Reset at Level One


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Laura Rainbow Dragon Thank you!! :lovelots:

Friday, 3 January Wins: 74 days
:v: Journal
Steps: 4,744
:v: 10m of writing

First Things:
Overslept, 0730. I fell asleep setting the alarm clock.
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:x: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

30 Days of Change 3 - Part 1: 30 minutes of biking (did 7.96 miles)
> P (Matt W) - 5m Warm ⬆️ Ride
> P (Robin) - 20m HIIT Ride - okay, I wasn't expecting climb HIIT ride
> P (Robin) - 5m Cool ⬇️ Ride
P (Hannah F) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch
30 Days of Change 3 - Part 2: lvl 3 - modified sit-ups with high crunches
Standing Abs 3
Everest 3
Total Body Strength 3 lvl 3
P [Start Your Meditation Practice 1/8] (Aditi) - 5m Introduction
P [Start Your Meditation Practice 2/8] (Aditi) - 10m Breathing Meditation - I just can't resist earning another easy meditation badge. :muahaha:
Foot stretches

Shelved for today:

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I did it, I updated all my December steps in my log and my journal!
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:?: Evening Foot stretches

Overall, a pretty good day! I do need to start actually hitting step goals. My not-so-new watch does set progressively more difficult goals, but I have been absolutely horrid at making step count last month, let alone 10k a day. So, new goal, try to make the step count on my watch every day. But not today. Because it is sleepy time.
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Saturday, 4 January Wins: 75 days
:v: Journal
Steps: 8,137/5580 - I am now adding my watch's set goal for me for the day. I am aiming to meet that every day, until it gets past 10k, then I'll probably aim for that instead.
:v: 10m of writing

First Things:
Okay, 0600. That was the time the alarm went off and I got up. Better!
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:x: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

P (Jess S) - 5m HIIT Cardio Warmup
30 Days of Change 4 - Part 1: 120 slow butt kicks & 120 march steps
Everest 4 (50/240)
30 Days of Change 4 - Part 2: lvl 3
Everest 4 (120/240)
Gift for Anek - I really liked those squat knee to elbows!
Everest 4 (160/240)
Standing Abs 4
Everest 4 (200/240)
Total Body Strength 4 lvl 3
Everest 4 (240/240) - did between set 2 and 3 of TBS
P (Kirra) - 10m Full Body Stretch
P [Start Your Meditation Practice 3/8] (Aditi) - 10m Body Scan Meditation - Uhh, yeah, it was good I was doing this sitting up. I might have fallen asleep if I had laid down.
Foot stretches

Shelved for today:

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - Bought curtains!!!
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:?: Evening Foot stretches

Pretty okay day. I did lose a bit of it to gaming, but it was helping me to stay awake. I did get a lot of things done, including purchasing curtains for the house. I'm excited to finally get the windows done. We started this whole process back what, June? Finally, new windows! Didn't go fully blackout on the curtains, just light filtering. So, still somewhat energy efficient while keeping my house from looking like a cave. And finally getting rid of blinds. Don't get me wrong, they are useful, but Orion has been known to destroy blinds that are in the way of his window access. So yea, this is going to be awesome.

M almost finished putting together my craft cupboard today so soon, I'll get to start organizing and putting my craft supplies away. I am so excited for that, even though it might be a few weekends before I get to really settle into the task.

Dear Santa-I-gifted,
I now declare that I have done your gift. I really did want to do them all, but I had to be wise and not do a ton of things that my foot isn't used to. I am still going to try to do a few more, but they won't count from here on forward.
So, let's go Santa sleuthing!!

P.S. I don't have a solid guess on my Santa yet, but I have been on the lookout and my spreadsheet is looking wildly colorful with guesses and comments.

In other news, I am going fencing tomorrow. I know for sure I'll get my challenges done, but my programs might not happen. I'll have to see when I get back in the afternoon how I am feeling.

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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
Steps: 7k+/5580 - I am now adding my watch's set goal for me for the day. I am aiming to meet that every day, until it gets past 10k, then I'll probably aim for that instead.
There should be a way to turn that "feature" off.

