What excercises to do to gain muscles as skinny person?


New member
Posts: 1
Hi everyone, my nick is Duck, I am from Slovakia and I would like to ask few questions. I am very skinny, tall and I have next to no muscles (seriously, can barely do 10 pushups). I want to start excercising, but I dont know where to start. How often should I excercise? Which excercises should I do? Any reccomendations for workouts/programs/challenges? Thanks for answers!


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Posts: 69
Hello and welcome.
You did not write your age, how old are you?
As you know we go step by step so you may start with level 2 or 1 workouts


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Bard from The Netherlands
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Hello and welcome!
I would suggest looking at the strength-based programs (you can use the filter at the top of the programs page to select for strength).
which difficulty you should choose depends on your both your general health and fitness and how you like to do things.
If your fitness is generally quite low or you like to ease yourself into a habit (or just feel like something is certainly achievable), level 1 programs would suit you well.
Level 2 if you have regular fitness and health levels and are just ready to start.
And level 3 if either you are actually quite fit already OR you just like a challenge to prove to yourself that you can!
Another choice is whether you will be doing body-weight exercise or if you have access to/want to invest in a pair of dumbbells.

Programs to consider: Foundation Light (level 1), Foundation (level 2), 30 Days of Gravity (Level 3)
If you have dumbbells, Ironborn/Ironheart (Level 3 but can be scaled up and down by lowering or raising your weights)

Since you are trying to build muscle, it will be important that you eat enough to actually give your body something to build those muscles with.
This can be a simple as adding a sandwich with peanut butter to your daily routine (or your local equivalent).

In any case, learning to listen to your body is important.
Yes, consistent exercise is good and gives results, but some days it's just better to stick to a bare minimum so you don't hurt yourself :)
from USA
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Posts: 15
Hi and Welcome!! Adding to what @Maegaranthelas I'd make sure to incorporate protein I know they mentioned peanut butter which has protein, but also having a protein shake too or eating balanced meals can also help with building muscle tone. It's going to take time to build muscle so pace yourself and pick things that work for you as was mentioned.

I've pulled ligaments in my ankle and knees too many times to count so whatever programs you pick take it easy and always stretch before you start any kinds of workout.


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from Margareten
Posts: 108
Welcome to the Hive @Duck
Your questions require a little more info. You state, you have no muscles. Ok. Everybody who ever won a marathon looks like that. Can you run? How is your endurance? How far can you run? Our bodies differ. Genes and such. Not everybody is cut out to be a muscular person. Some can run, some can climb, some can lift ...
Everybody here is eager to help you and the more tell us about yourself, the more meaningful the answers will become.
All the best!
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Ranger from Germany
Posts: 41
first of all, eat more. If you are skinny without exercise, you won't put on weight by using more calories.

second, don't worry, start easy with some strength exercises. Only exercising twice per week makes a lot of difference for beginners. If you want to move every day, maybe take up a darebee program of difficulty 2 or 3. I can't suggest a specific one, I don't know them well enough, I'm afraid


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Boxer Pronouns: they/them
Posts: 66
"doing grad school and getting buff"
Hi hi, I’m also very skinny but was able to gain weight doing cardio. I think being forced to move and burn more calories really helped with my appetite, so I was able to eat a lot more. So if you’re skinny because your appetite isn’t great, I’d recommend incorporating that into your routine.

And like everyone else said, get some protein! Get a cheap protein powder to start with and drink it right after you exercise—cardio or strength. It really helped me with gaining muscle. Hope this helps and good luck!!