Rainbow Dragon's Lair

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 954
"..one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
Celebrate Happy Birthday GIF by Chubbiverse

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,138
"Striving to be the change."
Phew! I have completed everything for today except for the dancing.
I'll be into my screens off time by the time I'm done that. So this will be my final check in for today, to say a huge THANK YOU! to you all for the Birthday and Rainbow Day wishes and to everyone who participated in my birthday workout with me today. You all rock! This Hive is a great place to be!


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,138
"Striving to be the change."
January 11:

Cardinal Points:
First Thing Water: :v:
10 Minutes of Mindfulness: :v: (moving meditation, shavasana)
Dance / Yoga: :v: (Quiet Room)
Gratitude: :v:

Group of Seven:
hands & wrists: :x:
calf raises: :x:
plank: :x:
feathered peacock: :x:
hip flexors: :v: (Standing Abs)
hip abductors: :v: (Total Body Strength)
glutes: :x:

Programs & Challenges:
Push & Pull: :x:
Fit December: Day 31 - :completed:
Total Body Strength: Day 11
Standing Abs: Day 11
Plank Hero: :x:
Daily Hug: Day 9

running: :x:
hiking: 4.2 km

new fiction words: 0
fiction YTD: 163,772
story-a-week challenge: 51 of 52 completed
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 51 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 0/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :x:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 73
SOOT: 51 (guessing. I'm resetting these numbers in a couple of days anyhow.)
GBOT: 62

Consecutive days of working out: 125
Consecutive days of French study: 1517

Spent the afternoon this day at a friend's birthday party. 'Twas a wonderful time.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,138
"Striving to be the change."
January 12: Rainbow Day

Cardinal Points
First Thing Water: :v:
10 Minutes of Mindfulness: :x:
Dance / Yoga: :x:
Gratitude: :v:

Group of Seven:
hands & wrists: :x:
calf raises: :x:
plank: :x:
feathered peacock: :x:
hip flexors: :x:
hip abductors: :x:
glutes: :x:

Programs & Challenges:
Push & Pull: :x:
Total Body Strength: :x:
Standing Abs: Day 12
Plank Hero: :x:
Daily Hug: Day 10

running: :x:
hiking: 5.5 km

new fiction words: 0
fiction YTD: 163,772
story-a-week challenge: 52 of 52 completed - :completed:
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 52 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 1/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar:
SOOT: :x: (-10)
GBOT: :x: (-8)
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 76
SOOT: 41
GBOT: 54

Consecutive days of working out: 126
Consecutive days of French study: 1518

Rainbow Day! Spent the day cooking. Shared a wonderful feast with my friends. One friend stayed over after the feast. (Thankfully, my parking spot was mostly cleared of snow for her.) We took Shelby out for her walk. Then I stayed up stupidly late to write my story for the week.

I never managed to squeeze in the extra two stories I'd hoped to write to complete 54 stories during my 54th year. But I did complete the challenge to write a story a week every week for a year. This was a pretty big win for me.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,138
"Striving to be the change."
January 13: 54 for 54

Cardinal Points
First Thing Water: :v:
10 Minutes of Mindfulness: :v:
Dance / Yoga: :v:
Gratitude: :v:

Group of Seven:
hands & wrists: :v:
calf raises: :v:
plank: :v:
feathered peacock: :v:
hip flexors: :v:
hip abductors: :v:
glutes: :v:

Programs & Challenges:
Push & Pull: pushing (Total Body Strength) & pulling (dead hang)
Total Body Strength: Days 12 & 13
Standing Abs: Day 13
Plank Hero: Days 11-13
Daily Hug: Day 11

running: 5.4 km in 39:04
tempo runs: 1/3
interval training: 1/2

Windchill was ~ -13 for my run. Chilly. But not unbearable. Time was slow due to snow underfoot. But it felt good to get out there.
There was enough HIIT in my 54 for 54 workout I'm definitely counting this day as covering one of my interval training days as well.

hiking: 6.6 km

Shelby took me for a 5.4 km hike in the morning. Then we did another short walk before bed.

writing days this week: 0/4
writing time: 0/8 hours
artwork: 0/4 days

Targets will normally be 5 days/week for both artwork and writing content creation, and 10 hours/week for writing content creation. They're reduced this week due to officially taking Monday as a holiday. (I actually was writing for more than 2 hours past midnight the night before. But I've logged those hours to last year, since they were the completion of last year's writing challenge.)