When I got my current sports watch, it was also doing that thing where it chose a step goal for me some % higher than whatever I did the day before.

Uh, dude... I was already doing a minimum of 12 km a day just walking Shelby! I found it a little bizarre that the programming would just assume no one is happy with the mileage they're already doing!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
There should be a way to turn that "feature" off.

When I got my current sports watch, it was also doing that thing where it chose a step goal for me some % higher than whatever I did the day before.

Uh, dude... I was already doing a minimum of 12 km a day just walking Shelby! I found it a little bizarre that the programming would just assume no one is happy with the mileage they're already doing!
I have recently learned how to turn that feature off. But, I am going to leave it alone up until I get to that point.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
In other news, I am going fencing tomorrow. I know for sure I'll get my challenges done, but my programs might not happen. I'll have to see when I get back in the afternoon how I am feeling.
:amused: Boy, was I optimistic yesterday.

Sunday, 5 January Wins: 76 days
:v: Journal
Steps: 10,542/5840
:v: 10m of writing

First Things:
0440 - I slept in 10m, but I allowed it. I was warm and comfy and it worked out alright.
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: Foot rolly thingy

2-3 hours of fencing. I am not exactly sure how long. Included fencing, running, and fast walking. Some excellent buckler work and many compliments on the improvement in fencing were issued. I had an excellent time today.

Shelved for today:
Standing Abs 5
Everest 5
30 Days of Change 5
Total Body Strength 5

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - Did awesome at fencing!!
:v: Some ball foot rolling Cold foot rolly thingy
:v: Evening Foot stretches

So, in all, I am home. I am about to settle into write and I am currently using the frozen foot roller on my poor foot. But I did great today. I did run a little back to the resurrection point, but when everything became too much, I stopped. I also remembered why I wear boots to melee fighting. So, gotta buy and break in new boots before war. But I am not going to require myself to do any Challenges or Programs. My foot has had enough for today. Hopefully I'll be alright for field work tomorrow. That I conveniently forgot about while fencing and having a great time. :pmode:

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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Monday, 6 January Wins: 77 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 11,699/6,780
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
0450 - I slept in 20m and I did not sleep good. Sleep score 42. Not enough deep or REM.
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Work: Field work, so I hit 10k before I got home.

30 Days of Change 6 - Part 1: 30m ride (6.90 miles)
> P (Christine) - 5m Warm ⬆️ Ride
> P (Cody) - 20m Low Impact Ride - yeah, that did not feel like an low impact ride. That was a seated climb ride. :sadkitty::verysadkitty:
> P (Alex) - 5m Cool ⬇️ Ride
30 Days of Change 6 - Part 2
Standing Abs 5

Shelved for today:
Everest 5
30 Days of Change 5 - will make up tomorrow, hopefully
Total Body Strength 5

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I did the work thing. Didn't ask for help.
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:v: Evening Foot stretches

Exhausted, but I made it through. I am very happily going to go to bed now and for all that is good in the world, may I please have a good night of sleep? :tired:
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Tuesday, 7 January Wins: 78 days
:v: Journal
Steps: 8,570/7,770
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
0445 - I slept in 15m. Better sleep, but I could use some more good sleep.
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

P (Alex) - 15m Rock Walk

Everest 5
The Walk
30 Days of Change 7 lvl 3 with Walker in between (so 4 sets) ... and I made it to step goal!!
Standing Abs 6
P [Start Your Meditation Practice 4/8] (Aditi) - 10m Metta Meditation

Shelved for today:
30 Days of Change 5
Total Body Strength 5 - okay, I am accepting that 2 programs is too much right now. I will come back to this and start over fresh.

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I was very productive on things I didn't really want to do.
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:v: Evening Foot stretches

As stated above, I am stopping Total Body Strength. It is too much right now to juggle 2 programs, as much as I hate to admit it. I like both of them, so it was hard to pick, but I know I am making the right choice. Upside, it means that sometimes I can sprinkle in some of the workouts that I have been wanting to try, on those days when I am super ambitious and I can do more.

