Rantings, Ravings, and Ramblings


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725
  • Basics
  • Today's song: I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)
  • I forgot I had an appointment with Tyler today!
  • He's going on vacation for his wedding anniversary and we got in just before he left
  • It'll mean only an extra 3 days, so it's a great fit!
  • Took it so easy today there was a nap involved
  • Can you blame me??
  • Talked with my sister's boyfriend and added a few more movies to my list!
  • Since I forwent crafting, I looked up all the movies and found what I could
  • I need to look for 6 more, but I have 7 in line!
  • Not a bad start!
  • Theo was in and gave me all the attention!
  • He has a scab that's healing wonderfully
  • Nobu didn't cuddle last night, but I made it to bed!!
  • Good: saw Tyler
  • Happy: Theo! Nobu! And finding so many movies!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725
  • Basics
  • Today's song: My Sharona
  • Bees, it's been a day
  • It took hours to get the movies settled
  • (And I thought I could do that while crafting 😭)
  • Then I had to work with customer support on a login issue
  • That's an hour I'll not get back
  • (My helper was so. great. We had some sort of glitch that meant emails were switching and not getting messages and it took a while to verify things.)
  • That it was all by text and I was pretending to be Mom is the only reason it got done
  • Next is dealing with Netflix for a very similar problem 🤦‍♀️😭
  • Nobu cuddled yesterday, last night, and today!
  • He's not loving the dip in temperature we've had
  • I got to bed!
  • I'm having a coffee and protein bar and going to bed early
  • I'll craft in between laundry tomorrow
  • Good: found all the missing movies
  • Happy: was able to help all of my family with the login fubar


