The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues


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Honeybee from 'MURRCA
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Thanks everyone <3

@Laura Rainbow Dragon btw my anxiety spiked like crazy earlier (it be like that) and I imagined how lit it would be to hike with Shelby. It helped.

1,312 - So I did some of my secret santa. Just one round of the jumping jacks, toe taps and whatnot (avoided the planks since tummy hurty today), plus the first round of standing abs. And that's... It. I still occasionally ache from the accident so I'm pretty much just doing whatever I can that doesn't make me want to rip my spinal cord out.

702 - Few minutes in!

Good thing - I slept until like 10:15 today lol I NEEDED IT

Cooper status - Fluff boy has many things he wants to say, and all of them are, "i lov u."


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Mercenary from Italy
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"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,138
"Striving to be the change."


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 968
Thanks guys <3

1,313 - Yeah I could only do the standing abs day 2 and some clenches/unclenches today.

703 - Definitely needed to meditate today as my car has not been moved off the lot I crashed in front of.

I crashed on Christmas Eve.



Cooper status - Which means Cooper will be happy because this means he gets a weekend where his favorite human creatures are all giving him loves.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 968
1,314 - Just did the same as yesterday, basically.

704 - Just a few minutes in!

Good thing - OH MY GOD. THANK GOD. MY CAR IS FINALLY MOVED TO THE REPAIR PLACE even though it's probably totaled lol BUT MY SUFFERING HAS ENDED. Now I need to suffer more and wait for the assessment.

Cooper status - Fluff boy was very happy to see me home. And I'm happy too.


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Honeybee from 'MURRCA
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Posts: 968
I'm glad you won't have to look at it every time you get to work! Big hugs :hug:
Oh! Don't worry, I wasn't looking at it when I got to work. No, the whole thing is dumber - I wiped out in front of a car repair shop (I didn't end up using that one, it's not one my insurance deals with, thank God) so the cops had my car towed to it to chill there until the towing company could get it to the place my insurance works with. There's a fee every day for keeping a car there, which insurance pays for, and so they basically just wouldn't release the car to get more money from my insurance.

"Fish, is that lega-" probably not but I'm not sure they got enough money from just my insurance in this one instance to make it a legitimate legal case.


1,315 - Okay so. Trying to tackle my Secret Santa stuff. I have learned two things.

1. I should not, right now, try planks/climbers due to my back right now. I tried. My back reminded me I was in an accident so I tried everything else.
2. It has been ages since I've like... JUMPED. I mean. Jumping jacks are a thing. But remember the last time you actually JUMPED? Like for no reason other than to work out? Remember how you jumped all the time as a kid? THINK ABOUT IT.

Did one round of what I could before again remembering I was in an accident and should probably not push myself. ... I did the standing abs day 4 thing before tho.

705 - Few minute meditation!

Good thing - I chilled and crocheted all day. I NEEDED TO.

Cooper status - Fluff boy. I think he loves you. Let me check in wi- yep, okay, he loves you.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,138
"Striving to be the change."
:hug: For sure listen to your body, @f1shie . Especially your back. You are smart to do that.

I had a minor back injury once. Did not listen to my body--I was 32 and still thought I was invincible at the time--and made things ever so much worse. My back did eventually heal though--even after, yeah, I messed it up but good!--I'm convinced doing a crap tonne of those squats you love so much helped. So for sure keep doing what you can. But do be mindful. You've got this!


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 968
@Maegaranthelas I may actually do jump rope to work out when it's better outside. BUT LIKE. MAN. JUMPING AS AN ADULT IS WEIRD.

@Laura Rainbow Dragon GOD I am almost 32 and I have never felt so un-invincible in my LIFE hahaha. Maybe I should be on PSAs about the benefits of squatting. Thank you dear <3

1,316 - So I wanna give a quick shoutout to whomever made my Secret Santa workout. It's a wonderful workout, I just can't complete it all now because I don't want to bother my back too much. Same with the person I made the workout for. I can only do so much right now but I hope I put some decent hints in here for you. My goal is to finish those eventually, just... When my body is more agreeable. Managed to do the standing abs day 5 thing. I'll try some Secret Santa tomorrow.