... And all of that is made ridiculous by the fact that I want to do Pandora again so bad right now. :blackout: Talking about RPG fitness programs does that to me. I love them so much. :tuzki-love:

On the Santa Sleuthing part, I am a running into a lot of dead ends. I'll need to take some time to review logs again for more clues, but I have 4 guesses that I am fairly sure are right, and I have a suspicion about the same writer giftees that the Rainbow Dragon mentioned. BUT, they aren't my Santa Bee. I haven't yet figured you out, my lovely Santa Bee. As for my giftee, should I provide another hint??

And for how was my day? Somewhat stressful in the morning, but overall dull. But at least there was coffee. Tomorrow there will be lots of waiting then field work.

:kcoffee: Have a wonderful day!
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
On the Santa Sleuthing part, I am a running into a lot of dead ends. I'll need to take some time to review logs again for more clues, but I have 4 guesses that I am fairly sure are right, and I have a suspicion about the same writer giftees that the Rainbow Dragon mentioned. BUT, they aren't my Santa Bee. I haven't yet figured you out, my lovely Santa Bee. As for my giftee, should I provide another hint??
I'm also curious about the Santa's but there are not many hints that I can find..
People have made it tricky this year with so many doing extra workouts! I know (because I assigned them) who more than half of the Santa's are. And yet I have not figured out mine yet.

Some can definitely be sussed out by their writing style alone. (I edit the incoming gifts as minimally as possible--fixing only obvious typos and translation errors--so the gifts won't all read like something I wrote, and the individual Santas' creativity and writing style will shine through.) And some have dropped some nice hints in their threads. But yeah: I'm going to need to review people's logs again too. I know you're hiding out there somewhere, Santa!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Some can definitely be sussed out by their writing style alone.
Yup, there are some very unique styles. One of the ones I'm certain about is based off style. I haven't dug to deeply into this avenue of investigation, but it is where I am headed once I can find some time.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Wednesday, 8 January Wins: 79 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 10,676/7,930
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
0450 - Gotta stop snoozing!
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: Foot rolly thingy

Work: Field work - 1.75 miles

Evening: Uhh, I played like 2 hours of Switch Sports with my husband. Does that count? :haha:

Shelved for today:
30 Days of Change 5
Standing Abs 7
Everest 6
P [Start Your Meditation Practice 4/8]

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I went to scribal and had fun!!
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:x: Evening Foot stretches

Stayed up late goofing off with M. But I had a good time.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Thursday, 9 January Wins: 80 days
:v: Journal
Steps: 11,639/8,480
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
0615 :giveup:
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

So much cleaning and moving of things and tidying.

30 Days of Change 10 Part 1:
> P (Sam) - 30m Wicked: The Movie Ride
> P (Hannah F) - 5m Cool ⬇️ Ride
P (Robin) - 5m Post Ride stretch
Then I had to take a break because I was so hungry
30 Days of Change 10 Part 2 lvl 3
30 Days of Change 9
Everest 6
Standing Abs 7

Shelved for today:
30 Days of Change 5 & 8 - intention of doing them tomorrow.
P [Start Your Meditation Practice 4/8] - Program timed out. I'll have to restart.

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - Everything is ready for the window install tomorrow.
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:x: Evening Foot stretches

Since it was unlikely that I would be able to complete Day 10 tomorrow, I elected to move it up early and do it today. We are getting the windows installed tomorrow, so I wasn't sure how likely it would be that I would get a bike ride in.

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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Friday, 10 January Wins: 81 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 8,063/9,120
:v: 10m of writing

First Things:
0530 :sus:
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Everest 7
Standing Abs 8, 9, & 10 - cool, I got that caught up.