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725
  • Basics
  • Today's song: Y.M.C.A
  • It's been a snag in my brain since Down Periscope 😅
  • Finished another segment of my big project!
  • Turns out I missed a weft on the third section. I think I can fix it without redoing the entire thing 😭
  • Watched: The Fog, Split
  • I quite liked The Fog! My only complaint is that, like many movies of the time, it doesn't close off many storylines. I'd like just a few minutes more for closure!
  • Split wasn't bad. Watched it on 2x because I've learned I really don't like many movies over 90 minutes*
  • Other than ranting a bit in the very beginning, I kept my silence well
  • I either watch it silently, or I yell at the screen like the characters can hear me. Dad says if they did what I told them, there'd be no movie. I'M OKAY WITH THAT!
  • Ahem. I will recommend both to my parents, and that's not usual!
  • I saw my brother and his girlfriend. Also saw Deadpool & Wolverine
  • *This is a movie I will sit through! Other than feeling like it dragged a bit in the middle, I thought it was excellent! Some big laughs were had!
  • I was worried, because I had the thought that the trailer was much better than the movie, but then things changed quickly! Definitely recommend if you like Deadpool or Wolverine!
  • Nobu cuddled last night. I fell asleep on the couch 🥲
  • It's been a very good day!
  • Good: crafted
  • Happy: brother and a great movie!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725
  • Basics
  • No song today
  • Worked on the design that kicked my butt
  • My sister helped convince me to change the main color and we agreed to shift the background a bit
  • I forgot I'd need to draft it again 😭
  • Still, it's done and we can see what needs to be changed now
  • (We're thinking of the background all in matte beads and the overlay in metallic. I have most of the colors already, thankfully)
  • Watched: GoT with my parents
  • They're into season 6, which is very hard to ignore!
  • (Oh, Hodor 😭)
  • Made Eleanor's Gnocchi con Tomate and it was so good!
  • Simple yet flavorable, and with garlic that lingers! The texture of gnocchi is much improved by frying it!
  • My only note is that it's much more of a lunch for me. I need a heavier supper, personally
  • Good: finally got a tomato to try the recipe
  • Happy: it's been a good day!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725
  • Basics
  • Today's song: Loba
  • It's been a delightfully quiet day!
  • Packed the car for tomorrow's festival
  • I took a nap while Mom and Dad were at the grounds setting up
  • That was lovely!
  • They will be gone all day tomorrow and I am going to enjoy the silence immensely!
  • I will get back to crafting tomorrow
  • In a big relief, the cats' vet appointment was shifted from Monday to 5 September
  • It will be so much easier to corral all 3 with 6 hands
  • (Last annual visit was just me and Mom 😮‍💨😭)
  • Unfortunately, I fell asleep on the couch last night and the night before 😬
  • Fingers crossed it'll be better today
  • Please excuse my volume:
  • We were going to go on opening day, but with the vet visit shifting, we decided on the week after
  • So excited!!
  • Good: relaxed
  • Happy: festival day tomorrow!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • No song
  • Bees, my day was completely derailed last night
  • My brother asked for a favor that consumed me all day
  • His name is Stormy and that's my favorite of (far too) many pictures. I will be sharing a lot of them. I am not sorry
  • Stormy is most probably around 18 days old. He needs to be constantly monitored and regularly fed
  • Between my brother and his girlfriend's schedules, that means occasional cat sitters
  • As you can probably guess, we're all heartbroken
  • I don't think Nox realized there was a kitten, Nobu was curious until he wasn't, and Casper started hissing
  • Par for the course, really
  • I did a brief deep dive into tiny kitten maintenance and everything worked out quite well today!
  • But it was still emotionally intense
  • The next post will be a large portion of the pictures I took today
  • (I fell asleep on the couch again 🥲)
  • Good: kept calm and took care of Stormy
  • Happy: TINY, TINY KITTEN!!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725
  • Basics
  • No song
  • I'm so glad everyone is loving this adorable kitten as much as we are!
  • My brother told me yesterday that they may need my help today
  • I awoke to a call asking for that help
  • It was after noon, though, so I was able to fit in chores before that
  • Kitten was quiet until I woke him to eat, where he ate a whole bottle!!
  • Mom got him to do that, which really came at no surprise
  • (She's ecstatic at the tiny baby 🥹)
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  • He wet himself and had his first half bath
  • He was not at all pleased with any of that 😅
  • Mom got him to eat another bottle 🤯 and he's now cuddling in her arms
  • No crafting, but the next time we sit, I should be able to work around the kitten
  • Nobu came back to me last night and we had a great sprawl
  • I really fell asleep on the couch, too 😭
  • Good: more people to help with the kitten is very helpful!
  • Happy: Nox came to check out the kitten and even Casper was much calmer!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Today is not a good day
  • Cycle hit with a vengeance
  • I can handle everything but the dizziness
  • Lethargy is being hit by copious amounts of caffeine and lack of focus is easy to manage with games
  • But the top of my head trying to spin off?
  • Why?!?
  • Here's hoping it's only today!
  • No kitten, and I'm not sure if we'll see him for the rest of the week
  • If we do, I will take many more pictures!
  • Our boys are mincing their steps, wondering if the kitten is nearby
  • It's as sad as it is amusing
  • Early bedtime and only one alarm at a late time for me
  • (It's my "oh, sh*t" alarm 😅)
  • I did make it to bed last night!
  • Good: nothing needs me to focus closely today
  • Happy: a nap helped greatly with the dizziness!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725
  • Thank you, @NancyTree!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Today's song: We Got the Beat
  • Today's been much better!
  • I was awoken by loud noises outside, but it was 9:30 by then, so not too bad
  • (I got to bed!!)
  • I've spent the day relaxing with no dizziness!
  • Slightly lightheaded if I rise too quickly, though not while I was doing the burpees
  • Didn't do the stomach vacuums because my lower torso is very tender
  • Nobu curled up briefly last night and today
  • Kitten tomorrow!
  • He can go to the bathroom by himself! But has no control. So that's a fun combination...
  • If things continue, tomorrow will be an even better day!
  • Good: took it easy
  • Happy: Nobu cuddles!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725
  • Basics
  • No song
  • I swayed as I cooked, but didn't dance fully to anything
  • I managed all of my chores before Stormy came by
  • He's more active now!
  • Not just eating and sleeping!
  • The day has been both short and long
  • As much as I love him, knowing Stormy is safe for the weekend is a relief
  • Monday is the earliest we'll watch him again
  • My Nobu hissed at the kitten!
  • I was not amused!
  • He tried to come up again after that and I did not let him
  • We'll try a controlled meeting again when there are more hands to help
  • I fell asleep on the couch 🥲
  • I've been craving BBQ, so we're making the short trip to our favorite place
  • It's right around the corner from my sister, so we'll see her, too!
  • It's been a good day!
  • Good: made supper
  • Happy: Stormy is doing very well!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725
  • Basics
  • Today's song: ?
  • I'll pick one soon!
  • My playlist today doesn't have many dancing songs 🤷‍♀️
  • BBQ was excellent
  • Exactly what I was craving!
  • Brother asked a favor, so we're sitting again
  • Mom had him most of the time, so only a few pictures
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  • He liked the triangle of my legs and then decided my wrist was the place to be?
  • He's in his case now and will hopefully sleep until my brother comes back
  • Ahem. He couldn't do that YESTERDAY
  • Nobu ignored me after the kitten left yesterday 🥲
  • And I fell asleep on the couch 😞
  • Seeing my sister was delightful, though!
  • It's been a good day!
  • Good: helped my brother
  • Happy: seeing my sister!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725
  • Basics
  • Yesterday's Song: Holding Out for a Hero
  • Today's song: Barbie Girl
  • Stomach Vacuums Challenge :completed:
  • This one was interesting
  • I don't feel like it did much of anything for me, but it also wasn't unpleasant to do
  • I'll probably do vacuums if there's another exercise on the floor
  • The day started great and then my energy died
  • I've also been ravenous the last 2 days??
  • End of cycle shenanigans 🤷‍♀️
  • Fell asleep on the couch 😭
  • Nobu took advantage and stole my hand
  • After ignoring me after the kitten left ☹️
  • Cats!
  • Good: made hot sauce
  • Happy: it's been a decent day