706 - Few minutes in for meditation yey

Good thing - Just chilled and crocheted. Nothing too special. Which, in itself, is special.

Cooper status - Fluff boy was given peanut butter fudge today on account of him being the BESTEST FLUFF BOY EVER. Mwah. (He has also been given kisses)


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Bard from The Netherlands
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"I sing and I know things"
I'm very glad you're putting your health first!
And yes, squatting probably did save your back from getting more damaged!
Good butts for safety! :butt:

I'm actually kinda learning to jump again.
Finally building enough strength in all the little muscles so I can land with some grace instead of just plonking down and sending a thud all the way up into my skull xD
Back in the 'before terrible physio' times, I had been working on my box jumps in the gym.
And boy did they need work, because I was so used to my knees folding if I tried to jump.
They just crumpled when I bounced down, so the up never happened xD
But yay squats giving my knees more stability so they can hold me :sendlove:


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
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Posts: 968
@Maegaranthelas My quest for a good booty was truly a quest for safety...

Also maybe our New Year's Resolution is to be able to jump without going "what the fu-"

1,317 - That resolution will wait for me. I'm only doing standing abs day 6 today (slowly, so it's more of a stretch than anything) since my back really hurts. I spent a fair bit of my day standing and scanning documents. So I messaged my doctors a couple hours ago. No answer yet, to be expected, but... Yeah. Did some calf raises too.

707 - Few minutes in yay


Cooper status - Sweet boy got smooches today, on account of him being best boy.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 968
1,318 - Standing abs day 7, and some calf raises. No word from doctors yet.

708 - Few minutes in!

Good thing - I am about to sleep, which is super good, since I deserve to be comfy af under a weighted blanket.

Cooper status - Fluff boy apparently likes peach ice cream. I am glad to know this.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 968
@graoumia He probably did tell me that! He's also been staring at me with his big ol' teddy eyes like "helo you ok hooman?"

1,320 - Standing abs day 9 and... And we've got some stretches/exercises from the doctor. So here's the plan. I'm going to be using a heating pad a lot, and doing these exercises every night. If I do not improve in two weeks, we'll go to physical therapy. Let's hope this works. I do want to note I do feel a lot better as I am not at work atm... ... I had way too many instances at work where I needed to lean over to either find something or write something down.

710 - Got a few lil' moments in!

Good thing - Yeah I'm just glad my back got looked at lmao

Cooper status - Little buddy is being so sweet and gentle with me while I heal. A good little guy.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 968
@Maegaranthelas You are a good human.

1,321 - Standing abs day 10, exercises for my back and... yeah hi helo

711 - Oh thank heaven, got a few minutes in!


Cooper status - Fluff boy says you look very nice today! I mean, you do every day. But also today!


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 968
@Syrius He says that you saying he looks smart and cuddly comes from how you recognize it in yourself!

1,322 - Standing abs day 11, and da exercises!

712 - Got a couple minutes in!

Good thing - I basically just chilled and crocheted. I'm super achy and stiff though. But eh. I just needed to yarn.

Cooper status - Fluff boy got many forehead smooches as he is full of love and shares them by smooches!


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 968

1,323 - Standing abs day 12, back exercises and 30 squats since I got a shiny!

713 - Couple minutes in!

Good thing - The shiny was an unexpected Safari Zone one in HeartGold. My blood pressure has since, graciously, gone down. We named him, "The Sauce." And by "we" I mean my friend told me what to name him after I flipped and asked him what on God's green earth I even do in this scenario. ... Also the picture won't load so I'll just tell y'all it's a shiny Sandslash. He's my boi now.

Cooper status - get snooted, hooman (he boop u)


Well-known member
Berserker from Nashville, TN, USA
Pronouns: They/she
Posts: 274
"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. ~Carl Rogers"
Good thing - The shiny was an unexpected Safari Zone one in HeartGold. My blood pressure has since, graciously, gone down. We named him, "The Sauce." And by "we" I mean my friend told me what to name him after I flipped and asked him what on God's green earth I even do in this scenario. ... Also the picture won't load so I'll just tell y'all it's a shiny Sandslash. He's my boi now.