Shelved for today:
30 Days of Change 5 & 8

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I finished the book club book for Jan/Feb, reading 200+ pages today. (Wicked)
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:x: Evening Foot stretches

And that's it for me today. The windows got installed, my meals were all out of wack, and now I am out of steam and need to sleep. Love ya'll. :sendinglove:
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Saturday, 11 January Wins: 82 days
:v: Journal
Steps: 4,672/9,020
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
0530 :facepalm: -BUT, I think I needed that extra sleep
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Keeping it Real :sadkitty:
50 step jacks (had a couple of false starts) & 40ish side leg raises

Shelved for today:
30 Days of Change 5, 8, & 11
Everest 8
Standing Abs 11

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I had a good time at D&D and I leveled up!!
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:x: Evening Foot stretches

So, yeah, I started my workout, feeling low energy and hitting up the Low Energy Collection, like I like to when I am feeling meh and just don't want to do what I had planned. Then I thought I had a rock on my yoga mat, so I tried to nudge it out of the way with my big toe and ended up cutting my toe on the piece of glass!

Theory is that since yoga mat was safely out of the way yesterday and the point at which the glass was was an interior surface when the mat was rolled up, a piece of glass must have either (a) worked its way through the mat due to pressure or (b) got dragged on to the mat by maybe the socks I was wearing during the step jacks (because my feet were cold!)

Anyway, it's not deep, just annoying so I stopped. I'll try to be more productive tomorrow. I had intended to workout out this morning, but I wisely elected sleep that I needed. Maybe it is a good thing, because I probably would have found the glass then and it might have been a worse incident. The area, being the area around my desk, has now been vacuumed after I found a second piece of glass. Unfortunately, this was by the window that shattered on the work crew yesterday and while they did have floor protection down and they vacuumed up afterwards, I think that these pieces just got missed.

I'm not upset with the work guys, just with myself for not thinking about vacuuming this area beforehand. I think I'll be fine tomorrow.

Anyway, D&D was good. One of our other members has taken up DMing for this section of the campaign, so we had a bit of a semi-intro session where he got to feel out being a DM and see how hard his monsters are compared the player characters. I think he is going to do a fine job, I just hope that he can stand up to the Headstrong Wizard when she thinks that she can outsmart the DM. ("Because I have five contingency plans that will keep my character from dying!")

Also, I got some really awesome dice in the mail today and they go perfectly with my dice rolling mat:
20250111_193040 (1).jpg

:sendinglove:Keep on being awesome and I'll catch you next time!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Mamatigerj @Anek Thank you!! I've had the mat for a while, but I was so pleased to find these beautiful dice. It all makes me think of the Hive and just makes me happy.

Sunday, 12 January Wins: 83 days
:v: Journal
Steps: 6,995/8,150
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
Nope, not talking about sleep. Stayed up almost until wake up time. Just couldn't sleep.
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

30 Days of Change 12 lvl 3 - modified jumping jacks to side jacks and seal jacks to march jacks
30 Days of Change 8 Part 1: both slow butt kicks and march steps
30 Days of Change 8 Part 2 lvl 3
30 Days of Change 5 lvl 3 - I did as many shoulder taps as I could in full plank on every set before dropping to my knees. But for almost every set, I was able to get at least 20 full shoulder taps
Ronin - 1 set - bounces were pretty alright!! The forward lunges were tough. I need to work on those again. Especially since my foot appears to be doing better. But, I'm happy with one set... for now.
Everest 8 throughout the day
Standing Abs 11 & 12

Shelved for today:
30 Days of Change 11 - Alright, almost caught up

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I did a lot today and it felt good.
:v: Some ball foot rolling
:v: Evening Foot stretches - Just want to mention, today was an amazing foot day. No pain AT ALL!!! :shine:

Relatively quiet day today. Stayed up way too late last night. But got the meal prep done and got almost all caught up on things today. It is good!

