Recovery, says it all


Well-known member
from PNW
Posts: 367
Thank you for the support @aku-chan , @CODawn , @Fremen, @TopNotch, @MadamMeow, @Damer

Day 31 was the first virtual wall of this streak I'm on. I hesitated to start and struggled to finish bits and pieces of Square One, Day 16. I didn't post to my log. I did spend time reading other peoples logs. On Day 32 the power of the community, of the Hive, kicked in. I was mindful that my morning workout is 15 minutes of activity. I know I can maintain activity, I can do something for 15 minutes. I know I can close the door and keep out the world for 15 minutes. I know I can give to myself these 15 minutes and feel good.

I did those 15 minutes on day 32 without issues. I can report I'm through Day 33 as I write this (but will wait to post about it, I may do more). So. let's see how far I can take this momentum.


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from PNW
Posts: 367
Friday, June 7
- Square One: Day 16, level 2 (5 sets),
heavily modified

Saturday, June 8
Fighter’s Warmup: some modifications,
- Square One: Day 17, level 2 (5 sets),
- Easy Yoga #1, Flow: cat/cow - froggy - puppy - plank - downward dog - forward fold - mountain - warrior 2, left - peaceful warrior - triangle - warrior 2, right - peaceful warrior - triangle - mountain, 10 deep breaths


Well-known member
from PNW
Posts: 367
Thank you , @Syrius

Sunday, June 9
Fighter’s Warmup: Modifications step jacks for hop on spot; speed-bag punches for turning kick. Low kick on right side only
- Square One: Day 18, level 3 (5 sets),
- Easy Yoga #2, on hands and knees: cat/cow - bird dog, right - unknown - thread the needle - bird dog, left - unknown - thread the needle - froggy - plank - sphinx - quad stretch, right - quad stretch, left - up dog - child’s pose, 10 deep breaths

I was a little crabby today. Did not stop me from my morning workout. Doing the low kick with the right leg triggered pain in the right hip. Right leg did not want to support all my weight to kick with the left leg. I moved on. I'm still playing around with Easy Yoga #2. I added in a stretch I did in PT that I don't know the name of. I put way to much time trying to identify the move so settled on calling it unknown and moved on. I know what I mean.
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from PNW
Posts: 367
Monday, June 10
Fighter’s Warmup: Modifications step jacks for hop on spot; speed-bag punches for turning kick. Low kick on right side only
- Square One: Day 19, level 1 (3 sets),

Monday was a tough day. My legs were sore, and the right hip not wanting to hold bodyweight. I substituted deadlifts for the sit-to-stand squats. Stopped after 3 sets, level 1. I thought I would go back for yoga, but I didn't.

Tuesday, June 11
Fighter’s Warmup: with modifications
- Square One: Day 20, level 2 (5 sets),
- Easy Yoga #2, on hands and knees: cat/cow - bird dog, right - unknown - thread the needle - bird dog, left - unknown - thread the needle - froggy - plank - sphinx - quad stretch, right - quad stretch, left - up dog - child’s pose, 10 deep breaths

It's Tuesday and I still feel tired, but my legs feel better. I completed my routine in the morning. A little later then usual, but It is done. I made several modifications to my warmup, mostly to mix it up not to avoid things. Square One was all upper body. No need for changes there. I did Easy Yoga #2 in it's final form -- I'll just leave it as is and put some work into a #3 flow. There are several good stretches strength moves to do lying on the back. Transitioning between standing and kneeling, or lying on the front to lying on the back are difficult and take me longer then the 5 seconds I allow in my interval timer.

I don't expect to do any other workouts today. I have some functional fitness planned, cutting the grass and cleaning the house. That counts. I don't log it in.


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from PNW
Posts: 367
Wednesday, June 12
Fighter’s Warmup- with modifications
- Square One: Day 21, 1 set
- Square One: Day 20, level 2 (5 sets),
repeat of Tuesday

I had something to do Wednesday morning and didn't get up and moving in time to do my morning workout. It got left until late in the day, and I was too sore in the right hip to do it. I could not tolerate the discomfort of balancing my entire weight on my right leg as required by half the day's exercises. I managed one set and then stopped. I decided to put Day 21 off to Tuesday morning. I completed a good-enough workout by repeating Day 20. Because it is all upper-body work, I could do it with my wight distributed to both legs.

