Subject: Inquiry About Creating Periodized Training Plans


New member
Posts: 2
Hi Team Darebee,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to ask whether Darebee provides guidance or specific programs for creating periodized training plans. For example, if I am preparing for a competition in 37 weeks, would it be possible to structure a plan like this:

  • 12 weeks for general preparation,
  • 12 weeks for specific preparation,
  • 12 weeks for competition-specific preparation,
  • 1 week for tapering before the event.
Do Darebee programs support this kind of periodization, or could you provide any suggestions on how to adapt your existing programs to fit such a structure?

Thank you for your time and assistance. I look forward to your response!

Best regards,


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 891
@JKBGLI obstacle runs make a massive demand on the body's fitness. You need to have strength, a good range of motion, endurance and good recovery on the go. If you were to prepare for one I'd say, depending on how fit you are right now, start with 30 Days of Cardio to bring your aerobic fitness up a little, followed by Boxer Prime which its all the right notes by way of strength, mobility and aerobic endurance, followed by Extreme HIIT which will take you to another level altogether and Military Fit to finish off with. (The latter was being used by Green Berets in Afghanistan!). You will need to decide how you apportion the time as these are month-long programs (i.e. do you do each one for two months or do you repeat the cycle after having finished them, etc). If you do all that your obstacle run will be way easier than it has any right to be.

I hope this helps.