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :x:
SOOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GBOT: :rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 3

Consecutive days of working out: 127
Consecutive days of French study: 1519

This was an excellent day! But you just get the data tonight. Commentary still to come tomorrow.


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,138
"Striving to be the change."
Thank you:
@Lady Celerity
@Princess Fancy
@Antheia & Colossus

for the congratulations, birthday and Rainbow Day wishes, and for joining me on my epic birthday workout. Some of your birthday gifts made me feel super badass. Others I was grateful to be able to whip through quickly. (Doing 54 different exercises in a single day is time consuming! And due to sleeping in--thanks to my late night writing the night before--then making breakfast for the friend who had stayed over, then doing the hike with Shelby, and then having lunch, and then a much-needed nap, it was after 3PM before I even got my birthday workout started.) Others felt really good in my body to do after all of the plyometric ones.

Overall my weekend was extremely busy, and extremely wonderful.

At my friend's birthday party on the Saturday there was delicious food and wonderful company, including three generations of the same family: the birthday boy and his wife, their daughter and her husband, and their 2-year-old son. I first met the 2-year-old in September. Grandad was one of the friends who helped me move, and who drove the truck for me. After we had dropped off the truck, he was going for a bike ride with his daughter and grandson, and they picked him up at my apartment. At that point, the 2-year-old was not yet walking without holding on to his mom's hand. (He was just about physically ready to let go, but not yet mentally ready.) At the party on Saturday, said 2-year-old was completely unselfconsciously dancing--and doing the body percussion--to We Will Rock You, giggling the entire time.

At my Rainbow Day party on Sunday there was also delicious food and wonderful company, including my oldest friend (her family moved into my neighbourhood the summer before we both started junior high, and we met waiting for the bus to take us to the illustrious "Camp Mildaca" kids' summer day camp), fitness friends from my days teaching and taking Body Flow classes when I lived in London previously (including the friends who'd hosted Saturday's party), a friend and fellow writer from SF fandom (who I met at conventions in Toronto, though he lives in London), and a woman from Nigeria who moved to London in September to pursue PhD studies at the university here, and who came out to help me move into this apartment the first week she was in Canada!

On my birthday, after my friend who'd stayed over from Rainbow Day left for work, it was physically just me and Shelby here for the rest of the day. But I felt all of you here with me in spirit, working out with me from afar. For the dancing I danced to songs by The Wyrd Sisters and Fruit -- both bands that are sadly no longer together but which were huge deals to me in their time (both bands have stayed with me in my former home in London when they were on the road, and performed at concerts here which I organized for them) -- and, of course, Boreal. While I was dancing I thought of @Syrius dancing with me in her home, and all of you who joined me in other exercises for my birthday workout, I thought about all of the wonderful concerts I have attended in the past with The Wyrd Sisters and Fruit and Boreal (and the hopefully many more still to come for Boreal), and the many wonderful dinner parties in my home and the homes of friends. And although I was physically by myself, dancing in my tiny little dance hall here, I felt as if we were all in a giant group hug together.

I know there is a lot of darkness in our world. A lot of people are suffering. And maybe I come across as Pollyannaish when I write about being joyful. But I think it is important to embrace the joy. I think it's important to celebrate the millions of actions--big and small--we take every day to love and support and care for one another. I think it's important to give thanks for the people who take those actions. Because it's the joy that gives me strength to give back, to love and support and care for others, and take actions myself that will hopefully make our world a better place. And I believe that all of us working together--even though our individual contributions may be small--can effect great change. The path isn't easy or linear. But it's there. I believe we can find it together.

So to all of you who joined me in my birthday workout this year, or participated in the Secret Santa workout gift exchange or other community events here in the Hive, to all of you who stop by my and others' check-in threads and leave words of celebration and encouragement and support, to all of you who show your support through choosing one of the "Like" emojis for my and other Bees' posts, and to all of you who take actions big and small in other areas of your lives to try to make this world we share a better place, I want you to know this:

I see you.
I am grateful for you.
I think you rock!

