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1. We all start with two snowballs :snowball::snowball: each.

2. Tag someone using the @ and their name and throw a snowball or two at them!

3. Each snowball can be dodged by doing one jumping jack. Can't do jumping jacks? Do side jacks instead.

4. Each snowball you dodge gives you two snowballs in return.

5. You have 24 hours to dodge a snowball thrown at you.

6. The entire fight takes place on this thread.

7. Don't know who to tag? See who is online at the bottom of the forum!

8. Try to bring in as many people as you can to the snowfight.

It's ok not to respond to a tag. If you don't want to participate, just ignore the notification. Alternatively, you can go into the invisible mode - you can do it in your settings. Ready?... FIGHT! And don't forget to claim the SNOWFIGHT 2024 participation badge in your profile.

Event Starts: December 17
Event Ends: December 20
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Well-known member
Sorceress from Munich, Germany
Posts: 67
"When they go low, we go high. - Michelle Obama"
Good thing I'm at my desk right now, so I can react quickly.

Ducked 13, so I have 26 to distribute

@Mamatigerj 10 back at you
@lpf 3 back at you, I don't want to overtax those calves

Then I'll give 10 to @Damer because he seems to be having so much fun and 3 to @heysi , just because they are probably feeling warm and fuzzy because they are caught up ;)


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,324
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."


New member
Huntress Posts: 1



1. We all start with two snowballs :snowball::snowball: each.

2. Tag someone using the @ and their name and throw a snowball or two at them!

3. Each snowball can be dodged by doing one jumping jack. Can't do jumping jacks? Do side jacks instead.

4. Each snowball you dodge gives you two snowballs in return.

5. You have 24 hours to dodge a snowball thrown at you.

6. The entire fight takes place on this thread.

7. Don't know who to tag? See who is online at the bottom of the forum!

8. Try to bring in as many people as you can to the snowfight.

It's ok not to respond to a tag. If you don't want to participate, just ignore the notification. Alternatively, you can go into the invisible mode - you can do it in your settings. Ready?... FIGHT! And don't forget to claim the SNOWFIGHT 2024 participation badge in your profile.

Event Starts: December 17
Event Ends: December 20
Not sure who else to tag!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
Thank you all for the lovely blanket of snow that kept me warm while I slept last night. All dodged before breakfast.

This morning I will send some love back to the newcomers to the game:

:snowball::snowball::snowball::snowball::snowball: @Fighter97
:snowball::snowball::snowball::snowball::snowball: @k4ts4
:snowball::snowball::snowball::snowball::snowball: @lpf
:snowball::snowball::snowball::snowball::snowball: @MissSmilla
:snowball::snowball::snowball::snowball::snowball: @Oksana

and to the Birthday Bees:

:snowball::snowball::snowball::snowball::snowball: @Julian4077
:snowball::snowball::snowball::snowball::snowball: @Barbara Ekhart

The rest of you will get your presents later. ;)

I see you @Magpie . Don't worry: I'm making a list, checking it twice... :muahaha:


Well-known member
Sorceress from Munich, Germany
Posts: 67
"When they go low, we go high. - Michelle Obama"
Not sure who else to tag!
Don't worry, we'll tag you. Welcome to the snowfield, @k4ts4 and you get four from me.

Thanks for thinking of me, @Antheia & Colossus , and you're getting four back. 2 for Antheia and 2 for Colossus.

Wow, you guys are quick. I'm not getting much work done today, but at least my heart rate stays up.

5 Snowballs dodged from @Laura Rainbow Dragon and you're getting five back.

Also 5 to @Ariaana21 as you seem to be at it anyways :)
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from Latvia
Posts: 15



1. We all start with two snowballs :snowball::snowball: each.

2. Tag someone using the @ and their name and throw a snowball or two at them!

3. Each snowball can be dodged by doing one jumping jack. Can't do jumping jacks? Do side jacks instead.

4. Each snowball you dodge gives you two snowballs in return.

5. You have 24 hours to dodge a snowball thrown at you.

6. The entire fight takes place on this thread.

7. Don't know who to tag? See who is online at the bottom of the forum!

8. Try to bring in as many people as you can to the snowfight.

It's ok not to respond to a tag. If you don't want to participate, just ignore the notification. Alternatively, you can go into the invisible mode - you can do it in your settings. Ready?... FIGHT! And don't forget to claim the SNOWFIGHT 2024 participation badge in your profile.

