Reset at Level One


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@NancyTree @aku-chan @Maegaranthelas @MadamMeow @Anek Thank you!:lovely:

Sunday, 22 December Wins: 62 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 4,543
Finishing my book: 66,321 - no change, I've gotta make sure I do my 10 minutes tomorrow.

First Things:
:corner: Stayed up too late, needed all the sleep
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

One & Done 22
Fit December 22 1 set - Hall Pass #2 - I thought about doing the replacement thing that I did last time, but only after I had already done all 50 for the hall pass.
Gift for Jiofi - modified down to knee pushups and used a 15 lb dumbell held on end instead of a kettlebell.

Shelved for today:
Planned: Zen 22 // P (Aditi) - 20m Sleep Meditation

Last Things:
Counting Victories - I finished all the chores for the weekend!! All of them! :success: Haven't finished all assigned chores in a few weeks, so it felt really good.
:x: Some ball foot rolling - but I know where the ball is. I'll put it back under my desk for tomorrow.
:x: Evening Foot stretches

Since I was trying to get my workout in before D&D today, and my Secret Santa wasn't posted yet, I decided to do Jiolfi's present. It was really fun and I was surprised at how easy side bridges were. Now that I have seen my present, I am totally excited to do it tomorrow.

Another light day, but I think I needed it. I had D&D today and we almost TPK, which would have been terrible for my new character, since my character died last session. Lol, instead, she got enough XP to level up to level 3. We did finish a major story arc today, and we are looking forward to seeing what the next arc brings.

❄️ Happy holidays Bees!! ❄️
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
Since I was trying to get my workout in before D&D today, and my Secret Santa wasn't posted yet, I decided to do Jiolfi's present. It was really fun and I was surprised at how easy side bridges were. Now that I have seen my present, I am totally excited to do it tomorrow.
Apologies for making you be last. I saw you were checking the thread all day and considered posting yours earlier. But the naughty Dragon Elf was not as prepared for the day as she might have been, and posting alphabetically helped to streamline certain parts of the task.



Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Apologies for making you be last. I saw you were checking the thread all day and considered posting yours earlier. But the naughty Dragon Elf was not as prepared for the day as she might have been, and posting alphabetically helped to streamline certain parts of the task.

It's okay!! I had planned to do a bunch of the other gifts anyway, you know, to hide which one I gave! So, it just gave me a head start on that. And it was an excellent exercise in patience.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Monday, 23 December Wins: 63 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 5,115
Finishing my book: 66,321- still time for me to write, but I've also got to bake experimental brownies.

First Things:
Slept in less
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Katana Warmup
Gift for Syrius - note that Orion was sitting in his watchful, supervisor perch the whole time
>100 cross cuts - all in one go
>Pedaling fast for at least 5 min
>>P (Ally) - 5m Warm ⬆️ Ride
>>P (Hannah C) - 20m Broadway Ride - subbed lifts out of the saddle with speed pushes
>3x(20 step jacks + 20 side jacks) - this was in the workout card, whereas the ride was in the story, so I did both!
>3x(12 alt bicep curls + 12 bent over rows + 12 deadlifts) - used 15lb weight & less than 30 seconds of rest
>10 squats for Apollo - who was nowhere to be seen since I swung the bokken
>5 full push ups for Erebus - who was on the end of my yoga mat so my nose touched him with every push up (see pics below!)
>30 squats to get through the gate
One & Done 23
Fit December 23
Zen 23

Shelved for today:

Last Things:
Counting Victories - I was productive working from home today!!
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:x: Evening Foot stretches

Dear Secret Santa,
I love my present so much!! I had tons of fun doing it and the story is fantastic!
Thank you!

❄️ Happy holidays Bees!! ❄️

Cat photos!!!
Erebus while I was doing pushups:
20241223_181718 (1).jpg
Supervisor Orion yesterday, he refused to pose for photo today:
20241222_201134 (1).jpg
Apollo is a lot harder to get photos of, but I got a great one last night:
20241222_201018 (1).jpg
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
Gift for Syrius - note that Orion was sitting in his watchful, supervisor perch the whole time

>10 squats for Apollo - who was nowhere to be seen since I swung the bokken
Faster than the speed of light?