Thursday, June 13
Fighter’s Warmup: with modifications
- Square One: Day 21, level 3 (5 sets), modification: leg rise left side only.
- Easy Yoga #1, Flow: cat/cow - froggy - puppy - plank - downward dog - forward fold - mountain - warrior 2, left - peaceful warrior - triangle - warrior 2, right - peaceful warrior - triangle - mountain, 10 deep breaths

Thursday morning I completed Day 21 with 5 sets. I only did the knee rises on the left side. Knee rises are good for rehabilitating the left hip but will only aggravate the pain in the right hip. If I cause too much pain in the right hip I won't get in as much activity (steps) through the day. Easy Yoga #1 was a struggle today. It was difficult to get into and out of froggy. I failed to walk up from downward dog to forward fold. I had to pause the timer and drag myself up using a chair. Once up I restarted the timer and finished the flow. It's becoming uncomfortable to do warrior 2, right (right leg forward).
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Well-known member
from PNW
Posts: 367
Monday, June 17
Fighter’s Warmup: with modifications
- Square One: Day 25, level 2 (5 sets),
- Yoga, 7 minutes testing leg work

Most of last week I was off of my usual morning routine. Also, the discomfort in my right hip is getting worse. I didn't try adding yoga for past five days. Today, I pushed myself back into my normal morning schedule and tried bringing back the yoga. I did it, so it was a success. The warmup went well. Modifications were to replace all the kicks with upper body movement since Square One was all lower body movement. Square One, Day 25 was all chair workout, which I decided would not work today. I replaced the sit-to-stand with dead lifts. The rest of the movements I did standing up, leg lifts became knee raises (left only). I added an extra movement from PT days just because I felt that it worked with the set. I didn't do either of my yoga flow sets. Instead I got down on my back and tried different poses/movements to see what worked. My finding, not a lot. I felt very limited when doing a bridge. I could not cross either leg across the other knee. I did some raised leg stretches and side to side twists, holding for the usual 30 seconds. Trying a seated forward fold, the best I coud accomplish was stick pose.


Well-known member
from PNW
Posts: 367
Thursday, June 20
Fighter’s Warmup: with modifications
- Square One: Day 28, 2 sets - not complete
- Square One: Day 26, level 2 (5 sets)

I had an early start to my day and did not do my morning workout. I had an early blood draw at the clinic before my annual visit with my hematologist. They didn't take much blood today. Results were fine.

It was 16:30 when I tried my workout. After the warmup I started Square One, Day 28, but stopped after 2 sets. I chose to stop without completing my goal for day 28. Instead I repeated Day 26 (all upper body). I will do Day 28 for tomorrow morning when I have a better chance of success. I'm not on any sort of schedule for completing these programs. However, my consecutive day streak is meaningful to me.
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Well-known member
from PNW
Posts: 367
Friday, June 21
Fighter’s Warmup: with modifications
- Square One: Day 28, level 1 (3 sets) done

I was correct and incorrect about waiting a day to do Day 28. I did feel better with more energy and mobility. However, I stopped after one set because the right hip was not liking it at all. I completed Day 28 at level 1, and that is good enough. It was the last lower body workout in Square One. I will easily finish the program.
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Shieldmaiden from Greece
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"I just work here."
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday GIF by Sesame Street


Well-known member
from PNW
Posts: 367
Thank you for the support @Syrius , @PetiteSheWolf , @Fremen, @MadamMeow :thanks:
I completed Square One in 32 days, but I logged a workout on each of those days I was off program. Add the Recovery program and I'm at 47 consecutive days with a workout.

Monday, June 24
- Maxima: level 3 (5 sets)

Two level 1 workouts today. I'm not ready to start a new program. I will do different level 1 upper body workouts for the next week or so.


Well-known member
from PNW
Posts: 367
Thank you, @Anek

Tuesday, June 25
2 Minute Arms:
- World Breaker: level 2 (5 sets)

World Breaker has me missing my heavy bag. It's not hanging these days, but sitting on the floor in the corner of my garage. I'm not at home anyway so it doesn't really matter. I would like to find a new place to hang it if I keep doing these combat workouts. Today was a warm, sunny day and I went swimming in the lake. I wished I had brought my kayak with me, but I was too lazy to get it ready to bring with me. I knew at the time I would regret that laziness.


Well-known member
from PNW
Posts: 367
Monday, July 1
- Seated Stretching
- Storm Raider: level (5 sets)

Monday was a travel day. I was up early to do my workout and then I cleaned the vacation house for several hours. After the drive home I was stiff, sore and tired. I was glad I got the workout in in the morning.

Tuesday, July 2
- Chest and Lower Back Stretch
- Arms of Steel, chair edition Day 1, level 3 (5 sets)

I started a new program today, Arms of Steel, chair edition. It's nice to be home, but I'm only here for a week before i leave to do some real traveling. That was part of my choice of programs. Since I will be walking a lot, I don't need to work my collapsed hip with more work. It can be done in the tight space of a hotel room and is quiet. I have done Arms of Steel before. I don't remember which edition or if I finished it or not.