:sendinglove: Keep on being awesome and I'll catch you next time!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Mamatigerj :love:

Monday, 13 January Wins: 84 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 9,214/7,920
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
0455 meh, almost there. Gotta stop snoozing.
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:x: Morning Foot stretches
:v: Foot rolly thingy

At work:
30 Days of Change 11 Part 1: 160 slow butt kicks & 160 march steps
104 high knees - 50 for WoD & 54 for Laura Rainbow Dragon's birthday (LRD)
54 hundreds (LRD)
Everest 9 - no incline
54 jab + jab + cross (LRD)
54 hooks (LRD)
54 sumo squats (LRD)

30 Days of Change 13 Part 1 - 54m of dancing (playing Just Dance) (LRD)
30 Days of Change 11 Part 2 - 2m plank & 30s ea side planks
54s extended hand to toe (LRD) - I did it in the preparation form with a yoga strap - lol, it is a little more advanced than I remembered it
30 Days of Change 13 Part 2
Standing Abs 13

Shelved for today:

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I got all caught up and I was productive at work.
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:v: Evening Foot stretches

Not much to say about today. Pretty average day overall and I got a lot done, even though I did doze off at my desk momentarily.

:sendinglove: Keep on being awesome and I'll catch you next time!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Tuesday, 14 January Wins: 85 days
:v: Journal
Steps: 4,821/8,050
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

60 calf raises

Shelved for today:
Everest 10
Standing Abs 14
30 Days of Change 14

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I didn't let myself do nothing
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:x: Evening Foot stretches

On this day, I woke up feeling alright. I made it through until about 2 and then everything started going downhill. I had been fairly squirrely all day, so that wasn't great, but I went from being ADHD as all get out to being completely unable to do anything. Got home and pretty much curled up on the bean bag for the rest of the evening. I tried to play a detective game, but I got frustrated at it not letting me advance to the next section. (Turned out, I was missing asking 1 person about 1 thing. I had found all the things and done all the rest of the talking.) My head was fuzzy, I was freezing (I had been really warm in the car on the way home), and my head was hurting. And everything ached. So, one of my nephews was sick when I went to play D&D with my siblings and I have to wonder if his mom might have been coming down with it as well and shared with me. Tried to go to bed early, couldn't sleep. Ended up eating one of the stupid GABA gummies and putting on rain noises to knock me out. I think I was overtired.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Alright, in defense of the GABA gummies, they aren't stupid. I just feel bad that I have to take something to help me sleep sometimes. Silly overactive ADHD brain.
@Laura Rainbow Dragon Thank you!! :morelove:
Wednesday, 15 January Wins: 86 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 3,064/7,730
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
8ish - but I got the best sleep score I've had in a while.
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:x: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Gentle Yoga

Shelved for today:
Everest 10
Standing Abs 14
30 Days of Change 14

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I showed up.
:v: Some ball foot rolling
:x: Evening Foot stretches

Yup, definitely caught something. I've got a lovely cough and I've been feeling sluggish all day. Kept it light and I'm okay with that. I did what I could and I know that the rest is precisely what I needed. I don't know if I've crested the hill on this yet, since my cough has gotten worse over the evening, but I'm still hopeful that tomorrow will be better.

:sendinglove: Keep on being awesome and I'll catch you next time!
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Well-known member
from USA
Posts: 446
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Get Well Soon Cat GIF
Hope you feel better soon!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Laura Rainbow Dragon @FlowersandPetals @Sólveig @Fremen @MadamMeow Thank you! :tuzki-love:

Thursday, 16 January Wins: 87 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 3,973/6,800
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
6:30 ish
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

I am Enough lvl 1

Shelved for today:
Everest 10
Standing Abs 14
30 Days of Change 14

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I pulled out a work in progress stocking and did some stitching
:v: Some ball foot rolling
:x: Evening Foot stretches

Okay, as I suspected would be the case, I was not feeling entirely better. But thanks to my wonderful husband, I didn't have to go to the office because he brought me my laptop yesterday. I was super productive and got all the things done, though it took all my energy to do so. So, still coughing, still fatigued, but still here and trying my best.

