer. Here's a warm and sunny gem for those of you feeling the sting of winter.



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