Reset at Level One


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Friday, 20 September Wins: (53 days)
:x: Journal
Steps: 5,736

First Things:
Woke up 30m late, but I needed the sleep.
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: Foot rolly thingy
:x: First Thing Pushups 19 (knee) nope, my neck hurts
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==

P (Jenn) - 5m W ⬆️ Ride
P [Discover Your Power Zones] (Matt) - 20m Low Impact Ride
P (Kristin) - 10m Restorative Yoga
P (Rebecca) - 5m Neck Mobility - This is what I needed!!!

:v: CoS 14, 15, & 16 ==maintenance mode==
:v: 1000 Squats 14, 15, & 16
Neck Mobility
:x: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day - I think Erebus stole it. I haven't found it.
:v: Evening Foot stretches

Whelp. I've got this lovely kink in my neck that is driving me crazy. Started last night before I went to bed. Now that it's nearly bedtime once more, it feels like I was nice to it today and is feeling a lot better than when I woke up.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Anek Thank you!! :flowers: My neck feels a lot better!!

Saturday, 21 September Wins: (54 days)
:x: Journal
Steps: 5,748

First Things:
Woke up 30m late, but I needed the sleep.
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: Foot rolly thingy
:v: First Thing Pushups 19 (knee)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==

P [Discover Your Power Zones] (Christine) - 30m Power Zone Endurance Rock Ride (includes 11m W ⬆️)
P (Olivia) - 5m C ⬇️ Ride
P (Ben) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch

:v: CoS 17 ==maintenance mode==
:v: 1000 Squats 17
:x: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day - Forgot to put it back under my desk
:x: Evening Foot stretches

Had a demo today for my SCA group on this day at the local library, so I spent a nice chunk of the middle of the day outside. Had a good time hanging out and I think we might end up with a couple of new members. :dance: Also talked to the other fencers, and we'll probably start back up with practice next weekend. :wiggle:


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Sunday, 22 September Wins: (55 days)
:x: Journal
Steps: 5,343

First Things:
Successfully woke up on time :up:
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: First Thing Pushups 20, 21, & 22 (knee) ~Caught up~
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Foot rolly thingy

AM Workout:
P [Discover Your Power Zones] (Olivia) - 30m Power Zone Endurance Pop Ride (includes 11m W ⬆️)
P (Sam) - Extra 10: Low Impact
P (Sam) - 5m C ⬇️ Ride
P (Bradley) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch
P [7 Days to a Calmer You] (Kirra) - 10m Calming Meditation

:v: CoS 18, 19, & 20 ==maintenance mode==
:v: 1000 Squats 18, 19, & 20

:v: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:v: Evening Foot stretches

Erebus was very helpful this morning. He loves walking on keyboards and watching the monitor do things. He's very silly. He also tried to escape into the garage, jumped into a high window by himself, jumped into the fridge, jumped into the dishwasher, and tried to jump into the oven while we were meal prepping. :pmode: That last one scared me a lot, but I caught him just as his butt was wiggling. He's also obsessed with the dishwasher. He is a very curious boy. He is now resting from his rampage.


Had a good time at D&D this evening. We are hurtling towards the end of this story arc and it is really great. I am so excited to see how it is all going to play out!! :lovely:

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Monday, 23 September Wins: (56 days)
:x: Journal
Steps: 6,551

First Things:
Successfully woke up on time :up:
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: First Thing Pushups 23 (knee) ~Caught up~
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Foot rolly thingy

170 knee pushups - for work challenge
50 Pushups - knee pushups

P (Hannah F) - 5m W ⬆️ Ride
P (Sam) - 20m Autumn Recovery Ride
P (Hannah F) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch

:v: CoS 21 ==maintenance mode==
:v: 1000 Squats 21

:x: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:x: Evening Foot stretches

Very busy and focused day, surprisingly since I was without ADHD meds. ...yeah, I don't like this, but at least I have plenty of practice dealing with myself when I'm like this. I'll be reaching out to my doc soon because my pharmacy says they have no stock and none incoming. :giveup: But hey, I'll take it one day at a time and I'll see it through.