>5 full push ups for Erebus - who was on the end of my yoga mat so my nose touched him with every push up (see pics below!)
The nose-touching must be what triggers the magical transformation!

Thank you for sharing the kitty pictures. They are all adorable!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Faster than the speed of light?
Oh yeah, he's a big boy, but he can move faster than the speed of light. So, the thing is, he tried to play with my bokken once when it was in use and I tried to make sure that he wasn't getting hurt, but he got bonked on the head. Now, if he sees it move, for any reason, I won't see him again for at least 20 minutes. He just goes and hangs out on my bed, waiting for me to come tell him I'm done.
The nose-touching must be what triggers the magical transformation!
I think it was the magic touch!!
It must be hard sometimes to get anything done and not just snuggle with the balls of fluff
Ridiculously hard!! I'm always giving them hugs and kisses and scritches. :hheart:


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Tuesday, 24 December Wins: 64 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 7,463
Finishing my book: 66,321- nope, but I am going to get some this weekend!!

First Things:
I won't care about sleep again until after the new year. It's "vacation" and I am already out of whack. I will recommit myself to sleeping properly in the new year.
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy - no, I forgot to refreeze it after using it last night.

One & Done 24
Fit December 24 - Hall Pass #2 - I would like to believe that I could do those bounces if my feet weren't hurting from baking, but I am just going to take the pass and let it be.
P (Kristin) - 5m Sleep Meditation

Shelved for today:
Zen 24 - I intend to do a sleep meditation - And I did, but I was too tired for a long one

Last Things:
Counting Victories - I got a haircut!!
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:v: Evening Foot stretches

I did baking all afternoon. Yay!! I had a good time, my treats taste good, and I am all ready for tomorrow. However, now my feet hurt. I am planning on waking up early tomorrow so I can sneak in a proper workout before we depart. 🤞

❄️ Happy holidays Bees!! ❄️
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
So, the thing is, he tried to play with my bokken once when it was in use and I tried to make sure that he wasn't getting hurt, but he got bonked on the head. Now, if he sees it move, for any reason, I won't see him again for at least 20 minutes. He just goes and hangs out on my bed, waiting for me to come tell him I'm done.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Wednesday, 25 December Wins: 65 days - MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! 🎅🎄
:x: Journal
Steps: 6,055
Finishing my book: 66,321 - I will write tomorrow

First Things:
I won't care about sleep again until after the new year. It's "vacation" and I am already out of whack. I will recommit myself to sleeping properly in the new year.
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: Foot rolly thingy

P (Bradley) - 5m Warm ⬆️ Ride
P (Camila) - 30m Christmas Ride - I struggled today, but I made it through!
P (Tunde) - 5m Cool ⬇️ Ride
P (Ben) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch

One & Done 25
P (Ross) - 20m Sleep Meditation // Zen 24

Shelved for today:
Fit December 25 - I don't want to use a Hall Pass, saving for the 27th or 28th when I am back home. Won't use a hall pass on this unless I can't complete it on one of those days.

Last Things:
Counting Victories - I had a lovely day
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:v: Evening Foot stretches

Family behaved, everyone had a good time. I got to have a lot of chats with my dad, which was great because I haven't talked to him very much lately.

❄️ Happy holidays Bees!! ❄️
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Thank you everyone for the holiday wishes. I hope all your holidays were and are full of happiness and laughter. :tuzki-love:

Thursday, 26 December Wins: 66 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 5,768
Finishing my book: 68,063 - Finished!! Then I rolled into writing the sequel because I know this world very well in this moment and I don't want to loose the momentum.*

First Things:
I won't care about sleep again until after the new year. It's "vacation" and I am already out of whack. I will recommit myself to sleeping properly in the new year.
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Fit December 26
EOD - 30 Calf Raises
Gift for Matan - had to do this one piecemeal over the course of the afternoon.
> P (Dennis) - 5m Wind Down: Restful Reset (Meditation)
> Yoga poses x2 - once each side
> March steps to the Diggy Diggy Hole song - while freaking out my brother-in-law (What is this? What are you doing? Why aren't you stopping? 🤣🤣)
> 3 x 10 squats - for the booty
> 3 x 20 step jacks - hiding so I don't freak out my step-brother again. 🤣
> 3 x 10 shoulder taps + 10 side bends - well, nobody was in the kitchen
> 1m affirmations
One & Done 26

Shelved for today:
Fit December 25 - I don't want to use a Hall Pass, saving for the 27th or 28th when I am back home. Won't use a hall pass on this unless I can't complete it on one of those days.
Zen 25 - no where really good to do non-standing yoga at the in-laws. I plan to do this when I get home tomorrow. Will probably have to double up Zen a little, but that's alright.