:fireworks:THANK YOU! :fireworks:


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,599
Hey, you! I’m so sorry I missed your birthday!! I know a BUNCH of folks who have January birthdays, including my daughter who will be 40 at the end of the month!:confounded:.
So, I hope it was great, and that you have a great year! I can’t believe you’re already 54! That seems wild: like it was only yesterday when when you were turning 50 and posting your 50 reps of 50 exercises/workout. You ROCK, Laura:welcome:


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,356
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
While I was dancing I thought of @Syrius dancing with me in her home
I was thinking of you too!! I saw that you had dancing on your spreadsheet when I peeked to see if you needed more gifts and I just couldn't help myself. I had to dance with you. I am grateful for you too and I am glad that you had a spectacular birthday! :morelove:


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,316
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Not Pollyanna-ish at all! Lovely sentiment.

In fact, when you think about Pollyanna, wasn't she always going on about how much worse it could be than what it was? Like that crippled woman in the bed - didn't she say something about the woman being lucky she could move her arms? To me, it always seems like Pollyanna was trying to see the bright side by throwing up the dark side as a comparison, not being unrealistically optimistic but encouraging people to look for and exploit the good in their lives. Maybe that's just my interpretation/recollection. It's been a while since I read it to my girls.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,138
"Striving to be the change."
January 14:

Cardinal Points:
First Thing Water: :v:
10 Minutes of Mindfulness: :v: - moving meditation, seated meditation
Dance / Yoga: :v: - Quiet Room
Gratitude: :v:

Group of Seven:
hands & wrists: :v: - Wrist Pain
calf raises: :v: - Sore Feet
plank: :v: - Plank Hero, Total Body Strength
feathered peacock: :v: - dolphin, feathered peacock
hip flexors: :v: - front kicks
hip abductors: :v: - side kicks
glutes: :v: - Total Body Strength

Programs & Challenges:
Push & Pull: pulling (counting the back extensions in TBS for this)
Total Body Strength: Day 14
Standing Abs: Day 14
Plank Hero: Day 14
Daily Hug: Day 12

TBS and PH both had side plank rotations this day. I did the 36 for 3 sets of TBS, then tacked an extra 14 on at the end for a total of 50. I normally do 50 reps of the PH exercise. But did not feel the need to double up on the reps this day. It is great to be 54 years strong! But it's also good to be smart and take an active recovery day when I need one.

running: :x:
tempo runs: 1/3
interval training: 1/2

hiking: 4 km

Temperature here is dropping. Somebody in my family is a bit of a Goldilocks about temperature. (The somebody is not Shelby.)

2 hrs. organizing past notes, WIPs, experiments, course work, etc.
writing days this week: 1/4
writing time: 2/8 hours
artwork: 0/4 days

Targets will normally be 5 days/week for both artwork and writing content creation, and 10 hours/week for writing content creation. They're reduced this week due to officially taking Monday as a holiday.


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :x:
SOOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 6

Consecutive days of working out: 128
Consecutive days of French study: 1520

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,138
"Striving to be the change."
January 15:

Cardinal Points:
First Thing Water: :v:
10 Minutes of Mindfulness: :v: - shavasana
Dance / Yoga: :v: - Le Vent du Nord dance party
Gratitude: :v:

Group of Seven:
hands & wrists: :v: - Talk to the Hand
calf raises: :v: - Ankle Recovery
plank: :v: - Plank Hero, Total Body Strength
feathered peacock: :v: - dolphin, downward facing dog
hip flexors: :v: - Total Body Strength, Standing Abs
hip abductors: :v: - side-lying side leg lifts
glutes: :v: - Total Body Strength

Programs & Challenges:
Push & Pull: push-ups
Total Body Strength: Day 15
Standing Abs: Day 15
Plank Hero: Day 15
Daily Hug: Day 13

Superset this day, doing: push-ups, SA, push-ups, SA, push-ups, SA, 20PH, TBS, SA, 20PH, TBS, SA, side-lying side leg lifts, 10PH, TBS. Dolphin and down dog got mixed in there too because, with doing three sets of push-ups to failure first, holding the plank for PH and TBS was brutal, and I had to take down dog and dolphin breaks.

running: alternative cardio (P&P, TBS, SA, PH, G7, dancing)
tempo runs / alt cardio: 2/3
interval training: 1/2

hiking: 6.2 km

Temperature was even colder. I wore a lot of clothing! Wrapped Shelby up in her blanket too. Which she does not love. But the windchill was -20.

a bit of business and study stuff
writing days this week: 1/4
writing time: 2/8 hours
artwork: 0/4 days

Targets will normally be 5 days/week for both artwork and writing content creation, and 10 hours/week for writing content creation. They're reduced this week due to officially taking Monday as a holiday.