'kay, it's time for sleep. :zzz:

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Tuesday, 24 September Wins: (57 days)
:x: Journal
Steps: 6,437

First Things:
Successfully woke up on time :up:
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: First Thing Pushups 24 (knee) ~Caught up~
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Foot rolly thingy

380 knee pushups - for work challenge

P [Discover Your Power Zones] (Matt) - 15m FTP W ⬆️ Ride
P [Discover Your Power Zones] (Erik) - 20m FTP Test Ride
P (Christine) - 10m P!nk Cool Down Ride
P (Sam) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch

:x: CoS 22 ==maintenance mode== maybe
:x: 1000 Squats 22 no way, knees say no

:x: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:v: Evening Foot stretches

Discover Your Power Zones :completed:
Wow, this has been a wild ride. I completed 23/25 of the workouts, which only mildly bothers me. I hadn't recovered properly for the 60m ride and it also would have been the first hour long ride that I would have done, so maybe I balked a little. Then I just couldn't do the next 45m ride, so I replaced it. This was a 5 week program and it was tough, but I definitely saw an improvement in my FTP, rising from 133 at the beginning to 141 today. I have no problems with continuing Power Zone training, but I need to incorporate more fun rides. I thrive off a ride with good music and this program's music was often at odds with the intensity. I realize that we shouldn't be riding to the beat for power zone rides, but a good beat certainly helps me.

Another day of crazy productivity. I've gotta be better about talking to myself (it's always worse when I'm unmedicated), but the verbalization just really helps sometimes to get my thoughts in order.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Obsinosterous @Fremen @Anek @Sólveig Thank you!! :flowers:

Wednesday, 25 September Wins: (57 days)
:x: Journal
Steps: 7,227

First Things:
Successfully woke up on time :up:
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: First Thing Pushups 25 (knee) ~Caught up~
:x: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Foot rolly thingy

P (Hannah C) - 5m Dance Cardio Warmup
Welcome to the Jungle w/ EC
Foundation Light 10 lvl 3
Foundation Light 11 lvl 3
:v: 1000 Squats 22 ouchhhhhh
:v: CoS 22 ==maintenance mode==

:v: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:v: Evening Foot stretches

It was a weird day. But hey, those happen right? Productivity was still decent.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@MadamMeow Thank you!! :flowers:

Thursday, 26 September Wins: (58 days)
:x: Journal
Steps: 9,801

First Things:
Successfully woke up on time :up:
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: First Thing Pushups 26 (knee) ~Caught up~
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Field work
50 pushups at work for pushup challenge

:x: 1000 Squats 23
:x: CoS 23 ==maintenance mode==

:x: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:x: Evening Foot stretches

On this day, I walked so much that by the time I got home I was hurting and hungry. So, I am counting that I worked out, as I did walk more than my watch's goal (6,190) and I did do my pushup challenges.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Friday, 27 September Wins: (59 days)
:x: Journal
Steps: 3,869

First Things:
Slept in 1 hour
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: First Thing Pushups 27 (knee)
:x: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Foot rolly thingy

:x: 1000 Squats 23
:x: CoS 23 ==maintenance mode==

Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings, & Calves
:x: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:x: Evening Foot stretches

On this day, I rested. I also had a motion sensitive & hormone induced migraine. So, yay, meds helped both that and the soreness from Thursday. I did so much stitching & tv watching. By the end of the day, my headache was almost gone and I could walk without too much discomfort.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Saturday, 28 September Wins: (60 days)
:x: Journal - struggling here. I need to re-define my reason/need for journaling.
Steps: 5,315

First Things:
Slept in 10 minutes, fell asleep for 40 minutes after about 30 minutes.
:x: Morning Foot stretches
:v: First Thing Pushups 27 (knee)
:x: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Foot rolly thingy