Last Things:
Counting Victories - OMG, I actually finished my book.
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:x: Evening Foot stretches

Got writing done at the in-laws house again.

* Okay, I am of the frame of mind to write all that I want in this universe, solidify the rules of my magic and the social rules of the families. Then go back and edit the entire series for continuity and plot holes. Because I am afraid that if I try to switch to edit mode, I will loose the magic. Because I have never gone into edit mode successfully. I just don't know how to do it. Every time I do, I get frustrated. Even in school, I always turned in the first draft of my essays and reports. But those, I edit and quality check as I go. I make an effort to not do that while writing. So, I am going to just keep going for now. I can work on learning to edit afterwards. Especially since I am actually entertaining trying to publish.

❄️ Happy holidays Bees!! ❄️
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
Finishing my book: 68,063 - Finished!!

Then I rolled into writing the sequel because I know this world very well in this moment and I don't want to loose the momentum.*

> March steps to the Diggy Diggy Hole song - while freaking out my brother-in-law (What is this? What are you doing? Why aren't you stopping? 🤣🤣)
> 3 x 20 step jacks - hiding so I don't freak out my step-brother again. 🤣
> 3 x 10 shoulder taps + 10 side bends - well, nobody was in the kitchen

* Okay, I am of the frame of mind to write all that I want in this universe, solidify the rules of my magic and the social rules of the families. Then go back and edit the entire series for continuity and plot holes. Because I am afraid that if I try to switch to edit mode, I will loose the magic. Because I have never gone into edit mode successfully. I just don't know how to do it. Every time I do, I get frustrated. Even in school, I always turned in the first draft of my essays and reports. But those, I edit and quality check as I go. I make an effort to not do that while writing. So, I am going to just keep going for now. I can work on learning to edit afterwards. Especially since I am actually entertaining trying to publish.
Self publish? Or try to get a traditional publisher?
(If the former, I think your plan is great! If the latter...)


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Self publish? Or try to get a traditional publisher?
(If the former, I think your plan is great! If the latter...)
Haven't decided. Self publish means I have all the control, but I also think I really need external input of some kind that my book(s) is/are cohesive.

I'm aiming to complete the next arc in the next few months. But I've also been torn on whether to continue with the original characters or play around with new characters in the same world, still leading up to the cataclysm that the Council of Elders is convinced is coming. So right now, I am messing around with the new characters.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
Haven't decided. Self publish means I have all the control, but I also think I really need external input of some kind that my book(s) is/are cohesive.
You don't need a traditional publisher for that. Just find some beta readers. Ones that you trust.

I'm aiming to complete the next arc in the next few months. But I've also been torn on whether to continue with the original characters or play around with new characters in the same world, still leading up to the cataclysm that the Council of Elders is convinced is coming. So right now, I am messing around with the new characters.
You could have two series with different lead characters in the same world!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Mamatigerj @Maegaranthelas @Laura Rainbow Dragon @Sólveig @Anek Thank you!! :mhearts:

Friday, 27 December Wins: 67 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 7,653
:v: 10m of writing

First Things:
I won't care about sleep again until after the new year. It's "vacation" and I am already out of whack. I will recommit myself to sleeping properly in the new year.
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Classic Warmup
One & Done 27
Gift for Laura Rainbow Dragon
> 4 x 20 Arm raises + 20 Leg raises + 20 Uppercuts + 20 March steps
> 3 x 20ct Plank hold + 20ct One leg plank hold + 20 Flutter kicks + 20 Crunches
> 3 x 20 Overhead punches + 20 Archer lunges + 20 Lunge punches
Fit December 25
> Danced for 10 minutes on Just Dance (Leila, Cheap Thrills, Dragostea Din Tei) - I had to wait for the Switch to get an update through, so I did Fit December in between.
Zen 25
P (Aditi) - 10m Holiday Meditation // Zen 26 (10/20) - I plan on a 10 min sleep meditation or calming meditation later.