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
SOOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 9

Consecutive days of working out: 129
Consecutive days of French study: 1521

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,138
"Striving to be the change."
January 16:

Cardinal Points:
First Thing Water: :v:
10 Minutes of Mindfulness: :v: - shavasana
Dance / Yoga: :v: - Quiet Room
Gratitude: :v:

Group of Seven:
hands & wrists: :v: - Wrist Pain, Hand Tendons
calf raises: :v: - Sore Feet
plank: :v: - Plank Hero
feathered peacock: :v: - dolphin
hip flexors: :v: - Total Body Strength, Plank Hero
hip abductors: :v: - side-lying side leg lifts
glutes: :v: - prone rear leg lifts

Programs & Challenges:
Push & Pull: slow negative pull-ups
Total Body Strength: Day 16
Standing Abs: Day 16
Plank Hero: Day 16
Daily Hug: Day 14

running: :x:
tempo runs / alt cardio: 2/3
interval training: 1/2

hiking: 3.2 km

Temperature is starting to warm up a bit. But I had a meeting with an online writing group in the evening. Didn't get to my dinner until after that, and my workout until after that. By the time all of this was done, it was late. Shelby seemed happy to just go to bed. So that is what we did. (Have I mentioned how grateful I am for that dog's amazing bladder control? Not having our own yard anymore sucks. But it would suck ever so much more if Shelby needed to do her business as often as some of the dogs I have had did.)

Watched the video for November's DreamCasters' meeting, which I'd not been able to attend at the time. Then DreamCasters' open office hour.
Two hours for the above. But content creation time was only 25 minutes, still just messing around with story ideas.

writing days this week: 2/4
writing time: 2:25/8 hours
artwork: 10 min. sketching
artwork days this week: 1/4

Targets will normally be 5 days/week for both artwork and writing content creation, and 10 hours/week for writing content creation. They're reduced this week due to officially taking Monday as a holiday.


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :x:
SOOT: :rstar:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
SOOT: 10
Gaming Rules: 11

Consecutive days of working out: 130
Consecutive days of French study: 1522

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,138
"Striving to be the change."
January 17:

Cardinal Points:
First Thing Water: :v:
10 Minutes of Mindfulness: :v: - nature therapy
Dance / Yoga: :v: - Boreal Dance Party
Gratitude: :v:

Group of Seven:
hands & wrists: :x:
calf raises: :x:
plank: :x:
feathered peacock: :x:
hip flexors: :x:
hip abductors: :x:
glutes: :x:

Programs & Challenges:
Push & Pull: :x:
Total Body Strength: :x:
Standing Abs: :x:
Plank Hero: :x:
Daily Hug: Day 15 - :completed: (But I'm going to keep doing this one.)

running: alternative cardio (dancing)
tempo runs / alt cardio: 3/3
interval training: 1/2

hiking: 13.7 km

We interrupt our usual programming today to bring you a Do Whatcha Wanna day. I debated whether or not to officially include a DWW day in my schedule this year. I mean: my G7 only takes 7 minutes to complete if I do it at the minimum level. And doing what I want usually means doing a longer dance or yoga practice, so that gets covered anyhow. (Although it could also be a super long hike.) But this day the weather was mild (and @Saffity alerted me to the fact that it would not remain that way for long), and Boreal released a new music video. So we did a long hike. Which was lovely. But after walking that far on snow, I was tired, and didn't feel like doing anything else besides more dancing. So I declared a DWW day, and that's what I did. I'm still not officially making DWW a weekly thing. But I'm going to be okay with it happening when it happens.