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725

  • :thanku: @CODawn, @NancyTree, @HellYeah, @Fremen, @SlothEnergy, @Anek!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • No song, didn't feel in the mood
  • It's been a productive day!
  • Grocery shopping, laundry, and hair washing!
  • I was going to have a hand in supper, but Dad took all of that
  • Sadly, we had to cancel Beetlejuice 😭
  • There was a glitch in the system at Mom's work and the weekend off for the biggest festival was not marked
  • So she had to take that Thursday from a coworker to get the Saturday
  • We'll see it eventually!
  • I managed a new one last night: I fell asleep on the couch, woke up, and fell back asleep
  • Nobu woke me, thankfully
  • He also cuddled today!
  • And then fell off the couch because of how we were sitting
  • He had to see what his brother was doing 🤦‍♀️
  • Next month is going to be small again
  • Hopefully my motivation increases with the colder weather 🤞
  • Good: productive day
  • Happy: got the supplies to make sticky toffee pudding!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725

  • :thanku: @MadamMeow!
  • Basics
  • This month's schedule:
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge
  • Daily Dance
  • Splits Exercises
  • Today's song: Burning Down the House
  • I've wanted to make my own bead case for a while now and finally got the supplies!
  • It's half done because the stapler I'm using gave me a massive headache
  • I'll wear my headphones and work on it tomorrow!
  • It's not at all pretty, but that can come with time!
  • Tomorrow's supper is almost done
  • (It needs to sit in the fridge at least overnight)
  • Between that and a new recipe that needs a little tweaking, it's been a productive day!
  • Depending on how much I can do on the case tomorrow, I should be able to get at least a small bead project in
  • 🤞
  • Nobu joined me on the couch!
  • After I fell asleep there 😭
  • Good: productive day
  • Happy: though I want to change a few things, the dessert was very yummy!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725
  • :thanks: @graoumia, @Fremen!
  • Basics
  • Today's song: Whip It
  • Finished what I could of the bead case (I ran out of elastic)
  • It's very rough, but I now know what I want to change in it
  • I switched to hot glue and that was a smart choice, but then I had to relearn how to use a hot glue gun 🤦‍♀️
  • It worked out in the end
  • My morning and early afternoon were overtaken by animal control and searching the neighborhood
  • Meraki, our tortoise, is missing. Most probably he snuck out at some point in the last few days
  • During the summer, he has full access to the backyard and a section of the garage, so it's regular to not see him for days at a time
  • It's not anywhere near as hard as a cat getting out, but my sister especially is taking this hard
  • I fell asleep on the couch again 😔
  • It's not a great day
  • Good: worked on the case
  • Happy: the woman at animal control was wonderfully helpful


