January 17:
Cardinal Points:
First Thing Water:

10 Minutes of Mindfulness:

- nature therapy
Dance / Yoga:

- Boreal Dance Party
Group of Seven:
hands & wrists:

calf raises:


feathered peacock:

hip flexors:

hip abductors:

Programs & Challenges:
Push & Pull:
Total Body Strength:
Standing Abs:
Plank Hero:
Daily Hug: Day 15 -

(But I'm going to keep doing this one.)
running: alternative cardio (dancing)
tempo runs / alt cardio: 3/3
interval training: 1/2
hiking: 13.7 km
We interrupt our usual programming today to bring you a Do Whatcha Wanna day. I debated whether or not to officially include a DWW day in my schedule this year. I mean: my G7 only takes 7 minutes to complete if I do it at the minimum level. And doing what I want usually means doing a longer dance or yoga practice, so that gets covered anyhow. (Although it could also be a super long hike.) But this day the weather was mild (and
@Saffity alerted me to the fact that it would not remain that way for long), and Boreal released a new music video. So we did a long hike. Which was lovely. But after walking that far on snow, I was tired, and didn't feel like doing anything else besides more dancing. So I declared a DWW day, and that's what I did. I'm still not officially making DWW a weekly thing. But I'm going to be okay with it happening when it happens.
A few weeks back when we walked the north TVP trail we saw a woman photographing something in a tree. Not an unusual sight. From a distance I assumed the likely subject matter: a bird. But when we got closer I saw she was actually photographing a pendant of some sort that was hanging from a tree branch. I thought perhaps she was involved in one of those geocaching games. But I didn't ask about it. Just said hello as we passed and then walked on.
This day we saw the same woman again, photographing a pendant hanging from the same tree. She saw us coming and smiled and said, "Hello."
I said, "We have seen you before, photographing jewellery in that same tree."
She said, "Yes. I'm the weirdo that photographs trees." Then she went on to explain that she made the jewellery herself, and she was taking marketing photographs and thought the outdoor lighting and scenes made for nicer photographs than anything inside her home. So I asked her about her work and where else she liked to photograph. It was an interesting encounter.
Further north on the trail, Shelby, unsurprisingly, made more new friends. The water level in the river has receded to normal levels for this time of year. So we were able to take the little footpath that runs through the trees along the riverbank on our return journey. We saw lots of wildlife. All the usual suspects: Canada Geese and Mallards (including the Pekin and some leucistic birds), a few Hooded Mergansers, a Northern Cardinal, and a Black-capped Chickadee. Saw the American Gizzard Shad too, still gathered in the same warm inlet, though not in as thick a concentration as before. Walking home during sunset the sky was a brilliant red, mottled with blue clouds. So beautiful!
Still just playing around with ideas. It's nice not to have the pressure of getting something--anything finished for Sunday night. But I do want to decide on a project and get some actual words down soon!
writing days this week: 3/4
writing time: 3:15/8 hours
artwork: 15 min. sketching
artwork days this week: 2/4
Targets will normally be 5 days/week for both artwork and writing content creation, and 10 hours/week for writing content creation. They're reduced this week due to officially taking Monday as a holiday.
Scheduling Habits:



Cumulative Habit Scores:
GBOT: 10
Gaming Rules: 12
Consecutive days of working out: 131
Consecutive days of French study: 1523