Recovery, says it all


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Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 491
Thanks, @MadamMeow

It was an active rest day on Vitality, stretching. I followed this by not walking today, just being active around the house. Unfortunately I think I broke my oven.

Sunday Sept. 29
- PT exercises: 2x (goal 3x) -
- Vitality: Day 12, no levels - done

View attachment 4864

The figs are ripening. It was a cold August so they are late this year. I turned this batch into jam today. However, the bowl is full again.
I thought those were weird onions at first!


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from PNW
Posts: 364
Thursday's rain continued through the night and is still going strong on Friday morning. I finished my morning workout, Foundation Light, day 12 and 20 minutes of yoga. Walking will be determined by me and the weather syncing up during a dry spell. I'm intrigued by the November challenge. I could make it a double challenge, 10,000 punches and hang my heavy bag before the challenge ends.

Rain stopped late afternoon and I was ready. I was out the door for a mile walk through the neighborhood. When I got home, I jumped into the 10,000 Punches challenge with 160 punches.

Friday, November 1
- Foundation Light: Day 12, level 3
- 30 Days of Cardio - Light: Day 9, level 1
- Yoga: 20 mins
- Walking - 1.6 km, 24 mins
- 10,000 Punches Challenge - Day 1 (160)
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from PNW
Posts: 364
Started out stormy, but all the wind blew away the rain clouds and the sun came out. I had a nice 2 km walk through the neighborhood. Wirth the extra distance, I chose not to do Cardio Light today. Instead, I did a modified version of Unplugged workout.

Monday, November 4
- Universal Warmup
- Foundation Light: Day 15, level 3
- 30 Days of Cardio - Light: Day 11, no
- Yoga: 5 mins
- Walking - 2 km, 30 mins
- 10,000 Punches Challenge - Day 4 (100)


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Posts: 364
Hand clenches (Foundation Light) seem so easy, but after a few sets I can really feel it. More in my right hand after several hours of using hand pruners over the weekend. Started with the universal warmup and did today's 220 punches in the morning. Finished the morning routine with yoga.

Afternoon walk, the sun was out but it rained on me anyway. Powered through Cardio Light at level 3.

Tuesday, November 5
- Universal Warmup
- Foundation Light: Day 16, level 3
- 30 Days of Cardio - Light: Day 11, level 3
- Yoga: 15 mins
- Walking - 2.1 km, 28 mins
- 10,000 Punches Challenge - Day 5 (220)


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Posts: 364
Wednesday was warm and sunny so I spent a lot of time working outside. That was the plan for today as well, but I started to get other ideas. I've been feeling the workouts and extended cardio walks. My lower back is stiff, glutes and hips are sore. It's time for a slightly less active rest day. I limited the squats (Foundation Light) to level 2, and yoga to 5 minutes of stretching. Highlight of the day was a walk in a park. That didn't turn out to be very long and it was slow. The down hill and then back up hill was more elevation then I get on my regular neighborhood walk. I balanced the easier morning I did Cardio Light at level 2 and finished with punches.

Thursday, November 7
- Universal Warmup
- Foundation Light: Day 18, level 2
- 30 Days of Cardio - Light: Day 12, level 2
- Yoga: 5 mins
- Walking - 1.6 km, slow, with many stops
- 10,000 Punches Challenge - Day 7 (280)


Troll number 3, Oscar the Bird King. It was too nice a day to spend doing yard work, sunny and warm. My partner and I made it into an adventure day and went troll hunting. This troll is on an island requiring a ferryboat ride. If we go to that much effort getting there, lunch at a quaint cafe is a must. We found a rustic vegetarian cafe / bakery that was perfect.

The walk to the troll wasn't very far, but it sits on a point of land sticking out into the busy shipping channel. We extended our walk by going down to the beach where there is a small lighthouse. In the end, the walk was less then a mile. I went a little further to find the marine highway camping area. This inland sea is dotted with beach parks with tucked away primitive camping spots for people traveling by kayak or bicycle.


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from PNW
Posts: 364
@WolfDreamer, you might not have trolls to search for but I'm sure there are still a lot of places to explore in your area. The closest Dambo trolls to you might be the set in Virginia Beach, VA area. There are trolls all over the world that can be found on Thomas Danbo's Troll Map.

Troll hunting has been a good diversion during my recovery. I'm not able to walk much more then 2 km at a time and uneven ground or steep hills really knock me back. The trolls are spread around and in interesting areas too explore, but are usually less then a mile round trip. The Troll hunt gave us something to focus on that was kind of an exploration even though it's not being our usual wilderness experience. We Usually walk further then just the troll and explore.


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Posts: 364
I was tired on Friday but I kept moving. The past couple weeks I have maintained my workout schedule, walked regularly, and stayed busy with tasks around the house. My step count for Friday was over 9000 steps, without an intentional walk. A mile walk is usually around 4000 steps making up most of my days steps even when I put my sports watch on right after getting out of bed.