Shelved for today:
Fit December 27 - I plan on pairing it with 28 tomorrow
Zen 27 - I plan on pairing it with 28 tomorrow

Last Things:
Counting Victories - I made it home safe and sound from holiday festivities
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:x: Evening Foot stretches

It's been a bit of a day. I got most of what I wanted to do done, made plans for the rest. Now to go settle in with a drink and a snack and get my writing in.

❄️ Happy holidays Bees!! ❄️
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
You don't need a traditional publisher for that. Just find some beta readers. Ones that you trust.
And here is the part that actually scares me. People reading what I wrote. I think it sounds silly for someone contemplating publishing, but its the truth. The only people who have read my fiction are the people back in my *gulp* fanfiction days when I was a teenager and my sister. (she actually just asked for everything that I wrote for the last 4 Nanos, so I guess she likes my work.) So, I know I have been running around, writing without feedback. For about two decades now. I did do some creative writing in college, but never an actual class or anything.
You could have two series with different lead characters in the same world!
Now that is an excellent idea!!! :hheart: :aww:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
And here is the part that actually scares me. People reading what I wrote. I think it sounds silly for someone contemplating publishing, but its the truth. The only people who have read my fiction are the people back in my *gulp* fanfiction days when I was a teenager and my sister. (she actually just asked for everything that I wrote for the last 4 Nanos, so I guess she likes my work.) So, I know I have been running around, writing without feedback. For about two decades now. I did do some creative writing in college, but never an actual class or anything.

Now that is an excellent idea!!! :hheart: :aww:

My profile on [CENSORED] is currently dead, but after publishing a few stories I can tell you, by experience, is that it is normal to have stage fright when it comes to publishing. I actually had it because it was both my first time putting my work for more eyes to see, and my first time publishing in a genre in which I was a rookie. There was only one comment that rubbed me the wrong way, and I actually did something truly toxic: I took that comment, and used it as a fuel to make a sequel to that story that didn't require a sequel, plus I put that comment in that story, word for word, and made my character mock that comment. To this day, out of all the 22 works that I've published on that site, that story is the one that has the highest rating of them all. All because I got bitter from an anonymous online misgendering me.

You might also get feedback that showcases your strengths. One of my stories had one complimenting me how I was very meticulous with minute details that, if ignored, might create major atmospheric mistakes, and even a sense that it's actually fiction, not a plausible story.

I'll just say right now that you should just... get out there. The first time is always the hardest. It doesn't need to just put something up online for everyone to see, but really having different eyes onto your work. If you're still afraid, do the Rebecca Sugar approach: put your work next to you instead of before you. That way, any words won't hurt you through.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Well... you don't have to publish what you wrote. But if you do publish it, that's kind of how it works. ;)
:hehehe: Yeah. I know. I've been having a lot of talks with myself. I am also starting to see it as another thing to overcome, because I want to share my work. I just know that I fear the feedback.
All because I got bitter from an anonymous online misgendering me.
You might also get feedback that showcases your strengths.
Wow, yeah that is the feedback that I need to hear. I am just scared that it won't happen and I'll hear is the bad kind of feedback.
I'll just say right now that you should just... get out there. The first time is always the hardest. It doesn't need to just put something up online for everyone to see, but really having different eyes onto your work.
If you're still afraid, do the Rebecca Sugar approach: put your work next to you instead of before you. That way, any words won't hurt you through.
:question: Haven't heard of this. I'm going to go research. 🧐


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@aku-chan Thank you!! :thanks:

Saturday, 28 December Wins: 68 days
:v: Journal - worked on yearly and January spreads - almost done setting up for the new year and fresh start
Steps: 8,793
:v: 10m of writing

