Strive for a better self (and just sharing my life)


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Posts: 52
Uhhhhhhh.... I am not very good at writing big introductions about myself.
You guys can call me Troy, felt like thats the closest name I can extract from Tranquil warrior. I am 23, I liked the vibe of the bees and so I wanted to join in on the hive.
I like to train martial arts by myself in the morning and then do something from darebee in the evening to keep my resistance training continued.
Things happened and the recent years have been hard, being an adult doesn't feel easy :/ But I have all you amazing people here for me :D

Oh oh and btw, this isn't the first time, I am on darebee. I was here back in 2018. I think I was 16/17. So this site feels nostalgic. I dont remember most of you except damer though 😭

Oh and btw, I might not be logging in everyday like most people. But I will make sure to come once in a while to let yall know if I am still at it or did I lose my consistency.
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Posts: 52
Okay this is silly but I accidentally pressed post so I will type the rest now 😓
I am a Muslim and rather passionate about my religion. I am respectful of everyone though

I just did Day 1 of this Total Body Strength . It was so hard cause I was stubbornly trying to do 12 reps of push ups in each set even though it said 6+
Could have stopped sooner haha.
But I feel so good now :D

Also!! There's a pigeon who flew to our balcony and took shelter. We are feeding it :>


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Posts: 52
Omg I just realized I can reply more than one person in a message

Welcome back! :friend:
Thank yall!!! I feel nice to be here!

Nice to meet you! :hi:
Nice to meet you too! I saw your messages in other threads.

And well thats it.

I did day 2 of Total body strength!!
I also did the daily dare. I was feeling lazy in the morning for my martial arts though, I ended up just throwing three 1-2-3's and called it a day 😂 something better than nothing.

My plan is doing 1 round of 3 minutes of shadow boxing everyday this month and then doing 2 round the next month. By the end of the year I would be able to go 12 rounds then!! Which is how long pro boxers go I think 🤔

Update on the pigeon!! We let it fly :happy: I dont know where he is but he better be happy


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Posts: 52
I had an exam today. It went bad :/
There's a sadness when you get questions that you can't answer. But there's a greater frustration when you can answer those questions but you made some silly mistakes.

I didn't train martial arts today either 🤧 I got anxious with the last minute preparation and didn't want to waste even the three minutes 😭

On bright side, I came back home very exhausted. On the bus I was thinking maybe I will give myself a break today. I deserve it. Yet when I came home, something snapped and I found myself completing today's exercise too. Luckily it was an easy day >w<
So yeah. Day 3 completed :]


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Posts: 52
Sorry to hear about your test, but hopefully your average is still alright.
By average do you mean my overall CGPA? Well... we will know when the results are given.
But if by average you mean the total GPA that comes for that subject with all the assignments, attendance and tests added then I would be doubtful 😅 I think I will take a hit on this one.


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Posts: 52
Yesterday night me and my brother had fun watching Baki vs Pickle clips from youtube after which we just chatted for like 3 hours XD
These are treasured memories we might miss once we are older. So no regrets.

But I cannot ignore the fact that my next exam is tomorrow 💀 So well I am laser focused :pose:
Wish me luck guys.

And yes I did today's workout both the martial arts one and the darebee one. ALSO!!! I planned out my martial arts routine as well >w<
I might share it in the near future. Not sure for now. For a talkative guy I am rather just shy about some things 😭


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Posts: 52
Well this exam went worse than the last. I felt more prepared in this one though, maybe the reason being that I had completed all the syllabus but haven't had time to practice any after that.
I only have one exam left and I am gonna try to make a difference with that one.

But well, doing today's workout made me feel fresh. Day 5 of Total Body Strength 💪


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Posts: 52
Been a long while guys. Don't worry, I didn't slack. I have been consistent till now. And about that. I need to thank darebee 🙏 Ever since lockdown I have been barely managing to stay consistent.
I am consistent for one week, gone for a few days, suddenly consistent for 3 days, not anymore for a week, etc. Some entire months only went by with 7-8 workouts in total. I was in a bad mental state. I am still not my best self yet but I am making progress. But this is the first time in three years, I have been consistent for an entire month and I couldn't have done it without you people.

Almost gets me emotional to some extent watching my own progress. It feels like I am finally managing to get out of a dark loop or something, I hope this time is when I finally walk out of it with more wisdom than before.

One update btw, me and my brother made a heavy bag. I didn't think I would be able to generate as much power in my punches as I did since I never hit heavy bags before. It gave me hope that all these training paid off.

I shall check on my fav people's logs to see how yall doing. Though I will prolly not message in anyone's threads 😭 My introverted nature has spiked up recently. Kind of the reason I have been procrastinating on the logs.


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Posts: 52
It's great to see you again @Tranquil_warrior !
Congratulations on your month of consistency! It can be challenging to build a new habit. But the longer you do it for, the easier it gets to maintain it. So this is a sign of real and meaningful progress!
Hi again Laura. Just in case you needed to hear this, you probably already are the change you are striving for. :]
Though it depends more on what kind of change you were talking about in your status but I can assure one thing, you make this community feel warmer and more comfortable :>

I see you in many posts and many people's logs. I can't help but admire what you do. Everyone in this community is so amazing and you have a presence and warmth that genuinely makes everyone wish good things for you. May Lord bless you with a life guided towards beauty, Amen. :)


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Posts: 52
Guys 😭 I failed y'all. Stuff happened with my friendship and society and I got really depressed and ended up missing working out for almost a week :(

The last workout I did was the 19th day of the Total Body Strength. Do I still get to get the badge if I continued from 20th day now and finish the rest of the 10 days? 😅

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
Welcome back, @Tranquil_warrior !

Everyone experiences setbacks sometimes. And yeah: falling down is tough. But the most important thing is getting back up again.

Re: Program badges: that is entirely your call. Many of us take more than 30 days to complete a program. It happens. Most of the programs are progressive. So if you take a long time off from exercising, it's usually best to start back on Day 1. But with taking only a week off, you're most likely fine to jump back in with Day 20 and finish the program from there.


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Posts: 52
@Laura Rainbow Dragon Thank you for your kind words, Laura!!

I do want the badge, always wanted one 👉👈 . They look all cool and pretty. But, I also thought it would be unfair for me to get a badge with gaps if other people do it perfectly. From what you said, it seems all kinds of people are on here and some take more than 30 days, so I will hop back on track and finish. Thank you once more.
You all are kind butterflie- i mean bees... yes, bees.