P (Olivia) - 5m W ⬆️ Ride
P [All for One 2024] (Cody) - 30m Black Eyed Peas Ride
P (Jess) - 5m C ⬇️ Ride
P (Sam) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch

:v: 1000 Squats 23 & 24
:v: CoS 23 & 24 ==maintenance mode==

:v: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:x: Evening Foot stretches

Hahaha, I thought I posted this before I went to sleep. :haha:
This day was pretty good. I felt fairly productive and I made some serious progress on the stocking (I think I did 50-75 french knots). It is really coming along. The main ride I took today was intervals with a lot of standing segments. I was seriously surprised at how well it went. About a month ago, my foot would have been protesting after the second one. I spent probably 3/4 of that ride out of the saddle (Cody was really pushing us today). I am proud of how well I was able to do and how well I managed to recover since Thursday.
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Sunday, 29 September Wins: (61 days)
:v: Journal - Gonna start fresh in October. Maybe some drawing will be good for me. So I set up next month's pages.
Steps: 5,573

First Things:
Successfully woke up on time :up:
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: First Thing Pushups 28 & 29 (knee) ~Caught up~
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
Worked out here
:x: Foot rolly thingy - forgot as part of this routine.

Main Workout:
P (Jess) - 5m W ⬆️ Ride
P [All for One 2024] (Sam) - 30m Bruno Mars Ride - did it live, had to listen really hard for the adjustment call outs because they weren't displayed, so that was hard
P (Jess) - 5m C ⬇️ Ride
P [All for One 2024] (Tunde) - 20m Black Eyed Peas Arms & Shoulders - used my 2lb weights - bronze badge earned
P (Ally) - 10m Full Body Stretch

Challenges: Probably not going to finish these tomorrow, so I'll just carry them over into the next month.
:v: 1000 Squats 25
:x: CoS 25 ==maintenance mode== [20/180]

:x: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:x: Evening Foot stretches

Fairly productive day and the meal prep went so easily today. :twirl:

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Monday, 30 September Wins: (62 days)
:x: Journal - Gonna start fresh in October.
Steps: 5,210

First Things:
Successfully woke up on time :up:
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: First Thing Pushups 30 (knee) :completed:
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Foot rolly thingy

:v: 1000 Squats 26
:x: CoS 25 ==maintenance mode==

Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings, & Calves
:x: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:x: Evening Foot stretches

On this day, I made it all to work only to turn around and go back home because I felt sick to my stomach. I felt much better by a few hours later, but damage was done. Had to pass off my field work for the day, which always makes me feel like shit. But hey, I got some work done at home and I was able to use my lunch to work on my brother's birthday present. And we had dinner out with M's mom, so the evening routine got all out wack, but it was nice to see her.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Sólveig @Fremen @NancyTree @Anek @Obsinosterous @MadamMeow Thank you!! :flowers:

Tuesday, 1 October Wins: (63 days)
:v: Journal
Steps: 5,861

First Things:
Successfully woke up on time :up:
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: First Thing Plank 1 - 0:36/0:34 - Erebus tried to "help"
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Foot rolly thingy - nope, I forgot to put it back in the freezer yesterday
:v: 1000 Calf Raises 1

50 knee pushups

P (Jess) - 5m W ⬆️ Ride
P [All for One 2024] (Leanne) - 30m Shakira Ride
P (Bradley) - 10m Low Impact Ride
P (Hannah F) - 5m Post Ride Stretch

30s High Knees EOD
:v: 1000 Squats 26
:v: CoS 25 & 26 ==maintenance mode==

:x: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:v: Evening Foot stretches

Crazy day. Productivity was low. Erebus got neutered today and he has been a terror for the last 5 hours. :giveup:So much for "he'll be lethargic". I'm exhausted.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Wednesday, 2 October Wins: (64 days)
:v: Journal
Steps: 6,696