:sendinglove: Keep on being awesome and I'll catch you next time!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Mamatigerj @CODawn Thank you!! :love:

Friday, 17 January Wins: 88 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 8,010/6,240
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
6:30 ish
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:x: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Lots of cleaning and tidying that I couldn't avoid doing
Movie Night - 5 sets
Seated Yoga

Shelved for today:
Everest 10
Standing Abs 14
30 Days of Change 14

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I got all the appointments done.
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:v: Evening Foot stretches

:giveup: Well, today, we found out why Orion has been shaking his head. Poor boy has an ear infection. So, yay, we get give him medicine in his ears. I am fully expecting him to be very, very unhappy about all of this.
:softz:Overall, I had rather busy day that has left me feeling quite drained. But it all needed to happen today, and so it did. I am still feeling a bit low energy and this cough is just annoying.

:night:Now to get some sleep and see how I feel in the morning.

:sendinglove: Keep on being awesome and I'll catch you next time!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Laura Rainbow Dragon @NancyTree @Sólveig @Anek @Mamatigerj @FlowersandPetals Thank you!! :lovelots:

Saturday, 18 January Wins: 89 days
:v: Journal
Steps: 6,119/6,420
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
8 ish
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

2-minute Warmup
40 climbers - Everest 10 (40/420)
Standing Abs 14
40 side kicks - Kick Master 1 (40/40 side, 0/40 turning)
40 climbers - Everest 10 (80/420)
Epic Arms - 5 lb weights
40 turning kicks - :v: Kick Master 1 (40/40 side, 40/40 turning)
40 climbers - Everest 10 (120/420)
Maximus lvl 3 - filler with 60+80+70 slow+90 slow climbers - :v: Everest 10 (420/420) - I had to transition to slow climbers because my ankle started yelling at me.
P (Multi) - 10m Dance Cardio Stretch - This was super good. I hadn't realized my glutes and hamstrings were that tight.

Shelved for today:
30 Days of Change 14 - I think I'll try for this tomorrow. Got a little worried about 15 minutes of punches, but after today, I think I'll be good to go.

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories -
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:v: Evening Foot stretches

Okay, I am feeling mostly better. Still coughing here and there, but overall, much improved. :tuzki-hero: M has started coughing, which I predicted would happen today or tomorrow. :break:Orion is a grumpy cat. He does NOT like the medicine going in his ear, nor the cleaning solution that we have to apply twice a day. 13 more days of this. Yay. This is how Orion feels ---> :tuzki-stub: He has been very grumpy with everybody, but I haven't seen nearly as much head shaking so something must be working!

In other news, I did half of the work towards a chainmail tutorial on my small chainmail stars, so I am actually super excited about that. I'm aiming to finish it up tomorrow.

20221201_105753 (1).jpg

Now, to go find some tape for that ankle and to enjoying the rest of my evening. :dkitty: (Doing laundry, catching up food log, and playing some video games.)

:sendinglove: Keep on being awesome and I'll catch you next time!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Sunday, 19 January Wins: 90 days
:v: Journal
Steps: 9,581/6,390
:v: 10m of writing - oh yeah, I did it! :twirl:

First Things:
8 ish
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy
Daily hug 1

(with my ankle taped)
Everest 11
Cardio Warmup - that was just a touch too much, but a lot of that is from not jumping/hopping
Kick Master 2
Standing Abs 15
30 Days of Change 14 Part 1: I needed a little more structure today, so I repeated The Final Bell over and over 5/4.33/4.67 times (I finished the partial .33 set for the .67) - so: 700 jabs, 700 cross, 280 uppercuts, & 280 hooks = 1,960 punches
30 Days of Change 14 Part 2 lvl 3 - modified to reverse lunges
Better Day Stretching
P (Ross) - 10m Ankles & Feet Mobility

Shelved for today:

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories -
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:v: Evening Foot stretches

Well, day isn't quite over yet, so I'll say something if I get into anything else. Today was a nice, quiet day at home. Got a little worked up over nothing, but that happens. I do feel a little bummed about not going to my sis' birthday party, but I'm still feeling bit congested and wasn't up to driving for 7+ hours round trip. Nope.

For the rest of the evening, the plan is a little more writing, getting some more work in on the tutorial, and then relaxing and playing some games. Maybe I'll add some exercise rewards, like I did when I was playing Pandora, or find something to use at 20 min intervals, like Movie Night.

