Recent content by daneferrari

  1. daneferrari

    Yoga Team

    Please tell me where to start as a beginner. I live in a very noisy place and can't concentrate on my exercises and relax completely. I tried to practice with headphones and special music, but it had no effect. It's important for me to be concentrated.
  2. daneferrari


    Thank you for this article! I overcame my addiction through notebooking. Every day I wrote in my own hand "today I am sober". At first it was difficult, but when I opened the notebook and saw how far I had come, I realized that it was too late to give up
  3. daneferrari

    Coming out of a month-long depressive state... [Quiet Rant]

    Guys, can anyone tell me how to tell the difference between necessary rest and weakness? I often force myself to go to workouts lately, maybe that's not the right thing to do?
  4. daneferrari

    What video games are you currently playing?

    Interesting in the end? Looks like a regular 2d indie game
  5. daneferrari

    What video games are you currently playing?

    Lol Am I the only one here who plays Dota 2...?