First Things:
I won't care about sleep again until after the new year. It's "vacation" and I am already out of whack. I will recommit myself to sleeping properly in the new year.
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Fencing Practice for 2 hours - 3 rounds of fighting - note, had foot pain, but once going, foot pain wasn't intolerable.
Foot stretches

One & Done 28
Fit December 27
Fit December 28
Zen 27
P (Jon) - 5m Wind Down: Nightcap // Zen 28 (5/20)
P (Adrian) - 5m Wind Down: Calm After the Storm // Zen 28 (10/20)
P (Cody) - 5m Wind Down: XOXO, Cody // Zen 28 (15/20)
P (Alex) - 5m Wind Down: Grounded in Greatness // :v: Zen 28 (20/20)

Shelved for today:

Last Things:
Counting Victories - I cooked all three meals today. On a weekend and while getting other chores done.
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:v: Evening Foot stretches

It has been a day, but a good one. I was productive even though I didn't really want to be. I tricked myself into it. But now I have less chores left to do tomorrow, so that is a win!

❄️ Happy holidays Bees!! ❄️
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Sunday, 29 December Wins: 69 days
:v: Journal
Steps: 6,099
:v: 10m 30m of writing :hehehe: Yes, this feels right! Aim for a starting amount, enough to hook me in and let the magic flow from there!

First Things:
I won't care about sleep again until after the new year. It's "vacation" and I am already out of whack. I will recommit myself to sleeping properly in the new year.
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Universal Warmup
One & Done 29
Fit December 29
Gift for graoumia
> Some lovely yoga :hheart:
> 15 sets of 20 high knees + 1 jump tuck - Oh wow, I did it and it felt pretty okay!!
> And some weights to finish it off - I used 5lbs, putting them together for the twists.
Zen 29
P (Aditi) - 5m Morning Meditation

Shelved for today:

Last Things:
Counting Victories - I worked on more journal spreads! I'm almost ready for the new year!
:v: Some ball foot rolling
:?: Evening Foot stretches

It was so cool to be in the video call today!! It made me think a lot about how much Darebee means to me and how grateful I am for Darebee. I don't know if I've ever said this, but Darebee saved me when I was unemployed. It was 9 months of rejection and dejection. But, going through that time working out and completing programs like Pandora kept me busy and motivated. I think that the first time I had a log and account as well, even though I have been around Darebee (!) for much longer than that.

Everything that we were talking about resonated with me. I especially loved our talk about workout seasons. It is so important to be able to recognize when you are in a different season and not be hard on yourself. Working out, like everything in life, has a cycle. Sometimes, you focus more on one area than another. Like me and sleep. Lately, I've been doing a lot more meditating to help to go to sleep. I'm probably going to rotate back to reading and rain sounds for a while here soon and move meditations back to post workout. And that's okay. I started the year focusing on elbow planks, but I am ending it with exploring doing exercises that push my foot a little more. I can't hold the near 4 minute elbow plank that I did that one time back at the beginning of the year, but that is okay too. My focus has been healing and taking it easy. (And doing Secret Santa gifts, because they are amazing and fun!)

It was really neat to have that session and to both be a part of the conversation and reflecting on how the topics applied to me. Dare to bee brilliant, my friends! It is a new year approaching and full of new opportunities to grow and learn. :cheeks:

I think I've solidified my line up for January:
30 Days of Change - Because I just finished Cardio Blast last month and that one is supposed to be the alternative to 30 Days of Change, plus 30DoC just finished getting updated last week, so it is a better choice. I'll just hold off on Hard Reset Cardio.
Total Body Strength - I thought about doing the Plus version, but I want to do both, so I'm going to do this one and then come back through and do the Plus version later.
Standing Abs - new and shiny, I'm excited!
Everest - I will probably be modifying to incline climbers, but I feel like it is time to tackle Everest again (Last time, I was doing a high knee mod. I also recognize that this one might take me a bit to accomplish, but I'm going to do my best to do it in 30 days.)