First Things:
Successfully woke up on time :up:
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: 1000 Calf Raises 2
:v: First Thing Plank 2 - 0:37/0:33 - Erebus tried to "help" - again
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Foot rolly thingy

360 knee pushups

P (Jess) - 5m W ⬆️ Ride
P [All for One 2024] (Bradley) - 30m Nelly Furtado Ride - silver badge earned
P (Denis) - 5m C ⬇️ Ride
P (Hannah F) - 5m Post Ride Stretch

:x: 1000 Squats 27
:x: CoS 27 ==maintenance mode==

:x: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:x: Evening Foot stretches

Okay, I did get things done today. Had to ask for help, which is very hard. Felt very overwhelmed this morning, but I was better which each meeting and task I completed. Just gotta get through one more day and another handful of tasks. It'll all be alright. :littletail:

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Laura Rainbow Dragon Thank you!! :flowers:

Thursday, 3 October Wins: (65 days)
:v: Journal
Steps: 4,275

First Things:
Successfully woke up on time :up:
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: 1000 Calf Raises 3
:v: First Thing Plank 3 - 1:45/0:40
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Foot rolly thingy

P (Leanne) - 5m AFO W ⬆️ Ride: The Beach Boys - from All For One 22, so it doesn't count towards badge progress
P (Ally) - 15m Low Impact Ride
P (Christine) - 5m C ⬇️ Ride
P [All for One 2024] (Aditi) - Intermediate - 20m Bruno Mars Pilates
P (Jermaine) - 10m Full Body Stretch

Challenges: I will pick these back up tomorrow - everything feels tight and sore tonight.
:x: 1000 Squats 27
:x: CoS 27 ==maintenance mode==

:x: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day - I've lost it again
:x: Evening Foot stretches

Very busy and productive day today. My work group won the pushups challenge!! I am so proud of all the pushups I did (I'll probably count them up tomorrow.) I went home thinking that I did the second most pushups, but somebody's pushups hadn't all been logged, so I was third (I think like, 7th for our entire organization).

I do wish that we had had a little more recognition as individuals for our contributions, other than a mention that some of us did over a thousand pushups. So, while I am happy about the work, I feel guilty about being annoyed at lack of recognition. That and they did feature a clip of a video that was taken on the day that I was teleworking of everyone doing their pushups and I wasn't there to be in it, so I just feel left out. Also annoyed by the older lady in the office who just happened to show up near the end of the challenge, when the phones/cameras are out and recording us doing pushups, to "support" us... by clapping and telling us that we can do it. Extremely annoying. I am all for cheering people on, but her tone just feels so ingenuine and her timing makes you feel like she's just there for the glory. She didn't even try to do a wall pushup, which would have been a valid entry for the challenge. I am so very annoyed with this woman in general, but I'll keep being civil for the sake of not stirring up trouble. I managed to keep it all in, except for complaining to M on the way home. And here.

Okay, sorry for the complain, but it has continued to grate on me, even though I now have hours of separation from the event.

Agg, okay, letting it go.

Otherwise, not a bad day, just very full of lots of work. Workout when great. That was the first time I tried a pilates class. I think I should have tried something rated "beginner" first, but this specific one gave me a point towards the All for One 2024 gold badge... so yeah, it won. Gotta have the badges.

Speaking of, I think I might want to start a program for the morning, restrict myself to level 1. Not sure yet, but the thought is definitely there. I'm going to mull it over for a little before I look and commit to this decision.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."
I am sorry for the issues with how recognition for people's efforts in the push-up challenge was handled.

