Running Distance


Well-known member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 99
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
My old workout routine was just running as far as I could every other day. I heard running everyday is bad for your knees. My question is, would running as far as I could every other day have any negative consequences, other than just having the time? Like, say, running a half marathon every other day. I ask, because I notice all the running training from here varies the distance run.


Active member
Ranger from Germany
Posts: 30
it is not bad per se and can be very healthy, but you could also quickly get overuse injuries. Injured archillies, stress fractures, shin splints, runner's knee... is very typical for people who just start running a lot "because they can".
If you want to run high mileage then most of your running should be at a low intensity and not terribly far supplemented with mobility and a little strength work for healthy joints.

what is your goal? Or do you just want to run to enjoy the beautiful ouside every second day?


Well-known member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 99
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
My goal is just to keep losing weight and get in shape. Running is just the easiest exercise for me when it comes to my goals. I'm doing the 1/2 Marathon Training right now and then I'm planning to move onto the Marathon Training after that. I'll probably just continually reuse the Marathon Training since it varies the days, time and intensity of runs. So, hopefully I won't blow my knees out anytime soon.


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 891
@Nyther if you just run every day, especially if you vary the intensity as you suggest, you will definitely lose weight and get in shape. For those days when you can't run or are taking a break from running we have an entire running substitute workouts collection that helps you improve your running and get fitter without stepping outside. If you manage to incorporate a few of these on rotation on a regular basis you will see improvements and also not run the risk of injury because of repetitive strain (which is what causes issues usually). I hope this helps.


New member
Posts: 3
My old workout routine was just running as far as I could every other day. I heard running everyday is bad for your knees. My question is, would running as far as I could every other day have any negative consequences, other than just having the time? Like, say, running a half marathon every other day. I ask, because I notice all the running training from here varies the distance run.
If you want to increase your speed and cardio capacity check out 'The One Minute Workout' book for HIIT sprints in very short (10 minute) maximum time expenditure backed, out of McGill University and University of British Columbia Okanagan I believe.