On the Secret Santa front, there are at least two more (hopefully three) that I plan to do before I start letting out some hints. I just got to lay out a few more false trails. (Or are they?) ;)

❄️ Happy holidays Bees!! ❄️

Edit: I forgot to fill in my victory yesterday!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Monday, 30 December Wins: 70 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 6,189
:v: 10m of writing

First Things:
I won't care about sleep again until after the new year. It's "vacation" and I am already out of whack. I will recommit myself to sleeping properly in the new year.
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

During Lunch:
One & Done 30 :completed:
Fit December 30

Main Workout:
Quick Warmup
Gift for neilarey (mods in blue)
> 5 x 20 high knees + 10 squats
> 5 x 10 split lunges
> 3 x 8 knee pushups + 10 squats + 10 crunches
> Circuit to Queen's "A Kind of Magic"
>> non-stop 4 side jacks + 4 step jacks with clap + 4 punches + 8 slow side to side hops
Gift for Saffity - lvl 3 - only modified to slow butt kicks and no jumping for the macarena filler
Fit December 31 :completed:
P (Chelsea) - 20m Body Scan Meditation // Zen 30 :completed:

Shelved for today:

Last Things:
Counting Victories - Did productive work things! :completed:
:v: Some ball foot rolling
:x: Evening Foot stretches

:glee: I got a little impulsive and finished Fit December a day early and did 2 presents today. Not what I had originally planned, but I have no regrets. I had a good time and in the end, I got everything done.

❄️ Happy holidays Bees!! ❄️
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Haleth @Maegaranthelas @Fremen @Laura Rainbow Dragon @Mamatigerj @Sólveig @MadamMeow @Anek :lovelots:

Tuesday, 31 December Wins: 71 days
:v: Journal - I am all set and ready to rock and roll!
Steps: 3,099
:v: 10m of writing

First Things:
I won't care about sleep again until after the new year. It's "vacation" and I am already out of whack. I will recommit myself to sleeping properly in the new year.
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Morning Foot stretches - I will definitely get back on this tomorrow. I had good intentions that went out the window.
:x: Foot rolly thingy

DOMS are so real
I am the Storm lvl 1 - modified to step jacks

Starting Tomorrow:
30 Days of Change
Total Body Strength
Standing Abs

Last Things:
Counting Victories - I got my journal setup complete
:v: Some ball foot rolling
:x: Evening Foot stretches

I fell asleep before finishing my post. This day was a pretty good day!

🎇 Happy Year, Bees!! 🎇
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Mamatigerj @CODawn :thanks:

Wednesday, 1 January Wins: 72 days
:v: Journal
Steps: 5,322
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
Overslept, only 4 hours
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Everest 1
Universal Warmup
Standing Abs 1
30 Days of Change 1
> Part 1: 100 slow butt kicks & 100 march steps - I couldn't resist doing both
> Part 2: lvl 3 - modified reverse lunges - uhh, I can really feel my knees today
Total Body Strength 1 - 1 set w/ 12 knee pushups - I am gassed. I'll try again later or tomorrow.

In the evening: Shadowblade - lvl 3 - 10 wall pushups with clap - yeah, I decided to have a little fun. I squealed with delight when I saw this today. :shine:

Shelved for today:
Total Body Strength 1 - sets 2 thru 4 :confounded: - currently planning to restart this tomorrow.

Last Things:
Counting Victories - I did things even though I didn't really feel like it
:v: Some ball foot rolling
:v: Evening Foot stretches :flowerkitty:

Okay, I ran out of energy and just laid on the floor between the knee push ups and the shoulder taps. I did get back up and finish the shoulder taps after a moment. I just didn't sleep enough and I am low energy. My body battery only recharged to 32 over 4 hours of sleep. I can't be too hard on myself. I couldn't have gone to bed earlier even if I had wanted to. People had been setting off fire works from about 1830 until 0100. It was rather nerve wracking to be honest. I have always liked a good firework show, but it was just too much. I'll get a good night of sleep tonight and it will all be better in a few days when I get my sleep schedule back in order.

And then I had some energy come back in the evening so I did Shadowblade, but really spaced out because I was still tired, but I really wanted to do it. :facepalm:

Started tracking calories today using a new app I found - chronometer. I don't like the MyFitnessPal app that my doc wants me to use. I was amused to see that neilarey also started using the same app in her log today. So far, I am liking it. I especially appreciate that the scanning barcode option is free (unlike MyFitnessPal). Came in slightly higher than what Doc wants me to be at, but lower than I thought. (And it would have been lower if I hadn't left M to portion out dinner by himself.) But hey, even that really wasn't too bad. Did not have veggies with dinner, but we have worked out how to easily incorporate them next time.