Friday, November 8
- Universal Warmup
- Foundation Light: Day 19, level 2
- 10,000 Punches Challenge - Day 8 (100)

Earlier this month @Damer gave me a little nudge to strap on my sports watch and take NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) exercise seriously and as a key element of my fitness. While my partner and I talk about getting back in shape to do epic hikes, my short term goal has been to heal enough to do routine tasks around my house and be active all day. Since my health problems started almost five years ago, I have been unable to do that. When my immune system was compromised I wasn't allowed to dig in the dirt. I was on doctor's orders not to use a chain saw because of my low platelet levels. I really couldn't do much of anything even if I felt strong enough to do it. This made me really lazy as I adjusted to the mindset that I would just put things off and not do them. It has been much harder to get back to NEAT, or everyday constant movement through daily tasks then it has been get back to Darebee programmed workouts. But, as I sit here on Saturday, I can cross several of these tasks off my motivation list. One of these I have made mentioned more then once in my log and have documented in pictures below. The wisteria that was devouring my house.


Before picture of the overgrown wisteria growing on a trellis over my front patio. I don't know when it was last pruned. I'm pretty sure it hasn't been pruned correctly for years. My hip surgery kept me from pruning it last spring and by fall it was growing over the roof of the house, as well as clogging the gutters.


The after picture: I was pretty brutal with it, but then wisteria can be pretty invasive and hard to stop. I don't have experience with wisteria, but I have had grapes. I pruned it like is was grapes.


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from PNW
Posts: 364
I really felt the soreness in my hips as I was walking today. I'm still tired. I don't expect to get to 8000 steps today. I'll surpass my watch's goal. I'm only about 400 steps short. Today the rain came back as expected. It wasn't more then a drip when I went out for my walk.

Saturday, November 9
- Universal Warmup
- Foundation Light: Day 20, level 3
- 30 Days of Cardio - Light: Day 13, no
- Yoga: 10 mins
- Walking - 2 km, 30 mins
- 10,000 Punches Challenge - Day 9 (300)


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from PNW
Posts: 364
Thank you for the shower of sparkly stars of healing, @Laura Rainbow Dragon, @Fremen, @Germanamazon, @Syrius, @MadamMeow. I'm feeling better today. My back is still stiff but I believe I ramped up my activity a little too fast. It's easy to over do it when coming back from an injury. Harder to navigate is the dance of cutting back but not stopping all together.


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from PNW
Posts: 364
Weather is being cooperative and I continue to get walks in between rain showers. As a result, Cardio Light is languishing. With six days left in Foundation Light I still have the opportunity to get rained out of walking. I will make whatever is left in Cardio Light my primary program when I finish Foundation Light.

Wednesday, November 12
- Universal Warmup
- Foundation Light: Day 24, level 3
- Yoga: 20 mins
- Walk: 2.25 km, 29 mins
- 10,000 Punches Challenge - Day 13 (360)
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from PNW
Posts: 364
It was a wet rainy weekend. Saturday was like a normal day workout wise. Sunday I took it easier then usual. It's a quiet day. I finally got my flu and covid shots. I'm a little surprised my arm hurt as much as it did this time. I should have planned better and did punches before the shot. The best planning would probably to have done the 420 punches immediately after getting the shot.

Saturday, November 16
- Universal Warmup
- Foundation Light: Day 27, level 3
- 30 Days of Cardio - Light: Day 14, no
- Yoga: 20 mins
- Walk: 2.3 km
- 10,000 Punches Challenge - Day 15 (100)

Sunday, November 17
- Universal Warmup
- Foundation Light: Day 28, level 3
- Yoga: 10 mins


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from PNW
Posts: 364
Thank you @Mamatigerj. The soreness in the arm faded by the hour on Monday. I felt nothing unusual today.

On Monday I went heavy into my task list. I didn't finish any of them, but made good progress. All that focus away from workouts, as well as having dinner with friends in the evening distracted me from afternoon and evening workouts. It was okay. I felt good Tuesday morning.
Tuesday was another task oriented day. I finished most of what I started on Monday. I also finished Foundation Light. :completed:

A big storm rumbled in after dusk on Tuesday. The sound of the wind as it rolls down the mountains seemingly on top of us is a little shocking. The lights have been flickering for several hours. Big wind storms usually come off the ocean to the west blowing towards the mountains to the east. But today, there is a huge cyclone sitting in the North Pacific sucking all the air out to sea. Trees here grow in a way to brace against the constant west wind. A storm like this is like sneaking up and attacking them from behind. I hope we don't loose to many trees.

