Recent content by Furrymama

  1. Furrymama

    Exercise and useful websites

    Sorry for forgetting to add that part. The videos by themselves ARE free. If you want extras like recipes and downloading things and some other things, you pay for Pro yearly.
  2. Furrymama

    (Quiet rant) Dealing with disordered eating

    For me, the only reason I record what I eat (and I'm not usually accurate with the portions) is because my body is going through changes (belly aches, heaviness, etc) and I want to know what I'm consuming so that if a doctor asks me, I have a point of reference. Is there any particular food...
  3. Furrymama

    Vent : Am I just a bad employee?

    I know that it seems bad, but maybe the best fitting job for you hasn't happened yet? I really don't know what else to say except I've been there too, feeling so incredibly frustrated with the jobs I've had in the past. It does get better and you will find that job that's a good fit for you.
  4. Furrymama

    Exercise and useful websites

    Another website/app that I use is Fiton, I can only access the website on a computer, not my phone. But the phone app (Android) is really wonderful. You can pay for the Pro yearly, if you want the meal plan and to download videos offline, etc. But the exercise videos...
  5. Furrymama

    DAREBEETS videos

    @neilarey Thank you for filming these. Will all of the recipes be on this channel eventually?
  6. Furrymama

    What is everyone listening to atm?

    Yeah, here where I live in the USA it's just as bad, if not worse.
  7. Furrymama

    Recipe Websites?

    I do use their website every so often.
  8. Furrymama

    Do you cook? How often?

    I consider myself very lucky that both my husband and I cook regularly. We typically cook a couple of main batch meals every week. My husband enjoys cooking and experimenting with various ingredients. I do not enjoy cooking, but I do it because I can't afford, financially and physically...
  9. Furrymama

    Protein Powders

    I don't know if this counts as a protein powder, probably not. But I've used Click drink mix off and on for a couple of years. It's caffeine infused weight loss powder. They have 3 flavors. I'm guessing now that I say weight loss powder it's not the same thing as protein powder. DUH! LMAo.
  10. Furrymama

    Recipe Websites?

    I've used variations of that site before, but it's always overwhelming to me to try to keep track of what I have on stock and the recipes I can make from that. But I have tried that site before.
  11. Furrymama

    No, I literally cannot do 20 kg (vent)

    Personally, I have never been sporty or active or anything of the sort. For me to be able to walk a few miles and keep up with my husband (I'm 51 years old now) is a major accomplishment for me. I've never had anyone "encourage" me to do more. I've only had my parents either tell me to lose...
  12. Furrymama

    Last Thing You Ate / Drank?

    Any time you want to make ANY of those, I will be happy to take some off your hands. LOL.
  13. Furrymama

    Last Thing You Ate / Drank?

    cute dog in your picture.
  14. Furrymama


    I am also an cubicle farm office worker/call center. I sit all day tethered to a computer and phone, but do my best to stand up regularly and move around as best I can. I also have a Varidesk (my computer monitors, phone, and keyboard on a moveable platform). It helps me a great deal because I...
  15. Furrymama

    Potato Recipes

    This looks REALLY good. I still might use olive oil because I simply don't buy a lot of different oils to cook with or consume.