A few weeks back when we walked the north TVP trail we saw a woman photographing something in a tree. Not an unusual sight. From a distance I assumed the likely subject matter: a bird. But when we got closer I saw she was actually photographing a pendant of some sort that was hanging from a tree branch. I thought perhaps she was involved in one of those geocaching games. But I didn't ask about it. Just said hello as we passed and then walked on.

This day we saw the same woman again, photographing a pendant hanging from the same tree. She saw us coming and smiled and said, "Hello."

I said, "We have seen you before, photographing jewellery in that same tree."

She said, "Yes. I'm the weirdo that photographs trees." Then she went on to explain that she made the jewellery herself, and she was taking marketing photographs and thought the outdoor lighting and scenes made for nicer photographs than anything inside her home. So I asked her about her work and where else she liked to photograph. It was an interesting encounter.

Further north on the trail, Shelby, unsurprisingly, made more new friends. The water level in the river has receded to normal levels for this time of year. So we were able to take the little footpath that runs through the trees along the riverbank on our return journey. We saw lots of wildlife. All the usual suspects: Canada Geese and Mallards (including the Pekin and some leucistic birds), a few Hooded Mergansers, a Northern Cardinal, and a Black-capped Chickadee. Saw the American Gizzard Shad too, still gathered in the same warm inlet, though not in as thick a concentration as before. Walking home during sunset the sky was a brilliant red, mottled with blue clouds. So beautiful!

Still just playing around with ideas. It's nice not to have the pressure of getting something--anything finished for Sunday night. But I do want to decide on a project and get some actual words down soon!

writing days this week: 3/4
writing time: 3:15/8 hours
artwork: 15 min. sketching
artwork days this week: 2/4

Targets will normally be 5 days/week for both artwork and writing content creation, and 10 hours/week for writing content creation. They're reduced this week due to officially taking Monday as a holiday.


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :x:
SOOT: :x: (-2)
GBOT: :rstar:
GR: :rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
GBOT: 10
Gaming Rules: 12

Consecutive days of working out: 131
Consecutive days of French study: 1523
Last edited:

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,138
"Striving to be the change."
Some moving wins this week:

The first one is not so much anything I did to get us settled into our new place as it was finding out I didn't lose something with the move I thought I might have lost.

After my mother had moved from the hospital in Windsor to the hospital in Brampton, she needed a document signed by a physician to send to the UK government. (Having lived in the UK until she was almost 33, she receives a British pension as well as her Canadian one. But to receive the British one she needs to keep sending them proof that she is still alive.) Since none of the doctors who saw her in the hospital had time to deal with such things, her PoA tried to get her old primary care provider in the Booming Metropolis to sign the doc. His staff flat out refused to even ask him to do it, on the grounds that our mother was no longer his patient. Her PoA made it sound like she'd automatically been dropped as a patient by the BM doctor because she'd changed her address.

Since my mother and I shared the same primary care provider before she moved, I was concerned the same thing would happen to me when I moved. I didn't think it should happen. Doctors are in short supply here. And lots of people move to new communities but keep their old physician in their old community because they're not able to get one wherever they've moved to. Anyhow... I don't actually have occasion to deal with my physician very often. I haven't seen him face-to-face for personal matters in several years at this point. I've seen him plenty of times for my father though, since he was also my father's PCP, and I was taking my father to his appointments. Also: near the end of his life, this doctor made house calls for my father when it became just too difficult to get him out to the clinic. This doctor is a good guy. He's just--like most healthcare providers in this country--overworked. I'm healthy. So I'm not afforded much of his time. But he does order annual bloodwork for me. And I've had the assurance of knowing that if I did need a doctor, I've had one I could call on.

Anyhow... this week my doctor's nurse called me to say it's time to get my annual bloodwork done, and ask where I wanted her to send the requisition. (The lab they work with is actually headquartered in London. So it is an easy thing for the nurse to fax the requisition to them, and then I can just show up to the nearest lab to get my blood drawn.) So yeah! I still have a doctor. Who I cannot actually get to to see in person. But since the pandemic taught everyone a lot of things can actually be done remotely, he's been pretty good at telehealth. So a good resource to have.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,138
"Striving to be the change."
The second win was getting Shelby registered as an official resident of London.