Cooper status - get snooted, hooman (he boop u)

Congrats on the shiny!


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 968
@NightWolf714 Thanks bud! He is fren <:

1,324 - Standing abs day 13 and the exercises the doctor ordered!

714 - Couple minutes of meditation, God I wish I could always be no thoughts head empty BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Good thing - Ok. Doing it. Going to bed before 10:30 on a work night let's gooooo.

Cooper status - Fluff boy got plenty of cuddles tonight. He was pleased. Now, we must continue to cuddle the fluff boy OR ELSE


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 968
1,325 - Standing abs day 14 and the exercises! ... And lots of walking around work + the lot at the repair shop to get my plates back.

715 - Few minutes in!

Good thing - Okay, so car is totaled. "But Fish how is this goo-" closure. I'm on my way to get a new car soon. It's fine.

Cooper status - Fluff boy is still concerned for me, though. Love him.

Fluff boy also hopes you're doing okay. He loves you a ton.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 968
1,326 - Standing abs day 15 and the exercises from the doctors!

716 - Few minutes in!

Good thing - I'm going to bed before 10 on a work night. Let's go. LET'S GET SOME SLEEPIES IN Y'ALL. YES. ALL OF US. SLEEPOVER TIME.

Cooper status - We cuddled on the couch for a while, as he did not feel like going outside. Mom was trying to get him to get up and go out, but alas, I am here to be cuddled.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 968
1,327 - Standing abs day 16, exercises from the doctors and lordy I feel like I walked a lot more than normal at work.

717 - Few minutes o' meditation in!


Cooper status - Fluffy boy is curious, what's your favorite kind of tea? He wants to know how the humans stay warm, as they lack fluff.


Well-known member
Berserker from Nashville, TN, USA
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Posts: 274
"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. ~Carl Rogers"
Cooper status - Fluffy boy is curious, what's your favorite kind of tea? He wants to know how the humans stay warm, as they lack fluff.

I have a vanilla caramel black tea I really enjoy with a bit of sweetener and milk. I also have a honey vanilla chamomile I love for when I want less caffeine. Though my go to warm drink is coffee with cream and sweetener, haha.


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,300
Cooper status - Fluffy boy is curious, what's your favorite kind of tea? He wants to know how the humans stay warm, as they lack fluff.

Just boring, plain tea.
I go through periods where I like herbal and fruit teas, but after a few months they start tasting the same, so I stop drinking them until I'm tempted to try them again.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
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Posts: 968
Cooper is very pleased to learn of your tea options! However, he wonders if @Mamatigerj likes Bengal Spice due to the tiger on the box...
My favourite is rooibos with ginger. Extra special because a witchy friend mixed them up in a big glass jar for me :lovely:
So now every time I drink that tea I think of them and how wonderfully lucky I am to get to be friends with awesome people
give your friend my address right now

Also we're all gonna go to @Laura Rainbow Dragon for tea and garlic fries now. THAT IS MANY TEA.

1,328 - Standing abs day 17 and haha I got a lot of steps in today at work... Lot of going back and forth.

718 - Few minutes in!


Cooper status - Bestie got him some treats! He is pleased. Bestie is basically his favorite non-family human. He also loves you all too. But like. Y'know. The heirarchy is,

1. Mom
2. Me and dad
3. Char


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from USA
Posts: 438
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
My favorite tea is Celestial Seasonings Vitamin C Shine, as well as their Peppermint tea. Not all teas are vegan, gluten free so I gotta be careful it doesn’t trigger my MCAS.
@Laura Rainbow Dragon do you have a specific recipe for the garlic fries?


Well-known member
from USA
Posts: 438
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"


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Berserker from Nashville, TN, USA
Pronouns: They/she
Posts: 274
"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. ~Carl Rogers"
I am a herbal tea drinker. Fruity teas. Mint teas. Chocolate teas. Spicy teas. Combos of the above.
I has all the teas!

