October 26:
1000 Calf Raises:
Push & Pull (modified):
Better Arms:
Flex Hang:
Power Grip:
hiking: 7 km
wellness workouts:
other stuff: dancing
We interrupt our usual programming this day to bring you Hallowe'en in the Village.
A friend had asked if he could stop by on his way to the festivities. I said, "Sure!" Then I hopped in the bath. My friend arrived while I was still in the tub, and Shelby, lacking opposable thumbs, was unable to let him in to the house. I got dressed quickly to try to catch my friend before he got too far away. If my neighbour had put a longer poem on her poetry tree* this month, we might have been able to catch him. As it was, he was too far ahead by the time I had Shelby and myself both ready to go, and we lost sight of him in the crowds at the festival. We did, however, find a live musical performance underway when we arrived. A local band called "Betamaxx" was performing (as you might have guessed from the name) New Wave covers. All the hits from my junior high and high school years! The sound system was a little hot and squelchy. But the band was fun. So I got waylaid by dancing for about an hour.
We never did find my friend. But Shelby made lots of new ones. There were people there in costumes. Dogs in costumes. People giving treats to the dogs (whether in costume or not). Poor Shelby had been having digestive issues again that morning and the night before. So I had to decline the treats on her behalf. But she still received many head scratches, shoulder rubs, and butt massages. So she was pretty happy.
One of the event organizers was there snapping photos. Even though neither Shelby nor I was in costume (unless you count "leggings, shirt and sandals I threw on because they were the fastest clothes to get dressed in, hair disheveled and half falling out of the bun I'd put it up in for the bath" as a costume) we still drew the photographer's attention due to our dancing. So somewhere my messy, hurried-tub-exit look is now immortalized for the world to see. But we had fun.
* One of my neighbours a few houses down has this little display case fastened to a tree near the sidewalk in front of her house. Inside the display case is poem, which she switches out (I think) monthly:

After the Village Hallowe'en dance party I did laundry and work on organizing our home. There was a lot of climbing and lifting involved in moving things around. So I decided that, plus the dancing, was good enough for my workout for this day. I will double up on the calf raises on Sunday to get caught up with everyone again there. But I need to switch my pulling days to Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Sunday for the coming week anyhow. (Next Saturday is my house-warming party. I'll be doing prep all day and then partying all evening with no time to get up to the park with the pull-up bars. On Thursday a friend with a car is helping me to collect all the groceries I will need for the party. So I won't be able to make it to the pull-up bars that day either.) So it suits my schedule to have just taken this day off from the new Challenges and to pick them up again on Sunday.
new fiction words: 0
fiction YTD: 136,051
story-a-week challenge: 40 of 52 completed
40 stories in my 54th year challenge: 40 of 54 completed
French: CBC Gem
- although I wasn't looking at my screen for most of the evening as that is when I did all the unpacking & organizing
Consecutive days of working out: 48
Consecutive days of French study: 1440
Consecutive days of no solo video games: 36
Consecutive days of SOOT: 0
Consecutive days of GBOT: 0
Move-in progress: Got quite a bit accomplished in terms of sorting through things and getting them squared away where they belong. (A good thing since my house warming party is now only one week away!)
1000 Calf Raises:

Push & Pull (modified):

Better Arms:

Flex Hang:

Power Grip:




hiking: 7 km
wellness workouts:

other stuff: dancing
We interrupt our usual programming this day to bring you Hallowe'en in the Village.
A friend had asked if he could stop by on his way to the festivities. I said, "Sure!" Then I hopped in the bath. My friend arrived while I was still in the tub, and Shelby, lacking opposable thumbs, was unable to let him in to the house. I got dressed quickly to try to catch my friend before he got too far away. If my neighbour had put a longer poem on her poetry tree* this month, we might have been able to catch him. As it was, he was too far ahead by the time I had Shelby and myself both ready to go, and we lost sight of him in the crowds at the festival. We did, however, find a live musical performance underway when we arrived. A local band called "Betamaxx" was performing (as you might have guessed from the name) New Wave covers. All the hits from my junior high and high school years! The sound system was a little hot and squelchy. But the band was fun. So I got waylaid by dancing for about an hour.
We never did find my friend. But Shelby made lots of new ones. There were people there in costumes. Dogs in costumes. People giving treats to the dogs (whether in costume or not). Poor Shelby had been having digestive issues again that morning and the night before. So I had to decline the treats on her behalf. But she still received many head scratches, shoulder rubs, and butt massages. So she was pretty happy.
One of the event organizers was there snapping photos. Even though neither Shelby nor I was in costume (unless you count "leggings, shirt and sandals I threw on because they were the fastest clothes to get dressed in, hair disheveled and half falling out of the bun I'd put it up in for the bath" as a costume) we still drew the photographer's attention due to our dancing. So somewhere my messy, hurried-tub-exit look is now immortalized for the world to see. But we had fun.

* One of my neighbours a few houses down has this little display case fastened to a tree near the sidewalk in front of her house. Inside the display case is poem, which she switches out (I think) monthly:

After the Village Hallowe'en dance party I did laundry and work on organizing our home. There was a lot of climbing and lifting involved in moving things around. So I decided that, plus the dancing, was good enough for my workout for this day. I will double up on the calf raises on Sunday to get caught up with everyone again there. But I need to switch my pulling days to Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Sunday for the coming week anyhow. (Next Saturday is my house-warming party. I'll be doing prep all day and then partying all evening with no time to get up to the park with the pull-up bars. On Thursday a friend with a car is helping me to collect all the groceries I will need for the party. So I won't be able to make it to the pull-up bars that day either.) So it suits my schedule to have just taken this day off from the new Challenges and to pick them up again on Sunday.

new fiction words: 0
fiction YTD: 136,051
story-a-week challenge: 40 of 52 completed
40 stories in my 54th year challenge: 40 of 54 completed
French: CBC Gem



Consecutive days of working out: 48
Consecutive days of French study: 1440
Consecutive days of no solo video games: 36
Consecutive days of SOOT: 0
Consecutive days of GBOT: 0
Move-in progress: Got quite a bit accomplished in terms of sorting through things and getting them squared away where they belong. (A good thing since my house warming party is now only one week away!)