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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
I couldn't have gone to bed earlier even if I had wanted to. People had been setting off fire works from about 1830 until 0100. It was rather nerve wracking to be honest. I have always liked a good firework show, but it was just too much.


I miss the days when fireworks were more tightly regulated, and one needed a license to set them off. Growing up, fireworks were a community event. There was one fireworks display for the entire community. It was on Canada Day. If you wanted to see fireworks you went to the big community party and watched the fireworks with everyone else. (Which was part of the fun of it!) If you didn't want to see (or hear!) fireworks, you didn't go. (Sure, some people lived close enough to the site they would be able to see and hear the fireworks from their home. But they knew when they were happening. Which was a.) in the summertime, and b.) as soon as it went dark. So for most people they weren't disrupting sleep, and if one really didn't want to hear them, it wasn't a horrible time to leave one's home and just go be somewhere else for a while.)


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."


I miss the days when fireworks were more tightly regulated, and one needed a license to set them off. Growing up, fireworks were a community event. There was one fireworks display for the entire community. It was on Canada Day. If you wanted to see fireworks you went to the big community party and watched the fireworks with everyone else. (Which was part of the fun of it!) If you didn't want to see (or hear!) fireworks, you didn't go. (Sure, some people lived close enough to the site they would be able to see and hear the fireworks from their home. But they knew when they were happening. Which was a.) in the summertime, and b.) as soon as it went dark. So for most people they weren't disrupting sleep, and if one really didn't want to hear them, it wasn't a horrible time to leave one's home and just go be somewhere else for a while.)
Growing up, we went to the firework show hosted on the soccer complex for Fourth of July. They didn't do fireworks on the New Year itself. You would have the few people that would set them off at midnight, but that was about it. Even then, I lived in the middle of nowhere, where the neighbors were a couple of acres away, so it wasn't really bothersome. Even in uni, they were pretty tame as well. Where I live now, it just seems to get worse and worse every year. And these fireworks looked like they were more of the professional show variety and I was very worried about them functioning so close to people's houses.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,365
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Thursday, 2 January Wins: 73 days
:v: Journal
Steps: 5,502
:v: 10m of writing - I did 1h30m of writing and got 2489 words today!

First Things:
Overslept, because I stayed up too late again.
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Everest 2 (160/220) throughout the day

Classic Warmup
30 Days of Change 2
> Part 1: Done, but modified to step jacks
> Part 2: lvl 3 elbow plank and lvl 3 wall sit - Oh dang, I did a 2 minute elbow plank today!! :shine:
Everest 2 (220/220)
Total Body Strength 1 lvl1 - knees for all planks :crawl:
Total Body Strength 2 lvl 3 - uuh, yeah, felt motivation waning so I did the last three sets as one super set :peek:
Standing Abs 2

Shelved for today:
Nothing!! :chilling:

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I overcame procrastinating from writing and I did so much!
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:v: Evening Foot stretches

Okay, so I made it through. I am a little tired, but doing alright. What's going to be tough is waking up early tomorrow to start fixing my sleep schedule. I think what I am going to do is get up and just start plotting out my workout. In a bright room. Because step one is waking up and staying up. Step two is being productive. And I can't get to step two if I keep skipping out on step one. So tomorrow, I am going to get up earlier than today, let's say 6:30. Then earlier on Saturday and try for 4:30 on Sunday, since I am going to out of town fencing practice with my friends and we are leaving early to get there on time.

And today I wrote! I actually doubled the word count for the new book and I broke out of the plotting induced paralysis. Because I threw caution to the wind a little. The plot idea was a little more involved than just "A woman finds out that the family business is not what she thought and now she is getting dragged back in." Which was the single sentence that spawned the first book. This one I was like, X is going to happen, and she needs to find Y for Z to happen. And then I was like, well now I know everything. But I found my way back to exploring the how and part of that is because I gave myself permission to not follow the plan. I am evolving!!

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