I still--decades later--have a complete and utter lack of interest in gridiron football because of all the attention the football team in my high school received at the expense of every other sport. During the 5 years I was in high school, the football team's greatest achievement was qualifying for the Tier 2 (i.e.: they only competed against smaller schools) county finals. Meanwhile, my cross country running team won provincials 4 of those years, we had a club team for two of those years and won Junior (under-20) club provincials and nationals both years, and we represented Canada at an international high school championship in Luxembourg. Our school also had individuals and teams qualify for provincials during those years in track & field, gymnastics, and basketball. But if you ask anyone who was at high school with me who was not on the cross country team what our school's most successful sports team was, I would bet good money they would tell you it was the football team. The football team got a school-wide pep rally for scoring a touchdown. One touchdown. When they qualified for the county championship, all classes were cancelled for the afternoon, and the school paid for buses to ship anyone who wanted to go to the next town for the game. Meanwhile, when my cross country team won provincials the first time, the championship was also in a town adjacent to our town, and we were the first sports team in the history of the school to win a provincial title, and the only person from our school not a member or coach of the team to show up was the school principal. (Who was not there for the race, but who did drive out to the event site once she learned we'd won and give us all carnations in the school's colours.)

It may feel petty to feel upset when there is a mismatch in recognition of achievement. But I think it is only natural. If you're good at sports in high school and your achievements are recognized, you get a free ride to university. If your achievements are not recognized, you do not. In the workplace, if you perform well and your achievements are recognized, you get promotions and bonuses and pay raises. If your achievements are not recognized, you do not. In the case of your workplace push-ups challenge, thankfully the uneven recognition only concerned a fun challenge, not something that will directly affect your compensation and future with the company. But I think we are hard-wired to feel upset all the same because recognition--or lack thereof--does have life-altering effects in other circumstances. When we're stiffed on something small, it reminds us that we could also be stiffed on something big. So we experience a legitimate fear, but seemingly attached to the wrong thing.

So I am sorry for how things went down at your place of work.
But I see you. I see your efforts and achievements in the challenge.
And you see them too. What's more: you get to enjoy the real benefit of all your hard work: the increased strength and endurance your body has now.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Friday, 4 October Wins: (66 days)
:v: Journal
Steps: 4k+

First Things:
Slept in half an hour
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: 1000 Calf Raises 4
:v: First Thing Plank 4 - 0:37/0:36
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Foot rolly thingy

P (Bradley) - 5m W ⬆️ Ride
P [All for One 2024] (Robin) - 30m Calvin Harris Ride
P [All for One 2024] (Hannah C) - 20m Keith Urban Ride
P (Leanne) - 5m C ⬇️ Ride - from All For One 22, so it doesn't count towards badge progress
P (Hannah F) - 5m Post Ride Stretch
EOD - 30 twists

:x: 1000 Squats 27
:x: CoS 27 ==maintenance mode==

:x: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day - Found it, but forgot to use it throughout the day. Used it a little in the evening.
:v: Evening Foot stretches

So, I counted up those pushups, and this number might not be completely accurate because I don't know if my personal tracking was as accurate as when I went and entered them actually into the form for the competition, but I did 2,570 knee pushups from 9/9 to 10/2. That's an average of 107 pushups per day!!! That's amazing! This really is a huge accomplishment for me. Today, with my clearer head, I am still a little sore about yesterday, but honestly, some of that is just because I do a lot of work that does go unseen (even though we do right self evals and are supposed to essentially brag about what we did for the year and how it is good for the organization). It just felt so much sharper yesterday, probably because I had also just completed my eval.

@Laura Rainbow Dragon Thank you so much for sharing that with me. I truly appreciate it. That is a great achievement for your team. In high school, I had much the same thing being in JROTC and doing their sports. We had a great Orienteering team and Marksmanship team, but we never got any recognition in our school outside of our own group. My cadre was very good at making sure to acknowledge our accomplishments. For the most part, I am used to working in the shadows, where my accomplishments are small things that support a greater whole, but it just hit me so keenly this time. Thank you for seeing me. :cutter::loveit:

🐝 Bees, thank you for every time you congratulate me and each other on badge days. Personally, it feels so good to be seen and celebrated. I truly appreciate being a part of this community, this Hive. I love you all. :heartz:

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Anek @Maegaranthelas @Laura Rainbow Dragon @MadamMeow Thank you all. :mhearts:

Saturday, 5 October Wins: (67 days)
:x: Journal - nope, I'll make up the prompt tomorrow
Steps: 5,601

First Things:
Slept in half an hour
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: 1000 Calf Raises 5
:v: First Thing Plank 5 - 0:30/0:33
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Foot rolly thingy

P (Cody) - 5m W ⬆️ Ride
P [All for One 2024] (Ben) - 30m Coldplay Ride
P [All for One 2024] Lanebreak - 15m Bruno Mars Ride - gold badge earned :completed:
P (Sam) - 5m C ⬇️ Ride
P (Sam) - 5m Post Ride Stretch

Challenges: Ugh, at least I tried. Things are sore and tired.
:x: 1000 Squats 27 (50/100)
:x: CoS 27 ==maintenance mode== (50/190)

:v: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:x: Evening Foot stretches

All For One 2024 - "Done and Dusted":tired:
Okay, I do enjoy that they focus on a wide variety of artists. My main complaint - All the bike rides this time were (a) almost all 30m and (b) all the same type of ride. When I prestack classes in my phone app, I don't see the Lanebreaks, so I almost had to do two 30m rides or a 30m ride and a 30m yoga. I was a little fatigued still from Thursday's ride. But I had to finish this collection badge today or miss out. (Grr, I hate it when FOMO is a thing). There were no warm ups or cool downs for any category, nor was there a low impact ride. But, I wouldn't have had to be a super stacker if I had started on day 1 of the festival instead of day 3. So, this is kinda my own fault.

Next goal - take some rides that sound like fun for a while and work on finishing up Foundation Light. I think I am procrastinating from that because it is a bit too easy, but maybe that'll make it perfect for adding to my morning routine. One of my main problems with programs is that I have a hard time letting myself complete things on level 1. It is a perfectly acceptable thing to do, but I then end up seeing it as a competition to push myself harder and thus, I have to do it.
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Laura Rainbow Dragon @Sólveig :thanku:

Sunday, 6 October Wins: (68 days)
:v: Journal - drew and wrote about binoculars and treks, so I'm all caught up.
Steps: 4k+

First Things:
Successfully woke up on time :up:
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: 1000 Calf Raises 5 (accidentally repeated)
:v: First Thing Plank 6 - 1:13/0:45
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Foot rolly thingy

1000 Calf Raises 6
WOD TLC - subbed in Happy Baby for pose 7
1000 Squats 28 (27/30)
CoS 28 ==maintenance mode== (27/30)
1000 Squats 30 (28/30)
CoS 30 ==maintenance mode== (28/30)
Foundation Light 17 - level 3 - I've done the first 11, so I decided to toss a d20+10 for randomness

:v: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:v: Evening Foot stretches

Phew, today was hard. Everything is a little sore and tired. But it'll all be just fine. Possibly some DOMS. Lol, as long as I can do my field work tomorrow, it'll all be okay.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@aku-chan @Fremen @Anek @MadamMeow Thank you!! :sweet:

Monday, 7 October Wins: (69 days)
:?: Journal
Steps: 10k+

First Things:
Successfully woke up on time :up:
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: 1000 Calf Raises 7
:v: First Thing Plank 7 - 1:00/0:37
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Foot rolly thingy

Work - field work

Foundation Light 20 - level 3 - d20+10 for randomness

:x: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day - foot is currently taped up
:?: Evening Foot stretches

Long day at work and mildly annoying. But that's alright, hopefully everything will sort itself out tomorrow. :cutter:

Good night bees!! :night:


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Okay, now let's see if I can piece together the last couple of days.
@NancyTree Thank you!! :mhearts:

Tuesday, 8 October Wins: (70 days)
:x: Journal
Steps: 4,189

First Things:
Successfully woke up on time :up:
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: 1000 Calf Raises 8
:v: First Thing Plank 8 - 0:53/0:40
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings, & Calves
:x: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:x: Evening Foot stretches

This day was a whirlwind. I got things done, but by the end of the day, I was utterly so very tired. Also, mom was back in the hospital, So I was worried about her a lot.
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Wednesday, 9 October Wins: (71 days)
:x: Journal
Steps: 14,482

First Things:
Successfully woke up on time :up:
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: 1000 Calf Raises 9
:v: First Thing Plank 9 - 0:39/0:34
:v: CoS 27 ==maintenance mode== (29/30)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Work - field work, double that of Monday

:v: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:x: Evening Foot stretches

So tired that I passed out on the couch. I'm going to count it just based off of activity level alone & I even did CoS in the morning. Mom had gallbladder surgery and is doing much better.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Thursday, 10 October Wins: (72 days)
:?: Journal
Steps: 10k+

First Things:
Successfully woke up on time :up:
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: 1000 Calf Raises 10
:v: First Thing Plank 10 - 0:35/0:41 - I'm starting to get used to doing this in the morning, but it just feels so much harder.
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Work - field work, more than Monday but less than yesterday (hmm sounds a little like Goldilocks)

30 min Entertainment Ride w/ Low Impact guidance - aka, I read my Kindle on the bike for 30m. Felt super weird. I don't know how I used to read on the bike all the time back in community college, other than I really must not have been pushing myself enough. Definitely cannot nor should not do this all the time.
And also - :tired:
Upperbody Works+ - lvl 3 - 2 lbs
Foundation Light 16 - level 3 - d20+10 for randomness

:v: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:?: Evening Foot stretches

Surprisingly, my feet don't hurt as bad this evening as they did last night. And both last night and this evening are a lot better than a couple of weeks ago. I think the time has come to start doing regular walks. Which is becoming viable again now that the weather is turning. I am so looking forward to finally dropping to double digits next week!!! :dance:

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Friday, 11 October Wins: (73 days)
:x: Journal - No, probably not. I'll do a batch day to make up my prompts. Going to try for a couple tomorrow, but definitely will catch up this weekend.
Steps: 5k+

First Things:
Successfully woke up on time :up:
:x: Morning Foot stretches
:x: 1000 Calf Raises 11
:x: First Thing Plank 11
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Foundation Light 24 - level 3 - d20+10 for randomness
:v: 1000 Calf Raises 11
Foundation Light 25 - level 3 - d20+10 for randomness

:v: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:?: Evening Foot stretches

Bad headache that I woke up with. Pretty sure that I didn't drink enough water, despite best intentions. I am feeling much better now. Pretty low key day. Lost another 2lbs since I saw my doctor last, making it 4lbs so far. Not bad, but I still think I'm scared it's not real, even though my pants and shorts are trying to fall off.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Saturday, 12 October Wins: (74 days)
:x: Journal
Steps: 5k+

First Things:
Slept in
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: 1000 Calf Raises 12
:x: First Thing Plank 11 - my elbow was feeling weird
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Foot rolly thingy

P (Ben) - 5m W ⬆️ Ride
P (Ally) - 20m Broadway Ride :tired:
P (Cody) - 5m C ⬇️ Ride
P (Leanne) - 5m Rolling Stones Post Ride Stretch

:x: Some ball foot rolling throughout the day
:x: Evening Foot stretches

Had a great time at D&D with our creepy, Halloween flavored session. Due to some rather strange events, our Tiefling Monk is now getting married to this Lantern Bride (think Corpse Bride), which rather amuses us since he is on a quest to become the new god of Death, since Death wants to retire so he can go surfing all the time. But also, it totally disrupted the fight that we were meant to have with her sisters, so we had to end early since it was the big bad of the area next and we were almost out of time.

But then I drove home and stayed up until 2 in the morning because I was so hyped on caffeine.
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