If you like fun teas, you may be interested to know that I found some "Birthday Cake Tea." It's a black tea that even has sprinkles in it. XD

It's fun trying out some of the stranger or more interesting teas. I found a strawberry matcha that is divine with a bit of cream in it.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,138
"Striving to be the change."
If you like fun teas, you may be interested to know that I found some "Birthday Cake Tea." It's a black tea that even has sprinkles in it. XD

It's fun trying out some of the stranger or more interesting teas. I found a strawberry matcha that is divine with a bit of cream in it.
I'm not a big drinker of black tea. I do have one that's chocolate mint that I will drink if I'm trying to stay awake late. But mostly I drink herbal tea.

Also, I do not do cream in tea at all.

I'm British by birth. Growing up my parents considered it almost sacrilege that I didn't like tea. It was a source of shame to them. They thought the way to teach a child to like tea was to cut it with huge amounts of milk. So they just kept pushing tea back at me with more and more milk added to it.

"Do you like it now?"


<<adds more milk>> "How about now?"

"Still no."

Which wasn't surprising really, given that I also do not like milk. Or cream. (A fact which my parents were fully aware of. So goodness knows why they thought adding a flavour I don't like to another flavour I don't like was magically going to make me like the combination.)

I didn't drink any kind of tea at all until my senior year of high school when a teacher introduced me to Celestial Seasonings "Lemon Zinger" herbal tea. That's the first tea I ever had that I actually enjoyed. Later, at uni, a friend gave me black tea cut with honey and lemon. That I did not mind. But I still prefer the herbal. (Or just to have honey and lemon juice in hot water, without the nasty black tea leaves spoiling the flavour.)

I also do not like the taste of, and do not drink, coffee. But I love the smell of coffee.


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Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
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"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
My favorite tea is just about anything that is a rooibos blend. My most favorite of those is called Chocolate Truffle and it is just simply amazing. I found it on Etsy (MistyMountainTeaShop) a few years ago and I just love it so much. Otherwise, I do drink some herbals, green teas, and occasionally black teas. I never put anything in my tea, other than lemon at restaurants when I order unsweetened tea. The first tea I ever had was peppermint and my mom told me it was really good with honey. I have never again put honey in my tea, nor drank peppermint tea. And milk only belongs in milk teas. I love a good chai, though I don't always brew it the best at home.

On occasion, I do drink coffee, but that always has sweetener and creamer.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 968
If you like fun teas, you may be interested to know that I found some "Birthday Cake Tea." It's a black tea that even has sprinkles in it. XD

It's fun trying out some of the stranger or more interesting teas. I found a strawberry matcha that is divine with a bit of cream in it.

@Syrius Aaaaand favorited! So, disclaimer, I am not sponsored by them, but God I wish I were. They have such lovely, nerdy teas that I think you'd all like. I first found them at a ren faire in October 2022 when I was at a wedding, and they're just, so lovely. Like you guys. Hence, why I'm putting them here :)

@Laura Rainbow Dragon I AM OF THE SAME OPINION WITH COFFEE. It does awful things to my existence but dangit if it doesn't smell incredible.

1,329 - Walking! And standing abs day 18!

719 - Got a lil bit in!

Good thing - Just hung out with the bestie. Did some shopping. It's lit.

Cooper status - Cooper, being really comfortable with bestie, tried mooching pizza off of them. It did not work.

Man I want some tea now.


Well-known member
Berserker from Nashville, TN, USA
Pronouns: They/she
Posts: 274
"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. ~Carl Rogers"
Aroma G's Botanica - It's this lil' witchy place down the road for me. But they got a whole room dedicated to teas and herbs.

I also do not like the taste of, and do not drink, coffee. But I love the smell of coffee.
Fair enough. I always joke that I don't like coffee, I just like the things you put into it. I gotta have sweetener and cream in it. XD I'm slowly trying to build up a tolerance for coffee itself, but it's so bitter! I don't get how the mate can enjoy straight espresso!


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,093
"I sing and I know things"
A friend of mine was incredibly upset that I used instant coffee for a coffee icing one time (I still maintain he was overreacting, especially since he didn't even have to eat the cupcakes), so now my partner and I joke that what we do to my coffee is an 'abomination.'
Basically it's a mocha with (currently) chestnut syrup :chuckle:
I only really drink coffee when I am with my partner, it's nice to share that morning ritual :)