:sendinglove: Keep on being awesome and I'll catch you next time!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Wow, so much work! Cool!
Thank you! Yes, all of those stars were a lot of work. I've only had to make two in the course of making the tutorial, because I forgot to check my photos as I went!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Monday, 20 January Wins: 91 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 4,110/6,710
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
7 ish
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy
Daily hug 2

Burrito Mode

Shelved for today:
Everest 12
Kick Master 3
Standing Abs 16
30 Days of Change 15

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - Chainmail tutorial published
:v: Some ball foot rolling
:x: Evening Foot stretches

On this day, I was just bleh. I didn't want to workout. I was unusually hungry too. I did get the chainmail tutorial completed and published on my Etsy store, so that was a long standing to do off my list. And it was way easier than I expected.
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Laura Rainbow Dragon Thank you!! Now, to do the snowflake tutorial. That one has some variations to the build, but I think I know how I want to handle it. And it really was a day. I think I might have been dehydrated a little.
Tuesday, 21 January Wins: 92 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 12,997/6,450
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
0445 only 15m late
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:x: Morning Foot stretches
:v: Foot rolly thingy

Work: In no certain order because I wasn't totally keeping track at the beginning.
Daily hug 3
3x10m walks -> 30 Days of Change 15 Part 1
Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings, & Calves
Roamer level 3
Roundabout level 3 + EC - Finished up The Walk Episode 1
Yes, I did get stuff done at work. I just could not sit still.

Walk it Off lvl 3
Out & About lvl 1 - Finished up The Walk Episode 2 - yeah, I shouldn't have started a second episode. I should have known better.

Shelved for today:
Everest 12
Kick Master 3
Standing Abs 16
30 Days of Change 15 Part 2

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I survived the day
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:v: Evening Foot stretches

ADHD was strong today. But I communicated with my lead and he understood and I was still productive in the ways that mattered without being totally disruptive, so I guess it was okay. Didn't sleep too great last night, so I'm hoping to get to sleep here shortly and maybe get catch a good night of sleep tonight.

Ran out of time to finish all the things tonight. Hopefully I'll get a little more productive tomorrow, but I'll just have to see what tomorrow brings.

:sendinglove: Keep on being awesome and I'll catch you next time!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Wednesday, 22 January Wins: 93 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 11,024/7,110
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
0445 only 15m late
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Field work
Used all the walking to complete The Walk Challenge 1

Daily hug 4
Standing Abs 16

Shelved for today:
Everest 12
Kick Master 3
30 Days of Change 15

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I overcame my sour mood and did alright today.
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:v: Evening Foot stretches

On this day, it started off with me upset with a coworker, but the rest of the day mellowed out my mood. I got really wind burnt, so I spent my evening hydrating.
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Thursday, 23 January Wins: 94 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 10,997/7,900
:x: 10m of writing - no, but I've been doing a lot of thinking. I need to push through the current sticky part and just write. Stop letting the inner reader cringing control everything and just get the story out. I can fix it later!

First Things:
0445, which I am accepting is okay!
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy

Daily hug 5
Kick Master 3
25 minutes of walking, including P (Jon) - 20m Disney Walk

30-Minute Walk
I have done a cumulative of 30+m of walking, so 30 Days of Change 15 Part 1 :v:
Also, I walked enough to complete The Walk Episode 3 twice, but I am still missing a item scan so I'll have to do it again tomorrow to 100% it.
30 Days of Change 15 Part 2 lvl 3 modified sit-ups with high crunches - couldn't continue letting this go unfinished.

Shelved for today:
Everest 12
Standing Abs 17

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I progressed 30 Days of Change!!
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:v: Evening Foot stretches

Today, I got a lot done at work, which felt nice. I got a lot of things off my to do list that needed doing. Hands are still pretty chapped, but I did a good job of protecting them today, so hopefully it will all be alright if I can keep it up.

:sendinglove: Keep on being awesome and I'll catch you next time!
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