Event Starts: December 17
Event Ends: December 20
Since I have 22 I will spread them among you! 😂
7x for @Magpie
7x for @NightWolf714
7x for @Silent Wolf
1x for @neilarey


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 59
"Success is not a goal, its a byproduct - Coach Taylor, Friday Night Lights"
Final dodging before I go to bed:
10 beecurse
10 heysi
17 Antheia & Colossus
8 Nicifor
7 Ariaana21
2 Oksana

54 Dodged

Throwing back:
20 x :snowball: for @beecurse @heysi @Antheia & Colossus @Nicifor @Ariaana21
And the remaining 8 x :snowball: for @Oksana

I've got my middle child's birthday party (kayaking at the lake) tomorrow so I may not get back to respond for another 18hrs or so ....


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Ok so 244 in the canon

angry fire GIF by Cartoon Hangover

I'm going to be nice and split it evenly amongst you all...

:snowball: x 7 to everyone

Starting with the birthdays


@beecurse Happy belated!
@Barbara Ekhart

Then on to revenge and greetings

@MissSmilla Good day to you as well!
@Silent Wolf
@Laura Rainbow Dragon
@k4ts4 Hello! Welcome to the snowball fight :D
@Antheia & Colossus

I'm sure there will be much more today, but I am ready

Penguin Stay Safe GIF by Pudgy Penguins


Well-known member
Ranger from West Virginia, United States
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 199
167 dodged. Took two sets of 84 in the break room at work to get them done, though. :tired:

That means... *does math* 334 snowballs gained

367 snowballs remaining.

1734616975335.png x 20 @Oksana for hitting me with those extra two.
1734616995288.png x 20 @MissSmilla because I haven't hit you yet
1734617027089.png x 20 @Ipf same
1734617105259.png x 20 @NancyTree because that's a beautiful profile pic
1734617159649.png x 20 @Obsinosterous because yours made me smile, too
1734617189905.png x 25 each for @neilarey @Laura Rainbow Dragon @Aldethar (whose profile pic definitely puts you in the wolf pack), @Julian4077 (because sharks), @MRF, @Swift, @Nevetharine, @NightWolf714, @Jiolfi, @Mamatigerj

That leaves me with... 17, I think?


Well-known member
Sorceress from Munich, Germany
Posts: 67
"When they go low, we go high. - Michelle Obama"
Allllright, here we go. I'll need to go collect my kids soon and ideally take a quick shower before that, but I just had to dodge some snow directed at me.

So, you have incoming:
@Antheia & Colossus: 10 back to both of you
@Saffity: 7 back to you with a little bow on top
@WolfDreamer - 20? When I never did anything to you? The cheek! ;) Have those 20 back.

I'll keep those other 37 in a little heap for later.


Well-known member
Ranger from West Virginia, United States
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 199
@WolfDreamer - 20? When I never did anything to you? The cheek! ;) Have those 20 back.

It's nothing personal, I promise. :LOL:

20 dodged!

I am also a breakroom snowball dodger :hehehe: I 'go for coffee' and tuck in the corner hoping no one else needs a pick me up.

I actually got caught this time by a coworker. I just told her I needed to wake up.

40 snowballs gained.

71 snowballs remaining.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,367
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."

Set Monje

Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Florida
Posts: 186
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."
141 more dodged, 282 in the chamber
(384 dodged in total)

Knocked out power squats, then double side jacks for the snowballs, next I'll short rest and thinking standing abs (nope, my knees didn't like that) Anywhere Abs for my training plan.
Then I will get off work early and go to Universal for holiday joy and Santa parade, then come home, do FIT and do whatever I'm pelted with between now and tonight.

:snowball: Go:
20x @VacTom
20x @Syrius
20x @Magpie
10x @Silent Wolf
10x @TopNotch
20x @NancyTree
4x @Fighter97
12x @brandteixeira
120x @Antheia & Colossus
8x @Nicifor
10x @coderofcodes
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from Latvia
Posts: 15


from Latvia
Posts: 15
Don't worry, we'll tag you. Welcome to the snowfield, @k4ts4 and you get four from me.

Thanks for thinking of me, @Antheia & Colossus , and you're getting four back. 2 for Antheia and 2 for Colossus.

Wow, you guys are quick. I'm not getting much work done today, but at least my heart rate stays up.

5 Snowballs dodged from @Laura Rainbow Dragon and you're getting five back.

Also 5 to @Ariaana21 as you seem to be at it anyways :)
Dodged! +10 in arsenal. A total of 50
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