Monday, November 18
- Universal Warmup
- Foundation Light: Day 29, level 3
- Yoga: 10 min

Tuesday, November 19
- Universal Warmup
- Foundation Light: Day 30, level 2.
- 30 Days of Cardio - Light: Day 14, level 2
- Yoga: 30 mins
- 9,280 steps
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from PNW
Posts: 364
Thank you @Syrius, @Fremen, @Mamatigerj, @TopNotch, @Anek, @Laura Rainbow Dragon, @MadamMeow. Foundation Light was a good program to knock out.

@Mamatigerj - I was able to get several tasks totally done this week

@Laura Rainbow Dragon- Thanks, I survived the inconvenience of not having electricity for several days, but neighborhood trees and people were all safe. Not the same for communities closer to the mountains. They lost hundreds of trees and will be out of power for a few more days. Time will tell what the storm did to forest trails. Before the storm a friend posted news that the forest service, and parks didn't have the money to clear trails this year. A once in 20 years storm is going to make for hard travel through the woods.


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Posts: 364
My power went out Tuesday night. Without internet I was not able to post to my log until today. I managed to keep up with morning meditation, my primary workout (Cardio Light) and some yoga. Unlike Hot Yoga, "Cold Yoga" is not all that much fun. Without heat in the house, It was hard to get up and going in the mornings. Once the day started it was easy enough to go outside and work in the yard. It really felt warmer outside then inside. On Thursday I got over 13,500 steps.

Wednesday, November 20
- Universal Warmup
- 30 Days of Cardio - Light: Day 15, level 2
- Yoga: 16 mins
- Walk: 2.4 km
- 9,076 steps

Thursday, November 21
- Universal Warmup
- 30 Days of Cardio - Light: Day 16, level 3
- 13,500 steps

Friday, November 22
- Universal Warmup
- 30 Days of Cardio - Light: Day 17, level 3
- Yoga: 10 mins (evening)
- 8,440 steps
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,138
"Striving to be the change."
A once in 20 years storm is going to make for hard travel through the woods.
Been there, done that--while back country canoe camping solo. Not the 20-year storm bit. Just regular storm activity on a trail that wasn't high priority for maintenance. Had to bushwhack with a 14' canoe on my shoulders due to a tree that had fallen across the trail. Fun times!

I'm glad you got your power (and heat) back!


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from PNW
Posts: 364
@Laura Rainbow Dragon - I'm not sure anyting compares with bushwhacking around a tree-fall with a 14-foot canoe on your shoulder.


We had a big, snowy windstorm on New Year"s Eve 2022 that laid waste to countless trees in the area. I was climbing over and under fallen trees all winter and spring. When summer came I went hiking in a different area. I turned around after the picture above was taken and went back the way I came.


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from PNW
Posts: 364
I started Zen today. I plan on doing it in the evening. I hope to establish a before-bed yoga/stretching habit. I've done pretty well with morning yoga, but I really need more stretching. I'm very stiff and have lost a lot of range of motion.

Saturday, November 23
- Universal Warmup
- 30 Days of Cardio - Light: Day 18, level 2
- Zen: Day 1 - yoga
- Yoga: 10 mins
- Walk: 2.3 km
- 9,075 steps
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from USA
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Posts: 15
I'm going to start the Foundation light today. I've heard a lot of people mention it's a great starting point, so I'll give it a go and then add some stretching habits too like @Obsinosterous mentioned to help with stiffness. Since I sit most of the day at work I need some additional stretching especially for the lower back pain I currently have going on.


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Posts: 364
My right hip flexor had been sore for the past couple days. On Sunday morning Day 19 had too many march steps for me. Day 20 had half as many. I swapped the days. The leg felt a little better today and I made it through. No march steps tomorrow.

It was raining when I found time to walk today. I chose not to go out in the rain and went for a backup plan. I completed the Overdue workout at level 3 (7 sets) in one go.

Monday, November 25
- Universal Warmup
- 30 Days of Cardio - Light: Day 19*, level 2 ( *I went out of order)
- Zen: Day 3 - yoga
- Yoga: 19 mins
- Overdue: level 3 in one go, 18 mins
- Steps: 7,289
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Well-known member
from PNW
Posts: 364
Thanks for sending the sparkles of healing, @Laura Rainbow Dragon, @MadamMeow, @Mamatigerj. The hip pain is doing it's job, reminding me that it went through highly invasive repair just a little over 2 months ago. I adjust my workouts accordingly. I mention it in my log to remind myself why I adjusted my workouts.

This past week I'm feeling definite improvement in my ability to move normally. I have improved range of motion. I can pick something off the floor without too much trouble. It's getting easier to put my socks on and take them off. Workout activity and total rest sitting or lying down has caused my back to get stiff and cause me some discomfort. The back stiffness is improving over the past few days as well.

I kept busy on Tuesday but didn't the minimum amount of intentional exercise.

Tuesday, November 26
- Universal Warmup
- 30 Days of Cardio - Light: Day 21, level 3 in one go
- Zen: Day 4 - meditation
- Yoga: 10 mins
- Steps: 4,310 (partial day, I forgot to charge my watch)
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