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725
  • :thanku: @MadamMeow, @GentleOx, @NancyTree, @Anek!
  • Basics
  • No song
  • Today has been exceptionally better!
  • Casper was being a brat and yowling at the kitchen door
  • (We have a small hall that connects the house to the garage that opens into the kitchen)
  • I went looking for Nobu, the only cat I hadn't seen yet today
  • Found him. Casper continued to meow. Nobu joined him. Casper left. Nobu stayed. I finally went to the garage
  • Maybe an animal had gotten in when Dad was moving everything?
  • There were definite animal noises! Finally pinpointed them, opened the garage door and found this:
  • He's apparently much better at Hide & Seek than Dad!
  • He got behind things Dad had moved to find him!
  • This is now the second animal that Casper has informed us of! He made the same racket when Nobu got out!
  • (Nox enjoyed the bonus treats we spoiled the others with 😂)
  • In similar news:
  • Look at that stability!!
  • Laundry tomorrow and then the crazy day Thursday is going to be 🥴
  • Good & Happy: Meraki!!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,725
  • Basics
  • Today's song: Footloose, 9 to 5
  • This playlist has some good beats!
  • A wonderfully slow day
  • I made salsa for Tyler and I have to wonder at that man
  • He was shocked at my love of habanero hot sauce but had me make him habanero salsa! It burned my tongue!
  • It tastes great, and that's the important part!
  • Didn't mention yesterday that I completely flipped on the idea I had for my bead case
  • I realized that copying the current case means it'll be bigger and incredibly unstable
  • Velcro to the rescue! Works so much better!
  • I see both Tyler and Kayla tomorrow with the cats at the vet for their annual visit (my greatest sympathies, @MadamMeow 😭)
  • At least Kayla is after that visit? Something to look forward to. Nox gave us a chase last year 😭
  • I fell asleep on the couch briefly night before last, but was in bed before 2, so I count it as a success!
  • And I made it to bed last night!
  • Both nights Nobu was in my papasan 🥹
  • Fingers crossed 3 people make corralling Nox easier 🤞🤞
  • Good: finished everything today for tomorrow
  • Happy: Mom has Friday off as well and I'm so looking forward to the day after tomorrow 😅


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,725
  • Basics minus stretching
  • Today's song: Black Betty
  • Today has been a day, Bees!
  • Tyler had a great time on his vacation!
  • He definitely recommends Iceland!
  • The cats were corralled and the vet visit was quick and mostly painless
  • Dad managed Nox, thankfully, and Casper and Nobu didn't fight as much as they could have
  • Casper had his shots, and the twins didn't need anything but a going over, so we were forgiven quickly
  • Cuddles!!
  • Kayla was lovely
  • It was the exact relaxation I needed after this afternoon
  • We're watching the kitten tomorrow, which should be interesting with his growing strength!
  • I'm now looking forward to Monday, which should be a quiet day with no responsibility
  • Gloriousness!
  • Good: cats are healthy and happy
  • Happy: corralling the cats was much easier this year, and my tension is gone!


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,835
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Thank you for your sympathies! :hug:

Glad your visit went well! Even with so many people to help, I give all of you a lot of credit for getting them all done at once!

Cat Wow GIF


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725
  • Basics
  • No song
  • I hit a few stores, took a nap, and watched a kitten
  • Not a bad day!
  • For being only a week older, Stormy is so much bigger!
  • It's more of a filling out than getting much larger, but he's so much stronger now!
  • He's learning to use litter, and has graduated to some wet food!
  • Still loves his bottle, though
  • My boys are doing very well with him. Nobu is trying to get closer than we want, but not aggressive
  • He really just wants to play with this little toy 😅
  • After yesterday, this has been the quiet day I needed
  • That nap certainly helped, too!
  • I fell asleep on the couch, woke up twice, and finally finished my night with an hour in my bed 🤦‍♀️
  • Good: listened to my body and took a nap
  • Happy: found liege waffles!! 🤤


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725
  • Basics
  • Today's song: Love Shack
  • I was not going to dance today, but then I was closing up the house and this came on
  • It has been such a slow day!
  • Woke to 2 cats cuddling and Nox asking for attention!
  • Casper heard my stomach growl and turned to look 🤣
  • Then I had some magnificent cuddles!
  • I forgot to mention: from their vet visit we learned that Casper had gained weight (we thought he'd lost some!) and the twins have evened out (Nox had been nearly 3 pounds heavier than both!)
  • Casper is now 8.5 lbs, and the twins are ~12.5 lbs!
  • I was hoping Monday would be a day I could take with no responsibility, but other than the grocery shopping I was able to do that today
  • It's been great!
  • Good: grocery shopping
  • Happy: I've been able to laze around doing nothing and it's been delightful


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,725
  • Basics
  • Today's song: nothing on particular
  • I bopped around during several chores to a few different songs
  • I finished a section of my big project!!
  • And that was around a few nonnegotiable chores!
  • Tomorrow should be even better!
  • My sister is visiting with her boyfriend!
  • I listened as they played Cards Against Humanity with my parents
  • Always hysterical 😂
  • (Mom tends to win that one 😂)
  • Fell asleep on the couch 🥲
  • Mom told me that she saw Nox on my bed, so reached down to pet Nobu, who was at my door
  • I didn't know he did that!
  • I've been happy all day!
  • I got some cuddles and am hoping for more later!
  • Good: it's been a really great day!
  • Happy: sister! NOBU!!