Most communities here require dogs to be licensed within the municipality in which they reside. These licenses must be renewed annually. Most places tend not to hassle you if you move mid-year though. And I'm not worried about being separated from Shelby. She is microchipped. And even when I take her to the off-leash park, she doesn't wander more than a few feet away from me. So I waited for her licence in CK to expire before looking into getting her one here.

But now it's the new year, and she legally needs a new license. So I looked up where to get one in London. And holy crap was the information on this process unhelpful and unfriendly to navigate.

The city has farmed the licensing out to a third party org. The only information re: dog licenses on the city website is that you have to have one. Go to the third party org's website. So I did.

But the page the municipal site points to has no information whatsoever re: what dog licences cost. (I did eventually find this information on a different page.) It says I need documentation of all sorts of things, including documentation of my dog's breed. (Shelby was a stray found on the streets. I tell people she's a lab because she looks like one. But I don't have any "documentation" suggesting she's a lab other than that is what other people have written down for her breed in the past because that is what I told them!) Where we lived before I could just fill in a web form and submit my credit card info, and the org handling licensing there would mail out a tag. Here there is a web submission process. But it requires submitting PDFs of all of these documents, some of which I just don't have. Then the org would snail mail me an invoice. Which I could then pay online. But I'd still need to snail mail some signed document back to them. My other options were to go physically to their office--a 6km hike from where I live, not in a nice direction, and then I'd still have the issue of not having the right documents. Or I could request that they send an officer to my home to do the paperwork here. But again: there was no information on the website re: what that might cost.

So I called the office. Getting help out of the receptionist was a difficult process since she was very fond of talking but not at all fond of listening.

I tried to ask her what documents, specifically, I would be required to show.

But she just kept repeating "Documents. Documents." Also, she kept talking over top of me.

At one point I actually said to her, "Please stop talking and listen to what I am asking you."

She did talk a bit less after that. But still was not helpful.

I asked her what document she expected me to procure that would prove Shelby's breed, given that she was a rescue from the streets.

To which she replied, "A document from your vet."

I told her I didn't have that.

Her response: "Has your dog never been to a vet?"

"She's been to a vet many times. But her vet cannot 'document' her breed. He doesn't know it any better than I do."

Eventually I decided to ask how much it would cost to do the house call registration option. (Because surely whoever they sent to my home to do the registration could not be worse to try to deal with than this person.)

The second time I asked what the charge for a home visit was, she actually answered me. (And claimed she'd already told me there was no extra charge. Perhaps that was one of the things she said while she was talking over top of me? Anyhow...)

I said, "Great! Let's do that then," and made an appointment for someone to come around to the house this morning.

The person who came to our home was friendly and helpful (and demonstrated a solid understanding of how conversation is supposed to work). She also did not ask to see any documentation other than Shelby's proof of rabies vaccination. (Which I do have. Rabies vaccination is a legal requirement in Ontario. So she gets a registration # and a tag and printed certificate every time she has it done.) She accepted my word that Shelby is speyed. She agreed with my guess that Shelby is a lab. She didn't need to see documentation of Shelby's microchip. (She scanned her and got all the info directly from the chip.) So the actual process in the end was simple and easy.

After I'd paid, and she'd given me my receipt, I asked if she had any contact with the office staff or whoever was responsible for designing her employer's website. "Because neither was easy to navigate," I said.

She didn't comment on my remark that the receptionist had been difficult but did say she knew the website was awful. "But now that Shelby's registered with the city, this will all be easier in the future," she said. For licence renewals I'll just need to submit payment and proof of rabies vaccination, which I can do, and which can be done online.

She also explained to me what the hoo-hah over Shelby's breed and needing my physical signature was all about. The licensing org is basically trying to cover their own arses in the event that I've brought a banned breed of dog into London. So I had to sign a form declaring that Shelby is not a pit bull. And the officer who visited us was confident in her own analysis that Shelby is not a pit bull, and therefore she was not issuing a licence for a dog that's not allowed to be here. Reportedly people registering their dogs online sometimes lie about this. (Which seems bizarre to me. If you're going to try to keep a banned breed here, you're going to need to keep your dog hidden from the authorities anyhow. So why bother trying to license it?)

Anyhow... Shelby is now officially a resident of London. Welcome to London, Shelby!