Recent content by Desa

  1. Desa

    Desa's Provosionary Training Log

    Third day, finally chipping at it again. Abs less stiff, so I was able to exercise them again. Shoulders only lightly stiff. Only note of concern is a tiny complaining at my left hip. Need to watch out for this region. Perhaps focusing more on the hip stretching part tomorrow. 4 min warm-up...
  2. Desa

    Rainbow Dragon's Lair

    Hmm...a sparrow is my guess.
  3. Desa

    Rainbow Dragon's Lair

    Oh! I got confused by the placement by the names, but looking at your link for the mourning dove made me realize I actually meant that the photo of the mourning dove was my favorite one! So your photo accurately conveyed that image. :)
  4. Desa

    Rainbow Dragon's Lair

    Your photo of the american robin is my favorite. Grave and yet solemny peaceful too. Makes me think of an Angel of Death.
  5. Desa

    Deadoks on an adventure

    100 days done? That took some effort to sustain, respect.
  6. Desa

    Desa's Provosionary Training Log

    Allright, finally did two days consequetively. Abs very stiff though, so today I skipped everything involving them in order to let them rest. 4 min warm-up Day 21 of Square One Done on Second Level my routine (minus sit-ups and pushups due to stiff abs) hip stretching shoulder stretching...
  7. Desa

    Desa's Provosionary Training Log

    Something I need to learn is, when I feel discouraged, it is alright to just do one part of the program. That is still better than nothing. Hopefully that will lead to more consistency. 4 min warm-up Day 20 of Square One Done on Third Level my routine (this time with 15 push-ups) 15 sit-ups hip...
  8. Desa

    What are you currently reading?

    Oh, glad to discover a reading club of sorts here! Might pick up interesting books that way. :D Currently reading Platonov's Chevengur, but in dutch. It is about a russian man growing up in the time of the Revolution thundering across the land, after a prologue of sorts which I think I just...
  9. Desa

    Desa's Provosionary Training Log

    welp, then I got hit by the flu, basically, which made me tired and discouraged again. But I am healed now. 4 min warm-up Day 19 of Square One Done on First Level my routine 10 sit-ups hip stretching shoulder stretching Day 4 of 1 Minute Meditation Done I also did this time some extra...
  10. Desa

    Desa's Provosionary Training Log

    Fell off strongly the wagon this time. Due to circumstances that I don't have nor the time neither the inclination to elaborate on now, I felt discouraged, and generally just let myself go. But, you can always, though it is difficult, stop who you were, for better and worse. So a few days ago...
  11. Desa

    Desa's Provosionary Training Log

    Thank you for your kind words ; _ ; My back feels better! I had the amazing luck of encoutering on monday on my cooking education (which also helped in itself in that it is a lot of doing stuff standing up) someone who also struggled with back pain! He gave me some exercises designed to lighten...
  12. Desa

    Desa's Provosionary Training Log

    Regrettably a less cheery post this time. When I was about to start day 16,yesterday I learned of some very upsetting news that distracted me. Then around noon, the left side of my body apparently unleashed some long-harbored revenge on me by suddenly having my left shoulder and my left leg...
  13. Desa

    Caleb's training log

    That is rough. Hope the right medications arrive soon, both insomnia and limb pain is tough to reckon with. Much strength to you, Calebear.
  14. Desa

    Desa's Provosionary Training Log

    Today did 4 min warm-up + day 15 of Square One on third level + routine and 11 sit-ups (in which I also discovered I may have to lower myself more to increase the impact. That is one thing I love when you feel confident enough with an exercise to make it a bit more difficult) + hip stretching...
  15. Desa

    Desa's Provosionary Training Log

    This is turning out to be quite the intermittent Log, eh? Still, it is not easy to keep habits, and better if good habits are kept up intermittently than not at all. That can be also pave the way to more consistency after some time. This interval is shorter. And I also did more stuff in the...